Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Slavery Death And Rebirth ❯ Chapter 4
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don’t own Gundam Wing
Getsuei: O.O; …
Duo: hey Getsuei, what’s wrong?
Getsuei: O.O; ::staring at reviews::
Trowa: are those the reviews you’re looking at?
Wufei: wow they really want you to update don’t they?
Quatre: ::pokes Getsuei:: umm… guys…
Treise: anyone seen Heero?
Jay: I think he’s still hiding from Getsuei.
Quatre: ::pokes Getsuei again:: guys, I think something’s wrong with Getsuei
Wufei: what do you mean?
Quatre: well, look at her.
All: ::looks at Getsuei::
Getsuei: yayayayayayayayay ::hugs all reviewers::
Zechs: Getsuei, don’t scare us like that.
Getsuei: Gomen. I just so happy. ^_^
Trowa: ::smirks:: well they look like good reviews to me.
Getsuei: yup!
Duo: so, what do you have planed to torment us with this chapter?
Getsuei: would I ever torment you on purpose?
All: yes!
Getsuei: okay, fine, I see how much you all love me. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you what’s going to happen.
Jay: Getsuei, I’m loosing my patience.
Getsuei: and who exactly is the writer of this little fanfic?
All: O.O
Getsuei: exactly! Well, here it comes everyone! Enjoy!
Wufei: women.
‘overhearing someone’
^D^ dream ^D^
Warnings? Umm…. I think…. Oh, a dream sequence involving graphic nonconsensual intercourse, but don’t tell the boys I told you. They’re not very happy with me right now…
Slavery Death and Rebirth
Chapter 4
_____________________________________________________________________ ___
Gently, Quatre reached out and ran the back of his fingers over Heero’s damp cheek. “I am Quatre Raberba Winner, and you are most welcome Heero Yuy.”
/I don’t have to fear these people, but that doesn‘t mean I can trust them. Not yet anyway./ The fear was gone from Heero’s eyes, replaced by wariness. “… nice to meet you.”
“Are we really that frightening to you?” Duo asked, slowly reaching for the hand he’d released. /What happened to him in his past? How did that guy know him? I… don’t understand./
Heero blinked slowly before moving his hand out of reach. “No, but I’ve learned the value of wariness.”
Zechs released a weary sigh. “Heero, it’s late, you have school tomorrow, and I don’t doubt that you’re tired after what happened. Take Rath and go up to bed, that’s an order, understand?”
Heero let himself rest against Treise a moment longer before straightening. Turning to the four boys, “Ja ne.” he murmured bowing, and left.
Seeing the confusion on the boy’s faces, Treise supplied, “He said he’d see you later.”
“Should we take that as an invitation to come back?” Wufei asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Definitely.” Zechs said with a yawn. “Though, you’ll probably see him tomorrow at school also.”
“Heero’s not the only one who’s tired.” Treise chuckled. He signaled to one of the workers. “Daisuke will take you boy’s home.” he chuckled again at the sudden wariness in their eyes. “Don’t worry. Dai won’t try anything. He doubtless knows what Mr. Winner did for us, respects it, and is grateful. He may, however decide to interrogate you, but no more than that.”
-----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -------------------------------
The car they were led to was a large red Mercedes convertible. The leather seats were a rich toffee. The top and the windows were up. “Everyone in.” the tall red haired Neko named Daisuke purred.
The seats were comfortable enough, but the four boys were still nervous.
“So, where do you boy’s live?” Daisuke asked getting behind the wheel.
“4345 Onimayo Road.” Quatre answered cautiously.
“Right.” Daisuke said, “Before I take you anywhere, why are you so nervous? I’m not going to do anything to you boys. Actually, this is such a small thing for me to do in order to repay you. Thank you for helping the boy and my friend. You may not understand my gratitude, but it’s very real.”
The boys smiled wryly at the man in the drivers seat. “Well, we don’t exactly know you.” Trowa commented dryly.
“You have a point. I’m Daisuke Yagahara. I’m twenty-five years old, single, gay and work at The Ragging Inferno as a DJ. It’s nice to meet you.” Daisuke introduced himself.
“We are Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, and Trowa Barton.” Trowa told the man.
Daisuke smiled back at them as he started the car. “If what I think is right and you want to get to know Heero, you’ll have to very careful. He’s still healing.”
“Healing from what?” Duo asked leaning forward.
“His past. And before you start asking me about his past I’ll say this; I can’t tell you about it, only Heero can. If I were to tell you, I would be breaking his trust and that’s something I refuse to do. I can, however, tell you that he’s been hurt.” Daisuke answered. “Please be careful with him.”
The rest of the car ride was taken in silence. None of the boys wanted to ask a question that Daisuke couldn’t answer, which, of course, were the only questions they had.
-----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- -----------------------
^D^ He was seven again, and locked in the darkness of his room. It was his birthday. They’d said they had a special present for him. The door opened and light spilled in as his grandfather and uncle entered.
“You love your mother and father don’t you, boy?” his grandfather asked.
“Hai.” the boy whispered nervously.
“You will address both of us as shukun.(1)” his uncle purred, “Do you understand?”
“H-hai, shukun.” he stammered.
“Good.” his grandfather murmured, “Now, if you love your parents as you say you do, you will do exactly as we say. Correct?”
“Hai, shukun.” he started trembling. He really didn’t like the way things were going, but he had no choice but to obey.
“Excellent!” his uncle exclaimed. “Now we can give you your birthday present.” There was a gleam in his uncles eye that he didn’t understand, one that he feared none the less.
His grandfather sat on the edge of his bed as his uncle shut the door and turned on the light.
The boy blinked rapidly in an attempt to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness. He didn’t want to be there, didn’t want them there. He knew they could smell his fear, and it scared him even more.
“Come stand in front of me.” his grandfather commanded in mock gentleness.
His bottom lip was trembling as he obeyed.
Slowly, almost with care, his grandfather took the boy’s cloths off. “You are not permitted to wear cloths any longer. Do you understand, boy?”
“Hai, shukun.” the boy whispered in an unsteady fearful voice.
“Now, come kneel on the bed, on your hands and knees, facing me.” this was his grandfathers next command.
“Hai.” he murmured as he moved to obey.
“ ‘Hai.’ what?” his uncle demanded grabbing the boy’s chin mercilessly.
“Hai, shukun.” the boy corrected, continuing his actions when his uncle released him. Climbing up onto the bed he positioned himself facing his grandfather on hands and knees, legs together, head bowed.
“Spread your legs apart!” his uncle growled, climbing onto the bed behind the boy.
“Hai, shukun.” he whimpered flinching at his uncles growl. As he felt the depression of the bed behind him, he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. When he heard them lowering the zippers of their pants, he let out an involuntary cry of fear. He felt a hand on his chin, raising his head, but he didn’t open his eyes.
“Open your mouth, boy, and no biting. Do you understand?” his grandfather said, pinching the boy’s chin.
“Ha---” the boy didn’t get the chance to finish his reply as his grandfather pushed forcefully into his mouth and past his gag reflex. He wanted to choke, and he wanted to scream, but with his grandfather in his mouth he could do neither. He felt his uncles hand descend onto his bottom, spreading his cheeks wide.
“Remember, boy, no biting.” his grandfather reminded him as his uncle forced him way into his body hard, causing his to take more of his grandfathers engorged length into his mouth with a strangled scream.
Blood red tears flowed down his cheeks, and he sobbed his pain around his grandfather. Every time his uncle slammed into his body, he was driven farther onto his grandfathers swollen length. Something inside of him tore. Whether it was in his throat or his ass, he didn’t know. He tried to rise above the pain, to reach for the blackness of unconsciousness, but his grandfather and uncle wouldn’t let him. They came. He had no choice but to swallow what his grandfather shot down his throat. His body shuddered in revulsion at their ‘gift’. They withdrew from him and he collapsed onto the bed convulsing in utter pain.
“Get used to it, slave.” his grandfather said coldly. “Tomorrow you start your new job.”
Spitting on the bed, he saw mucus mixed with semen and blood. ^D^
______________________________________________________________ __________
Quatre: O.O
Trowa: … Quat… I’m scared…
Wufei: ::swallows::
Treise: … Getsuei, I don’t think your playing fare.
Zechs: hey guys, look what I found. ::holds up a note::
Note: all’s fare in love and fanfics… Getsuei
Duo: I’m going to kill her! I swear it!
Jay: Duo, she is the author. She has the right to do what she pleases with us as long as she writes the disclaimer at the top of each chapter. And I doubt she’ll ever forget it.
Quatre: read and review and please tell Getsuei to stop.
Getsuei: DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
Duo: GETSUEI!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!! IT’S TIME TO DIE!!!!!!!!!
(1) shukun- lord or master
Getsuei: O.O; …
Duo: hey Getsuei, what’s wrong?
Getsuei: O.O; ::staring at reviews::
Trowa: are those the reviews you’re looking at?
Wufei: wow they really want you to update don’t they?
Quatre: ::pokes Getsuei:: umm… guys…
Treise: anyone seen Heero?
Jay: I think he’s still hiding from Getsuei.
Quatre: ::pokes Getsuei again:: guys, I think something’s wrong with Getsuei
Wufei: what do you mean?
Quatre: well, look at her.
All: ::looks at Getsuei::
Getsuei: yayayayayayayayay ::hugs all reviewers::
Zechs: Getsuei, don’t scare us like that.
Getsuei: Gomen. I just so happy. ^_^
Trowa: ::smirks:: well they look like good reviews to me.
Getsuei: yup!
Duo: so, what do you have planed to torment us with this chapter?
Getsuei: would I ever torment you on purpose?
All: yes!
Getsuei: okay, fine, I see how much you all love me. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you what’s going to happen.
Jay: Getsuei, I’m loosing my patience.
Getsuei: and who exactly is the writer of this little fanfic?
All: O.O
Getsuei: exactly! Well, here it comes everyone! Enjoy!
Wufei: women.
‘overhearing someone’
^D^ dream ^D^
Warnings? Umm…. I think…. Oh, a dream sequence involving graphic nonconsensual intercourse, but don’t tell the boys I told you. They’re not very happy with me right now…
Slavery Death and Rebirth
Chapter 4
_____________________________________________________________________ ___
Gently, Quatre reached out and ran the back of his fingers over Heero’s damp cheek. “I am Quatre Raberba Winner, and you are most welcome Heero Yuy.”
/I don’t have to fear these people, but that doesn‘t mean I can trust them. Not yet anyway./ The fear was gone from Heero’s eyes, replaced by wariness. “… nice to meet you.”
“Are we really that frightening to you?” Duo asked, slowly reaching for the hand he’d released. /What happened to him in his past? How did that guy know him? I… don’t understand./
Heero blinked slowly before moving his hand out of reach. “No, but I’ve learned the value of wariness.”
Zechs released a weary sigh. “Heero, it’s late, you have school tomorrow, and I don’t doubt that you’re tired after what happened. Take Rath and go up to bed, that’s an order, understand?”
Heero let himself rest against Treise a moment longer before straightening. Turning to the four boys, “Ja ne.” he murmured bowing, and left.
Seeing the confusion on the boy’s faces, Treise supplied, “He said he’d see you later.”
“Should we take that as an invitation to come back?” Wufei asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Definitely.” Zechs said with a yawn. “Though, you’ll probably see him tomorrow at school also.”
“Heero’s not the only one who’s tired.” Treise chuckled. He signaled to one of the workers. “Daisuke will take you boy’s home.” he chuckled again at the sudden wariness in their eyes. “Don’t worry. Dai won’t try anything. He doubtless knows what Mr. Winner did for us, respects it, and is grateful. He may, however decide to interrogate you, but no more than that.”
-----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -------------------------------
The car they were led to was a large red Mercedes convertible. The leather seats were a rich toffee. The top and the windows were up. “Everyone in.” the tall red haired Neko named Daisuke purred.
The seats were comfortable enough, but the four boys were still nervous.
“So, where do you boy’s live?” Daisuke asked getting behind the wheel.
“4345 Onimayo Road.” Quatre answered cautiously.
“Right.” Daisuke said, “Before I take you anywhere, why are you so nervous? I’m not going to do anything to you boys. Actually, this is such a small thing for me to do in order to repay you. Thank you for helping the boy and my friend. You may not understand my gratitude, but it’s very real.”
The boys smiled wryly at the man in the drivers seat. “Well, we don’t exactly know you.” Trowa commented dryly.
“You have a point. I’m Daisuke Yagahara. I’m twenty-five years old, single, gay and work at The Ragging Inferno as a DJ. It’s nice to meet you.” Daisuke introduced himself.
“We are Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, and Trowa Barton.” Trowa told the man.
Daisuke smiled back at them as he started the car. “If what I think is right and you want to get to know Heero, you’ll have to very careful. He’s still healing.”
“Healing from what?” Duo asked leaning forward.
“His past. And before you start asking me about his past I’ll say this; I can’t tell you about it, only Heero can. If I were to tell you, I would be breaking his trust and that’s something I refuse to do. I can, however, tell you that he’s been hurt.” Daisuke answered. “Please be careful with him.”
The rest of the car ride was taken in silence. None of the boys wanted to ask a question that Daisuke couldn’t answer, which, of course, were the only questions they had.
-----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------- -----------------------
^D^ He was seven again, and locked in the darkness of his room. It was his birthday. They’d said they had a special present for him. The door opened and light spilled in as his grandfather and uncle entered.
“You love your mother and father don’t you, boy?” his grandfather asked.
“Hai.” the boy whispered nervously.
“You will address both of us as shukun.(1)” his uncle purred, “Do you understand?”
“H-hai, shukun.” he stammered.
“Good.” his grandfather murmured, “Now, if you love your parents as you say you do, you will do exactly as we say. Correct?”
“Hai, shukun.” he started trembling. He really didn’t like the way things were going, but he had no choice but to obey.
“Excellent!” his uncle exclaimed. “Now we can give you your birthday present.” There was a gleam in his uncles eye that he didn’t understand, one that he feared none the less.
His grandfather sat on the edge of his bed as his uncle shut the door and turned on the light.
The boy blinked rapidly in an attempt to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness. He didn’t want to be there, didn’t want them there. He knew they could smell his fear, and it scared him even more.
“Come stand in front of me.” his grandfather commanded in mock gentleness.
His bottom lip was trembling as he obeyed.
Slowly, almost with care, his grandfather took the boy’s cloths off. “You are not permitted to wear cloths any longer. Do you understand, boy?”
“Hai, shukun.” the boy whispered in an unsteady fearful voice.
“Now, come kneel on the bed, on your hands and knees, facing me.” this was his grandfathers next command.
“Hai.” he murmured as he moved to obey.
“ ‘Hai.’ what?” his uncle demanded grabbing the boy’s chin mercilessly.
“Hai, shukun.” the boy corrected, continuing his actions when his uncle released him. Climbing up onto the bed he positioned himself facing his grandfather on hands and knees, legs together, head bowed.
“Spread your legs apart!” his uncle growled, climbing onto the bed behind the boy.
“Hai, shukun.” he whimpered flinching at his uncles growl. As he felt the depression of the bed behind him, he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. When he heard them lowering the zippers of their pants, he let out an involuntary cry of fear. He felt a hand on his chin, raising his head, but he didn’t open his eyes.
“Open your mouth, boy, and no biting. Do you understand?” his grandfather said, pinching the boy’s chin.
“Ha---” the boy didn’t get the chance to finish his reply as his grandfather pushed forcefully into his mouth and past his gag reflex. He wanted to choke, and he wanted to scream, but with his grandfather in his mouth he could do neither. He felt his uncles hand descend onto his bottom, spreading his cheeks wide.
“Remember, boy, no biting.” his grandfather reminded him as his uncle forced him way into his body hard, causing his to take more of his grandfathers engorged length into his mouth with a strangled scream.
Blood red tears flowed down his cheeks, and he sobbed his pain around his grandfather. Every time his uncle slammed into his body, he was driven farther onto his grandfathers swollen length. Something inside of him tore. Whether it was in his throat or his ass, he didn’t know. He tried to rise above the pain, to reach for the blackness of unconsciousness, but his grandfather and uncle wouldn’t let him. They came. He had no choice but to swallow what his grandfather shot down his throat. His body shuddered in revulsion at their ‘gift’. They withdrew from him and he collapsed onto the bed convulsing in utter pain.
“Get used to it, slave.” his grandfather said coldly. “Tomorrow you start your new job.”
Spitting on the bed, he saw mucus mixed with semen and blood. ^D^
______________________________________________________________ __________
Quatre: O.O
Trowa: … Quat… I’m scared…
Wufei: ::swallows::
Treise: … Getsuei, I don’t think your playing fare.
Zechs: hey guys, look what I found. ::holds up a note::
Note: all’s fare in love and fanfics… Getsuei
Duo: I’m going to kill her! I swear it!
Jay: Duo, she is the author. She has the right to do what she pleases with us as long as she writes the disclaimer at the top of each chapter. And I doubt she’ll ever forget it.
Quatre: read and review and please tell Getsuei to stop.
Getsuei: DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
Duo: GETSUEI!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!! IT’S TIME TO DIE!!!!!!!!!
(1) shukun- lord or master