Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ So Cal ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Type : series, shounen ai, yuri, AU, limey (for now)
Spoilers : none
Warnings : none (this part)
Pairings : 1x2, 3x4, DxRxH, 5+2, 5+C
Rating : PG-13 (for now)
Disclaimer : I don't own anything. I am poor... want a nickle?
Feedback : Kami-sama yes! Please please please!!!!

So Cal by Willow
Part Six

After they left, Wufei slumped to the bed. Right he liked Cathy... only cause he knew Duo'd never love him... he knew it from the first time they met. Call it intuition, but Wufei knew the boy was destined to someone else... and call it that now, Wufei knew that someone was Heero Yuy. He was cool with that, it meant Duo would be happy and that made Wufei happy.

"Sa, now back to choosing an outfit..." he sighed, looking over his choices he scowled.

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Duo bounced up and down on the bed. Heero was rumaging through his gear looking for an appropriate outfit.

"Creed!" Duo giggled, flopping down on the bed. "I cannot wait for tonight!"

Heero sighed. Giving up on the outfit for now, he went over and kissed the rambling mouth. "Shhh, love... Let's go down and get breakfast... than how 'bout a swim?"

"Can we go to the beach?" Duo looked pleadingly into Heero's eyes.

"Sure... but let's invite the others, ne? Only fair..." Heero said, tucking a strand of chestnut silk behind slightly pink tinged ears.

Duo nodded, leaping off the bed and racing down the stairs.

Trowa poked his head in, grinning. "He never does anything slow, does he?" Heero asked, and Trowa shook his head.

"Breakfast is ready..." he said still grinning. "So, the beach? Hmmm... that should be fun..."

"Yeah, but I kinda miss the snow we get in New York... But I'd rather miss it than miss any of that half dressed boy playing in the water...." Heero said, smiling slightly.

"You really love him, huh?" Trowa asked.

Heero nodded. "I don't know when, how, or why... well why is answered 'just cause I do', but when and how still elude me."

"He's really lovable... I'm so glad to have him as a brother..." Trowa said, "Else I might have fallen in love with him." He grinned devilishly.

"You and me both," Heero said, "But since he is your brother, I got the honor of falling for the lovely violet eyed creature..."

"C'mon, let's get breakfast and tell the others about the beach..."

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Heero watched from the beach towel as Duo dove off a rock into the blue-green water. Heero nearly fell over laughing as Duo came romping up out of the water like Mariah Carey in the video for Honey.

"What's so funny?" Duo asked as he plopped down and began towel drying his braid.

"Nothing... just thinking..." Heero said, covering a smile.

"Oh, really? Well you think too much!" Duo said, tackling him. They rolled on the beach for a while, fighting for top. Eventually, Heero pinned Duo to the ground and began nipping at his neck.

Duo arched up, reveling in the feel of skin on skin. 'Soon,' he thought, 'I'll be ready soon... just not yet...'

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Wufei sat mediating on a towel.

"Hey..." someone said.

Wufei opened his eyes and was greeted with a pair of large blue-black eyes mere centimeters from his. He fell over backwards rolled and got into a defensive crouch.

"Geeze! Touchie" Hilde said, standing up and looking put out.

"Sorry, you startled me," Wufei said, relaxing.

"Well you startled me, too, Zen boy, so let's call it even," she held out her hand and they shook on it. "C'mon and join the rest of us!" Since she was still holding his hand, she dragged him behind her as she raced back to the group.

"Hey!" He protested weakly.

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"Sa!" Duo said as he plopped down on the bed. "That was so fun!"

Heero grunted his agreement.

"Da! Time to get dressed!" Duo grabbed a handful of clothing and darted into the bathroom.

Heero finally decided on a pair of khakis and a black tee. He tucked in the shirt and buckled his leather belt just about the time Duo stepped into the room. Heero's jaw fell open.

Duo stood in the doorway dressed in dark grey poly-leather pants and a white tank. His feet were encased in big combat boots that reached about 3 inches below his knees and buckled up the sides with 5 buckles. Heero was amazed to say the least.

"Wow," he said, looking Duo up and down. "You are really sexy love!"

Duo grinned and grabbed Heero's wrist, "C'mon we wanna get there early and get autographs and get in the front of the pit!"

Heero let himself be dragged out to the car, where he batted Duo's ahnd out of the way when thebraided boy tried to open the door.

"No, my treat, my way," Heero said, grinning. Duo acquiesced stepping back with a mock bow.

"Of course, my lord," Duo said, eyes glinting with mischief.

Heero held out his hand and when Duo gave him his hand Heero lifted it to his lips and kissed it sweetly.

This went on throughout the night. They rocked to Creed and enjoyed the guest appearance by Incubus and the stage dives and backstage passes Heero'd somehow gotten ahold of.

Duo practically fell on his knees and bowed down to Scott Stapp, but Heero kept him on his feet. Duo's wide eyes and shaking hands didn't stop the boy from getting every member's autograph.

On the drive home, Duo fell asleep. Heero smiled as he pulled up to the mansion and lifted the boy out of the car.

When they got to their room, Heero lay Duo down on the bed and kissed his forhead. Pulling off the boots (which, he found out, zipped up on the side opposite the buckles) and tucking the covers up to Duo's neck, he whispered, "Sleep well, beloved."

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End Part 6

Again no cliff hanger, but there's lemon in a couple of parts! *grins* Yeah, I'm taking my sweet time with it! Hah! 5 parts in one day? All written since 10:38 AM (for me)???? Gah!