Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ So, You've Fallen into the World of Gundam Wing... ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two: The Art of Blending
Congratulations! You appear to have made it to chapter two.Chapter Two is, unsurprisingly, the second most important chapter of this booklet; it contains a 'How to' on the art of blending. Although this authoress often refers to it as "Super Secret Shadow Skills" so lets get ninja'd people. But please... Take that T-shirt ninja mask off your head first...
One of the main issues that we simply have to get into your heads is that it is generally not a good idea to march up to your favorite character and declare in a rather loud voice that you know everything about them. They will immediately have you down as either a spy (in which case you'll be tortured for information before being killed/thrown into prison/ an asylum) or, to put it bluntly, they'll be freaked out. Wouldn't you get ever so slightly weirded out if someone came up, hugged you, groped you then looked at you adoringly and said "I know everything about you, you have no secrets from me." Yes. Hmmm, well.Lets leave you to think that one over whilst we cover some of the conversation topics/actions that you can or cannot talk about:
Never touch The Braid
Some of you may know the history here, some of you may not. Either way lets be seen as nice people, you wouldn't like strangers coming up to you and threatening to cut off your hair would you? Well then. Aside from the obvious of "ouch" when your hair is threatened theres also the whole personal space invasion/ "ew oh my god your hands are sticky, don't touch me!" thing going on. Not that I'm saying you all have sticky hands. Far from it... Moving swiftly onwards.
The Zero System
The Zero System. Lets face it, it was an embarrassing episode for all involved, one certain someone threw up after using it, mentioning no names Hiiro/Heero, and the other became ever so slightly psychotic and went on a homicidal rampage across a small section of space. Please note that however much you, My lovely reader, use computers... You can't handle this. Really, honestly, truly you can not physically, psychologically or emotionally do it. Oh, and if you do you're brain will implode... Ok that is a lie but it will be the MENTAL equivalent of that happening.
"Pacifism, its for sissies!"
Wow, ok, this may be a hard one. First define what pacifism is to you by deciding what constitutes as violence, then when you've thought long and hard about your own personal view go read up about its history. Really. In brief its not all claiming that we should Make Peace/Love Not War, its a valid way of helping to achieve a better world for everyone. Not that I personally support total pacifism. Or Relena. Err... I'm just not biased. Not that you're biased, I mean... Lets just move on shall we?
Safer topics of conversation can be found in the film My Fair Lady. For those of you yet to see this wonderful film I'll give you a crash course in Eliza Dolittle-ness.
Talk about the weather, Isn't it lovely, don't those clouds look like rain? Or, if in doubt recite the phrase "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain." Everyone can talk about the weather with ease, its just one of those things.
Talk about yourself, usually you'd try to get the other person to tell you a little something of themselves, but hey, you might be forced into this anyway. Most torture begins that way so some of you may already have skipped ahead to the next chapter: "What to do in Dangerous situations."
Due to some complaints from the Yu-Gi-Oh edition the authoress will try to cut down the amount of running, but nothing is promised. You also may want to get out of whatever hiding place you've been using to read this booklet and go on a hunt for food, remember to always say please and thank you, even if stealing from stalls is involved.
This was beta'd by the lovely Windigo the Feral NYAR, who I believe suggested some changes which may or may not have made it through since this was all donw at 12:30 am. Readers feedback is always welcomed.
Have you or any of hose around you been affected by any of the topics covered in this section of the booklet? If so please feel free to leave a review, these are available 24/7 and you can also ring our numb... wait we don't have a phone!