Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Soliloquies of Pain ❯ Soliloquy 1: Soliloquy in Silence ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Soliloquy In Silence

Okay. This is my first try at a Gundam fic, so go easy on me. All flames will be used to make smores.
I do not own GW. If I did, I'd have a harem and be obscenely rich.

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You know, I've never really gotten over you.
It's strange how your laugh just cuts me like a knife,
whenever I hear it. And believe me, I hear it.

Wufei tells me to forget about it--get on with the mission--
but you and I both know how difficult it is for me to forget something.
After he falls asleep, I don't think he knows that I lay awake for
hours, praying that *something* will cause you to break in and take me
back. But, I know that you're happier now that we're apart.

"Oy, you coming?"

You know, you used to say that my eyes spoke volumes when you looked in
them. I guess now you aren't reading them at all. Because, I know if you
did, then you'd see how miserable I am without you. It feels wrong to
say this, when I'm with him and not you, but you were always the "one" for
me, and anyone else is second best. Just because I don't speak much, and
when I do, you generally go into shock, doesn't mean that I don't have anything
to say.

It's funny, really, that I actually miss just listening to you. You talked incessantly,
and I never said a word other than to shut you up, but now I realize how much I miss that.
I find myself humming or muttering to myself to fill in the silence. Wufei hates that.
He hates it more, however, that I'm still in love with you. But, you made it clear--
*Crystal clear*--that you wanted nothing more to do with me after I found you with--

I never did ask why *her* of all people. I mean, I can understand it if she was the
"Queen of the World" or that German chick who followed you around so much, but *HER*?!
She tried to kill us, you know. Not only that, but for a long time, she was Relena's bed-
warmer. Who knew?

I knew. And, I tried to warn you. But, you two are happy, I guess. I just wish I was.