Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Squittles: reuniting the past ❯ Driving... Oh what fun... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Squittles ---------->>>>>>>>>> A Gundam Wing story
Part 2- Driving… Oh what fun
Dark_lites: Ok. Part 2 of Squittles. Hopefully you liked part one. If you didn't then uh message me. Cause truthfully I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm basically making it up as I go along.
Heero: Well that's pretty obvious, now isn't it?
Duo: Oh I don't think you should of said that…. I'm just gonna you know leave.
Dark_lites: NO ONE ASKED YOU YUY!!!! I SWEAR! /takes out a gun/ I SWEAR SAY ONE MORE THING!
Heero: Ok. /whistles/ Fan girls…
All: /Watches a pack of rabid fan girls come from no where/
Dark_lites: /gets trampled by the fan girls/ NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! /in slow motion/
Quatre: Why'd you do that in slow motion, Dark?
Dark_lites: Dramatic effect.
Heero: Dark_lites doesn't own Gundam Wing. She doesn't own McDonalds either. Trust me. I don't lie.
Duo: /yells from other room/ THAT'S A LIE RIGHT THERE!!
Trowa: And the story begins…
“Where is that girl?” Duo said rubbing his hands together. It was the middle of December, freezing as God knows what, and no one had seen Kiva for more than two hours. “Getting in trouble more than likely. You know her. She can never stay out of it.” Solo said leaning back against the cold brick wall. The brick was chipped and marked with faded spray paint. One of the younger ones, couldn't of been older than 2 or 3 years old, was huddled in the corner hugging his knees. He wouldn't let anyone get near him and if they did he'd cry even louder. Some of the older kids would pick on him but Kiva would immediately step up. And Kiva was not one of those people you'd want to get on their bad side. There was a loud whistle. “I'm back!” Kiva's voice rang out. “Kiv were was ya?” another kid yelled. “Ah getting a few things. Here. You look cold.” She tossed a pair of gloves at him and few other people, scarves at others, a couple hats, too. “Hey,” she said to the little kid in the corner. “What's your name? You never told me remember?” For once he didn't scream in her ear. “I- I- My name's Shinki.” His voice was frail and weak. She smiled softly. “Well here Shinki.” She handed him a hat and a pair of gloves. He grinned. “Thanks.” “No problem.” He paused, “Wait didn't you get you sometin'?” “Yeah I gave it to you.” “No. I can't take these. They're yours. Take em' back.” She shook her head and stood up. “I gave em' to you. You're keeping them. Or you can throw them away when I'm not lookin'. Either way it's your choice, kid.” He wrapped his small arms around her neck and smiled. “Thank you Kiva.” She was sort of surprised but hugged him back. Duo looked at her in awe. Solo smiled at him. “You know Duo it's strange.” “What?” he said. “The way you like Kiva.” “I like don't Kiva! You're crazy Solo! She's mean! Really mean! She can be nice but she's not. She's mean!” “I'm only mean to you because you're a brat, Duo.” Kiva said walking over to them. “I'm not a brat! You just don't know how to have any fun. Pushing that guy in the snow wasn't being a brat.” “Shh. I get tired of your talking.” She sat down against the wall. “You really are mean.” “No I'm not.” “Yeah you are.” “No I'm not.” “Yeah you are.” “Nope.” Solo couldn't contain it any more, he started laughing. “What's so funny!” “You two argue like an old couple!” he said still laughing. Kiva looked disgusted and Duo made gagging noises. “Yeah right!” Kiva yelled. “For once I actually agree with her! That'll never happen.” “Uh huh. Sure you two. Nope it's never going to happen.” He said sarcastically. Kiva shook her head, walked back over to Shinki, and soon fell asleep. “You know you don't notice it know but Kiva is a really good girl.” “Kiva? Do we even know the same person?” “Yep but we don't see eye to eye on these things.” “And probably never will. I'll never understand why you like girls.” (AN: /looks at current day Duo/ I don't think he stuck to that.) Solo sighed and sat down. “Just go to sleep Duo.” He was asleep anyway. /Next Day/ By the time Duo woke up Kiva and Solo were already gone. ~Man why do they always steal without me! This isn't right. I'm given them a piece of my mind today! ~ Within seconds Solo was back without Kiva. He was breathing heavy. He put of arguing with him for now cause he looked kind of sick. “Hey Solo what's up?” “It's Kiva. She's gone…”
We interrupt this fan fiction for this short commercial break.
Duo: WHAT?! There's not commercial breaks in fan fictions!
Dark_lites: I know this is weird.
Duo: Oh no you planned this! This is my memory! I should be in control!
Dark_lites: /ignores Duo and sings the McDonald's theme song/ Badabababa I'm lovin' it!
Jakura: /joins Dark_lites in singing the McDonald's theme song/ Hehehehe this is fun.
Quatre: Shh the fan fiction is back on.
Duo: How can it be back on if there wasn't supposed to be a commercial break!
“What do you mean she's gone?! People just don't disappear, Solo! What happened?” He yelled in response. “Ok. So when I woke up this mornin' she was gone which isn't different than usual. So, again like usual, I went to look for her. I found her. She wasn't in trouble or nothing like that, just being Kiva right? Well we were stealing and someone must have been watching us because I got caught-“ “Wait you got caught Solo? That's a miracle right there.” “Shut it. Alright so the guy was about to haul me off to the police station and crap but something caught him by surprise. It was Kiv, no doubt about that, she'd hit him in the back of the head with a rock. He dropped me and started after her. She signaled me to go the other direction and we'd meet up here an hour ago. She wasn't here, I looked for her and I couldn't find her. I can't find her. I've looked and I can't. It's my fault…” “ Well maybe you haven't looked hard enough! Come on. Let's go.” /End Flashback/ “Duo eww… this is sick. Wake up! GROSS!” Quatre said. “Wake Up!” He pushed Duo out of the seat. “HE DROOLED ON ME!!! PULL OVER! PULL OVER NOW WUFEI!” He was hitting WuFei in the back of the head. “YOU THINK I'M PLAYING WITH YOU! PULL OVER NOW!” he screamed wrapping his hands around his neck. “Just pull over WuFei! Damn it.” Trowa yelled. WuFei growled but pulled over. Quatre jumped out of the car and ran to the trunk. He pulled his bag out. “Shirt, shirt, shirt????? HAHA SHIRT!” He pulled off the drooly shirt and put on the clean one. He ran out into the middle of the field. He lit the shirt on fire and yelled “AHAHA!!!! IT'S GONE!! THE ICKY DROOL IS GONE!!!!” “Ok Duo, do you see what you do to people?” Heero said annoyed. “Huh?” He rubbed his eyes. “Was I supposed to be payin' attention or - yawn- something?” “It would help if you did once in your pathetic life…” he grumbled turning back around. “Hey I do pay attention… I'm just not good at it.” “Don't make me laugh.” “I didn't know laugh was in your vocab.” He said sitting back again.
Dark_lites: That's it. I'm ending it. For today at least. And sorry if Duo's a little out of Character. He might be.
Heero: Duo's not out of character, he's being an ass like usual.
Dark_lites: Oh really? Ok then…well uh… I don't know what to say here so….
Heero: Just say good-bye lites.
Dark_lites: I don't wanna…
Heero: Then I'll say it for you. This is Dark_lites signing out.
Dark_lites: I don't sound like that… Plz rate and review……