Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Squittles: reuniting the past ❯ Memories of the past: part 2 ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Squittles: Reuniting the past ------>>>>>> A Gundam Wing story
Chapter 8: memories of the past; part 2
Dark_lites: Okay and thanks to one review by LadyofDarkness I shall keep writing Squittles. Don't worry that it sucks now. It will get so much better like when Kiva di-
Chibi: *puts her hand over Dark_lites mouth* you can not know that. HA! Now you shall have to read to figure it out! Mwahahaha!
Dark_lites: @ LadyofDarkness: That's just what you think is going to happen. The story shall be more twisted than you think!
“You're a real pest.” WuFei muttered.
“You're a emotionless, self-centered bastard. I'd say we're even.” Kiva responded.
“You're a real smart ass aren't you?”
“Basically. So get on with the story.”
((((Start story))))
“If you don't tell me about your past then you're dishonorable and I know honor is the most important thing to you. So you might as well talk.” She said crossing her arms.
“Fine. I'm not going to break a promise.” He sighed softly. “I was born on L5. My mother and Father weren't the nicest people but they were good enough. I was eight years old when my little sister was born, Sorra. She was such a pretty little girl. Sweet and nice, everyone loved her. She followed me to what would seem like the ends of the world. For a time it annoyed me but I got over it. I'd show her things she didn't understand books and so on. While she tried to show me the simpler things in life, flowers, waterfalls, sweet childish things. It was always amazing to me how agitated that small child got. Almost anything she would show me I'd break down into scientific words. She'd get so mad.”
“Look at the flower, brother.” The small raven haired, chocolate eyed, Sorra said, pulling WuFei's hand and forcing him to come with her.
“It's an autotroph.”
“No it's a flower.”
“Well technically it's an autotroph.”
“No. It's a flower a pretty pink flower. See?” she said picking it from the ground and holding it to his face.
“No an autotroph is a being that makes it's own food.”
“Gosh to be so smart you are really dumb! It's a flower! F-l-o-wer! Flower!”
“You're so stupid. Dummy head.”
“Well I can't say you are all that smart either, child.”
“Well it's not that difficult to be smarter than you if you can't figure out what a flower is. Duh. That's like not knowing what the sky is, or what our Colony is, or what the ground is. If you don't know what a flower is you're just stupid.”
He laughed softly, “I forget you're just a child. You only see the beauty in the world, only the good. I wish I was still like that.”
He rested his hand on her head.
“Well you would be if you weren't so stupid. Look at it WuFei. Look at it. What is it?”
“NO! No. Just no. Say it.”
“Flower. Okay are you happy?”
“Yeah. Until you say something stupid again.”
/end flashback/
Kiva looked over at him. ~Why does he care so much? WuFei is not the type of person who I'd imagine to care about much.~
“She was sent of to a school. On another colony. So I barely ever saw her after that. Once a year or close to it… And then I was sent off to training. I never saw her anymore. I didn't know how bad she was getting. You see every since she was born she had a rare disease. There's was no cure to it at that time. But apparently at her school, she was alone. She didn't really have friends or people who'd notice if something was wrong with her. I didn't know this. Any of it. I was away at school dealing with my future wife Nakatu. She was stubborn, hard-headed, actually a lot like you.”
“Sure she was…” She shrugged, “Could be…”
He sighed heavily, “But she died. The pressure of that, truthfully I couldn't take it. I went back home for a while. My parents they didn't speak to me. They were barely ever around for that matter. That wasn't what bothered me. It was the fact they acted like I wasn't there; it was like they were hiding something from me. I didn't like it. So I asked. I went and listed off multiple things that would keep them quiet. Finally I said Sorra. My mother broke down in tears, my mother never cried… It was just so unlike her…”
“What happened, Mother? What happened to Sorra?!” Wufei said sharply.
His mother just began crying harder.
“Do not toy with me. Where is my sister?”
“Do not shout at your mother, boy!” His father said standing up.
“Then I'll yell at you! Where is she?! How come there are no longer any pictures of her?! Why do you refuse to speak of her?! Why won't you answer my questions?!”
“Just tell him, Rienzi…” his mother said through her tears, “Tell him he deserves to know…”
“I deserve to know what?” His voice was quaking, “I deserve to know wh…what? What are you keeping from me?”
His father didn't look at him.
“What?! TELL ME!!!”
“So- Sorra died…”
“Do NOT kid with me!”
“We're not. She died two months ago. Right before Nakatu did… We're sorry WuFei.”
“Sorry? Sorry?! Do you really think that is going to cut it?! Sorry?! I knew something was wrong. Why didn't you tell me?! Do you think it was right? Not to tell your son about his sister? Do you believe you had that right?” He growled. He tried his best to stay calm, to keep his ground. He was shaking, “You idiots! You are both pathetic! You cannot face your fears enough to tell your own son the truth!”
“We did it for your own protection…WuFei…” his father's voice faltered.
“Protection! How do you figure protection?! What are you protecting? I don't need protection anymore. I'm not a child!”
“You need protection just like anyone else here! You can't handle your emotions! You shut them away, ignoring them. That will be your down fall, WuFei.”
“You are one to talk.” He said, walking out of the door.
“WuFei! Where are you going?!”
“None of your concern! Live your life the way you wish! Forget I was ever in it.” He muttered to him self, walking back to the field behind the forest.
/end flashback/
“I'm sorry, WuFei…” Kiva said next to silently.
“You're apologizing? For what?”
“I don't know exactly… But… Never mind it.”
~What is it with her? One minute she can be an a--, and the next really caring about someone. She's crazy…~ he thought looking at her from the corner of his eye. ~Why dose she care so much all of the sudden? Onna's are mysteries. Especially that one…~
“What happened?”
He was snapped out of his thoughts by her. “I stayed in the forest that night. It was a lot better there. No one could tell me someone else I loved died. No one could bother me. I was surreal and even though I'd been through that much in two months, I was calmed. Before I knew it, it was the next day. It was still early when I woke up, maybe 7 or 8, I guess. But I remember it so clearly… It's stuck in my head. The smell of fire. All around me. I couldn't escape it… I eventually got out of the flaming woods… I went home. Nothing was there. Nothing of my home was left except for a pile of ash where my past used to lay… My whole clan was dead.”
He looked down at the ground.
“In three months, no less than that, everyone I knew was gone. And as I stood there, watching the demise around me, you know who I saw? Treize Krushranda, he killed them all. He showed no mercy to them, so I will do the same to him. No mercy. He will die at my hand, to prove to my fallen clan that justice always prevails.”
“WuFei… I honestly…”
“There is no need for that. All of us here have our own reasons for participating in this war. Unfortunately most of our reasons involve the deaths of the ones we care about the most…”
“That's too true… Humans are destructive. They've been that way since the beginning of time. You'd figure after something as horrific as war they'd stop. They'd get sick of all the death. But they never do… they just keep killing… they keep crying…”
He nodded and stood up, “Good night, Kiva.”
She looked up at him, “Good night Chang.”
//end chapter//
AWW. Wasn't it so Kawaii? WuFei and Kiva conversation. They were both really OCC! And when I say really, I actually mean scarily. At least we found out about WuFei. Aww. Tear, tear. So sad.
P.S. Chapter = totally wrong about what happened to WuFei. I was too lazy to actually look up why WuFei hated Trieze, (or even how to spell his name for that matter. Tell me how to spell his name because he shall become a more important character later!) or how his clan died. But I think I had to show an emotional side of our Wu-chan. It will also be important to this story.
HAHAHA! WOOT 220 people read Squittles! *happy dance*
P.P.S. I will no longer push the whole Rate and Review. Do so if you wish or feel the need!