Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Sugar & Whips ❯ Chapter 5
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you, to everybody who reviewed this fic.
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Sugar and Whips
Part 5
“So, where exactly are we going?” Zechs asked as he followed Quatre upstairs. He had been surprised to say the least when the young man, who came to see him shortly after breakfast, announced that they would be going for a ride.
“Well, think of it as a spa and beauty salon.”
“A spa?”
“A place where you can get…”
“I know what a spa is.” Zechs huffed. “I haven't been living under some rock somewhere, you know.”
“I wasn't implying that.” Quatre looked back over his shoulder at him. “Why are you so touchy this morning?”
The older man gave another huff. “I think I should be allowed to be a little touchy, considering that I have been locked up for more than two days. Even if it is a luxury prison, it's still a prison, you know.”
“Well, that's why I thought you might like to get out for a while, but if you'd rather stay home…” Quatre held his step, turned and looked questioningly at his companion.
“I didn't say that, did I?. But that `spa' you are talking about. What are we going to do there?” Zechs asked, his voice laced with wariness and caution.
“Relax?” he echoed, sounding even more suspicious than before.
“Yes,” Quatre flashed him a bright smile. “Just wait; you will see.”
In front of the manor, a black town car was waiting for them. Zechs had been asleep when he arrived here, so this was the first time he was able to see the outside of the mansion. The tall, blond let out an impressed whistle. “He does have taste, I have to give him that much,” he remarked as he let his gaze wander over the impeccably maintained garden and the perfectly manicured lawns. “But then again, I guess the right amount of money makes it easy to `express' one's taste.”
“Are you ready to leave?”
The voice startled Zechs. He hadn't realized that they weren't alone. Beside the large car stood a young man with chocolate brown, unruly hair and watchful, dark-blue eyes. Zechs could have sworn he had not been there just a moment ago. Where the heck did he come from?
“We are ready,” Quatre confirmed. “Zechs, this is Heero Yuy. He will accompany us.” He introduced. “Heero, this is Zechs. I don't think you have met yet.”
The young man returned the greeting with a curt nod. As he climbed behind the wheel of the luxury car Zechs' gaze fell upon the bulge under his left arm.
The blond frowned. Is he carrying?
Quatre had opened the door to the backseat and gestured for Zechs to get in.
“What is he?” the older man asked. “A bodyguard?”
“I supposed that could be part of his job description. He is chief of security at the Black Rose.”
“Chief of security?! He looks like he barely finished college.”
Quatre shrugged as he made himself comfortable on the black leather seat. “Master Treize values skills more than age I suppose. And Heero is the best in what he is doing; be it taking care of security issues at the club, personal protection or guarding a person. And…Heero is extremely loyal toward the duke.”
I see,” Zechs nodded. He didn't miss the hidden warning behind Quatre's words. For a few moments he stared quietly through the tinted window while Heero steered the car down the driveway. Then he turned his head. “Quatre!?”
“Can you tell me more about the Black Rose? You said it was an S&M club and that the duke owns it, but that's pretty much all I know.”
“What do you want me to tell you?”
“Well, the Black Rose is a very exclusive private club. You can't even get in unless you have recommendations from a current member, and even then Master Treize conducts thorough background checks.”
“I bet having a big bank account helps too.”
“I'm sure it does,” the younger man confirmed. “Membership doesn't come cheap. The duke is a businessman after all. And he does offer his clients the best they can get for their money.”
“If you say `offering his clients the best' you mean he caters to the sadistic whims of perverted old men, don't you?”
“Ouch, that hurts, considering that I used to be a client before I started working at the club. And to tell the truth I never thought of myself as perverted or sadistic.”
“That's not…how I meant it.” Damn, I have got to stop putting my foot in my mouth.
Quatre couldn't help but chuckle at the sheepish look on Zechs' face. “That's okay. You really don't know much about these things, do you?”
“I'm afraid I don't. In fact I never even realized that S&M is practiced publicly. I thought it is something that is performed away from prying eyes, in seclusion and privacy.”
“That might be true only to a certain degree. There are quit a few clubs like the Black Rose, if you know where to look.”
“I see.”
“Zechs, I would like to ask you something as well. The other night, you said that you couldn't stay because you had something to take care off. You want to tell me about it?”
“I said that?” Zechs asked. “I don't remember anything about it. In fact there are a few things I don't remember. Maybe it was the drugs.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Quatre replied, but somehow he didn't sound fully convinced. “Look to your right.”
“Huh?” the blond turned his head in the direction the younger man indicated, just as the limousine passed a large Victorian style mansion behind a tall, wrought-iron fence.
“The Black Rose.” the younger man explained.
This was another surprise for Zechs. “I didn't realize it was this big. Somehow I imaged something more modern... more…I don't know.”
“The two upper floors are living quarters. Many of the people working here also live here out of convenience. The ground level is where the actual club is, two bars, gaming rooms, two stages, places for people to sit and enjoy themselves. And everything else that goes on happens under ground.”
Part of Zechs wondered what `everything else” actually meant, but another, bigger part of him wasn't sure if he really wanted to know. So he didn't ask.
A few minutes later the town car passed through a heavy electronic gate and headed down a long paved driveway until it came to stop in front of another large and stylish mansion.
“Wait here for a moment, and don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.”
“Alright.” Zechs nodded. As Quatre walked away the young man let his gaze wander. Walking into this building felt almost like stepping into a different time period; mid 19th century he would have guessed from the decorations and furnishing.
He was standing in what seemed like a large lobby, with a set of curved marble stairs leading to the second floor. For a moment he wondered if this place might have been a hotel or something similar in a distant past.
Across the room, two men were sitting in one of several stylish sitting areas. They were talking and sipping drinks from elegant crystal glasses, too absorbed in their conversation to even take notice of him.
“You must be Zechs.”
He spun around startled. What the hell is it with people sneaking up on you, around here? Behind him stood a young man, a few years his junior. He was wearing his long, chestnut-brown hair in a braid, and Zechs couldn't help but notice that he had the most incredible violet eyes he had ever seen. The young man was dressed in a pair of black leather pants and a black sleeveless shirt that was tight enough to show off his remarkable physique. There was something about him that reminded Zechs of a powerful black feline.
The young man flashed a wide grin as he extended his hand toward Zechs. “I'm Duo, Duo Maxwell,” he introduced himself.
“I'm Zechs Merquise, but I guess you know that already.”
They shook hands and Duo asked. “You are alone?”
“No, Quatre is somewhere around here. He said he would be right back and Heero, at least I think that was his name, is parking the car.”
“I see.”
Just at that moment Quatre walked back into the lobby through one of two stained glass double doors. “Ah, there you are. Duo, I have been looking for you. I see you two have met already.”
“Yep.” The braided young man confirmed.
“Master Treize wants you to…”
“Yeah, I know; he called me. But you guys are early. I didn't expect you for another hour or so. You will have to wait. I'm in the middle of doing someone else right now.”
“Duo!” Quatre explained in feigned shock. “Does Heero know about that?”
“Oh, shut up, and get your head out of the gutter.” Duo rolled his eyes in exasperation. “You know exactly what I meant, Quatre. I'm talking about doing somebody else's hair.”
“Well, whatever you say,” his friend laughed. “But we have some other things to take care of anyway. Call us when you are ready for us. Zechs,” he turned toward the older man. “Let's go upstairs, shall we?”
Once upstairs, Quatre and Zechs were greeted by a slender young man with obviously dyed platinum blond hair and fingernails that matched the green color of his eyes. He introduced himself as Paolo and told them that he would be taking care off them today. When Quatre informed him that they wanted to start with a tanning session Paolo led them into a changing room and handed them two white, soft cotton robes.
“Let me check if the tanning booth is free right now. I'll be back in a moment.”
As he left them Quatre told Zechs to take off his clothes and put on the robe.
Zechs hesitated. “Take off everything?”
“Yes,” the younger man confirmed. “There is nothing to be ashamed about. It's just you and me in here. Besides,” he smirked slightly. “It's nothing I haven't seen already.”
That's right. He was the one who dressed me when I was drugged out.
“Have you ever gotten a spray tan?”
“No,” Zechs shook his head. “But I've heard of it. It's like being airbrushed with some kind of self tanner, isn't it?”
“Basically yes, but spray tan is a little more sophisticated than a simple self tanner. It works with your own natural skin pigmentations. It will give you a healthy tan and a flawless skin tone without any marks and blemishes. Now take off your clothes, will you?”
Zechs sighed inwardly. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. The younger man has already removed his shoes and socks, and was unbuttoning his shirt. Zechs discretely turned his back toward Quatre as he too begun to undress.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door to the changing room. “The tanning booth is free,” Paolo informed them. “Please, let me know when you are ready.”
After their tanning session Paolo took them to another room, and another contraption he had never even heard about. It looked like an octagon shaped glass enclosure; a giant waterless aquarium or perhaps a holographic projector like one would see in a sci-fi movie. There was a door in one of the walls and some kind of computer console beside it.
“What is that thing?” he asked.
“It's called `Intellifit'; basically a body scanner.”
“A body scanner?”
“Yep, think of it as something like a CAT scan but for the outside of your body,” Quatre explained. “It will build up huge amounts of data points that the computer will use to calculate the exact measurement for your body. Long gone are the days of tailors with measuring tapes and notepads. This is the latest thing, and the most accurate.”
Zechs didn't seem very convinced as he eyed the apparatus. “Don't you think that's a little over the top?”
“Not really. Trust me, Zechs,” The younger man smirked. “If you wear leather on your skin, which you probably will do a lot from now on, you don't want it to pinch or chafe at the wrong place.”
“Okay, if you put it that way….”
“Are we ready?” Paolo, who had stepped to the computer panel, looked at them questioningly.
“Let me guess. I'll have to take off my robe again?” In the tanning booth at least they had been alone, but this time it seemed that their attendant wasn't going to leave.
“I'm afraid so,” Quatre confirmed. “You'd better get used to it, Zechs.”
That's easier said then done. Maybe you are used to this, but I have this little thing called modesty and I can't just turn it off at will. But I guess there is no way around it. The old fashion `Tape and notepad' way would probably be a lot more unpleasant. With another inward sigh Zechs slipped off his robe and stepped into the scanner.
To Paolo's credit he had to admit that the young man acted very `professionally'. His worked on the computer; his eyes never even leaving the screen until the scan was complete and Zechs had stepped out of the machine and put on his robe again.
“So, what now?” the older man asked, somewhat wary.
“Now we are coming to the relaxing part I was talking about.”
They followed Paolo down the hall into what seemed like a large bathroom. The centerpiece of the room was a large hot tub which had been set into the marble floor. The air was heavy with the smell and herbs and flowers. Soft music playing from some hidden sound system and dozens of flickering candles provided atmosphere of peace and tranquility. As their attendant left to retrieve some towels Quatre slipped off his robe and stepped into the tub.
“Ah, wonderful.” With a satisfied moan he slipped into the water. When he beckoned Zechs to join him, the older man disrobed as well and followed him. They came to sit across from each other in the hot tub that was large enough to easily hold four or five grown men.
A few moments later Paolo came back with a stack of towels. “Is there anything else I can bring you?” he asked as he put them down on a chair next to the Jacuzzi. “Something to drink perhaps?”
“Yes please; I'll have a Pineapple Splash.” Quatre requested.
Paolo nodded in acknowledgement and turned toward Zechs. “And what can I get you?”
“Um…I think I'm okay, thanks.” I don't have a penny to my name right now, and to be honest I'm not even sure what happed to my wallet.
Quatre seemed to be reading his mind, because he said. “If you are worried about the money, don't be. All of this is paid for by Master Treize, and he told me to thoroughly spoil you today. So please try to enjoy yourself a little.”
“I guess I'll have the same as he has then.”
“Very well, I'll be right back with your drinks.”
It really took only a few minutes before he returned with two champagne flutes on a tray. The rim of each glass was decorated with a piece of pineapple. Paolo served first Quatre his drink then handed the second glass to Zech.
“If you need anything else let me know. I'll be nearby.”
As he retreated Zechs took a cautious sip from his drink. It was sweet, but not too sweet. He could taste alcohol, but it wasn't overwhelming.
“How is it; too sweet?” Quatre asked.
“No, it's quite good. What's in it?”
“Just pineapple juice and Dom Pérignon. I like it because it is refreshing, but a glass or two won't give you a buzz. The perfect cocktail before lunch.”
“I really like it.” Zechs closed his eyes and slowly reclined until he was almost completely immersed in the warm water. His head rested comfortably against one of the cushioned pads as he breathed in deeply the relaxing smell of lavender and rosemary.
“So, what do you think?”
“This, I think is the part I could get used to.”
Quatre laughed. “I'm glad to hear it.”
The older man slowly opened his eyes and took another sip from his glass. “Quatre, if you don't mind me asking… How much money do you make working at the Black Rose?”
“I'm not even sure. My pay goes directly into my bank account and I have never bothered checking. Truth to be told, money was never an object for me. You could say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I think one of the reasons why I took his offer to work at the club was that I was trying to separate myself from my father's influence.”
“I see.”
“What about you? What have you been doing till now?”
“I…um…” Zechs stammered evasively, instantly regretting to have ever brought the subject up.
“It's alright,” Quatre smiled softly. “If you don't want to talk about yourself, you don't have to. But I just want you to know…Around here, we trust each other. We have to, or we couldn't do what we are doing. We are like a big family, and I hope that someday you will consider yourself part of that family too.”
“Thanks.” Perhaps…some day…Right now I don't think I'm quite ready to trust you.
Zechs lifted his glass and finished the rest of his drink. He set the glass down on the marble tiles next to the tub and closed his eyes again.
For a long time nobody spoke. Then there was a discrete knock at the door before it opened and Paolo stuck his head into the room. “I'm sorry to disturb you, but Duo called to let you know that he is ready for you now and waiting.”
“Thanks.” Quatre nodded in acknowledgement. “Tell that we will be there in a few minutes.”
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Author's Note: