Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Sugar & Whips ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you, to everybody who reviewed this fic.
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Sugar and Whips
Part 10
Zechs trembled. He wasn't sure if it was the cool air against his bare skin or the look in the duke's eyes that sent a cold shiver down his spine.
The full-body training harness he was wearing wasn't covering anything. The y-shaped chest piece was connected to a wide leather collar that prevented him from lowering his head. An adjustable leather strap ran from a belt around his waist down his crotch ending in a metal ring that fit tightly around the base of his cock and balls. The cock itself was enclosed in a leather shaft that left only the mushroom-shaped head exposed. Iron chains ran from a pair of straps around his upper arms through solid leather cuffs around his wrists, which where hooked together on his back and chained to a solid bondage rack. His spread legs were bound to the rack in a similar way, leaving Zechs immobilized and utterly exposed to his master's gaze.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you look like this; so helpless…so vulnerable?” Treize stepped closer and beheld the young man for a few more moments. The light of the flickering candles reflected in Zechs long, pale-blond hair and ice-blue eyes. He reached out and ran his fingertips softly over his pet's chest. “Your heart is racing, are you scared? There is not reason to be afraid. As long as you are willing to submit and do as I order, you have nothing to fear.”
Zechs swallowed. Another shiver ran through his body as the duke's thumbs brushed teasingly over his nipples. Please don't!
“I already told you that I take no pleasure in hurting you. In my experience reward works much better than punishment. But you need to understand that disobedience and stubbornness will not be tolerated. Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes what?” The duke asked, a slight trace of irritation in his voice.
“Yes, Master.” Zechs corrected himself.
“Tsk, Tsk,” Treize shook his head in criticism. “What does it take to make you remember to address me properly?” He reached out and lifted Zechs' chin, making the young man look up to him. Zechs' jaws tightened, and the duke raised one eyebrow in amusement. “Ah, defiant, aren't we? Apparently I still didn't make myself clear enough.” He brushed his thumb across his pet's lips, pushing slightly to force the young man to open his mouth.
“Aah!” Treize cried out in a mixture of pain and disbelieve, and jerked back his hand when Zechs' teeth suddenly clamped down on his finger, hard enough to break the skin.
“You!” Crystal-blue eyes darkened in rage as the duke reached for his whip.
Zechs flinched.
Quatre was helping Trowa to set the table for breakfast when they heard the door to the basement opening.
Trowa turned his head, surprised because he didn't expect the duke to finish the training session so soon. Then his gaze fell onto the bloody handkerchief Treize had wrapped around this left thumb. He frowned. “Master, what happened?” Trowa's voice was laced with concern.
“Nothing, I'm fine.” Treize insisted. He never even slowed his pace as he walked past the dining room. “Trowa, go and take care off Zechs. Take him back to his room; I'm done with him for today.”
“I'll go,” Quatre mouthed as he gestured for his lover to follow the duke.
Trowa nodded. “Master, you are bleeding, it can't be nothing.”
The duke stopped and turned his head, brows furrowed in irritation. “Didn't I tell you to…?”
“Quatre is taking care of it. Please, let me take a look at your hand.”
“Fine,” Treize finally gave in.
“What happened?' the younger man wanted to know as he fell into step behind his master.
The duke didn't even turn his head. “He bit me.”
He what? Trowa's jaw almost dropped. “I'll go get a first aid kit.”
When Trowa walked into the drawing room a few minutes later with the little emergency case in his hand, the duke had poured himself a Brandy and was sitting in an armchair by the fireplace. That was rather unusual. Trowa couldn't remember ever seeing him drink so early in the morning. Something had to be bothering Treize more than he admitted.
“What exactly happened, Master?” the young man asked as he set the first aid kit on the table and knelt down in front of the tawny-haired man.
Treize's fingers tightened around his Brandy glass. “His stubbornness and defiance is infuriating.”
“Hm…,” Trowa removed the makeshift bandage and examined the bite marks at the base of the master's thumb. “Apparently he has a healthy and strong set of teeth. I'll clean the wound but it doesn't look like you'll need stitches, Sir.”
“For a moment there, I almost lost my temper for a second time. I nearly forgot my own number one rule to never raise my whip in anger. You have no idea how close I came, Trowa.”
At that moment he finally understood. It wasn't as much the fact that Zechs had attacked him as his own reaction to it that troubled the master.
“So,” the young man asked. “In other words, you just realized that you are as human as everybody else?”
The duke hissed as Trowa dabbed the wound with a piece of gauze soaked in antiseptic. “If I can't control myself I have no business trying to train a pet.”
“With all due respect, Master. I think you are overreacting. As long as I have been with you I have never known you to be cruel or unreasonable,” Trowa remarked. He bandaged the wound, closed the first aid kit and rose to his feet. “As for Zechs, he as been a pain in the behind since the day got here. If I was his master I would have whipped his butt a long time ago.”
“Zechs, are you alright?” Quatre turned on the overhead light as he entered the `dungeon'.
“I'm fine.” The blond squinted against the sudden brightness.
The younger man shook his head in a mixture of disbelieve and criticism as he started to untie Zechs. “What you just did was a very stupid thing to do.”
“Do you think I don't know that myself?”
“Then why? What were you thinking?”
“I don't know. I didn't think at all… It just happened…a reflex…”
Quatre had removed the leather restraints from around his ankles and was now working on the bindings that tied his wrists to the bondage rack. “Are you sure that you are alright? You are shaking.”
“I'm freezing.”
The younger man frowned. “It's not that cold in here.” In fact he had turned on the heater himself when the duke told him to get Zechs ready for a pre-breakfast training session.
Zechs snorted. “That's easy for you to say, you are dressed.”
Quatre finally unhooked the last chain. “Let's get you to your room.”
Zechs had to lean on the other man. After being chained up in that rather uncomfortable position his muscles felt painfully stiff. Luckily it wasn't far to his room. Once there, Quatre helped him to remove the leather harness.
“Go, take a hot shower,” the younger man suggested. “I'll bring you something to eat and some tea.”
Zechs nodded. “Thanks.”
“Sir, may I enter?” Quatre, balancing a tray filled with Treize's favorite breakfast dishes with one hand, knocked at door to the duke's study.
“Yes, come in.”
The young man pushed the door open and stepped into the room. “I brought you something to eat.”
Treize put down the book he was reading and frowned. “I told Trowa already that I wasn't hungry.”
“I know.” Quatre replied casually as he set the tray down on the table and proceeded to pour a cup of coffee for the duke.
Treize's frown deepened. “Quatre, am I still in charge around here?”
“Of course you are.” The young man flashed him an impish smile.
“Just making sure.”
“But now that I went through all the trouble of bringing you breakfast, you could at least do me the favor and eat.” He looked at the master questioningly as he held up the coffee cup.
“Very well,” Treize sighed. “I have the feeling you won't take no for an answer.” He accepted the cup, poured some cream into the coffee and stirred it slowly, thoughtfully. “You are leaving today, are you not?”
“Yes, early this afternoon.” Quatre confirmed as he put a plate, napkin and silverware in front of the duke. “I'll be back in about a week, but if you need me you can call me anytime and I'll return right away.”
Treize's lips curved in amusement. “I'm sure we will somehow manage to survive for a week without you.” He took a sip from his coffee before he continued. “You just enjoy the time with your family. Give my regards to your father and my best wishes to your sister and her husband.”
“I'll be sure to do that,” the young man assured him. He had finished the table setting and should have been ready to leave, but he hesitated. “Master…I …could I talk to you about something?”
“Talk about what?”
“About Zechs.”
“What about him?” Treize looked at the younger man from over the rim of his coffee cup.
“I realize that you must be angry at him right now…”
“What makes you think that? Truth is I'm not angrier at him than I am at myself. So, what is it you wanted to talk about?
“I thought…maybe we were wrong …maybe it's not just stubbornness and defiance that makes Zechs act the way he does?”
“But instead?” The duke gestured for Quatre to take a seat.
“I think he is scared.”
Treize frowned. “I don't think I have given him any reason to fear me.”
“I don't think it is as much fear of you, as fear of he unknown. He really has no idea about S&M and BDSM, or even worse he has the wrong idea. I'm not even sure if he has any experience with a male partner, the day at the spa he acted almost like he had never undress in front of another man before. He doesn't know what to expect and that scares him. Until he realizes that there is nothing to fear he won't be able to trust you, and without that trust he will never make a good pet.”
“So, in other words he just needs to learn that it is alright to submit…that it can be very enjoyable.”
When Trowa entered their bedroom, looking for Quatre he was surprised to find him outside on the balcony. The young man was leaning against the balustrade looking down into the garden, so deep in thought that he didn't even noticed his lover approach.
Trowa snaked one arm around Quatre's waist and dipped his head to kiss the back of his lover's neck. “What are you doing? Shouldn't you be getting ready?”
“Trowa,” Quatre turned in the other man's embrace, his expression very serious. “I have been thinking…Maybe I should call my father and tell him that I'm not coming.”
“What? You can't be serious Quatre. It's your sister's wedding; you need to attend. Especially after Master Treize put in so much effort to make you and your father work things out.”
His lover sighed. “I know. But…I can't shake the feeling that I shouldn't leave right now.”
Trowa smiled softly. Quatre could be so sensitive. With his arm still wrapped around the other man he lowered himself onto the ground, pulling his lover down and into his lap. “Who are you worried about?” he asked softly, “Master Treize or Zechs?”
“Both,” Quatre admitted. “You know, when I was a kid, one day a stray dog followed me home after school. I called him Mikki. When my father tried to put a collar around his neck, the dog snapped at him. Afraid that Mikki might attack me or one of my sisters; Father insisted on calling animal services and have him taken to a shelter. I told him I would do it myself, but instead I hid Mikki in one of the outbuildings on out land that was vacant at the time. One day while I was in school out groundskeeper checked the building. Mikki jumped at him and scared him and the man shot him.”
Trowa gave a tiny smirk. “If that's what you are worried about, I don't think the master is quite ready yet to shoot Zechs.”
“Trowa!” His lover reprimanded lightheartedly. “That's not even the point. What I was trying to say it that Mikki wasn't a bad dog. He just wasn't used to be around people because he had been on his own for a long time, and he was scared because he didn't know what to expect.”
“So,” Trowa concluded. “Zechs is Mikki?”
“Yes, I think so, in a way. I already talked to Master Treize about it.”
“Then what are you still worried about? Leave it to the master.”
“I know, I know, but…”
Trowa gently cupped his lover's face ad looked him straight into the eyes. “Quatre, you worry too much.” His lips curled into a suggestive smile. “If we had more time right now I'd be sure to take you mind of this.”
Quatre laughed. “I'm sure you would. I'll miss you.”
“I'll miss you too. But it's just a week. And let me tell you what we will be doing when you get back.” He leaned in and whispered something into his lover's ear that made the young man blush.
“Oh my,” Quatre purred. “That sounds… positively delightful.”
Later that night, Trowa and Treize were driving home from the Black Rose, when the Duke raised the glass screen that separated the driver's cabin from the back of the limousine; a sign that he wanted to talk about something.
“Trowa, Quatre came to me earlier today to talk about Zechs.”
“Yes I know, Master.” Trowa nodded. “He told me about it.”
“I have reflected on what I said,” Treize continued. “I think I'll try a something a little different with Zechs tomorrow, and I'll need your help.”
“Yes, of course,” the younger man gave another nod. “What do you have in mind, Master?”
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Author's Note: