Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams are Made of This ❯ part 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sweet dreams are made of this

::yawn:: I'sa tired. Well, this chapter has vast amounts of dialogue. Which, for those of you who haven't figured this out yet, is my weak point. I gonna write now.

Part VI

"Come in."

Hesitantly the raven-haired girl opened the office door and walked in, silently shutting the wooden panel behind her.

"So, you must be Witch," Lady Une smiled from behind her cherry wood desk, "Please, sit." The girl responded to the order immediately. For a long moment the two just sat there staring at each other; Witch adopting her best friend's patented emotionless gaze. "And now I can see the 'family' resemblance.

"Witch," The good Lady continued, "as you should know, there was a resent attack by Dr. Mulich on one of our Preventor Bases. Now, I'd love to ask you some questions-if you would comply, of course-about your time in the laboratory, however, we seem to have no time for that now. Still, I was prepared to offer you a job working with us here at Preventors, and I am still going to, if you are interested?"

Witch sat perfectly still for a long moment before inclining her head slightly in acceptance.

"Perfect. Report to Kogji then, I've arranged everything with him. Dismissed."

Finished, Lady Une watched the teenager rise, move soundlessly to the door and disappear through the portal, leaving not a telltale sign that she had ever been there. "Strange child… too much like Heero, er Kogji for her own good…"


Witch moved silently, as always, around the Preventor mansion, following her friend's scent. Her new master told her to find him, and find him she would, but now her head was beginning to ache from an infuriating scent mixed with her brother's. The aroma was defiantly masculine, she knew, but there was something different about it; something strange, not quite right. The girl paused to lean against the wall and closed her senses, trying to clear her head for a moment. Just as she opened her eyes again, she heard steps begin to sound from the room behind the wall. As she began to walk, the door opened and a young woman stepped into her.

"Itai!" The braided girl groaned, rubbing her now red forehead, "You need to watch where you're go-oh. It's you."

Witch just stared at the girl who was then revealed to be one of the boys she had met earlier, "…."

"So, finally back from that little shopping spree, eh? It shows, I must say: you've got good taste!"

Duo nodded at the girl's choice of a black tank top and loose black cargos paired with thick-soled combat boots.


Had this been any other anime, Duo would have sweat-dropped, "Dude, you are w-h-aaay too much like Kogji for your own good!"

Witch smiled. "You know," He teased, "You should do that more often, you're kinda cute when you smile!" With that Duo walked off, swinging the manila-folder he was carrying and whistling a tune leaving behind the blushing teenager.

Kogji, who had been in the office Duo just evacuated, growled under his breath at the flirtatious pilot. "Heh, jealous are we?" Holly teased her little brother.


Around this time, Witch decided to descend from Cloud 9 and continue with her mission. "Kogji-chan! Found you!" The girl caroled as she entered the room. At the corner console, Sally and Wufei both arched eyebrows in mutual surprise at the girl's abrupt mood swing.

Strange creatures, these women; one moment they refuse vocal interaction and the next are singing their dialogue like they are a part of some be-damned opera! Wufei mentally griped, for once deciding it was probably wiser not to voice such an opinion as the blonde bombshell that was his partner, Sally, was currently in the room. For you see, Wufei had finally come to the realization that such comments were best said when one was either deaf or wearing earplugs, otherwise severe hearing damage to said person could follow as a result of rather loud vocal activities of the aforementioned woman. In this way, the two created what was thus far the perfect Preventor team.

"Hey there, W-chan," Kogji replied in an affectionate voice as the girl's arms were lovingly wrapped around his neck, "I suppose you've been to see Lady Une?"


"Alright then," Kogji turned from the computer in his swivel chair, and her arms automatically released him as she stepped back to give him room, "Did you take the job?"


"Do you fully understand your position and its implications?"

"….Iie." Half the room almost face faulted.

"You took a job without understanding what it is?!" An anonymous person in the office asked, his voice unbelieving that anyone would commit such an act of idiocy.

"Yes, why not? I need a job, don't I? Besides, it's the same organization my family works for so could it be all that bad?"

There was a pause, then several mutterings of "Guess not." "She's got a point." "Can't really argue with _that _ logic."

Witch turned back to Kogji. "Anyway, your job as a Preventor is just that, to Prevent wars. Our motto explains it fully. Prevent, Preserve, Protect."

"So, you Prevent the wars, Preserve the peace, and Protect the people, right?"


"I'm glad to see that you understand," A soft voice sounded from behind the girl.

Witch turned to be met with another face from that morning.

"Witch, this is Quatre, your new partner." The boy held out his hand to her, a smile playing upon his lips. Cautiously she placed her palm to his and returned his smile. "I'd say it's a pleasure, but we've met once before, I see," The Arab joked lightly, "I'm glad we'll be working together."

The female, not quite sure what to do in this situation simply nodded as she had been taught that that was always the most polite reply-sort of actually answering-to a remark.

~an hour later~

"So, she's made contact with Mulich?" S-6 asked is a strange voice, poking at her salad with her fork. "Hai," The arab replied curtly. For a few moments, everything was relatively silent between them.

After meeting each other, Quatre had showed her to the office where they would be working. No one else had been in there, it having been their dinner-hour, so the pair decided to go grab a bite to eat. Since they sat down, they found they had nothing in common to talk of.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Quatre looked up and smiled, "Of course not, Miss. Hilde! There's plenty of room."

The black-haired girl sat her tray down before pulling out her chair, "Thanks. So, Quatre, how's everything?"

"Depends… You've heard about the attack, right?"

"Who hasn't? Aurgh, Lady Une is in a tizzy, battling it out with Doctor what's-his-face right now."

"Mulich," Witch supplied, not looking up from her salad.

"Mulich, right," Hilde replied, "So, you must be new here! I'm Hilde," She held out her hand to the girl, "I was Duo's partner, but I've just been reassigned to your group with Sally."

"You've both been reassigned?" Quatre asked, somewhat shocked at this turn of events.

Witch, whom had supplied her hand a minute ago, went back to staring at the salad she was supposed to be eating. Yes, the meals were free here but someone needed to inspect those kitchens!

"Hai, Hai. Lady Une wants the Survivors and G-Pilots to be working together. I thought you knew that?"

"Well, I knew I was being paired with Witch here, but that was about it."

"Witch? Oh… You're a Survivor?"

A nod was the only reply she got.

"…. Is there something wrong with that salad, Witch?" Quatre asked after a pause. He didn't like the way she was staring at it.

"Not really…. However, I'd love to know who ate it before I… was suppose to."

"Ano… why would you say that?"

The girl looked up at him, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Alright, that's just creepy," Hilde pushed her food slightly away from her.

"Don't bother… it's just the salad, as far as I can tell…. I think a roach might have gotten into it."

"That makes me feel much better."

"Hey, you asked."

Quatre chuckled slightly, "Yes, I suppose I did."

Suddenly Hilde stood, "Hey Duo! Over here!" When she was sure the braided boy had seen her, she sat back down again. Witch looked kinda uncomfortable with the prospect of more company but didn't say anything.

Duo walked over and sat his tray down on the table before turning his chair backwards and sitting on it, "Hey guys! Wassap?" (Ahhh! The demon word!)

Everyone was staring at his tray, however. Salad. Duo picked up his fork and ate a bite before noticing. Now they were all staring at him. "What?" He asked around a mouthful. "Nothing," was the general consensus. Witch couldn't help it, she began to laugh quietly followed soon by Quatre's low chuckle. Only Hilde was able to keep her amusement hidden… for now.

"What the hell is so funny?" Duo asked after swallowing.

"Nothing! Nothing, nothing, nothing!" Hilde replied, trying her best not to laugh.

"Quatre?" Duo looked towards the Arab boy, figuring he would tell him what was going on. Between bouts of laughter, the blonde managed to spit out, "You don't want to know!"

"Ahha… Whatever," Duo ate another bite, "So anyway. Who's your new partner, Hilde?"

"Sally. We're still waiting assignment of course."

"As is everybody." Duo replied, glaring at the other two who were starting to get over whatever it was that had been so funny.

Quatre looked up at Witch, Maybe this pairing will work after all…


At the start of the announcement, Witch's hands immediately flew to cover her ears. Way, way, way too loud!

Her companions stared at her, not knowing what was wrong. When the intercom turned itself off, after repeating its message three times, he stood up and tapped her shoulder. She looked up and took her hands away from her ears.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. I wish they wouldn't turn those things up so loud though…" Witch stood up. She had, of course, been able to hear what they wanted.

Duo walked behind them, "Dude, that wasn't that loud."

"To you maybe."

In the corridor, they saw Trowa and Dorin coming out of one of the offices, Dorin looked a little dizzy.

"Oh by the Gods, I wish they wouldn't turn that thing up so loud…"

"It wasn't that loud," Trowa replied.

"To you maybe," the African boy snapped, the pain in his head interrupting his normally impeccable manners.

"Your head pounding, too?" Witch asked as they caught up with the pair.

"Hai, hai."


PC: Yeah, this is short and without most point. Although, I suppose, you do need to know some of it in order to understand coming chapters. I'm stoping here though cause my head hurts about as much as Witch's right now. Too much dialogue! It's a killer, I tell ya!