Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Taki Nobori ❯ Nante osshai mashita ka. ( Chapter 6 )
The disclaimer and warnings are stated within the first four chapters.
I would like to thank all those who have reviewed my story. Sorry about such the long wait… I have been extremely busy with school (I finally got a GPA higher than 3.5!), band (field show season's finally over) and other stuff. Now, the long awaited sixth chapter for T-N!
Taki-Nobori: Chapter 6 - Nante osshai mashita ka.
By: Liz a.k.a. - Kochiyami
"I think its getting to the point that's the hardest part.
Where our thoughts and doubts collide and spark."
(First POV - Heero)
"Thanks" was all she said to me as I was leaving the office. However, when I heard her say that one word of thanks towards me, I could not help the tingle that ran down my spine as I nodded my "your welcome" in response. How could one word spark such a reaction in me?
"Heero, are you all right?" I heard Trowa ask me, sounding as if he was at a distance. I did not know why, but I just could not concentrate at that precise moment. I ignored his question, making him sign in irritation and we quietly made our way towards our fifth period class.
I tried to ignore it, to whatever extent I could, but it wouldn't leave my thoughts.
(Third POV [for most of the chapter])
The next day, Heero's thoughts were plaguing him as he drove to school. They continued to do so once he entered the school, having his eyes scanned the hallways as they looked for their target. He had many thoughts consuming him, as they seemed to fly about in a powerful swirl. He somehow needed to see her once more. Just to see, just to calm that urge to see if she was all right. What in the world is wrong with me? He thought to himself. He couldn't recall a time when he had such sudden and powerful urges such as those he was feeling at that moment, well from what he could remember.
All these thoughts are starting to hurt my brain he thought with a groan as he felt the sudden wave of sleepiness and an on coming headache overcome his current physical feelings. He let out a long yawn; he had made the extra effort of coming to school forty-five minutes early. To him it was still quite too early for his tastes. However, as the minutes strolled by each time he checked his watch during his search, his efforts seem to be going to waste. There wasn't one single sign of that fascinating hair. Maybe later… he thought to himself as he turned around and started to, out of habit, walk towards his zero period class as he yawned quietly along the way.
Finding himself in front of his zero period class with no recollection of ever making such a trip, he silently went in and sat down in his seat with little enthusiasm. Looking around him with slight curiosity, however concealed it was, he noted with a "sweat-drop" that it was only him, the teacher and about three other students. There was only two minutes left until the bell was required to ring. His blue eyes glanced slowly at the classroom clock that was conveniently place in the front of the room just a little bit above the white board, and noted to himself with quiet amusement, that in about forty-five seconds the rest of his class would most likely be rushing to get inside and to their seats in an animated huff. His assumption was all too correct much to his chagrin.
Even though he might not show the slightest expression on the daily basis, he tried hard to contain his amusement carefully. It was just too stupid to not to ignore.
A yawn, two yawns… how much more boring could this ol' coot get? Duo thought to himself dispassionately. Only first period and already he felt like he was there for a whole year. He looked up to his right at the clock, dully noting that it was only half way into the class.
I think I might die from all this boredom! He thought. His thoughts, however, was interrupted by an angry voice. "Duo Maxwell," The voice shouted out, catching his attention at once since it was, in fact, his name. "Do you think I would let you, of all people, sleep in MY class?" Duo was quite awake by now. "Not even a month into the school year and you're already slacking-off! I am close to just transferring you out of here mister! I would be happy once I get you out of my classroom. The gall of them, putting a freshman in my classroom! I'll show you exactly why I'm known around this campus of being the hardest English teacher there is. Detention for thirty minutes at lunch today," She said in a horrible huff.
To Duo's annoyance, the evil coot didn't even let him explain, let alone say a single word. Bitch was the only word on his mind as he crouched down in his seat, just trying to stare down that evil coot and make her writher.
His sudden attention had grabbed every eye in the classroom. This was horribly obvious, as Duo looked around him, currently forgetting his mission to try to make his teacher melt; he kept up his current mask of a fake half-smile that looked like a "guilty-embarrassed" expression, hoping that it would avert his classmates' attentions. The look seemed to satisfy most of his classmates as some offered pity-smiles before they completely looked away from Duo to once again pay attention to the teacher. However, not everyone was satisfied with his masked look.
At the corner of the room, an upperclassman was intently looking at Duo with interest. The person was silently observing the many expressions Duo was making and noted the simple things about the younger boy that stood out. Duo, who felt someone's eyes on him, turned to look for whom exactly the stares were coming from, but with no such luck.
Today bites… Duo thought with a groan as his teacher glared "The glare of Death" at him for no apparent reason. I'm dead…
Needless to say, Duo's day started horrible and well, there wasn't much hope for the rest of it either.
"Have you seen her yet?" an unknown upperclassman said to his friends as they walked down the hall.
"Seen who?" his friend asked curiously. "What girl has caught your eyes now Jimmy?"
"She's some smart freshman, that's what I heard. She's got some freakin' long ass hair, literally, and some exotic eyes." He said in an admiring daze. "I'd like to score with her that's for sure." He chuckled evilly as he patted his friend to the right with vigor, "If you seen her, you would want to do the same thing."
"Is that her?" The one friend that stood quiet all that time said. This caught the other two's attentions as they watched the supposed "girl" make her way through the hallway, looking as if she was having a hard time doing so.
"Yeah…" Jimmy said, completely smitten as he glazed at the "girl". "C'mon!" Jimmy said. As if a sudden light bulb turned on over his head, Jimmy captured both of his friends' wrists and started to drag them along with him.
The girl, to her misfortune, had no idea what was going on when she felt herself suddenly be pushed up against the near by lockers. She looked up shocked at the person who did it, then as if a wild fire broke out, she angrily glared at the boy who had her pinned to the lockers.
"Would you please move your fucking ass out of my way?" The girl spat at the boy, Jimmy, and twisted to her side to escape from her captured position. "Why would I do something like that?" He sneered at her. "I like you just like that, all huffed up and wired." He smirked at her with triumph, as he looked her over good. He however, didn't notice that "she" was in fact a "he".
"Hey Jimmy, eh, why don't you just let her go?" The quiet friend uneasily said. Having particularly hearing the use of "her" when the other boy was referring to him, Duo Maxwell looked like he was declaring war.
"Damn, two times in two fucking days." Duo mumbled to himself as he looked at the boys crowding his personal space. However, he just realized…"Who are you calling a "she"?" He said in a fury. "Where the fuck do you see breasts and some curvy hips on my persona?" Duo yelled out at the three upperclassmen towering above him, especially at the one who was pinning him to the lockers like some freaking girl. "Why does everyone fucking think I'm a girl at first glance? Fuck, is it so hard to look and see if that assumed "girl" has the PARTS for a girl? Fuck, you're a fucking idiot." As anyone who was gathering around Duo and the three other upperclassmen would see, Duo was ready to blow the casket.
Jimmy, embarrassed by his idiotic mistake, fumed as he caught Duo's throat in a tight chokehold and held him against the lockers with him trying to pry off the other boy's hand in a desperate attempt. "I'll teach you to fucking call me an idiot!"
Duo, who was trying to regain any air he could, widened his eyes from lack of air and some fear. This guy was serious! However small Duo might appear, he was quite strong. Nevertheless, when a guy who was almost twice his size in weight and height was choking him to death, he didn't have the strength to overpower the other and kick their ass, as Duo grudgingly admitted to himself as his vision started to blacken.
Just as he reached full unconsciousness, he noted how the once loud and scared voices around him screamed and yelled, at one point the noise ceased and it was deadly silent. The last thing he remembers was an angry growl of a voice as he heard a sickening crack and thump.
"Get the fuck away from her!" Heero snarled at the boy who was choking the girl. "Omae o korosu." He said, having not notice that in his elevated fury, he lost track of his words and had switched to his native tongue. Jimmy, who didn't realize who exactly he was dealing with, smirked at Heero intimidating. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked Heero. However, the boy's luck was fast running out as he soon found himself crying out in pain as he was punched in the face without mercy, letting go of the "girl", as Heero thought Duo was, in the process.
Heero realized that he should get some help for Duo to check and see if she was all right. However, he didn't want to get himself expelled for being in a fight, so he did the next best thing besides going to the nurse for help. He ditched, taking Duo with him with the help of Trowa, who didn't even question the motives, and took the unconscious "girl" to his home to tend to.
Three hours have all ready passed without interruption as Heero, with the help of Trowa, tended to the "girl" by putting hot rags on her forehead and just hoping that she was okay. They had placed her on Heero's bed and covered her with the blankets, trying to make it as comfortable as possible for her. With the help of Trowa, they took good care of her until Trowa had to leave, leaving Heero alone in his house. Deciding that the "girl" wouldn't wake up anytime soon, Heero decided to try to do some homework in the meantime.
Approximately thirty minutes after Heero appointed himself the task of tackling his homework, he was starting to become increasing bored. "Problem #53… The war of…" Heero muttered in utter boredom, doing yet another load of schoolwork that his teachers decided to assign as a welcome back to school gift - how nice of them. Letting out a huff of aspiration, Heero piled his homework in a neat pile, quickly looking at the "girl" who stirred on his bed and deciding she would be okay in the few minutes he would be gone and retreated down the stairs towards the kitchen to fetch something to eat. As he walked down the dark, desolate staircase inside his home, he looked at the wall to his side that held many pictures seemly taken years ago.
One particular picture caught his gaze. There were five people in all in the picture; two were women, one man and two young boys. The women were in formal kimonos, the younger looking one wearing a kimono of various shades of blue with the pattern of white flowers. The other, the much older looking one, was wearing a plain black kimono with small red flowers edging the sleeves. Both of the women's hair was pinned back in elegant buns. The man, however, was dressed in a plain gray kimono, his hair neat. The boys on the other hand were dressed in kimonos of striped blue and black. One boy, the one to the far left of the picture had deep reddish-black hair that was tied back in a decent looking plait. The other boy, the one that was to the far right of the picture, had his hair in unruly truffles of dark brown.
The people had arranged themselves next to each other. Close yet separate. None of the five people were smiling.
He sighed as he looked away from the picture and continued on his way down the stairs. In an unenthusiastic push, he opened the kitchen doors and to his shock, he found his older sister sitting at the kitchen table.
"Nao'… what are you doing here?" He asked, a hint of surprise emitting from his voice.
"I'm visiting for the week Taiji." His sister said, using his middle name affectionately. "Where's pops and mama? I hope they're here for once…" Her voice hit a bitter tone as she looked at her brother with a sad smile.
Heero didn't bother to answer his sister's questions, he simply didn't want to.
"So… Taiji, you're seventeen now, yes? I'm losing track of time!" Heero tried to not listen to her as she started her old habit of talking excessively, however, he couldn't help but listen. He just missed her so much; of course, he'll never tell her that.
"Taiji," she sighed as she realized Heero wasn't answering her questions "you haven't changed at all." She shook her head dispirited.
A/N: Yeah, I know it wasn't the best chapter ever, I feel horrible about that. Ah, I feel even worse for making you, the readers, wait so damn long for another chapter! I promise no more slacking off on this story! *cross my heart and hope to die* kind of promise! Anyways, since I'm doing great in school and band is starting to go in neutral for a while, I got ALOT of time on my hands to finally update my stories!
Oh yeah, as many of you reviews have asked, "Why does people (esp. Heero and Trowa) think Duo is a girl?" I got to hand it to all of you who've asked, it's a very good question. The reason for it is that even though in the English version of Gundam Wing, the voice for Duo Maxwell is a deep baritone. However, in the Japanese version, his voice is not that low and is actually kind-of a between an alto and a tenor. As I know, some girls don't exactly have the highest voices that are considered "feminine" by societies' standards. Therefore, I thought it was the perfect sort of voice that could be either female or male, depends on what the viewer might think. That's the only reason why the other characters in the story get confused with the gender of Duo. I would also like to say, someone has asked why `Fei is acting so meek. Well it's simple really, I have already stated why he is acting like that but it seems some people didn't read it. The reason for `Fei's meekness is because he's been picked on a lot throughout his duration of schooling. For that reason, he has lost many friends due to their fear of being abused as well. This has caused `Fei to loose his faith in friendship and people. However, the `Fei that you all know and love is not gone; he's just being hidden at this point in time. Don't fret about it though, he'll appear soon enough! Thanks for the questions and reviews. I'm always happy to answer them and reply if needed. Review or Flame, whatever rocks your boat!
Nante osshai mashita ka. : What did you say?
Omae o korosu. : I'll kill you.
Nao' : shorten version for Naozumi
Kimono: A kind of loose robe or gown tied with a sash, worn as a traditional outer garment by Japanese women and men.