Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tank Police Division 195 ❯ Father of Mine ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Many thanks to everyone who reviewed. There's a lot more fic to come as soon as I figure out how to write it, and please be on the lookout for another
experimental project of mine called Silvermask (it's a Bond parody) a new
chapter of The Flipside with Kaori, and of course more QFF. Oh yeah, and
Silver, I'd love to do a cameo in your fic; I'm honored you asked!

Tank Police Division 195
Chapter Eleven: Father of Mine

Today, Duo was on patrol with Heero so Trowa was the one who had to read the journal with Wufei.

Duo was right, this is boring. Trowa yawned.

Yeah well, police work isn't all glamorous. Wufei said. Now suck it up and keep reading.

Bah How long until those two get back, and why isn't Quatre suffering with us?

Another two hours at least. Noin and Lieutenant Peacecraft are supposed to relieve us if they get caught up in something. As for Quatre, he had something to take care of.

They'd better not get caught up in something. Trowa growled. Wufei laughed at
him. I'll kill 'em both if I find out they were having fun while we were in
here dying of ennui. Wufei laughed at him.

You must learn perseverance, grasshoppa.

Ha ha ha

Elsewhere in the building, Quatre was in Une's office. One of his father's employees had visited the other day to inquire about him and request that he be given a message. After reading the note, the young tank officer was visibly upset.

My father is requesting that I see him. Quatre all but growled.

Well, you're not on patrol tomorrow. You can take the time to see him then. Une said, quietly.

Thank you.

Would you like to talk about it?

Thank you, but no. It's my problem, I'll deal with it.

I understand.

In another sector of the city, Heero and Duo were in hot pursuit of a pair of some thieves that had managed to get their hands on a police tank that was in the shop for repairs.

These guys sure don't know when to quit. Heero said over the com.

At least we know that the main gun's busted. That's good news for us since they
can't blow anything up with it. Duo replied, then he swerved his tank to avoid
some laser fire. It isn't preventing them from using the laser guns though.

Stay on 'em. There are only two rear guns on that tank and the side lasers have a limited range. If we can get next to or in front of them we can force them to
stop. The radar beeped alerting him to three smaller vehicles approaching them
both from the rear. What the.. His external view allowed him a glimpse of
three motorcycles as they caught up to him.

Hey! Fancy meeting you boys here! Catherine's voice hailed over the police
frequency. We were in the neighborhood and thought you might need a little
help bringing these guys in.

And we were bored. Dorothy added. So can we play too?

Do what you want, just don't get in our way. Heero said, accelerating his tank.

Friendly guy Hilde hummed.

Well he didn't say no. you could here the smirk in Duo's voice as he also sped up. Think you can distract those bozos while we take a shortcut?

Is the Pope Catholic? Dorothy laughed.

Here we go again. Hilde sighed.

The criminals thought they had managed to deter the tank police and had slowed down slightly. Not missing a beat, the three motorcycle officers got into a triangle formation around the stolen tank: Dorothy and Catherine on either side and Hilde at the rear.

Hey boys, slow down. We want to talk to you for a minute. Catherine called to the thieves.

No way. You sound cute and all, but you're still a stinkin' cop. Came the response from within.

I was trying to be nice and you go and call me names.

And what are you gonna do about it? Those dinky bikes can't even scratch this

Who said we were going to do anything? Hilde asked, teasingly. Two laser cannon blasts fired at the tank's treads as the three ladies backed off from the
pursuit. The stolen tank, having no way to move, ground to a halt. Up ahead,
Duo and Heero's spider tanks aimed at the immobilized vehicle.

Now are you going to come out, Duo said. or are we going to have to blast you
out? The hatch flew open and four sets of hands popped out.

Well, it looks like they have some sense after all. Heero smirked.

Around the same time, young Master Winner was outside his father's penthouse apartment waiting to be granted entry. Rashid opened the door. Your father will see you now.

Quatre stepped into the large room. The drapes were half drawn to block out the
noonday sun. Mr. Winner was standing in front of the window, hands clasped
behind his back. He turned around slowly, eyes narrowing in slight annoyance as
he saw that the blonde was wearing his police uniform. Did you have to come
dressed like that?

I might be needed and I wouldn't be able to go in civilian clothes. Quatre
replied, stepping further into the room. You wanted to talk to me about

I wanted to ask you one more time to take on the company when I'm gone.


Hear me out. Mr. Winner interrupted. Quatre, you must have heard about your
cousin, Hasim's passing. With him gone I have no one else to pass on the
company to.

That's not true and you know it. Quatre said evenly. His father gave an exasperated sigh.

You know full well I can't hand the company over to one of your sisters.

Father, Chaand, Hadiya, and Sadira are far more suited to run the company than I am.

I'm not saying that they are incapable of running the company, but think of how it would look

How it looks ?! Father look around you! Winner Enterprises Incorporated is
the only company in the entire country that has never had a female president
because of that silly family tradition you're so fond of. Don't you think that
makes your company look bad?! You're so worried about what the rest of the
family will say when

Don't take that tone of voice with me, young man!

See! That's what I've been trying to get at. You're just like uncle Daa'im and the rest of them; you're so unwilling to change that you don't see that it's
keeping you from better things. Sadira has some really great ideas, but you
won't listen to them because you're worried about what the family will say.
Chaand is excellent with accounting and Hadiya runs one of the best marketing
firms in town, but you ignore them because they're women. The only reason you
want me to run your company later on is because it'll please everyone else.

That's not true, Quatre. I only want what's best for you. I'm only trying to look out for your future interests.

And therein lies the problem. The thing is, you're idea of what's best for me and how I feel are completely different things. You think that having me run your business would be best for me but I don't belong there. I've never belonged
there. Quatre moved so he was standing in front of the window with his back to
his father. The tank police was the only place that I felt where I was really
needed after mom died. I'll never be happy pushing papers and cutting deals
dad, I know you're worried about losing me; mom was a tank officer too and
well you know...


I've made up my mind father.

No, it's just that that's the first time you've ever really spoken up for


I guess, you've grown up and I hadn't noticed until now. Mr. Winner turned so
that he could stand next to his only son. You're mother would have been

You think so?

I know so. I guess I have been very selfish about this. I thought that once you
went to the Tank Police Academy you'd get all thoughts about being in the tank
police out of your system and come back. I never considered that you were
serious about it or that you weren't doing it because you felt you had to
finish what your mother started. I was wrong. But, I want you to know that I'm
here if you need me, and I'll seriously consider what you've said.

Thank you.(1)


Eureka! I think I've hit pay dirt! Wufei exclaimed. Trowa rushed to his side.


Yeah, check this out. It says here that whenever those thugs came in to threaten Tseratopolis they were always accompanied by an onna. Guess what they always called her?

Keeper! Finally this case may actually be starting to get somewhere!

1) I was going for stupid melodrama and ended up with cheesy sap. At least, that's how I feel about that entire scene. As for why I even bothered with it, I needed to clear up some issues from back in chapter three.