Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tears ❯ Memories ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

PAIRINGS: 2x5/5x2, 1+2/2+1, 1x5/5x1, 3x4

WARNINGS: This might get a bit complicated (the fic, I mean), Yaoi, language, perhaps angst later (but not to much), little bit of sap. Set after Endless Waltz.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Jack, Gundam Wing or anything else I happen to use in this fic.

NOTES: Short. Sorry. Review and tell me how slack I am. Or what you want to see more of. . . or less of. . . or none of . . . or if I should just stop writing .. . . Meh. . .

DEDICATION: We'll give this one to. . . *drum roll* THE REVIEWERS!!!! Thank you!!!!!!


Duo had been steadily getting better over the week that Wufei and Heero had been looking after him. While he still had not regained consciousness, the colour had returned to his cheeks and, with the use of some IV's that Wufei had taken from the only hospital on L2, he had gained some weight. Kassia had only left the bedside to sleep; even then she only went to the next room. Heero and Wufei had been with Duo constantly, if not one then the other staying by Duo's side.

On the eighth day, for the first time Wufei went out to find Heero and talk, leaving Duo alone with Kassia. Heero was in the kitchen, cooking some food for the trio. Wufei went up to Heero, wrapping his arms gently around the messy-haired Asian.

"Heero, we need to do something about Duo. He's really sick, it's not just malnutrition. I think he is going to need some of the facilities on Earth. Otherwise he isn't going to get any better."

Heero sighed and turned in Wufei's embrace so they were facing each other. "I know. I. . . I think we should find out why he didn't get help before, though. He could have come to any of us."

Wufei decided to change the subject. Heero had been subject to the worst feelings of guilt and regret since Duo had left and he didn't feel like dealing with a depressed perfect soldier.

"Kassia's arm is healing nicely. You did a really good job setting it."

"Hn." Heero replied before leaning in to claim one of the kisses he had been missing for over a week.

A deep cough and a giggle from the doorway stopped them from progressing any further. The pair of Asian men sprung apart in much the same way that teenagers do when caught by their parents.

"Sorry for the interruption. . ." Duo started, before coughing harshly. Wufei and Heero were too shocked to react at that point in time, and tell Duo to get back to bed, so he continued.

"Look, thanks for taking care of Kassia and. . . Well, me as well. I don't know how we are going to make it up to you two guys, but we don't have much, you know?"

Wufei was the first to talk after the initial shock of seeing Duo up and about. "Um, it's no trouble, really. But shouldn't you be in bed?"

Duo looked a little embarrassed at this. "Nah, actually, I am feeling alright. I just wanted to let you know that we don't have to rely on charity or anything, okay?"

"That's fine." Heero said, know that Wufei might lead that particular topic on to a justice rant, and the merits of being true to ones own sense of integrity. "We aren't doing this out of charity. . ."

Anything further that Heero was going to say was cut off by a Wufei's mobile ringing, loudly. The old theme from a pre-colony movie, Mission Impossible, sounded harsh in the quiet kitchen. Wufei had downloaded the theme his phone as a means of secretly poking fun at his perfect, mission obsessed boyfriend.

"Wey. . . Oh, Winner. No, we are not going to be arriving back soon. . . I don't care if Une wants us back. . . No, I also don't care about the mission. . . Yuy won't either, don't worry. . . That doesn't mean anything, yet, Winner. . . I am not even going to load up my laptop so you can forget that. . ."

Duo heard this and, after putting two and two together, he realised that the presence of the two men was obviously keeping them. He could tell from the tone of voice that the Chinese man was friends with the person on the other end of the line. There were a few way that he could go about informing them that they weren't really needed anymore, but he couldn't think of a polite way. After a small amount of deliberation he turned and talked to Heero.

"It's okay, you know. It doesn't bother us if you guys. . ."

"Their names are Wufei and Heero, Dad." Kassia piped up.

Duo smiled slightly, at the small girl and then turned back to Heero. "Right, where are my manners? Duo Maxwell." He put out his hand for Heero to shake. Heero shook it, slightly confused at Duo's actions. "Anyway, if you two need to get back home, we are fine here. I'm feeling heaps better, you know?"

"Winner. . ." A slightly exasperated Wufei cut off Heero's response. "Yes, it was him. Fine, alright. Here." He thrust the phone at Duo, who took it with a somewhat bewildered look on his face and gingerly placed the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Yes, I'm Duo Maxwell. . . It's been ages. . .?. . . Huh? Um, sorry, but who exactly are you?"

Dead silence quickly ensued from both ends of the line. Wufei was shocked at the sudden revelation, Heero puzzling out the confirmation he had just received and Kassia thoroughly perplexed at the whole conversation. Quatre was just dumbfounded on the other end of the phone.

It was perhaps because of this that, when Relena walked into the room, seeing Quatre on the phone and guessing immediately who it was to, her loud greeting assaulted the whole population of the kitchen's ears.

"Heee-eeeero!" [1]

Duo's eyes glazed over slightly and his face paled. "I. . . I know that voice."

The cell phone in Duo's hand fell from limp fingers and came crashing to the floor, breaking into hundreds of pieces. Duo looked at the pieces blankly, clearly not connecting them to what was previously a cell phone. Heero and Wufei were still standing in front of him, and he slowly looked up to meet each of their eyes, first blue, then near black. He had a strange look of comprehension on his features.

"Heero, Wufei. Didn't think I would see you guys again. Just. . . look after Kassia for a bit, please?"

Heero jumped forward quickly to catch the now, once again, unconscious Duo. Kassia looked at the limp form of her father with sympathy, clearly understanding where the two ex pilots did not. They both looked to her as they placed Duo down on the sofa that Heero and Wufei had been taking in turns to use as a bed.

"He got his memory back." Was her explanation, before she walked away and went to bed, clearly happy at her father's progress.


[1] That is the English Relena's VA speaking. The Japanese one is actually alright. (No Character Bashing Intended, Just the facts. She does do a very whiny Hee-rooo when she is on that cliff. That, and she sounds a tad desperate. Meh *shrugs*)


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