Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Black Rose Arc: One: The Black Rose ❯ Chapter 16
The Black Rose Chapter Sixteen:
Sorry I haven't posted recently! I've been working on some other stuff!!! Please review! PLEASE!!!!!!! Thanks!
(()) = Author babble
// = Character thoughts
"Oh, yea, I almost forgot. Heero, I need you and Trowa to do something. Think of it as kind of a mission. A VERY dangerous mission." Quatre smiled sweetly at Trowa, (Here come the chiba eyes)
"What sort of"- "Mission accepted, what do you want us to do?" Heero cut in, receiving a glare in response from Trowa.
" I take no responsibility for any injuries you may acquire on you mission," Quatre warned.
"Fine by me, what is the mission?"
"Right, I want you to…………….."
"I need you both to go and wake Duo up."(Yep, most of you guessed it!) Quatre smiled sweetly, sitting down on one of the remaining armchairs.
"Huh? What sort of a mission is that!" Heero stalked off in the direction of Duo's bedroom, Trowa just sat there, staring inquisitively at Quatre.
Five minutes later, a rather bruised and shocked looking Heero walked into the living room.
"Yui, what the hell happened to you?!" Wufei asked. Quatre just sat, smirking at him.
"Was it the alarm, pillow, one of the traps, or throwing knives under the bed that got you?" Quatre asked.
"Alarm clock. Knives…." Heero replied, shocked.
"Until I first moved in with Duo, I never knew that an alarm clock could be counted as a deadly weapon. Just be thankful I hid his gun and scythe." Quatre smirked, looks of disbelief on the others faces.
"You want to know how to get him up in three seconds flat without getting yourself killed?" Quatre innocently asked, leading the others to Duo's bedroom.
He carefully picked his was over to Duo's bed. He bent down, saying. "Heero's here. He's nak-" Quatre began, only to be cut off by Duo sitting bolt upright, awake and alert. The first thing he said was
"Heero? Where? Huh, Q, what r you doing in my room? Where's Heero. I was having in wildest dream involving me, Heero, and-"
Quatre giggled. "Funny how you dream about him so much, yet you try to kill him when he came into your room."
"Heero's here? Where? Shit! What are all of you doing here!?" Duo suddenly realised all that was blocking their view of his body was a very thin silk sheet (He sleeps in the nude! Nice mental picture…..Bad author, bad! Get back to the fic before chiba's try to steal your computer again!)
"We were meant to meet them about an hour ago Duo, so I invited them over so we can go over new names, costumes and plans for tonight!" Quatre beamed, bouncing up off of Duo's bed.
"I'll be in my office when you're dressed, Duo!"
Quatre happily bounded out of the room, ignoring looks of disbelief from his newfound friends.
"Do you guys mind!" Duo blushed furiously.
"Not at all. Quite a nice view actually" Sally smirked.
"OUT, OUT! I'll be in the living room in a minute! Go, now!" Duo clung to the sheet protectively, noticing the manic gleam in Sally's eyes. Heero quickly ushered the others out, much to Duo's relief.
"You dream about me?" He asked sexily.
"I-I, well, that is to say" Duo stammered.
"You are so kawaii when you blush, koi. See you in a minute!" Heero smirked, leaving the room.
"Did he just call me a fish?" Duo asked his now closed bedroom door, noticing his alarm clock was lying in pieces on the other side of the room. //that's the third one this week. I wonder what keeps happening to them// Duo mused, going in search of clean cloths.
End of chapter
So, what do you think? Am I still evil? Promise if I get enough reviews I'll post longer chapter! Thanks!