Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Celtic Series ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Celtic Series: Prologue

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I'm writing this for fun, I'm not making any money for it.

Pairings: 1+2+1, maybe 1x2x1, I'm not sure about the other pairings yet (probably 3+4+3).

Warnings/classifications: angst, AU, lime, OCs, shonen-ai/yaoi.

Feedback: yes, please! I really appreciate any reviews, please tell me what you think of this story!

Author's notes: Well, since I'm totally fascinated by the Celts and I got a book about 'em last week (very interesting!), I thought 'why not write a Celtic series?' I think this fic will consist of (short) stories, which can be read separately, but are part of a larger whole.

'blah' thinking

"blah" speaking


It was the night of Samhain. I, as druid-in-training, had to attend to the special meeting. My feet, however, seemed to have other ideas; instead of walking to the hill with the circle of stones, they took me to the woods surrounding Avalon.

I should have tried to go back, to the circle, but at the same time I felt like I was drawn to the woods. My subconscious told me there was a reason for this, and since I've never been good at ignoring my inquisitive nature, I decided to just follow my feet.

It was getting dark; the trees were hardly visible. I felt uncomfortable, alone in the woods; it felt like hundreds of eyes were staring at me, but every time I turned around I saw... nothing.

After a while I had no idea anymore where exactly I was. I was beginning to dislike this situation more and more; I didn't like not being in control of things, and right now I didn't even have control over my own feet! But still I couldn't go back.

The cry of an owl made me gasp for breath. I tried to regain control, silently cursing myself for being such a coward.

My feet still dragged me further and further into the woods. It was starting to get foggy, making my surroundings even more invisible. I was glad my feet seemed to know the way and didn't let me collide with trees.

Suddenly the fog lifted, revealing my position. The sidhe. [1] My feet had halted and now I was standing at the edge of an open spot. I knew this place, I also knew that no one ever came here - that is, no one that wanted to stay sane.

In the past, there was rumoured that when one spent the night at the grave-mounds, one would get a vision, or would go insane. Now I wouldn't mind a vision very much, but I was very reticent about losing my sanity.

But then I saw something I had never seen before. The Tuatha Dé Danann! [2] Even though I had never seen them in person, I immediately recognised them. Partly because of my training as druid, partly because something inside told me.

Well, it made sense. After all, it was the night of Samhain, the night the borders of this world and the other world temporarily vanished. I watched the dancing figures, in fascination.

After some time, I became aware of another presence. My gifts as druid had developed pretty strongly, especially my ability to sense others. This person wasn't like anyone I had ever felt before; somehow he didn't seem from this world. But then again, he didn't feel like the Tuatha Dé Danann neither. So, what *was* he?

"Who are you?" I asked, not yet turning to face him. How did I know he was a he anyway?

Now I heard some twigs crack. I turned around and saw the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Now I was sure he wasn't from this world. He was casually leaning against a tree-trunk, looking in my direction with his - violet? - eyes. He was hardly visible in the dark; his black clothes made him merge with the shadows of the trees.

He smiled at me, a broad, sweet smile that seemed to lighten up the entire open spot. The Tuatha Dé Danann stopped dancing and approached us.

"Are you one of them?" I heard myself ask, even though I knew the answer would be a no.

He laughed, a sound that was more to be felt than to be heard. "No, I'm not."

"Then what are you?" I had spoken without thinking. The moment I *did* think, I realised my question must have sounded at least rude, maybe even insulting. It sounded like he was a thing, and I knew he was not.

A trace of sadness, mixed with anger, was in his eyes, but disappeared just as soon as it had come.

"I cannot tell you."

Why? Why couldn't he tell me? I wanted to ask him, but somehow I knew that if I pushed him any further, I would get no answers at all. So instead of the obvious 'Why?' I asked: "Are you the one responsible for bringing me here?"

He blinked, he obviously hadn't expected this question, or maybe just not yet.

"In a way, yes," he began, cautiously. "But deep inside, you *wanted* to come, otherwise you would've been able to resist my pull."

Well, that sure was an answer that helped me, I thought wryly. "Why am I here?"

He looked at me, a look of amusement, maybe even a mischievous one, on his face. "You ask a lot of questions, young druid."

This was getting on my nerves. He kept on evading my questions! "Well?" I asked.

He hesitated. He seemed nervous; he was toying with his hair that - I had just noticed - he wore in a long braid. I glared at him, wanting him to answer my question. And please, a bit less vague would be very nice.

"Do you want to come with me, to my world?"

Now *I* was the one who blinked. The guy - whoever or whatever he was - had made me come here just to take me to his world?

My logical part found this ridiculous, but another part of me, a part I hadn't known it existed, was telling me to go with him. I felt a strange connection with this... this... I didn't even know his name!

"Duo. My name is Duo."

Ah, so he could read my thoughts? I didn't like other people knowing what I thought, it wasn't for nothing that I had tried, and managed, to keep my expression blank and unreadable even when I felt very strong emotions. Not that that happened very often...

"No. No, I can't go with you," I said, knowing that if I *did* go with him, it was very likely I'd never ever return again. I really should go back, I couldn't abandon my training. I was the one who would once succeed the High Druid!

A wave of an unknown emotion overran me, leaving me gasping for air. I didn't want to, but I *had* to leave!

I tried to regain composure again by using a meditation-technique. It only helped a bit; I still felt the overwhelming desire to leave everything behind to go with someone I had just met. This was absolutely absurd!

"I... I have to go back," I gasped.

The black-clad figure looked sad, then nodded. "Yes, you should return to the other druids."

The pull was gone; I could breath freely again. When I left the open spot and went into the woods again, I turned one last time to see Duo and the Tuatha Dé Danann, but neither of them was to be seen...

My feet took me back to Avalon again and, to my surprise, it appeared that no time had passed since I had entered the forests; I still was in time to attend to the Samhain-meeting.

After the meeting, I started wondering. Was it real? Or had everything just been a dream?

End of prologue


[1] sidhe = grave-mound.

[2] Tuatha Dé Danann = some mystic Celtic people.

Well, whaddaya think? Please review! I'd really *really* appreciate it!