Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Celtic Series ❯ Tir na n'Og: Spered ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Celtic Series I: Tir na n'Og

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I'm writing this for fun, I'm not making any money for it. However, the original characters are mine YAY! Tethra rulezzz!

: 21/12 or 2x1/1x2 (depends on your imagination :P ), no other pairings in this series (but in the next, Az Gwir a eveb d'ar Bed will be other, slightly uh... unconventional pairings).

: AU, lime, OC's, shonen-ai

Author's notes
: It's my birthday today! YAY! O.o Now I can finally join 1x2ML! YAY! I'm an adult now! YAY! (and I'm hyper too… ¬¬ ) And tomorrow I'm going to the beach! To my second favourite horse Radja! YAY! She's kinda dangerous though, so if I don't update for a while you know what happened :P This is the last part of Tir na n'Og by the way, after this I'll continue with Az Gwir a eveb d'ar Bed. YAY! I won't explain the chapter title Spered ('spirit') because 1) I'd give away too much of what's gonna happen and 2) I think it's pretty obvious.

Nice Celtic music on the background ('Celtic Devotion' YAY!), must be really inspiring

Please review! I like to know what people think of my ficcie .:lowers voice:. You'll get a virtual cookie if you do!

'blah' thinking
"blah" speaking



Pez a red, beza a vo (that what should be, will be)

"From now on, until the day that you die, you will be connected. You will feel what the other is feeling, hear him when he calls for you. Use your connection wise, my friends."

The ceremony that would make us officially soul mates, was almost at its end. Nuadu had performed the ritual, spoken the ritual words, and had by this forged an everlasting connection between Duo and me.

I had somehow feared this ritual; I didn't like the idea that this couldn't be changed afterwards, if it might prove to be a bad choice. Now I would be connected with Duo, forever. I hoped I wasn't going to regret this…

Nuadu's voice shook me out of my contemplation. "And now, to seal your bond, the last part of the ritual…"

I couldn't help but wonder what that last part would be. I wished I'd been able to do some research about these rituals, than I would've known what was coming next… It wasn't like me to jump into things, not knowing what the outcome would be. But had I really had a choice in this? No. After I had greeted Duo as my muirn beatha dan, I had had no choice but to follow the rituals.

Plus, there simply was no time to do any research. As both Duo and Nuadu had told me briefly, I would have to play an important role in the nearby future. I would have to become the personal counsellor of the King of Kildare, and when he died, the counsellor of Prince Trowa. He was the one who would need my help; as Nuadu had told me, several high-placed people wanted his death. And since he was the only True High King, that couldn't be allowed.

That meant that I had to learn a lot more than my education as druid had taught me, and that I would have to learn it as soon as possible. No time for delays…

Someone was tugging at my arm. "Heero?"

I realised that I'd been so busy with rethinking everything, that I hadn't been paying attention to either Nuadu or Duo. I quickly apologised. "I'm sorry, I was… lost in thought."

The braided half-Fomoiri chuckled. "It kinda looked that way, yeah."

Nuadu continued: "You'll have to finish the ritual. Please sit down, so that you face each other."

Duo immediately sat down, cross-legged. I followed his example and sat down in front of him, our knees almost touching. He grabbed my hands.

"Now you'll have to go deep into meditation, otherwise this exchange won't work. You'll have to do this in the ethereal sphere."

Great. I wasn't exactly familiar with this kind of meditation - I'd only practised this form three or four times in my entire education -, and it seemed like I'd have to do things on that level this time.

"If your training as a druid proves to be insufficient, we'll guide you through this."

That damned mind reading! Couldn't even my thoughts be private? Apparently not, for this thought was followed by amused looks from the other two.

"Let's proceed. We don't have all day, you know. Close your eyes, and let yourselves sink deep into meditation." Nuadu waited, while I was trying to calm my thoughts and let my consciousness ascend to a higher level.

Now that I was totally focussed, all influences from outside shut out, I could clearly sense Duo. I even picked up some of his emotions and thoughts, although it wasn't more than a mere impression, a glimpse of his true thoughts.

"Transfer your spirit to your ethereal form."

This was more difficult, since I had only done this a couple of times. But somehow, it seemed like my new bond with Duo helped me: my ethereal form began to gain more substance, until it finally was strong enough to transfer my consciousness to it.

I opened my ethereal eyes, and was once again amazed by the way the ethereal world was so different from the world we know. It was so white, so unspoiled, and yet so… empty. Somewhere in the depth, I could see the vague outlines of trees and buildings, Lugh's castle being a reddish spot in the white.

Then I saw him. His ethereal form was nothing like mine, which more or less resembled a human body; no, his ethereal body had de shape of a flame, and stood out in this white nothingness.

Somewhere in the back of my consciousness, I heard Nuadu speak to me. "Now share your memories, your thoughts, your entire spirit!"

At first I didn't know what to do, how to accomplish this task. But then I knew; somewhere inside me was the knowledge I needed. I moved - 'walked' wouldn't be the right word to describe it - towards Duo's ethereal body, just as he moved towards me.

Suddenly, I felt a short flash of pain and then… thoughts and memories that weren't mine overran me, memories of my own previous lives were remembered. In what seemed like mere seconds I learned more about Duo than I would have ever imagined…


When I opened my eyes again, I didn't see the whiteness of the ethereal sphere, nor did I see the open spot where the ritual had been performed. I was looking at a ceiling, and a second glance made me realise that I was at a cottage, maybe Nuadu's.

Then I remembered what had happened, and, although I couldn't remember the exact things, realised that I now probably knew more about Duo than he knew about himself. I had seen every hidden part of his heart, even his most suppressed memories. I knew how his half-Fomoiri origin had caused him trouble, how he had been condemned because of his brother's actions, and how he finally had been able to get people to see him as who he was, not as 'the brother of'.

Only then I realised I wasn't alone; something warm was beside me on the bed. When I turned my head to the side, to take a look, I looked straight into Duo's violet eyes. Apparently, he had been awake for a while, for he asked, teasingly but yet tentatively: "Hey, finally awake, sleeping beauty?"

I felt myself blush at this comment, despite my efforts to prevent that.

Meanwhile, my mind was having difficulties processing the thought of me being in one bed with Duo. How had I got there? I couldn't remember anything happened after our Spered-sharing.[1]

"Does it really matter?" he whispered in my ear.

Almost surprised, I realised that it didn't matter how we'd got there. All that mattered was us being together.

When he leant towards me, I didn't try to get away, as I surely would have done only a couple of days ago. No, instead I felt the need to touch him, to let him touch me, to kiss him. I leant in too, and the next moment I felt his lips on mine…

End of Tir na n´Og

The Celtic Series will be continued with Az Gwir a eveb d´ar Bed


[1] Stupid name, but hey, I had to think of something, right? Plus it is a nice alliteration (Spered-Sharing! YAY! I loooooove alliterations!)

Hehe, sorry for the sucky ending, but well, since I don't write lemons, and I can't really write limes, I just decided to quite there, so… use your imagination! :P As one of my many mottoes says: "Better no ending, than a stupid ending" YAY!

Ah well, I hope you liked it, and again: sorry for the mess-up with the other parts…

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed! I really really appreciate it! Hehe, seems like you people don't really like Bres :P What do you think: should he have an important role in the next parts? I hadn't really planned anything for him after Tir, but well… he is kinda cool :P

Hmmm… I wanted to write somewhere in this part why Heero and Duo being together doesn't go against the trinity (father-mother-child, whatever), so I'll just write it down here: my (kinda creative and probably total rubbish-ish, but hey, I had to think of something :P) reasoning was, that Duo has one part Fomoiri and one part Tuatha Dé Danann, and Heero has one part Tuatha Dé and one part human, so in that case one could say that they have three parts: a Fomoiri part, a human part, and a mutual Tuatha Dé part, which connects the other two. Something like that.

I'll try to write part one of Az Gwir a eveb d'ar Bed (the truth with regard to the world, at least I think it's translated that way, it's a translation from Celtic to French to Dutch and then to English and I really have no idea if 'with regard to' is the right translation for the Dutch 'ten aanzien van'… Ah well, doesn't really matter…) as soon as possible! But with my exams nearing fast… I don't know if I'll be able to write much… :S