Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Arc: The Saga

Title: 1+2, Part One

Author: __Nomi__

Archive: Um…just on my livejournal right now!, and now on and

Pairings: 1+2, duh.

Warnings: None, really. Just sweet fluff.


"Heero? You in here?" Duo stepped cautiously into the newest safehouse, making sure that his steps were heavy enough to be heard. He didn't want to startle his Japanese friend into reaching for the gun. That would not be a smart thing to do.

"In the bathroom," a deeper voice called, and Duo followed the sound until he'd navigated his way to said bathroom. Heero was in there, jeans on and shirt off, and he was scrutinizing himself in the mirror, scowl firmly in place. He didn't even look over when he heard Duo approach.

"Hey, man. You doin' okay?" Duo asked, sliding past the messy-haired boy to get to the other sink, where he splashed water on his face and spread toothpaste onto his toothbrush. His mouth felt grimy, like it usually did after a battle.

"I'm fine," Heero responded, voice soft. But he was still gazing at the mirror.

"If you're looking for zits, don't bother," Duo commented. "Your skin's flawless."

"I know."

Duo blinked. "Okay, then what's the problem?" He stuck the toothbrush in his mouth and began to scrub.

"Duo, am I attractive?"

"Wha?" Duo pulled the toothbrush out and spit into the sink before looking back up. "What? Why do you ask?"

"Relena. She said I was attractive. Am I?"

"I don't know, Heero...Yeah, I can see why she'd say that. But I think you look better when you smile." He shrugged and returned to brushing, his cheeks a bit flushed, eyes almost fever-bright.

"When I smile?" Heero repeated, and he tried the action out. Duo snorted. Dark blue eyes snapped over to him.

"You're laughing at me?"

"Heero...I mean a *natural* smile. When you smile just because you're happy."

"I'm never happy." Heero finally turned away from the mirror and leaned against the marble countertop.

"I've seen you happy before," Duo said evasively, words mangled by the toothbrush.

"Like when?"

"Like when Quatre brought home the puppies he'd found." Duo spit and rinsed before swishing with his mouthwash. Heero was silent until he was done.

"That didn't make me happy."

Duo laughed. "Yes, it did. I could see it, Heero. You were playing with the puppies and you were happy. I liked that smile then. You looked very attractive." He undid his braid and brushed the yard-long strands until the tangles had disappeared, and he rebraided it again. Heero merely watched him quietly.

"Why do you keep it long?"

"I have my own personal reasons."

"You're not going to tell me?"

"No." Duo flashed him a smile. "Sorry. Too personal."

Heero raised an eyebrow. "Something's too personal for you?"

Violet-blue eyes glittered. "Tell me what happened on that one mission that you keep having nightmares about, and I'll tell you why I keep my hair long."

The Japanese boy's breath hitched a little. "Never."

"Same for me." Duo tapped his nose and walked out. "I'll be in the kitchen, if you need me."


Heero had trouble sleeping that night, mostly because he kept thinking about what Duo had said. So if he told him about his nightmare, Duo would tell him why he kept his hair long? It wasn't a very fair trade, really. His nightmare was the most horrible thing that he'd ever endured, including the retraining that had been caused by it. It was something that he kept guarded closely inside his blackened soul, something that he'd never shared with any living soul. He couldn't. He could barely keep this knowledge from eating him alive--he couldn't do that to someone else. It wouldn't be humane.

But still...Was it an offer? A half-offer? Maybe a suggestion? Should he take Duo up on that, just to surprise him? No...he wouldn't. He'd stay inside his cold shell and let the emotions he felt eat him alive. He suppressed them, and in suppressing them they tore away at him. Guilt. Loneliness. Happiness. Anger. Hate. Love. Every single one was felt clearly and powerfully, and he couldn't share it, wouldn't allow himself to. Dr. J wouldn't allow him to.

So Heero turned over in his small cot and faced the wall, listening to the light breathing of his companion one bed and five feet away.

He had nightmares all night long.


Duo waited until he thought Heero was asleep before turning over onto his side and watching the dark outline on the other bed. He sighed internally, wondering what had prompted the boy to ask about his hair. It wasn't out of character, exactly, for Heero normally spoke to Duo a little more than the others, but to wonder about *that*, of all things...

He winced, thinking it had been a low blow to bring up the nightmares, but his curiosity couldn't be contained anymore. Heero had them often, and while God knew all of the pilots had their share, the Japanese boy's seemed to be the most frightening.

It was because Duo had heard him talk in his sleep. Sometimes it was a weird mix of English and Japanese, but more often than not Duo could understand him. He got the gist of the nightmare--mission gone wrong, civilians dead. But for Heero, it must have been much more frightening than that, for him to have these so very often.

As Duo as just drifting off to sleep, Heero shifted. He kicked off the covers and huddled in a small, quiet ball in the middle of his bed. He whimpered once, twice, three times. He groaned.

Duo sat up, heart pounding. Was it the same nightmare or a different one? How should he handle it? Most of the time he would walk over and lightly touch Heero on the elbow, an unobtrosive place, and Heero would snap awake instantly. But now...he'd never sounded so very like a child before.

Duo slid stealthily out of bed and stepped over to his comrade, biting his lip in indecision. He tried to think of what Sister Helen would have done and made up his mind.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently ran his fingers through Heero's messy dark hair, murmuring words of comfort. He said as many words in Japanese as he knew, which weren't many, but Heero's fidgeting and the pinched look on his face ceased, and he quieted down until he was sleeping deeply. Duo smiled, thinking how young and childish Heero looked like this. How precious.

He gave into the impulse and dropped a kiss on Heero's bare shoulder before moving back to his own bed, slipping beneath the covers and curling up for warmth. He fell asleep in moments.


Heero opened his eyes and looked over at his braided partner, one hand touching the spot on his shoulder where he could feel a slight burning numbness. Duo's kiss.

Heero smiled and gradually fell asleep. He didn't dream.