Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay, I lied. I'll post what I've got done in The Saga. What a stupid name. I need something different. Suggestions? They're as appreciated as reviews. ::hint, hint::

Title: 1+2, Part Four

Author: ….I'm tired of writing this. I'm sure you know by now, right? On with the damn story! And the characters aren't mine, just the stories! And THAT'S my disclaimer, so ha!

Ahem. You may read now…


D.C. had made herself right at home with the three pilots. In the morning, she would whine to Quatre until he was overwhelmed by her cuteness and would give her a saucer of milk. After that, she'd nap in the sun--if it was sunny--or she'd curl up by herself on the couch. Afternoon was spent with Duo, whether he was working on his Gundam, on his laptop, or just reading a book.

Evening time was reserved solely for Heero.

Heero couldn't understand why this cat liked him, but she seemed to prefer him over the other two. And he felt bad shoving her away, because she'd give this pitiful little cry that would make Duo frown and Quatre glare at him.

So after dinnertime, Heero would wait patiently at his laptop until D.C. sauntered over and jumped onto his lap, purring softly while he got to work. He'd occassionally scratch her behind the ears, earning him a happy mew, but more often than not he just left her alone.

Duo thought this was the cutest thing he'd ever seen and had taken to listening to his headphones quietly just so he could watch Heero interact (or not interact, depending on his mood) with D.C.

One afternoon, while she was on Duo's lap, D.C. suddenly got restless and began to pace around, pawing at the screen door that led to the back porch. Duo didn't find this behavior too odd--she was, after all, a strange cat--but after a while his own curiosity got the best of him and he stood by her to see what she found so fascinating.

It was Heero, sitting inside a fairy ring, half a dozen butterflies landing on him lightly. Heero himself was oblivious, legs crossed beneath him, clicking away at his laptop. D.C. scratched at the screen again and this time, the Japanese boy looked up.

"Let her out," he called to Duo, and the braided boy obliged. The kitten sprang off the steps of the porch and landed right in Heero's lap. Heero scratched her neck and pretended like he couldn't feel Duo's heavy gaze on him.

"What?" he finally asked, not looking up.

"I've never seen you look so...peaceful."

This time, he did look time to see Duo walking towards him, slight smile on his pale, heart-shaped face. "I feel peaceful."

"That's good." Duo dropped down onto his side beside him and watched the butterflies flutter around. "I'm peaceful too."


Tranquility fell comfortably and while Heero worked, Duo watched. After half an hour, Duo shifted so that he could rest his chin on Heero's knee. The messy-haired boy didn't respond, but every once and a while, he'd brush a stray strand of hair from Duo's eyes, all in utter silence.



"We can go inside now. I'm finished."

As he packed up and Duo stood, stretching, Heero glanced up at him. "Why'd you stay out here with me?"

"Why were you out here in the first place?"

He shrugged. "I needed the peace and quiet."

"So did I. And I find it with you."

Heero wasn't sure what he'd meant by the comment, but it didn't really matter. Duo offered him a hand and he accepted it. With D.C. perched on his shoulder and the butterflies floating away, he felt calmer than he had in a long time.

And as they walked in the house, Duo's hand in his, Heero knew the cause.

For perhaps the second time in his life, Heero smiled in happiness.