Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Nineteen

Warnings: The bruising of a male crotch. ^^




Heero left Duo in Quatre's company and went by himself to explore the vast house. He discovered seventeen rooms in all-three full baths, two half baths, six bedrooms, two dining rooms, one kitchen, one living room, one library, and one room that he couldn't figure out the purpose of, but had stayed away from. He didn't like the way it made him feel when he walked by it.

He put his stuff down in the room with the biggest bed and opened the dark curtains to allow some light in. And promptly had a heart attack when he saw what covered the wall.

Crucifixes, possibly hundreds of them. He hadn't seen them with the curtains drawn, but now that he had, he decided that he was definitely-immediately-switching rooms.

As he hurried out, he could hear Quatre's voice floating up from the stairs.

"…kept most of the rooms the same, so you might get a little spooked out. Fayruz is a big Anne Rice fan."

"Your sister is absolutely mad."


"No, seriously. I mean, look at this! There are skulls and stuff lining this damn door! Wait, what's that say?" There was a pause. "Abandon All Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here?! Quatre, I'm getting the living shit scared out of me everywhere I turn!"

"It's not that bad, really. Some of the other rooms are pretty normal. Actually, my sister added this door…She thought it was cool…"

"Like I said, your sister is completely mad."

In order to dispel a fight that was sure to happen, Heero walked down the winding stairs and met Duo and Quatre at the bottom.

"Find a room for us yet?" Duo asked. Heero shook his head.

"The first one I looked at had crucifixes all on the wall."

The American shuddered. "This is nucking futs, you guys. I won't be able to stand it here! I'm going to die of fright by tomorrow evening!"

"Don't be ridiculous. Come on, you're picking out the room this time."

"Heero! You're supposed to be the logical one out of us! This is logically a very bad situation!"

"Follow me."

"Craptastic. Argh."

Quatre just smothered a smile at the way the two very different individuals interacted together before turning and going into the kitchen to prepare their late lunch.

Duo found a room easily enough. It had a small twin-sized bed, something that Heero had protested at, until Duo said that they'd been sharing a twin for long enough that bed-size shouldn't matter. Besides, the braided boy reasoned, it was the only room with a feasible escape route and enough light emitted by the gauzy curtains that dark demons shouldn't enjoy it. Heero just rolled his house.

When Duo went outside, however, to look around the house, he realized that it was the room where he'd seen that shadowy figure. He ran inside and demanded that he and Heero relocate, but Heero was already half asleep and wouldn't hear any of it. His laptop was set up in one corner, his duffel bag in the other, and he grabbed Duo and jerked him onto the bed, and the two had a short nap before lunch, though Duo's sleep was extremely restless.

Lunch was a simple meal of Caesar salad (Quatre had gotten to be a much better cook), sandwiches, iced tea and little ginger snaps. Duo ate while keeping his eyes shifting around him and Heero just ignored everything. Quatre kept a smile hidden to himself when Duo scooted closer to his friend until they were touching shoulders and both continued to eat their meal practically sitting in the other's lap. For a minute there, the Arabian was positive that Duo was going to climb on Heero's lap, but the American seemed to know just how far to push the Japanese boy before he got angry.

After their dishes were cleaned up and put away, they went out onto the front porch to relax. Quatre had to leave after fifteen minutes-even with the fan, it just wasn't cool enough for him to tolerate it.

As soon as he'd gone, the braided boy sat down next to Heero on the swing and clutched at his bare arm. Heero raised an eyebrow. "You are being absurd."

"I am not. I have a perfectly legitimate reason for being terrified of this house. Look at it! It's fucking creepy, Heero!"

The Japanese boy looped an arm around his shoulders casually, causing Duo to blush brightly, though he didn't see. "Stop whining. We only have to stay here for a week or so, until WuFei and Trowa get back."

"WuFei's going to hate it here. I know it. He's going to moan and wail about ancestors and curses and ancient burials, and Trowa's just going to nod and agree because he doesn't really care either way, but he just doesn't want to hear WuFei bitch about it."

"I'd rather not hear you bitch about it either."

"You know, I don't think I've ever heard you curse like that."

"I'm just repeating what you said."

"I know that, but still."

Duo looked around the spacious front yard, wondering if he could put a hammock anywhere, and thinking that it probably wouldn't be a good idea. No, not a good idea at all…I could get attacked from behind when I'm not suspecting it…

For a good couple of hours the two boys stayed outside and Duo half-dozed against Heero, knowing that for the moment, at least, he was perfectly safe. The inside of the house was another matter entirely.

Heero let Duo fall more firmly against him, shifting so that Duo could rest his head on Heero's lap. The braided boy protested at first, but he hushed him with a soft hand running through his hair, and Duo fell asleep. Until twilight started to creep up on them, Heero stroked Duo's soft hair and the American snored very lightly.

He's almost cute when he sleeps, Heero thought absently, gazing down at his remarkably good-looking partner. Okay, maybe not cute, but certainly handsome. He smiled fondly. Yes…very handsome, actually.

Heero resolutely did not think about that one dream he'd had only once before that he was now positive involved Duo with his hair unbound. Duo had said that those feelings were a sin. Heero didn't feel like adding another sin on his list, so unlike Duo, who tried to change his feelings, Heero simply ignored them and refused to analyze it.

Duo awoke abruptly and reached out a hand to steady himself from a bad dream. Unfortunately, his hand chose to plant itself in a rather obtrusive area that caused Heero to hitch a breath in sharply.

"Jesus, Duo, that really hurt!" he moaned between clenched teeth, his knees curling in reflexively. Duo had to contain his snicker and put a mask of concern on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Heero…Did I hurt you?"


"Sorry, man. I didn't mean to. You okay?"

"I think so…But it's getting dark, we need to go inside."

"It's dark?!"

"Yes. Let's go to bed early. We'll have to get up around seven tomorrow."


"Quatre wants to take us sight-seeing."

"What kind of sights are there to see? It's all scary as hell to me."

"You rhymed. Let's go."

"You're such a smartass. When did this start?"

"I only take after the best."

"…Hey! You just insulted me!"

"Yes I did. Now let's go."




A/N: Yeah…That part was kind of pointless, but we get a little more 1x2 action. So Heero likes cute little Duo-bear. Wee! Coming up next: Duo discovers that sleep is overrated.