Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-One ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-One


Quatre bustled around early that Friday in an attempt to pack everything together for the next morning's departure. This time, they were headed to Texas to hole up in a friend of a friend of a friend's parents' house. So basically while the parents were out, their teenager daughter would see to the needs of the five pilots. The little blonde had to wonder what kind of parents trusted their daughter so much to be around five teenage boys.

"Duo? Would you mind coming to the store with me so I can restock the fridge?"

Quatre caught a flash of a braided tail end speed by. "Yeah, sure, buddy, just let me play with Heero for a bit!"

The blonde squeaked and hurried to peek out of the room, either have misheard-or misinterpreted-the statement. Sure enough, it was merely his perverted mind that supplied him with the rather racy mental images. Heero and Duo were just wrestling. Rather roughly. Even as Quatre watched, Duo got slammed up against the wall, broke Heero's hold, and pushed him to the ground.

"Be careful," he called, biting his lip, but Duo only gave a laugh.

"Naw, we're not really fightin', just playin'." Even as he spoke, Heero flipped him over and sat on his chest.

"I win," the Japanese boy said, smirking, and Duo sighed.

"I give."

"Good." Heero stood up and wandered off, leaving Quatre to blink behind in his wake.

"Um...what was that about?"

"Like I said-playin'."

"Duo you do understand that everything you and Heero do can be taken entirely the wrong way, right?"

Duo blinked, confused. "What do you mean?"

Quatre sighed. Man, he's more naïve than I am sometimes... "Never mind. If the ambiguity is lost on you, I guess you can just go on being ignorant." He smiled. "Now, will you come with me to get some food?"

"Oh yeah, right. Let me go get changed first, though-I'm kinda sweaty."

They were ready to get out in less than ten minutes, and Quatre used a map to navigate to the outdoor market near the Quarter. Duo skipped along happily, humming a pop tune under his breath, and Quatre had to laugh. "What has you so happy?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just...happy, I guess." He seemed surprised by the fact, and a slow smile spread on his lips. "Yeah...yeah, I guess I'm happy."

Quatre nudged him playfully. "Happy because of Heero?"

A dark blush and an equally dark glare was all he received, and the blonde laughed it off. "Oh, come on-you guys were wrestling. That was so `I want you, baby' I could barely refrain from giggling."

"Quatre, you never refrain from giggling."

"I just did! I swear, I refrained!" Pause. "Okay, so a tiny giggle escaped, but still!"

Duo sighed. "Heero and I are just friends."

"With benefits."

"Quatre, you know how I feel about the whole...the whole..." He lowered his voice a little. "Homosexual thing. The Bible says it's evil."

Quatre gave him a flat look. "The Bible also says to stone a wife to death if she cheats on her husband. Are you going to believe everything the Bible says?"

The braided boy blinked. "The Bible says that?"

"Yes! Haven't you read it?"

", not really..."

The blonde sighed a little. "Duo, the Bible isn't wholly correct. It never states if homosexuality is evil, or if the act of sex itself is evil. Jesus never said anything about it. Homosexual love is never stated very clearly." He tilted his head to the side a little, pondering. "If I remember correctly, it was said that David's love for Jonathan exceeded his love of women. So really, Duo-you can't believe everything that a book written over five thousand years ago says. It also says that women shouldn't have intercourse when they menstruate-that it's a sin. That was before bathtubs, showers, tampons, disinfectants, etcetera. Today, it doesn't even apply." He reached out and touched Duo's shoulder. "Think about it-today, homosexuality is much more widely accepted. Back then, it wasn't. The times change, and people change with them. So do morals." [1]

Duo could only blink. "That's incredible. How do you know so much?"

"I like learning about religion, so I read the Bible. I read all the holy books in nearly every religion I could find. I find it fascinating."

"So what's your Muslim religion say about homosexuality?"

Quatre fell quiet suddenly, eyes darkening a bit. "Well...let's just say they aren't nearly as accepting as Christians. Which is why I choose to keep my sexuality disclosed." [2]

"Oh." He nudged his friend. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Don't worry about it. I've learned to deal with it." He glanced down at Duo, from the height of just a half-inch taller. "You know, God loves all his children. Regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, intelligence. Your God still loves you, Duo. You can't disappoint Him."

"I know."

"And I know that you're not that religious, and that you say there is no God, but I can see it in your eyes-you want to have that hope to cling to, that something out there is waiting for you."

Choked up and unable to speak, Duo simply nodded. Quatre continued, voice low and soft. "And no matter what happens, He will always love you, despite your sins and your faults. I firmly believe that you are a good person, Duo-possibly the purest out of all of us. You have a good heart. And there are so precious few people these days with good intentions that I think your place in heaven is secured."

"Thanks, Q-ball."

Smiling softly, Quatre gave him a half-hug. "No problem. Now let's hurry and get those groceries-I'm starving already."




"Can I talk to you for a moment, please?"

Heero looked up from his laptop to see Quatre standing the doorway, glass of iced tea in his hand. "Yes, come in."

Duo came tumbling in after him, laughing as a puppy chased him on his heels. "Hey, Heero! Let's take him with us, Quat's sis said it was fine!"

"No, Duo," Heero sighed, long-suffering. As much as he wanted such a cute little puppy, he couldn't really give it the attention he deserved.

"Aw, come on! D.C. would love him!"

The cat, who was perched on Duo's pillow, heard her name and perked up; growling at Duo, she glared evilly at the puppy. Duo cackled. "Wow, the bitch means business!"

"Duo, please, no swearing."

"Sorry, Quat..."

"Hey, would you mind checking the rooms for me, make sure we didn't leave anything behind?" Quatre tried his darnedest to be innocent, and it actually worked. Duo nodded and bounded out of the room.

"Sure thing, buddy! I'll check every room!"

As soon as he was gone, Quatre wasted no time in speaking, even as Heero scooped up the puppy and held him close. "I think I got through to Duo on the walk to the store."

The Japanese boy blinked curiously. "What do you mean?"

"I think I got through to him. So make your move-I don't think he'll be so adverse to it, really."

Heero suddenly grew suspicious, eyes hardening to dark blue diamonds. "What did you say to him, Quatre?"

The blonde was still nonchalant. "I just gave him some information. He looked...well, he looked relieved, really. So I think it's a green light for you now."

"I don't need your help in my love life."

"Yes, you do," he quipped happily. "And I'm not `helping,' per se. I'm nudging."

"I don't need you to nudge."

"Sure you do. I nudge wonderfully."

Heero scowled. Quatre grinned. They heard a sudden bloodcurdling scream and Quatre grinned, peeking his head out the door.

"Something wrong, Duo?"


No one understood why, nearly hours later, Quatre was still laughing his ass off.


[1] -Not being very religious myself, I looked this up at, just to make sure I got my information right. Asuka helped me with the whole "stoning the cheating wives" thing. ::huggles Asuka:: Thanks!
[2]-What I discovered about the Islam view on homosexuality shocked me a little. I learned about it from this website: It's an opinion, I believe, so I'm not sure if it's entirely accurate, but at nearly eleven o'clock at night with school the next morning, it's all I could do. ^^;;;

Please review. I love reviews. It makes me write more...^_~