Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Dance ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

1x5 part 3
It was raining by the time they had made it back to Wufei's apartment. Not strong but persistent; a steady drizzle which Wufei was sure was going to continue late into the night. He parked his bike in the usual spot, locked it and double-checked the area just in case he missed something. (With his luck, that something would probably be a knife-wielding maniac.) Though it was only late afternoon, the rain clouds made it feel as if it was late evening and Wufei noted with irritation that the fading light cut down his distant vision to almost nil. Perhaps it was a good thing that he was getting his eye surgery the following day.
“You know the thing we agreed to talk about?” Heero said softly from behind him.
“Yes,” said Wufei shortly wondering what was going to come next.
“We'll also discuss this when we reach your apartment,” said Heero, tossing his coat over Wufei's head, protecting him from the rain.
“Yuy,” Wufei almost shouted, jumping in reaction to having something large fall on his head. “You moron, you can't treat me like some weakling who's going to dissolve at the fall of…”
“You talk too much,” Heero replied sounding bored. “You're starting to sound like Relena.”
Wufei shut his mouth with an audible snap, his sentence halted in mid-vowel. He glared at Heero to let him know he considered it a rather low blow but Heero ignored him as he steered Wufei towards the elevator. Perhaps it was not very effective when he had a long sleeve covering half his face.
Once they were both inside, Wufei closed the door, locked it and turned around. “You said we were going to talk.”
“Not standing by the door,” Heero said mildly. “Why don't you change into something comfortable?”
“Don't talk to me like that, Yuy,” Wufei ground out. “As if I'm a five year old who needs to be told what to do.” He was slightly weary of new developments, especially in his home front, which had always been pretty normal, if a little boring. Now things were changing and it made him feel off-kilter and he was retaliating the only way he could, by snapping back.
“Well, Chang,” Heero said a little sharply. “I'll stop doing that if you stop behaving like a five year old.”
Wufei felt as if he had been slapped. Heero has never ever called him Chang. It felt so impersonal and cold, as if Heero was distancing himself from everything. Wordlessly, Wufei walked into his bedroom, stripped and headed for the shower. He showered in cold water, letting the freezing stream erase the shock of hearing Heero chastise him. It was not the first time someone had spoken to him in that way but it was the first time Heero had and it had come as a surprise. Unconsciously, he had relaxed with Heero, taking certain liberties when speaking to him. After all, he had reasoned, if Heero could overlook the fact he'd shot down Wing into the ocean, Heero could put up with his temperamental nature. Had he pushed too far…?
Cold showers were hardly worth lingering in and Wufei exited as soon as the last of the soap suds had been washed off. He tied a towel around his waist and worked on drying his hair first as he walked into the bedroom. Heero was seated on his bed, folding his discarded uniform, looking slightly pensive.
“Uh…Heero,” Wufei said, thinking that perhaps it was time he stopped calling Heero `Yuy'. “The shower's free.”
“Thanks,” said Heero, standing up. Not wanting to see the other man strip, Wufei brushed past him towards the closet to pick up something to wear. As they passed each other, Heero unhooked Wufei's towel from around his waist, stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.
Wufei stopped; it had happened so fast. True, the only guest towel he had had been used by Sharine in the morning and asking Heero to use it before it had been to the laundry was plain disgusting. However, Heero using his towel had the sort of intimacy reserved for family members, and not in all families. It was hard for him to imagine his authoritarian father and timid mother having shared towels. He remembered an amusing tit-bit from his childhood when someone had said the Japanese shared toothbrushes; no matter how large the family, there was only one toothbrush for all of them. He wrinkled his face in disgust - that was a level of familiarity he was willing to forego but then again, such a rumor could have been the result of the natural prejudice most Chinese had against their closest (Earth) neighbors.
He heard the shower being turned on and came to himself. He was standing in the middle of the room, naked apart from a towel with which he was drying his hair. Had he been by himself it would not have been much of a problem but he knew Heero took short showers. He did not want to stand there like that when Heero came out; the guy would think Wufei had finally flipped or else was waiting for him
Wufei was in the kitchen dressed in a pair of loose trousers and a t-shirt when Heero walked in, his hair wet from the shower, dressed in cut-offs, his shirt unbuttoned.
“So,” said Wufei as he handed a cup of coffee to Heero. “Why did you wear black spandex during the war?” It was the lamest opening conversation he could ever think of but as he was really reaching for it.
“Black hides everything from blood to dirt,” Heero replied as he sat down on a straight-backed kitchen chair. If he thought Wufei's conversation topic odd, he did not mention it. “It was easier than getting up in the morning and wondering what to wear, and the only way I knew I had to change it was by sniffing it.” The last part of the sentence was said with a faint smile on Heero's lips and Wufei could not help but snort in amusement. Heero with a sense of humor was a new development and he was starting to enjoy it. “What you dressed in was so impractical,” Heero added, pulling out a chair next to him and Wufei sat down slowly.
“I was clinging to the last remains of my home,” Wufei said softly. “Pretty stupid but if you didn't have anything worth fighting for, there was no use in fighting at all.”
“Do you still believe that?” Heero asked, his eyes on his mug.
“It's better to believe that than nothing at all,” Wufei shrugged. “I'm not getting philosophical or anything but after having seen the things people do to each other, I think wars are better. There are clearer definitions of enemies. Now I deal with mothers who burn their kids with hot water and fathers who rape their daughters…”
“Do you think you can make a difference?” Heero asked looking at Wufei who decided to evade the gaze by studying his coffee.
“Not really,” Wufei said putting his coffee down. “But I don't know any better.”
“Come with me,” Heero offered suddenly. “I…do stuff…for people. It's almost the same as what you do but on a wider scale. It's not local like what you do…” He seemed to be searching for words to describe what he was doing without giving away any secrets. As important as it was to hear what Heero did, Wufei had stopped listening the moment Heero had invited him along.
“Go with you Yuy,” he said, forgetting his resolution to call Heero by his first name. “Correct me if I'm wrong but you were never much of a team player…”
“As if you were,” Heero interrupted.
“Quit trying to throw me off,” Wufei growled. “What I'm trying to say is, you with me is going to be two people…”
“I've noticed.”
“Will you stop being childish,” Wufei snapped. “More problems, more things to hide - I don't see you taking anyone else on your missions.”
“You aren't anyone,” Heero pointed out. “And you did say you didn't like it when I leave you behind.”
Wufei stood up, pushing his chair back, his coffee mug titling dangerously before he could get hold of it. “What!” he said in a low voice, his eyes narrowing in anger. “I didn't know you did pity, Yuy. This is so unlike you.”
“If it was pity, then I'd have invited Relena,” Heero said, unruffled.
“Then please do,” Wufei said, sitting down heavily. He grabbed his mug and took a sip of coffee to show he was unaffected but inside he was on fire.
What exactly did Heero mean by his last comment, that he still had feelings for Relena? It was a sort of understanding among the rest of the Gundam pilots that where Heero went Relena followed and if Relena was in trouble, Heero would come dashing to the rescue. Wufei did not know who died and made Heero the guardian spirit for Relena but every time the stupid woman as much as broke a toe nail, Heero would be there with a nail file and a plaster. Perhaps, Heero really did like Relena and maybe Wufei was feeling as if he'd been kicked in the balls because Heero had given him a blow job in the morning.
“I pity Relena because she is a spoilt rich girl who is trapped in a cage,” Heero said softly. “She will be a figure head to the people until the day she dies, always in the limelight, forever scrutinized…that does not mean I want her with me.”
He paused, as if waiting for Wufei to inject a comment but Wufei could not speak since the feeling of relief flooding him made it impossible for him to open his mouth. That meant, whatever feelings Heero had for Relena it was not based on love or…why was he thinking in terms of love? What was wrong with him? Damn Heero for making him feel as steady as a row boat caught in a summer storm at sea.
“I've been thinking about inviting you for a long, long time you know,” Heero offered slowly when Wufei made no move to pick up the conversation.” Wufei remained silent trying to process what was being said. “Some of the things I do,” Heero paused, sipped his coffee and seemed to search for a proper description. “…would be easier if I had someone with me. Someone to watch my back and to take charge when necessary. You are the perfect choice; Trowa is too attached to Quatre and vise versa.” Heero shrugged. “And Quatre had become a little lax since he is doing more administrative work.”
“Which leaves Duo,” Wufei pointed out.
“Who hasn't changed much,” Heero said. “It's hard to remain low key with someone who is as unpredictable as he is. And he is trying to build a life which has no place for guns and explosives in it, besides he has kids now and that makes him…” The next sip of coffee was most probably to cover the remainder of the sentence which was left unsaid.
Wufei did not reply, looking down. Of the five of them, only he and Heero had chosen the path of violence. And he knew he could keep up with Heero during a mission, match him strength for sped. And it was a tempting offer; he was getting slightly fed up having to deal with decomposing bodies and drunk ministers. He knew he was not using his full potential and the prospect of a new challenge excited him. But, Wufei was used to his life on Earth. He had a home, he had friends and he had a life. He was not sure he could live a nomadic life again, becoming a shadow, becoming what he was during the war. There was also one small detail that was bothering him.
“If you thought I was capable of becoming your partner, why didn't you invite me before?” Wufei said thoughtfully.
“For the same reason I throw my coat over your head when I think you'd get wet,” Heero replied smoothly. “For the same reason I keep tabs on your assignments even when I'm off planet. Not because I think you're weak or stupid, but because I care for you.” Wufei froze, mug forgotten, staring at Heero as his world shattered into a million pieces. Heero continued to talk, blind to the shock waves passing over Wufei's center. “If I took you along with me and you got hurt, I'd never forgive myself.”
Wufei tried to form a proper sentence but failed. If was as if he was drowning; Heero cared for him and from recent evidence he did not think it was brotherly love - unless it was the warped verity and…He was babbling mentally. Heero cared for him.
“Yuy,” he finally managed. “Heero…uh…”
“You know, I never thought we'd have this conversation this way,” Heero said. “I always thought I'd tell you one day - or never, depending on the circumstances.”
“Meaning what?” Wufei finally squeezed out.
“Whenever I come over to your place, I promise myself I'd tell you but in the end, I never do,” Heero said truthfully. “I postpone it to the next visit and then the next. Trust me, facing a firing squad is easier than telling you how -how -I feel for you.”
“I don't even know how you feel about me,” Heero continued, his hand tightening against the mug. Seeing the small crack lines appear in the handle, Wufei finally got an inkling as to what might have happened to his other mug in the morning. “Do you even like guys, Wufei?”
Wufei paused thinking it to over. True, he had freaked out when Heero had given him a blow job but he had not freaked out in an `I'm straight and you assaulted me' sort of way. And this was Heero, not some guy. He could not work up the disgust or the shock he wanted to feel - he had shared a bed with Heero, he'd kissed him and he hadn't been repulsed. In fact, Wufei thought, he was taking to the idea pretty well, better than expected.
“Who am I kidding,” Wufei said pushing his half empty mug away and turning to face Heero. He was not going to hide behind some mug when he'd reached the crucial part of the conversation. “Yuy…” he thought of his earlier resolution. “Heero - I really don't know how to put this into words. I'm not sure about this myself - about us - but if you had told me you'd met someone and were moving out, I'd have been very hurt. I don't know if that constitutes as me having feelings for you, but I'm glad you chose me. Honored.”
“Well then…”
“Just one fucking question,” Wufei continued forcefully. “You yourself said just now you weren't sure if you were going to ever tell me or not. So what changed your mind?”
“I'll tell you what changed my fucking mind,” Heero said letting the mug spin away from him. As his surface clam cracked, Wufei could see just how much of his emotions Heero had been holding in check. “It was that damn woman. I knock on your door and guess who answers - a freaking blonde bimbo wearing your shirt.”
“It was so sweet, it was downright scary,” Heero ploughed through. “Had I not shown up, you would have had candle lit dinner with expensive china and silver cutlery. Then what…wine and seduction…or was that even necessary?”
“How many times do I have to tell you, there's nothing between me and Sharine,” Wufei shouted, standing up. “Well…” he faltered remembering that they had dated. “Not …anymore.”
“Do you have any idea what you looked like when you ran out after me, yesterday?' Heero shouted back, also standing up. “You were wet, you were wearing a transparent cotton bottom and I could see the outline of your cock through it. It was so damn tempting - and you weren't dressed that way for me- it was for her benefit.”
Wufei paused not knowing what to say to diffuse the situation flushing at the picture Heero painted of him. “I don't dress for anyone's benefit,” he said weakly.
“But when I saw you like that, I thought it was too late,” Heero said, sounding a little calmer. “I thought I'd lost my chance with you and made me realize I couldn't keep on pretending to myself that you'd wait for me forever…”
Heero's voice trailed off and he looked away. The next five seconds were spent in uncomfortable silence, with neither of them knowing what to say, how to react, but it was plain Heero was teetering on the verge of either stepping forward or running away. But he did neither. He was waiting for him to do something, Wufei realized…
Wufei kissed him.
It was the first kiss he'd ever initiated with a male. It was totally unexpected and he managed to surprise himself. From the way Heero was acting, it was obvious Wufei'd managed to surprise him as well. It was amazingly easy, maybe because they had kissed in the morning but maybe because this was Heero and he knew him.
Heero seemed willing to let Wufei set the pace, kissing back but not pushing it. He put an arm around Wufei and pulled him closer then broke off the kiss, turning his head to side.
“Took you long enough to catch up,” Heero said against his ear, then attached his lips to Wufei's earlobe, sucking it.
“No one ever accused me of being stupid,” Wufei said, ignoring his pounding heart. “Actually, I think, in a way - I knew it would come to this.”
“Come to what?” Heero asked as he slid an arm around Wufei, pulling him closer. For a moment Wufei panicked, bringing up his palms as if in defense, as his body was crushed against Heero chest.
“You need to button up you shirt,” he managed to squeeze out as he leaned back a little, his hands still on Heero's chest, fingers curled inwards slightly. Why he was behaving like this, Wufei wondered. He wanted to kiss Heero, he wanted to feel the warmth beneath his palms but he also wanted to fight such feelings - as he'd always done. Only, now, his will had weakened; Heero cared for him and Wufei wanted that. Only, a small part of him wanted to fight the attraction. Getting involved was so …so messy and complicated and then they always died.
“Second thoughts?” Heero asked, relaxing his grip on Wufei but not letting go completely. He slid his hands lower, so they were loosely resting on Wufei's hips.
“I…” Wufei faltered. “I…” He unfurled his fingers, letting his palms rest on Heero's chest, feeling the skin beneath his finger tips. As if realizing that pushing Wufei would break the moment, Heero stood still breathing lightly. Heero's skin was sunburnt, smooth where he wasn't scarred, and almost hairless. Wufei let a single chest hair get trapped between two of his fingers and gave it an experimental tug. It slid free easily. He wondered how the skin would feel under his tongue, how it would taste.
He wanted to trace the small scars with something other than his finger tips and lick away the hurt. He had kissed Heero but he wasn't sure he was ready to do something that daring so he slowly let his hands wander, over the exposed area, skimming the open flaps of the shirt as he did.
His heart was beating fast and his mouth felt dry. He wanted Heero very, very badly. It was not the sort of `she's nice' feeling he'd gotten when he'd seen a pretty woman on the road, not the type of `she's a good Preventer and very efficient' type of crush he'd had on Sharine. This had no something he could pour into words - it was just pure emotion and it scared him. To feel so much for a single person was staggering.
Wufei kept his eyes fixed on Heero's chest. He did not want to look up and see the amusement in those blue eyes. He couldn't …didn't know what to do. His mind supplied him with an endless list of suggestions but none of them felt quite right.
“Would it be easier if we sat down,” Heero asked him gently. “That way I can at least see your face.”
Wufei flushed at the gentle suggestion. His cheeks and ears were on fire and he was still too embarrassed to look into Heero's eyes. He shrugged, eyes fixed on the bare chest, and turned around. To him, "sitting down" meant the sofa; and it was the sort of place where people made out -at last to his knowledge
“No,” said Heero as he stopped Wufei with an arm on his shoulder. “Here…” Heero took a step back and sat on the chair then drew Wufei down. It took Wufei a couple of seconds to realize that Heero expected him to sit on his lap. He drew back, startled by the idea, but then forced himself to relax as Heero pulled him insistently with a gentle but steady grip on his forearm. He was going to get nowhere if he balked every step of the way when he wanted Heero very, very badly.
Sitting sideways was too girlish and he did not want to sit with his back to Heero, so he settled for straddling Heero's legs, facing him, keeping as much space between them as possible. As he spread his legs and carefully lowered himself onto Heero's knees it dawned to him as to why Heero had chosen the chair.
For starters, it was a kitchen-table chair so there wasn't much room for him to move. Even though he was sitting as far away from Heero as possible he was still too close. And unlike on the sofa he had nothing to hold on to apart from Heero. Seeing that he was still unsure, Heero stroked his forearm up and down in a calming gesture.
“Don't patronize me,” Wufei bit out. He could feel the heat form Heero's bare legs underneath him seeping through his thin cotton trousers, and smell the fresh, just after a shower scent radiating off Heero and he was getting frustrated. “Just, do something Yuy.”
In return, Heero jerked him forwards forcefully and caught his lips in a kiss. It was neither tender nor hesitating. It took Wufei by surprise; the urgency the strength as Heero practically devoured him. No girl had ever kissed him that way, holding him steady in a firm grip, taking away his control, making him feel so helpless. Heero broke the kiss just as Wufei was about to pass out from lack of air. Though he knew it was possible to breathe while kissing, Heero's kissing barely let him think about breathing
“Oh,” said Wufei, a half-gasp as he was released. Heero seemed slightly out of breath as well as he threw his head back.
A forceful tug from Heero had Wufei practically on the top of him but he managed to hold back, locking his thigh muscles. If Heero wanted him to move, he would, but at his own pace.
Again, Wufei wanted to rebel at the command but the part of him that was protesting was now almost insignificant drowned out by the roar of blood in his ear. He lifted his hips a little and pushed forward until his semi-erection was pressed against Heero. He knew his clothes did little to hide his body's reaction to being kissed so intensely and from Heero's widening eyes, it could be seen as well as felt.
It was not as if Heero wasn't hard as well, but while Heero was comfortable with his body's reaction, Wufei was not.
“Relax,” said Heero as he slid his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor. He tilted his head up, catching Wufei's lips again while slipping his free hand inside Wufei's loose t-shirt. He gasped as the sensation of his navel was prodded before Heero smoothed his hand over Wufei's back and then followed the line of his ribs to the front, stoking his chest and abdomen in one smooth stroke. It was almost as if Heero was doing a quick once over of the territory he had to cover before he got down to business.
Heero worried the area near Wufei's ear as he nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin, making him arc backwards. Wufei wrapped his hands around Heero's neck to prevent himself from toppling backwards as Heero slowly felt down his spine, one vertebra at a time. “I'm going to lick and suck every one of those,” Heero told him roughly as his finger rested on Wufei's tail bone, pressing lightly. Wufei tensed slightly wondering if Heero would venture further down and was slightly disappointed when it didn't.
It was toe-curling sensation, especially when Heero slipped his other hand inside the t-shirt as well to feel Wufei's chest. “Uh,” said Wufei as Heero found his left nipple, gently rolled it between a calloused index finger and a thumb then squeezed it. The feeling seemed to ravel straight to Wufei's groin making him harder, making him squirm against Heero more.
Heero was erect as well, he could feel it through the denim cut-offs and though Wufei knew him squirming on top of Heero's erection could hardly be pleasant, he was at a loss of what to do. And Heero seemed to be concentrating on making Wufei feel as much as possible and was not as all concerned about any other aspects. Heero paid special attention to his earlobes - Wufei never knew they were so sensitive; it was getting harder and harder for him to do nothing He believed in equal pleasure during sex no matter what his partner thought. The fingers he had laced around Heero's neck loosened a little and he let one hand wander through Heero's hair.[On impulse, he leaned forward, closed his eyes and latched onto Heero's neck, letting his teeth scrape the skin lightly. Heero made a soft sound and pushed back Wufei abruptly. Wufei gasped as he almost lost his grip, eyes widening.
“Don't,” he said a little gruffly. “Don't make me loose control Wufei.”
“Loose control?” Wufei asked, half dazed.
“We…” Heero said pushing up Wufei's t-shirt until it was bunched up under his arm pits. “…are not…” He pinched one of Wufei nipple hard. “…in some alley way. We have time and privacy. Do you want to go all the way?”
“All the way,” Wufei echoed feeling a little out of his depth He was in the arms of a guy and…
“Oh,” Heero looked more amused than annoyed as he shifted his hands to Wufei's waist to hold him steady. “Do you even know what guys do with each other?”
Before Wufei could find a coherent answer, Heero dipped his head forward and caught one of Wufei's nipples between his teeth. The question had made him pause and the action caught him off guard as his body reacted as if he'd been hit with a electric charger.
“He…ero,” Wufei practically screamed, his body arching backwards forcefully as Heero's attacked his nipple Just as the sensation started to overload his system, Heero pulled back, blew hot air on the nipple then fixed attention on his other one. Wufei had never felt so turned on. Each time Heero touched him he arched his back, his hips thrust forward almost humping Heero's middle, his erection rubbed hard against Heero's bare skin.
“So,” said Heero, drawing back his head. “Do you?”
“Do I WHAT!” Wufei screamed as Heero hoisted him up as if he was a doll, leaving a line of bites down the center of his chest. Still, he did not let Wufei move back and his erection was getting closer to Heero's mouth.
“Know…” Heero gasped letting Wufei move back a bit, placing him back in position. “…how gay sex works.”
Had that question being asked at some other time, Wufei would have blushed. “Yes,” he said as he reached for Heero shorts and the t-shirt bunched under his armpits rolled down. “Just get on with it, Yuy.”
Heero got hold of the drawstrings of Wufei's pants in answer and tugged them open, then pushed down the material in one swift move, lifting Wufei easily to maneuver it over his hips. When Heero discovered that their position was not the ideal for taking off trousers he gave an impatient grunt and tore it off as if it was made of wet paper.
“Yuy, you moron,” Wufei raged even as he undid the top button of Heero shorts and pulled down the zip. “That was my favorite pair.”
“I'…ll,” Heero gasped as Wufei found out that Heero did not believe in underwear. He thanked the gods that for some perverse reason Heero believed in shaving his crotch because underwear and zipper and pubic hair made a bad combination “Buy you…” he gasped again as Wufei maneuvered Heero's cock out of its tight confinement as if it was an emergency take off for a space launch. “…another one,” he concluded.
Wufei looked up and smirked. He had been scared of everything. Of the concept of having sex with Heero. He came from a culture where it was believed only the woman were penetrated for sex. Whether it was a blow job or oral sex or just plain intercourse, it was always the woman. By letting Heero into him, he feared, it would making him seem weak in Heero's eyes - perhaps the woman of the two. But holding Heero's twitching erection in his grip, watching him gasping and shuddering at every move of his wrist, Wufei felt extremely powerful. He was enjoying it. However that line of thought brought up another problem. Did Heero intend to fuck him?
“Heero,” Wufei said, letting go of Heero's penis. It slapped against Heero's stomach, leaving pre-come in his palm. “I…I don't want to …goalltheway.” He was not ready to have that monster shoved up his anus.
“We…” Heero pulled Wufei close to him again and then shuddered at the sensation of one erect penis rubbing against the other. “…won't….”
The hand around Wufei's waist moved down along his spine and this time it did not stop at the tailbone. Wufei was sitting with his legs spread and Heero found his opening without any trouble. “…go in here….” and plunged in a single finger. “…fully…today.”
“Yuy,” Wufei cried out in shock and pain. “Not…” he struggled to move back, to force the finger out. It was unexpected and strange but not very painful, more of a burning sensation. However all his struggling did was making his cock rub against Heero, inter-mingling their pre-come.
“I swear,” Heero grunted as he pushed further in. “One of these days I'll let you bend me over a table and fuck me like a whore…” Wufei could almost imagine that and he found he liked the thought. Fucking Heero, bent over the very same kitchen table… “I'll do the same to you, soon…”Heero continued as he reached with his free hand between their bodies to grip their erections together. “Just … today let me do this.”
The positing was awkward as Heero was not a multi-tentacled octopus no matter what, so Wufei wordlessly pushed away Heero's large, calloused hand to replace it with his own. He gripped both their erections firmly together using both his hands, gasping as his body shook with the intense build up. He started to move up and down slowly, getting a feel for things as Heero's finger probed up and in and…probed. He lifted Wufei a bit, adjusted him swiftly as if he was weightless doll and found his prostate. In reflex Wufei tightened his grip, his head snapping back as a shock wave between an orgasm and an electric shock ran over his body. “Yuy,” he half screamed, afraid he would come and afraid he wouldn't come. It was not pain but it was close the high end of pleasure - unbearable.
“You…bastard,” Wufei gasped. “I…” He started to move his hands faster, rocking back and forth, impaling himself on Heero's finger with each stroke. Though the finger did not always hit his prostate he enjoyed the sensation of being filled. He slipped one hand down and cupped Heero's balls, feeling them tighten as his strokes increased in speed. “I'll get… you for this later.”
“I…” Heero managed to pant out. “Don't see why you have a problem with something that feels good.”
“You…” Wufei bit out as Heero's finger rubbed his prostate. “You…” He was close, he could see it. “Damn you, Yuy!” He shouted as his body finally built up to a release. It started in his abdomen, making his muscles quiver and tighten, clamping down on Heero's finger; his head fell forward and he bit Heero's shoulder hard as he came. It was the bite that pushed Heero over the edge, who in turn crushed Wufei to him with rib-shattering force as their orgasms intermingled.
“'Fei,” Heero said as he came, coating both of them liberally, and Wufei relaxed as the last of the tremors died away.
They sat there for some time, trying to get their bearing, and when Heero pulled his finger out, Wufei managed to embarrass himself by making a protesting sound. He actually missed the intrusion.
Heero laughed softly, while Wufei blushed crimson, his head still buried in the crook of Heero's shoulder and neck. “You'll graduate to two fingers soon,” he said.
“I…” Wufei tried, only his voice came all wrong, slightly wobbly and breathless, hoarse as if he had been shouting. “You…”
“We'll discuss anything else later,” Heero said, rubbing circles on Wufei back soothingly. “Hmmm.”
“Yeah,” Wufei agreed, feeling far too relaxed to really concentrate. And even with come drying between them, he found it rather nice to be held by Heero like this. “But…”
“But there are a few things I need to ask from,” Heero said and Wufei felt his blood run cold. Did Heero expect him to give an answer right away about their relationship? What if Heero wanted Wufei to leave with him? It was not a decision to make lightly and Wufei just wasn't ready.
“Just…” Wufei untangled his legs and stood up, then staggered as his knees gave way, forcing him to clutch at the table for balance. Blushing furiously at his weakness, he tried to find a steady footing and cursed his shaking legs. He looked down to see the remains of his pants still wrapped around one of them. Wufei shook it loose and pulled down his t-shirt, trying hard not to feel uneasy about standing semi-naked in front of Heero. “I need to know…”
“I don't think we're ready for this now,” Heero said, letting his head tip back, and Wufei realized that Heero had been in danger of sliding down the chair, taking both of them to the floor.
“Shower first,” Wufei said, tugging at his t-shirt which was stuck to his belly. “Then…”
“Let's not do an all out questioning session,” Heero agreed amicably picking up their clothes scattered around the kitchen. “Why don't I ask one question and you can do the same for me. Full answers and no evasion…”
It was going to be THAT question, Wufei was sure. “Deal,” he said finally, past a hammering heart. He was not a coward, no matter what the situation and he could no longer pretend Heero and him were just friends. Fuck buddies just didn't apply, nor was it a one off thing. He had a lot of questions to ask Heero about his work as well, so maybe they could call it a draw afterwards.
“So shower,” Heero said, also standing up and shrugging off his shorts. Unlike Wufei he seemed to be comfortable being naked. He let his eyes roam over Wufei's t-shirt clad form. “Want to save water?”
“Want your balls intact?” Wufei bit out automatically. “Don't push it Yuy.”
“We'll see tonight,” Heero said looking unfazed.
“Try anything like that and you'll be sleeping on the couch,” Wufei said, turning around and stalking towards the bedroom.
“What do you know!” Heero's voice followed him. “We're practically married now, you've threatened me with the couch.”
“….do you mean by that?”
Wufei froze in the process of opening the bedroom door, his hand on the door knob as Heero's voice sailed through.
“I suppose that can't be helped.” Heero was on the vid-com speaking with Sharine. Wufei wasn't sure if he should start panicking or not. When he had left earlier, Heero had been naked and the thought of him having a conversation with his partner like that was not at all encouraging. He forced himself to open the door steadily and not rush through and stopped. Heero was seated on the couch dressed in his shorts, zipped but the top button undone, the bite on his shoulder covered with dried blood. His hair, which could never be tamed, was now standing up in clumps, and what Wufei knew to be dried come was visible on his abs. There was no other way to describe it; Heero looked like someone who'd just had a good fucked and Sharine was never slow in any department.
“What is it?” Wufei forced out as he walked into the sitting room and took a look at the screen. Shrine's face was blank but her left cheek was twitching, a sure sign that she was angry, and from the way she kept on clenching and unclenching her left hand she was way beyond angry.
“Nothing,” Shrine spat out. “There was a new case development so I called to tell you about it.”
“Oh,” Wufei said weakly. He hoped the damn woman hadn't been checking up on him. “What …”
“I already told her that you are no longer assigned to the case and need not be disturbed,” Heero said forcefully.
“Heero,” Wufei protested.
“I know,” Sharine said. “But Wufei and I have always traded information, even when we worked on different cases.” She glared at Heero but the effect was lost on him.
“From what you've told me it's out of your hands,” Heero said. “Let it be for the time being. And stop bothering Wufei.” He reached for the com-switch and snapped it off even as Sharine opened her mouth to protest.
“All right,” said Wufei rounding on him angrily. “What was all that about?”
“She just wanted to check up on you,” Heero said with a shrug and Wufei agreed silently. “She didn't have anything interesting to report, only that someone in the administration wants her to stop investigating the case for now because there are no leads. And remember that woman we went to interview today…she apparently moved to her remaining son's house.”
“Oh,” said Wufei thinking it over. It was hardly the sort of thing worth calling someone over about. “But still,” he protested. “Could you have made it more obvious what just happened between us? Just go put some clothes on.”
“We could continue with our discussion,” Heero offered.
“How do you expect me to think straight when you sit there half dresses just begging to be fu…” Wufei shut his mouth a little too late, unable to believe that he had just said those words. Had he even said `think straight' without intending it to be a pun
“Hm,” said Heero, eye brows arching, looking pleased. But he got up slowly and sighed. “Shower and a change of clothes I guess. Why don't you order us some take out in the meantime?”
“One question,” Wufei said, looking over his carton at Heero.
“No yes or no answers,” Heero said. “Full explanation and you are allowed to ask for answers if the explanation isn't clear.”
“You ask first,” Wufei said, wanting to get the worst of the questioning over with. Heero was always so obvious and…
“You said you knew about gay sex - just how much do you know?” So he did not know what Heero was going to ask.
“Yuy,” Wufei protested after Heero had finished patting him on the back for chocking on his piece of chicken and gasped his way thorough the experience “What sort of question is that?”
“Just answer it,” Heero said, looking like the cat that had fallen into a cage of a sedated mouse.
“I…I,” Wufei colored a little. “Er…when I joined the Preventers they…have these classes on how to treat different kinds of people… and gay people was one of them. I also did an introductory lecture on how to question a Chinese or Japanese businessman and things like that. You know, it's preferred if you take your shoes off when entering their premises, how not to barge in and all those…”
“And you got a lecture on how to do a cavity check on a gay man and why you let the females do the dirty work?” Heero deadpanned.
Wufei found his carton extremely interesting but inside he was smoldering with anger brought on by humiliation and embarrassment. How dare Heero ask him such a question? How was he going to answer something so mortifying ? “Um,” he sighed. “I…well most of the people there were prejudiced about such things and …and…” It was not as if they weren't lovers. So here goes nothing, he thought
“Don't lie,” Heero said softly. “Just tell me how much do you know. Have you fucked someone…?”
“Didn't think so by your reaction,” Heero said objectively. “But you are holding back and I know when you do that.”
“Fine,” said Wufei snapping. He was the one who wanted to start this whole thing, so he might as well get over with it. “The local police and the Preventers did a join raid on the local illegal porn network and we got…we got…”
Heero wordlessly put down his carton, carefully putting his chop sticks on the side and put a hand around Wufei's shoulder, pulling him closer. Wufei shook off the hand and glared forcefully, telling Heero wordlessly that he was not some spineless idiot. “You got what?”
“Evidence,” Wufei managed to force out.
“Porn videos,” Heero said sounding amused. “So you watched them…”
Wufei wasn't even sure if he wanted to carry on with the conversation. “Everyone was going to watch them together but …but…” He could remember the shock and the sinking sensation of realization. He stilled pulling away from Heero and looked down, his face flaming red.
“I think that's enough,” Heero said. “I'm sorry I asked you that, if it makes you this uncomfortable…”
“I turned me on,” Wufei forced out, his eyes still focused on his toes. “It was fucking unbelievable. I was in a room full of people laughing their heads off and it turned me on. So I got up, told everyone just how disgusting I thought it was and walked out.”
Heero remained silent so Wufei decided to continue.
“I wasn't really sure about it so later on, I sneaked out a few from the evidence room and watched them at home.” He took a deep breath and looked at Heero. “That is the total sum of my experience all right. Happy.”
“It's nice to see I don't have to kill anyone,” Heero said with a small smile. “Your turn.”
After that conversation, a discussion on something work related seemed strange and Wufei decided to turn the tables around. “What about you, Yuy?” he asked. “How many have you fucked?”
“I'm not virgin if that's what you're asking,” Heero said looking straight into his eyes. “But I'm not a slut either. It's not like I'm asking you about the women you took to those cheap rooms above the bars.”
“Let's just say you've been more sexually active than I have if you count the number of…”
“What about the condoms?” The question burst out before he could help it. “Last time…”
Heero threw back his head and laughed aloud at that. “Oh, my,” he said after he'd caught his breath. “You were worried about that…Those was Duo's.”
“Eh!” Wufei asked feeling out of his depth.
“You know, he and Hilde decided to have kids so they went to get themselves tested and stuffed all his leftover into by backpack as I was leaving.”
“Oh,” said Wufei feeling like a fool.
“It turned out that the Hilde had gotten shot at a little more often than was good for her and anyway, I think, Duo had his heart set on adopting anyway,” Heero continued. “He did say there were enough kids running around without owners and he didn't feel like adding to the lot.”
“I didn't know,” Wufei finally admitted. “It did bug me that you had it on you. I mean, if you were with someone else….”
“That same way I feel about you and Sharine,” Heero said picking up his carton again. “You know, when the custom officers at the space port saw the condom packs they went wild over them. You'd think they had the patent right on condoms here. Thought they were going to give me a cavity search.”
Wufei looked down, his appetite gone. He had ordered the custom officers to keep a look out for suspicious characters after the last drug mule had dropped dead. Especially with that brand of condoms on them. Oh, this was going to be so much fun explaining.