Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Day He Went Away ❯ The Day He Went Away ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Day he Went Away

A cock of the head, a flick of the eye, a twitch, or even just a simple death glare, that's all Wufei, needed to know what exactly what Heero wanted from him. Weather it was when to move out, or when to drop the bomb or even when to fuck him, he knew exactly what he wanted.


Suddenly it didn't seem that way.

Suddenly a tilt of the head or the blink of an eye could mean so much more. It wasn't as simple as it used to be in battle or lust. It seemed like he didn't do anything right. Maybe what he gave just wasn't enough. He thought Heero had liked things the way they were. Simple but strong, gentle but partially detached. They led their own lives, but met in between. Giving each other release, someone to lean on, a voice to hear and human companionship from someone who understood why there was so much silence.

Were they in love? He thought he loved Heero. They'd never spoken the words, but that didn't really need to be said did it? Maybe that's what Heero wanted. No, he shook his head, Heero didn't want love or he would have said something. He would have felt it somehow, in the way he moved or kissed or touched. Heero was the one who made things this way.

Everyday started the same, the first to wake up would make the coffee, which happened to usually be Heero to Wufei's displeasure and shame. The last to wake up would make the bed-also to Wufei's dismay-which seemed to be out of some orderly habit that gave some odd comfort to their disorderly lives, not that either was a neat freak. It was just some comforting, unspoken agreement between the two. There was never much to say, but there never seemed to be a need. They understood each other so well and the silence wasn't an awkward one.

Their days usually flow smoothly, but that day nothing seemed right. He woke up alone, which in itself wasn't so unusual or bad. It just was strange because normally the bed wasn't half made, and Heero's drawers didn't tend to be empty when he woke up. Usually there's the smell of fresh coffee, usually the alarm clock doesn't go off because usually there's sun pouring in through the window. And there is most definitely never a note with the word 'goodbye' in Heero's most formal print.

He just stood there; note in hand, unsure of what it meant besides the obvious, and where to look, or if he should look, or what to do if he found him. If he found him.

So he called Trowa because if Heero didn't want to be found he would go to Trowa.


"Is Heero there?" He meant to say Hello or something more, but Heero and hello start with the same letters and sometimes when your insides are hurting because of suppressed emotions it's hard to say the right words.

"No…why would he be here?"

He would never admit it to it, but he was disappointed. It should have been easy to find Heero. Heero wanted to be found or else he would have told Wufei not to look for him. He wouldn't expect him to understand from that simple letter of goodbye. Since he can't manage any calm words he gritted out "If you're lying to me Barton!" and clicked off the phone.

He wasn't sure who to call next. Quatre or Duo, either way he'd feel stupid if he called the wrong one first.

Each time proved to be worthless though.

"No, he's not here…Did you do something to him Wu? If you did I think I might have to try to hurt you!" Duo sounded more worried than threatening.

He received a similar response from Quatre "He left? Did you two have a fight? He didn't come here, but when you hear from him call me back alright?"

Both times he barely responded besides a grunt.

And so for hours he sat by a phone that wouldn't ring until while nodding off the sharp sound jolted him from his haze.


"Relena." Came the reply.


"Heero's with me." She supplied before he hung up.

"Then why isn't he speaking to me?" He growled, voice shaking.

"He showed up here this morning, but didn't really tell me what was going on. I just figured it had to do with you."

"As does everyone else."

"Wufei…I don't mean to be blunt but have you ever even told him that you loved him?"

"No. There was no reason to." Wasn't it obvious?

"You two think you understand each other so well. You have so much trouble showing how you really feel that it eats you up inside." She explained gently.

"Why does everyone seem to have assumptions about our relationship?"

He could feel her smile but wasn't sure if it reflected or proved the underlying sadness in her voice. "Because sometimes it takes an outsider to see what's missing."

He didn't know quite the response for that. "I'll be there soon."


And the time it took seemed like nothing because he spent the whole time being scared of what he would find and trying to figure out just what the hell he was going to say to him when he finally saw him.

When he walked through the doors of Relena's home he thought maybe just maybe he knew what he wanted to say to him. He still even thought he knew what to say when he heard the familial sound of Heero's footsteps coming down the hall.

All words he may have had left him, leaving no way to prove they were ever even there to begin with, when he walked in the room.


They stared at each other. No death glares, or fierce pride-filled eyes. Just watching.

'I'm sorry' Eyes flicker

'I didn't want to leave.' A glance away

'Come back?' His wistful hand twitches, wanting to reach out.

'Things need to change' Eyes lowered. Challenge.

'They will.' A cringe and a nod. Sorrow.

Lips. Touch. Kiss. Love. Lust. Want. Anger. Need. Pain. Regret.

And the unspoken words but received echo of 'I love you.'