Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The End ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
In the darkness of a OZ prison cell a single person sat in the back chained to a wall, pondering
their horrible fate. The girls head was bent so that any one looking could not see the pained
expression on her pale face. She rolled her chained hands and tried to get in a some what
comfortable position, like that was even possible. She leaned her head back against the cell wall
and blew at a disheveled lock of pale blonde hair, which had fallen into her now un-sparkling
eyes. "How did my life go so wrong?" She smiled without humor..."No I remember now," the
girl closed her eyes as her thoughts went back to the beginning of her end. "Yes....I remember..."

I know very short prologue, but please read!