Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Flirt ❯ Together Momentarily ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Flirt: Chapter Five
"Sheesh. This is ridiculous," Duo sighed. "What time is it?"
"Two fifteen," Quatre replied calmly.
"This is ridiculous," Duo repeated.
Quatre stopped suddenly. "Did you guys hear something?"
"Only Duo," Wufei said, walking straight past Quatre. Trowa and Duo passed him too.
"I could swear I heard something..." Quatre trailed off, turning around a few times, his eyes narrowing.
"Quatre, come on," Trowa said.
The blonde turned around one last time and was met by a blow to the face and the stomach. He flew into a corner and landed with a thud. A tall figure approached him and pointed something resembling a foil at his chest. Quatre forced his eyes open and tried to focus. Recognition passed over his face as he croaked, "It seems you've done it again."
"Hello Dorothy."
The foil dropped and Dorothy Catalonia backed away, leaning against the wall as Duo, Trowa and Wufei approached. "I-I-I can explain," she stuttered. "I didn't know-"
"Dorothy looked pained as she sputtered out an apology. "I'm s-s-sorry, Quatre."
"We're going back to the infirmary now," Trowa said. "You're free to come along."
Dorothy followed meekly behind the pilots as they helped Quatre along to the infirmary. Luckily, it wasn't much farther, and Quatre was able to lie down, insisting that was all he needed.
Heero observed the unceremonious return in his usual quiet. His eyes fell on Dorothy, and Heero raised an eyebrow. "I see you found more than what you were looking for," he commented. Dorothy tried to slink into the shadows.
Quatre glanced over at where Harriet was fast asleep. "Is she okay?"
"Yes," Heero replied. "She's been sleeping for a while."
"So, Trowa," Wufei spoke up harshly, "where have you been?"
"Someone knocked me out around ten and I woke up in a strange room," Trowa explained. "I don't know who it was, but from what he said I probably should."
The others looked puzzled at Trowa's words. "You should know? What's that supposed to mean?" Wufei asked.
"I have no idea."
"What puzzles me is that there doesn't seem to be anyone else in the building," Quatre said. "There must be what, three hundred students, then add staff... that's a lot of missing people."
"And if they were kidnapped or, dare I say, killed," Duo added, "why were we left? And Dorothy - what are you doing here?" Dorothy didn't answer.
"We're Gundam pilots," Heero noted. "All six of us." He glanced momentarily at the still-sleeping Harriet.
"Harriet has something to do with why I was kidnapped," Trowa said. "The guy said that if I died there would be no reason for her to come find me."
"Woah woah woah. How could she be involved?" Duo exclaimed.
"This," Trowa held up the picture and shone a flashlight on it. "That's me, this is Harriet." The others who didn't know of this were dumbfounded. "We were friends a long time ago."
"That's right," came a sleepy voice. Harriet had woken up. "I have a feeling the culprit is one of the people in that picture."
"But which one? I don't even remember who they all are," Trowa sighed.
"Me neither."
Duo threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. "Great. Just great. You two are the only ones who could know anything about these people, and you don't."
"It's not their fault Duo," Quatre said. "Harriet, how are you feeling?"
"A lot better. Heero should be a doctor," she said. Heero made no noticeable reaction except a prolonged stare in Harriet's direction. "What happened to you?"
Harriet was puzzled, until Dorothy finally said something. "I'm Dorothy Catalonia. I'm actually not sure why I'm here," she said.
"Hello Dorothy. I'm Harriet Dawson," Harriet replied. "It's unfortunate we couldn't meet under better circumstances."
The boys gave each other strange looks. How does she do that? Wufei wondered. She goes from almost killing me verbally to Miss Diplomat!
"Uh, guys…" Harriet started, "what are we going to do now? We're still stuck here, the power's still not back, and there's a creep out there who's obviously armed. What do we do?"
Nobody said anything.
"So we're going to sit here and wait for him to come get us? Wise choice. Very wise." The sarcasm was ominous. "I say we go out there and find him. He probably has something to do with Trowa's kidnapping. We should search the entire building, locate this guy and-"
"Mission accepted," Heero decided. "But you're not going."
"You're not going. Trowa isn't either."
"You two are the immediate targets and we can't risk anything happening to either of you," Heero explained. "The rest of us will go. Quatre, you'd better be up to it. Dorothy… do what you want, just make yourself useful." Heero's gun appeared out of nowhere, as usual, and he headed for the door. He turned around when he reached it, raising an eyebrow as if to say, "Coming or not?"
Quatre slowly got off the bed and stood, feeling much better. He, Duo and Wufei followed Heero out the door. All four were ready for… whoever it was.


'Kay, I know it's short, but bear with me...