Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Heero Perspective ❯ Sketch of the Hospital scene ( Chapter 1 )
Title: The Heero Perspective
Author: Zanthra
Warnings: Heero's POV(in multiple persons), angst, spoilers, fluff, sap
Notes: The idea for these sketches came to me in the middle of the night, and since then they have bothered me throughout the daytime as well. It's probably because I'm helping with the re-write of the series, that Rzenik is heading off, and my character is Heero…
Also, the stories go in timeline order, or at least they would if they were all in the series….
Fearless, not careless. I know what I'm doing, have calculated the risks, and won't let them use me to reek havoc and destruction on millions of innocents. To follow my feelings… I feel I must die to protect those around me; maybe the world even, but not likely. And him, his chestnut braid flying behind him like a flag against the ocean wind, he soars towards the cliffs below. He releases his scythe- guess he has something to live for. I sure don't… I let myself plummet to the earth. Fearless, not careless.