Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Last of the Yuy's ❯ Akima Lowe ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam wing (don't get me wrong, I would love to) so don't sue me please, I am only fifteen.

Reviews will be met with updates and flames will be met with laughs.... So do what you like and like what you do...Ja


Operation: Akima Lowe

"Herro, come here. I want you to meet someone." called Relena as Herro walked in the Main hanger. The gundam pilots hadn't had a mission in five years, but the Gundams were always being upgraded, just in case. She saw that the other Gundam pilots were with Herro, and they stopped as he started to walk towards her.

"You guys too," she said waving her hand at them. They started towards her also, and she again saw someone she didn't realize was with them, Hilde. It was the way the group walked that alone gave away how powerful they were. Heero, with his long, proud strides, Duo, and his own little jump to his step, and Wufei, who walked like he could get into one of his many fighting stances at a moments danger, which he could. Trowa, with the light-footed stride he got from being in the circus, Quatre, and the way he carried himself as if he grew up learning the proper way to walk, and Hilde, who walk as if she knew something you didn't, which she usually did. It was Relena who notices these types of things, and everyone didn't seem to notice at all. When they got to her she turned towards the Gundam Wing Zero that was standing next to her, a dozen different mechanics working on its base.

"You can come down now Akima." she called up to the shoulder of the Gundam, just as the others stopped by her.

"Yes Ma'am. As soon as I get this last... opps." Said the voice as a two-foot screw fell from where the voice was coming from. It was falling right were Hilde was standing. Duo saw this and was trying to get his fiancée out of the way, and failed. The screw would have hit Hilde, had a rope with a hook not come down, hooked around the screw and pulled tight, stopping it inches from Hilde's head.

"Sorry, I'm a butterfinger," called down the voice, as the rope was being pulled back up to the shoulder.

"I'm just glad you're a good at hooking things." Said Hilde looking up to the shoulder of the Gundam. A figure appeared on the shoulder, it jumped, did two front flips, then fell freefall the rest of the way down the gundam. It landed on its feet in a crouch; Trowa looking surprised at the show of talent. It stood up, revealing its features. It was obviously a she. She had very curly dark brown hair, and a lovely pair of almond shaped hazel eyes and full eyelashes. Her hair was in a ponytail, but was falling out of it; she also had a dirt mark streaked across her forehead. She was wearing a brown jumpsuit, almost as dark as her hair, with the top half tired around her waist by the sleeves, and a white tank top. She also had on a sweatband of a tan color. She had olive skin that was speckled with streaks of dirt. The guys couldn't help but think she was kinda cute.

"Herro, this is the newest addition to your crew," Relena told him.

"Hello, I'm Akima Lowe." She said putting out her hand for the six newcomers to shake. At the sound of her name, Herro's face took the shape of something no one had ever seen on him: surprise. Duo took her hand first, then Wufei, Trowa, Quatre, and last Hilde. Then Akima and Herro joined hands. Herro peered into the eyes of this newcomer, as the young woman just stared back. Herro sensed strength in this girl that rivaled his own. She just smiled and let go of his hand.

" You don't need to introduce yourselves to me, I already know you. But still, I didn't know you guys were so cute," Akima said, with a slight giggle as she retracted her hand. Duo then went from happy self to his funny self, putting his hands on the back of his head, and would have made a joke if Hilde hadn't given him the look. Herro felt something familiar about this girl, almost as if he had met her before, but he couldn't quite place her.

"AKIMA! You took off your safety belt again, didn't you?!" Akima winced as a voice yelled from the middle area of the gundam. They all looked up to see an old man with a hard hat on.

Akima sighed an turned back toward the others "I would love to chat, but I need to get back to work. Later." She said climbing back up the Gundam. The Duo, Quatre, and Hilde all started to talk to Relena at once. They stopped, and started laughing. Then everyone started to walk away but Herro stayed behind. He was sure he knew this girl, but from where?

Akima was sure Herro hadn't recognized her. She had gone though puberty, and did look different. She also saw something that had never caught her attention before, that the guys were very handsome, all of them. When she got to the cockpit she turned around to watch them leave. She saw Herro was still looking at her. She smiled, and then winked. His eyes went wide with shock, and her smile widened as she saw the recognition in his eyes. He knew who she was now; he was 100% sure it was Olivia. She was his little sister, well like a little sister to him. He hadn't seen her for six years. She had grown up a lot, and she was very beautiful. He smiled back at her.

Duo saw his smile. Duo had seen Herro smile only once before, but this was a different smile. Herro had smiled evilly that time, but now Herro was smiling a smile of, if Duo hadn't known him better, would have been affection. It was almost scary for Herro to have a smile on his face. He grabbed Hilde's arm, and she looked at him, waiting for him to say something but he just pointed at Herro. She looked, and saw the smile too, and then she looked at Akima; she had the exact same smile on her face. Hilde recognized those smiles; they were smiles of caring. Akima climbed back down the Gundam, stopping to talk to the crew chief (the one who yelled), who nodded. Then she jumped down the rest of the way, landing in front of Herro, still smiling. Akima knew that Duo and Hilde were still there and she moved her eyes in their direction. Herro saw this and put his arm out to Akima, she took it and they walked out of the hanger arm and arm.

Duo told the others about this. At first they didn't believe him. None of them had seen Herro smile like that, ever. They were about to leave when Herro walked by the door, which alone caught their attention, for he was walking differently. Usually he walked in long strides, but now he was walking in smaller steps. His body was hiding the figure of a smaller person. They all looked after him to see a very pretty young woman arm and arm with him. She was wearing a short skirt, dark purple with a dark green fringe. She had on a green vest that emphasized her eyes. She was looking up at Herro, a head taller that her, smiling. They seemed to be talking. Her hair was a dark brown, very curly, shoulder length, and in a headband. Also her face was familiar.

"Is that who I think it is?" Asked Quatre, who realized who she was before the others, surprise in his voice.

"Akima." said the other three pilots in unison.

"Told you," said the cocky Duo, although he too was surprised.

"Thank you Herro, for buying me lunch, I had a great time. You know you didn't have to do that, I wasn't very hungry anyway." Said Akima as they arrived at the door to her quarters.

"We haven't seen each other in over six years. I had to do something." Herro said as the door opened.

"I'd invite you in, but," she lowered her voice, "your friends wouldn't like that." she said as the four pilots heads disappeared around a corner. She smiled at him, said good bye, then she turned, went into her room and closed the door.

"Hey, Herro, do you want to come partying with us and Hilde? Huh, huh?" Asked Duo as Herro turned the corner. Herro didn't even look surprised that they were around the corner.

"You can even take some one." Said Wufei as Herro looked at them in a raised eyebrow look. He didn't like the looks on the four pilot's faces. That slightly too innocent look.

What are they playing at? Well, what the heck? "Sure why not? I know just the person."

"I can't believe I got myself into this" said Akima, weaving the limo back and forth between cars, trying to get to the base. She was in the driver's seat, Wufie was to her right, and next to him was a very sick Quatre. In the back of the limo were Herro, Trowa, a making out Duo and Hilde, and Relena. All were very drunk, even Relena, who had never had more than two glasses of wine in one night, was almost too drunk to stand. Akima hadn't had any thing to drink except water. Although Trowa had been the designated driver, he had had as many drinks as the others had. The others had teased Akima about not having anything to drink, but they didn't know that she was too young to drink. Even if she was also a year too young to drive, that hadn't stopped her from not letting Trowa drive.

"That's it!" she said as a window broke in the back, "We're stopping" She stopped the limo on the side of the road. "We can walk." She said every angry. That got everyone's attention.

"We can't walk!" Explained Duo as she opened the door to the back. Everyone got out of the limo and stood on the sidewalk. They watch as Akima locked all the doors. She then took the keys and put them into one of her many concealed pockets. She then turned to face the group.

"So?" And by the way Akima was looking at them, if they we're too drunk to walk, too bad for them. She pointed down the sidewalk, and then waited for all of them to start walking.

The never made it to the base, only to the Motel 6, three miles down the road. They were only able to afford one room so Akima made the sleeping arrangements. Quatre was every sick, so she put him in the bathroom, in the bathtub. Watching over him was Wufie. Trowa, Duo, and Herro were on the floor near the bed, and Hilde was on the couch. She and Relena were on the bed. Every one was too sick and tired to argue, so the did what she said. She let them sleep.

When she couldn't sleep she got up and went into the mini kitchen, and took some of her special medicine she just happened to have with her (actually she knew she would need it). She went into boiling some water, and mixing different medicines into it. She was making her hangover cure. Her 20 year old brother had been her test subject (and lets just say that he's not a drinker anymore ^v^. Hee, hee). She was done just as Herro woke up. She gave some of it to him; it put him back to sleep. Then when each person woke up, she gave some of it to him or her, putting them back to sleep.

When everyone awoke they found that Akima had gone out during the night, got the limo, and parked it in front of the hotel room. By the time they got back to the base, all were feeling a lot better, yet none seemed to remember what or who had cured them of the hangover most of them were expecting in the morning.

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*Jamie* well..... Here is the first chapter. I hope you like it...and sorry if the prologue confused you... I wish I could tell you everything about me but that would take a very long time...Hehe... well hope you like the rest of the story... and next time, we get to know a little more about Akima Lowe