Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Party (AKA Authoresses' Hell) ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One: The Very Beginning by Stuntcat and Ryuke-chan

<At Stuntcat's house>

Stuntcat (SC): Me an' Ryuke-chan were just very hyper one day and this is the result (scary ain't it?) The idea for a party mixed with drinking, chaos and 29 anime characters we don't own *Ryuke and SC sob*. Blame the muses! *Noir Neko and Ho'oke hide*. `nyway Ryuke-chan, you got them invites?

Ryuke (R): Hai~! *holds up papers* Found the addresses of minna-san! ^_^

Ho'oke: *sweat drop* I KNEW I should have hid the pocky!

SC: NEE! *throws empty pocky package at Ho'oke* Ryuke, we have party hats?

R: We do? *stares at SC* Well?

SC: *rustles through desk filled with homework* Ah! Ita vero!

Noir Neko (NN): *sweat drop* scatter brain.

SC: *threatening look* Take that back!

R: *snicker and points at party hats* you're gonna make them wear those?

SC: *whap* It'd be funny! Think of the pictures *image of Heero in a party hat* *snicker*

R: Yeah…..if they don't kill us first.

SC: *smug* weapons check at the door.

R: Oh yeah!

Ho'oke (H): *sweat drop*

NN: Both of you have NO brain! Ya'll think you're REALLY gonna manage to keep the Gundam pilots from bringing weapons? Ya'll are crazy!


R and SC: *bring out choice of weapons* some muses better stop making fun of certain heavily armed people…..

H and NN: *sweat drop and back away*

SC: *suddenly perks up and puts weapon down* Ryuke! We have sake, ne? Wouldn't wanna start without that huh? ^_^

R: Chotto, I thought YOU brought it!

NN: *whispers to H and snickers* Hey Stunty……Ryuke…..why don't you both go get some sake? Me and Ho'oke will hold down the fort.

SC: Good idea!

R: ^_^! RIGHT! *races out door w/ SC behind before getting utterly lost*

H: *snicker* Now we lock the door! Besides Ryuke's sense of direction is even worse then Ryoga's.

<Scene change to a deserted street>

R: Now where was Safeway? *looks around* I know! We can ask someone! I mean we have to be somewhere close, ne? We've only been walking for an hour or two!

SC: *mutters* I can't believe I let you navigate! Gimme the map, then we'll ask! *takes map* DAMMIT! You were holding it upside down!

R: Really? *looks at map* Hey, yeah! I was ne?

SC: *sweat drop*

<In a nearby alleyway>

H: *sweat drop* I told you she was worse then Ryoga.

NN: Yeah…..

H: I swear they're idiots! They don't realize they're authoresses and can write themselves were ever they wanted?

NN: Nope, dumbasses!

<Back to street>

SC: Migod! That's Guu! I have to talk with her! *shrug* we can ask her for directions! *drags Ryuke over to Guu*

SC: Guu-sama *falsely dramatic bow* you're here! Could you help us find our way to the Safeway?

Guu: *stares at them for a second then eats them*

<Nearby alleyway>

NN: *gulp* we are gonna be in SUCH big trouble when they get back.

H: No kidding…..

NN: Hey…you don't say twitchin'? YES! You don't say twitching *happy jig* you will never know how many times SC has tried to make me say "ita vero" and "nee" *shudder*



Guu: No

SC and R: WHY NOT!?!

Guu: I like it.

SC and R: *sweat drop*

SC: NEE! We have to get back! Maybe we can ask someone else how….Where are we by the way? Can you tell?

R: Let us ouuuut! We need to get sake! *pounds on ground* wait a second! I thought we were inside Guu.

SC: *patiently* Guu has a world inside her stomach……hrmh….don't those funny looking hills look sort…..I dunno….familiar?

R: You're right it looks a twitchin' lot like DBZ…..INCOMING!

SC: Why it's Vegeta throwing a ki ball at us *starts* VEGETA THROWING A KI BALL AT US! RUUUUN!

*they run from a disturbingly large ki ball*

*after running for a looong time they come to a medieval looking forest*

R: Run…run…run….*huff pant huff* *flop* Inu Yasha's forest?

<Back at Stuntcat's house>

NN: Oh! I remember where I hid my sake! *throws party hats in fire*

H: NO! Not the party hats! *dives in to fire* ITAI! *pours water on herself* Whew….no party hats *wails*

NN: But they're so STUPID and Heero'd kill us! You can wear the last one…'ll look stupid tho' *holds up camera in wait* *hands last party hat over*

H: Sankyuu! ^_^

NN: *narrows eyes and snickers then targets camera* Damn it! No film! *glances at Ho'oke and snatches hat back* on second thought don't wear that hat *throws it in fire*

H: *watches it go up in flames* my HAT!!!


H: Farfie, ne?

NN: Farfie….*perks up* invites! Need to send INVITES!

H: Pop'em here!

NN: Now where is that list *throws Stuntcat's papers all over the place searching for it*

H: *takes list from kanji space* Lemme see….Weiss, Schwartz, Inu Yasha, Miroku, Shippo, Kagome, Suzaku Seishi, Yui, Amiboshi, Suboshi, Nakago.

NN: ^_^ *steals it* GW pilots, Relena. *blink blink* hey! What about Excel? Guu-sama? Dilandau? Van? Hitomi? Spike? Millie? Ranma? Akan…

H: STOP STOP STOP! *regular voice* Ranma?

NN: The guy who turns into a girl. Didn't Ryuke tell you?

H: Oh right! ^_^

NN: *sweat drop* you're as bas as Stuntcat


SC: I swear that tree looks familiar…..

N: Yeah….I could have we passed it a few minutes ago….

*they look at each other* Nah…..

<5 minutes later>

R: Is that….?

SC: Don't most trees look alike?

R: Yeah…but….

SC: It is NOT the same tree! -_- you're seeing things Ryuke!

<5 minutes later>

R: Is that?


*a couple of villagers watching them sweat drop*

<hours later>

R: (still hyper) I think that's the same leaf there *thud* *Ryuke turns around* Stuntcat? STUNTCAT!?!

SC: *collapsed on ground* *twitch*

R: *thinks for a moment then* I know! You need SUGAR!

SC: *twitch* su…gar…..

R: *digs in backpack* I swear I had some mints left over….

SC: *twitch twitch* mi…nts….

R: *finds mint box and opens it* oops….none left!

SC: *wail*

R: I'll ask the villagers if THEY have sugar *skips of singing* Sugar SUUUUUGAAA~RRR!!!

SC: She is scaarying me. She doesn't neeed sugar!

R: I HEARD that *wanders farther*

SC: I tell ya she's psychic!


SC: *looks paranoid*

<Ryuke leaves, comes back in five minutes with a herd of villagers>

SC: You have sugar?

Villagers (VS): Sugar?.....crazy girls….stay back Kadante….we don't know what they're capable off….sugaaar?

SC: *slow as if talking to a child* Y-ou…have sugar?

VS: Sugar? What is this?

R: NO sugar? How do you live!?!

SC: How `bout caffeine?

VS: Caffeine?

SC: *desperately* cheese?

VS: Cheese?

SC: *collapses again* We HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!

R: *pat pat* I'm sure we will….I hope we will….

SC: *looks threatening* we better! You're the reason we got lost in the first place!

R: Well you were the one that asked GUU!

And so the first chapter ends…..

Will the evil muses be brought to justice and/or hold the party?

Will our author heroines find they're way home?

And what about Bob!?!

Find out next time on……

The Party (AKA Authoresses' hell)

Stuntcat: Ja ne! Review review review!

Ryuke: That's MY line!

SC: *hiss* MINE!



<scene fades to black on them glaring at each other a snarl>