Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Penguins ❯ The Power of Penguins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Penguins

Authors Note: I got the idea for this when I was totally high strung
on caffeine. I was off the walls with only 15 Penguins; I can only
imagine what having as many as some charas in this story had would be
like. Oh yeah and like always, if you thought that I made Gundam Wing,
that you very very much! I love flattery, but seriously folks I had
nothing to do with its creation so please don't sue me.

Duo went to the counter of Hot Topic with his new black
pants and studded belt. Putting the items on the counter he noticed a
display. They were having a sale on caffeinated Penguin mints, three
bucks for two packs. That was nearly half price! He grabbed tow, and
then two more, just to be safe.

Climbing into his raised, black, dodge pickup he franticly
took the wrapper off the Penguins and popped some into his mouth. He
loved those little guys. All the way home he was constantly popping
more into his mouth. He finished the last one in the tin can as he
pulled into the driveway of the safe house.

The mints from earlier in the drive where starting to kick
in. He was shaking from the massive amount of caffeine that was
surging though his veins. He bounded in though the door. "Ha-oome!" He
called out.

"He seems more hyper then usual." Heero said.

Duo skipped into the living room. "Why is everyone
sitting? It's a be-utiful day outside. We should go ride bikes or
toilet papering or dancing or something!" Duo said jumping up and

"Holy shit Maxwell how much caffeine did you consume?" Wu
Fei asked.

"Only a package of Penguins." Duo started to jump on the
couch. Quatre and Heero jumped off of it before he jumped on them as

"We told you not to go near those things!" Quatre scolded.

"A whole pack? That's about 75 mints." Heero said.

"And three are equivalent in caffeine to one coke." Trowa

"That's like 25 sodas!" Wu Fei said.

Duo found this hilarious for one reason or another. He
started to laugh hysterically until he got off the couch and rolled on
the floor.

"Well at least he's not on the couch any more."

Duo stood up suddenly, "I'm hot. Last one in the pool
can't pilot a Mobile!" He yelled. Stripping off his shirt he charged
outside. He ran around to the diving board. He jumped off the board,
did a twist, a flip, and cannon balled into the pool. He abruptly
exited the pool and did it again.

"How the hell do we stop him?" Trowa asked.

"I can think of one way." Heero said, brandishing his

"No Heero we can't kill him." Quatre said. He winced at
the sight of Duo doing a belly flop off the diving board.

"Why not?" Wu Fei asked, "I'm with Heero."

"We are going to have to find a way to get him calmed
down." Quatre said.

"How about sleeping pills?" Trowa asked.

"That might just work, but how the hell will we get him to
consume enough to knock him out?" Wu Fei said.

Duo ran up to the still open back door, "I'm hungry I want
food! Who wants food? Huh huh?? I want food! Can we have food?" Duo
rambled this so fast that the most anyone could catch was the word

"Why don't I make you a pizza?" Quatre said.

Duo started to jump up and down, "Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!
Pizza! Pizza!"

"Go out and swim some more while I make you one."

Duo nodded feverishly splashing water over the others. He
ran out and jumped in the pool again.

Heero rung his shirt out, "Quatre, explain."

"Heero go out and get enough sleeping pills to kill a cat.
Wu Fei keep Duo occupied. And Trowa, find a recipe or something, I
have no idea how to make a pizza." Quatre said.

They all nodded, they knew what he was going to do.
"Mission Excepted." Heero said. He grabbed the keys to the Honda civic
that he boosted from a street racer the night before. The baby was
loaded with everything you could put under the hood. It even had two
shots of nitro, which could make a car accelerate to over 160 in mere
seconds. He would be able to get the pills before Quatre knew he left.

He walked to the door, stopped and turned around, "Small
or large cat?" He asked, hopping he would say large.

"We are trying to drug him not kill him." Quatre said.

Heero took the hint and left. Wu Fei reluctantly went to
his job. Keeping Duo occupied would be harder then fighting a thousand
Virgos. Trowa went to his laptop and worked as fast as he could to
find a pizza recipe as Quatre started getting out the tings he knew he
would need.

Twenty minutes later:

Heero crushed the contents of the bottle of pills into
powder using the blender. Quatre was busy kneading the dough and
double-checking the instructions. Trowa washed silently from the
window as a drenched Duo chased Wu Fei around the backyard, beckoning
him to go swimming with him.

Heero put the powdered substance into a small bowl and
handed it to Quatre. "Thanks." Quatre said. He poured the powder on
the dough and started to knead it in. When he wad done he flattened it
until it was round and started to put the toppings on.

"We better get this done soon before Duo kills Wu Fei."
Quatre said as he placed the pepperonis.

They heard a splash, `God damn it Duo what the fuck did
you do that for? I should smash your shit from brains in!" They heard
Wu Fei yell.

"Or vise versa." Trowa commented.

Duo swam to the edge he scrabbled out of the pool. Wu Fei
fallowed close behind. Grabbing Duo's foot he pulled him back in and
pushed him under water. Wu Fei held him under water for over a minute.

"How much longer?" Wu Fei hollered.

"30 minutes." Trowa said.

"You mean I have to stay with monkey boy for another half

"Trowa will take over." Heero said.

"What!?" Trowa said.

"We might as well start taking shifts. The last thing we
want is duo high strung running a muck around tow. He may give away
our position or worst." Heero said.

"Your right." Trowa said with a sigh. he stood and went

Wu Fei let Duo up and left the pool. "Good luck." He

Duo gasped, inhaling as much air as his lungs could
handle. He started to cough. "Trowa," He crocked, "help me out pal."

Trowa knelt down offering Duo his hand. Duo grasped his
hand with both of his. He smirked, "Pool party!" He yelled, pulling
Trowa into the pool.

The sting of curses that came out of Trowa's mouth added
up to more then what he said in the entire series.

Duo suddenly jumped out of the pool. "I have something for
you in my truck that you might like." He said running around to the
side gate to the front. He came back a few moments later. His shaky
hands tried to unwrap the package. "Hey Trowa, be a friend and open
this." He tossed the tin can at Trowa.

Trowa, fully clothed, was still standing in the shallow
part of the pool. He caught the can./ So this is the culprit/ He
though, /I wonder why Duo thinks there are so good./ He peeled the
shrink wrap off and popped a mint into his mouth. /Wow these are
good!/ He put five more in.

"Whoa, pace your self." Duo said.

Trowa looked up and back at the mints, he shrugged and put
a handful more in his mouth.

Quatre turned the oven light on and looked in. "Almost
ready." He said.

Wu Fei came into the kitchen. He was in a fresh set of
clothes and was drying his hair. "I'm going to kill that dumb ass
sooner or later." He said.

Duo and Trowa burst though the back door brandishing water

Try and get me!" Trowa yelled shooting a stream of water
at duo.

"What the hell?" Heero said. Wu Fei and Quatre stared with
wide eyes.

"He must of given some to Trowa." Quatre managed.

Duo dodged the attack, "Take that OZ fiend!" Duo sprayed
Trowa's back.

"I'll get you for that." Trowa strayed Duo. They ran
around the downstairs leaving a path of water from their dripping
cloths and guns. They burst into the kitchen again.

Duo grabbed Wu Fei and threw him on his shoulder before Wu Fei knew
what hit him, "I've caught the traitor! To the pit!"

Trowa thrust his hand and weapon into the air, "Yeah!" He yelled. They
ran back outside.

Quatre shook his head, "I don't even want to know." He said as they
heard a splash and cheering from Trowa and Duo.

Wu Fei stormed inside, dripping water everywhere. He mumbled how he
would kill both of them.

"Have a nice swim?" Heero asked.

"Shut up spandex boy." He said has he stomped his way upstairs for yet
another shower. The slamming of the bathroom door could be heard all
the way downstairs.

The oven beeped. "Shall we end this chaos?" Quatre said, "Tell them
that dinner is ready."

Duo and Trowa fidgeted in their seats, "I worked hard on this so I
want you guys to eat all of it." Quatre said.

Trowa seemed to forget that the sleeping pills were in the pizza
though the caffeine high. He grabbed two pieces, one in each hand, and
started eating them.

Duo ate a piece in 4 seconds flat and grabbed another. Their combined
forces finished the pizza in five minutes. Heero and Quatre watched
dumbfounded, they couldn't believe how fast hey ate the pizza.

"I wanna jump on the trampoline!" Duo said, his mouth full
with at least one piece of pizza.

"Yeah!" Trowa yelled.

Duo had too much energy to simply go around the table. He
jumped on it, ran across the top, jumped down, and ran outside with
Trowa on his tail.

It's going to take another 45 minutes for those babies to
kick in." Heero said.

"Want to flip for watch?" Quatre pulled out a coin. Heero
nodded. "Winner washes dishes, loser takes after the hyper ones."
Quatre said, "Call it." He flipped the coin.


The coin fell in Quatre's hand, he flipped it on to the
back of his hand, "Tails."

Heero headed into the backyard as Quatre started to wash
the pizza dishes.

"I can jump higher!" Duo posted as he jumped.

"So? Watch this." Trowa did three back flips.

"And?" Duo asked, "Lets see you do this one." Duo did a
twist, grabbed his legs and did two front flips.

"Where did you learn that one? Kindergarten?"

"You are looking at St. Mary's high dive champion three
years running."

"Well let's see you do this." Trowa did his signature back
flip with a triple twist.

"I bet that I can do four twists."

"Bet not."

Heero rolled his eyes. It was as if the caffeine made them
into preschoolers. He went back to the magazine he was flipping
though. He heard the spring of someone jumping followed by a yelp. He
looked up just in time to see Duo land face first on the trampoline.

"Crap." Duo said rubbing his face. Trowa was rolling
around on the trampoline.

Duo jumped again. He came down, "Popcorn!" He yelled.

Trowa was flung up in the air. Some how he managed to
righten his self before he came down. Duo flew in the air. The cycle

Heero kept to his magazine. It had only been fifteen
minutes and already they were driving him crazy.

"Trowa," Duo whispered. He beckoned Trowa to come near, "I
bet you ten bucks hat I can get Heero's gun before you."

"You're on."

They snuck off the trampoline and over to Heero. Heero was
aware of what they were doing. Trowa reached for his gun from behind
his chair. Heero grabbed his hand. "Oh no you don't." He said.

Duo took the chance of Heero being distracted and grabbed
the gun, "I got it! I got it!" He chanted.

"Duo give it back." Hero said calmly.

Duo pointed the gun at him, "Not all tough without your
gun now are we?"

"Duo..." Heero said though his teeth.

Duo saw a bird fly by, "Think I can hit it?" He asked

"Go for it, but it's my turn next."

Duo aimed. Heero tackled him, the gun fired.

Quatre dropped a plate when he heard the gun go off. The
plate shattered on the tile floor. After navigating his way away from
the porcelain he ran outside.

"Heero what did you d-Heero?"

Duo was sitting on Heero tickle torturing him as Trowa
held down his arms. They quickly left the gun after Heero wrestled it
out of duo's hands.

"Nothing!" Heero yelled between laughs.

"Aaaaaaawwwww Heero's ticklish!" Duo said in baby talk,
"Wittle Heewo is ticklish."

Quatre rolled his eyes. /Will this every end?/

Wu Fei came running outside. "Aw, I thought that Yuy
killed one of them."

Quatre glared at him.

Heero wrapped his feet around Duo's neck and pulled him
back. With duo off he did the same with Trowa. They rolled over until
Heero was on top of Trowa. Unable to resist the urge Heero punched him
in the face.

"Impressive." Quatre said.

Heero stood. He knelt and picked up his gun. Opening the
clip, he let all but one of the bullets slip thought his fingers. He
walked over to Wu Fei and Quatre, "This isn't working. We need to do
more." He held the one bullet up, "Or I will fire this."

Only Wu Fei saw as Duo and Trowa snuck up behind them. He
took a step back away from them.

Duo grabbed Heero and Trowa grabbed Quatre. "To the pit!" They yelled
at the same time.

After throwing them into the pool Duo and Trowa started to run around.
"Heero vie me the gun." Quatre said.


"And the bullet." Quatre looked at Heero, his hand thrust forward. his
eyes were dead serious.

Heero handed over the weapon. Quatre climbed out of the pool. He
grabbed another bullet off the ground, but only loaded the one. Heero
got out of the pool and went over to Wu Fei.

"What is he doing?" Wu Fei asked.

"I don't know, but he's not joking."

Quatre aimed the gun. He fired.

Duo could feel the force of the bullet wiz by. He stopped cold his
eyes filled with fear. He checked over his self. "Ha! You missed!"

"Really?" Quatre said.

Duo grabbed his braid; the last two weaves and the elastic had been
blown away. "No! How could you?"

Quatre loaded the second bullet, "Next time I aim for he part nearest
to your head."

Since Quatre was directing the gun towards Duo Trowa didn't think that
it concerned him. "Trowa you want a hair cut as well?" Quatre asked.
Trowa stopped jumping on the trampoline.

"What is your beef?" Duo asked.

"Inside." Quatre said.

"Oh yeah? Or what?" Trowa demanded.

Quatre cocked his gun, "Or you can kiss your bangs goodbye."

Trowa and Duo looked at each other, they decided it was best if they
did what he said. They dare not see if he was bluffing. Putting their
hands in the air they started to walk inside.

Quatre followed, "Get the handcuffs and chains." He said to Heero and
Wu Fei.

"What's the big idea?" Duo asked. Both Trowa and him had been tied to
chairs facing back to back. The handcuffs dug into their wrists and
the chains were so tight that they were starting to do the same to
where ever they touched skin. It's common knowledge that Gundam Pilots
can break out of almost anything. The combination of chains and
handcuffs was a rather hard one. It would take Duo nearly an hour to
worm his way out of this one.

Quatre played with the gun in his hand. He twirled it around in
circles on his finger, "Here is the big idea; you stay there until you
are asleep. If you make one false move it will be more then your hair
that feels it."

"What is your problem Quatre? Your acting like some Mafia boss." Trowa

"Driving me crazy is one things, but throwing me in the pool is

Wu Fei and Heero stayed back. They had never seen Quatre so serious,
but it was working. They would rather stay on Quatre's good side and
watch the sweet revenge then get in his way.

"Fifteen minutes." Heero said.

"Till what?" Duo asked.

Quatre turned to Heero and Wu Fei, "What should we do with them?"

"I say we throw them into the pit." Wu Fei said.

"How about shaving their heads?" Heero said.

"Or drag them behind a car."

"Drop them off the roof."

"Make them wash our Gundams."

"I know, lets pry their eyes open and make them watch Relena's home
movies from her beach vacation."

"No!!! Anything but that!!" Trowa and Duo yelled at the same time.

"That settles it." Quatre said, "I'll get the duct tape, you get the

"How do you have those?" Wu Fei asked laughing.

"She gave me a copy. Can you believe it? Like I would actually watch
it." Heero said as he went to his closet, the place where he buried
the evil videos.

From the other room Quatre, Heero, and Wu Fei heard screams of fright
from Trowa and Duo as they watched Relena frolic around the beach in
her swimsuit.

"Great idea Heero." Quatre said coming out of the bathroom in a fresh
set of clothes. He threw the gun back to Heero.

Heero put the gun back; he looked at his watch, "Only one more

"And then this hell is over!" Wu Fei said.

The screams faded until all they could hear was Relena saying, "Come
on Millardo. Help me build this sand castle."

"Finally!" Wu Fei said happily.

In the other room Trowa and Duo were sleeping soundly. They carried
them upstairs to their rooms and collapsed into their own beds. It was
only eight at night, but to them it felt like two am.

Late that night a shadow snuck across the hall. Silently the figure
moved down the stairs and though the front door. After a few seconds
the figure came back inside and went back upstairs.

"Got them?"


"Hand me one."

"Alright, be quiet."

The two voices whispered in the dark. It was silent for a few minutes.
The only sound that could be heard was the light clinking of two tins
cans. They started giggling.

The giggling woke up Heero. He walked across the hall to Trowa's room.
He flipped the light switch, "Not again! Damn it!" He knew that he
should have gotten enough to kill a large cat.

On the floor Duo and Trowa sat, with two empty tins of Penguins.