Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Repast Series ❯ Dark Road ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: This is going to be a series of ficlets, with a lil' bit if everything in them, humor, fluff, sap, angst etc. They are all going to be in Heero's POV when he shares a meal with someone. Maybe slight mention of 1+2, 3+4, D+R or 5+S, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, enjoy ^_^

Disclaimer: Don't own the character or Gundam Wing.


The Repast Series - Dark Road by Maaya


Have you ever thought about how different people's meal determines how the person in question is? What kind of lifestyle and personality? Have you ever thought about how many different meals you've had during your lifetime?

Eating something on a romantic restaurant together with your boy/girlfriend is very different compared to eating a hamburger to lunch together with your Preventer partner isn't it?

The subjects that come up during that meal are also very different depending on the person. You know what I mean, don't you?

I have had reasons to share meals together with a lot of different people during the years as a Preventer and I can tell you that they have all been very interesting, in different kinds of way.



Wufei's voice startled me as I had been on my way to fall asleep, comfortably leaned back in my seat with too much bags in my lap to be able to move. I blinked the last remaining shreds of sleep out of my eyes, yawned quietly and peered out of the car window. It was completely dark outside - not even a simple streetlamp was in sight to rest my eyes on. Instead I turned my head and rested my eyes on my watch; it was that kind with a luminous dial. It showed one o'clock, in the night.

I felt tempted to agree with my companion's earlier, sarcastic way of putting it all.

Let me explain the situation. Wufei and I had been called to a Preventer mission. It had been a smooth, but boring affair, to control the security systems of a smaller police office in another city. Since the wiring of the cameras had been unnecessarily complicated - something that could cause trouble if anyone tried to break into the building, we had both been forced to stay longer than planned and we could therefore not begin our drive home until ten o'clock.

Unluckily for us, someone had forgotten to tank up and in the middle of an unusually vacant road, we ran out of gasoline. Of course, the car lights had decided to give up together with it all as well.

Note to self: Go car shopping this weekend.

So there we were, sitting in a completely dark car, in an empty road in the middle of the night.

I tried to shift position slightly - I had lost all feeling in my legs, but I quickly realized that my former way of sitting had been the most comfortable possible, so I shifted back again.

"What are taking them so long?" I asked, yawning again. Wufei had called Quatre and told him about our current situation, and our blonde friend had promised to pick us up soon.

We had now waited in exactly two hours and on top of it all, I was getting hungry and cold.

I could hear how Wufei tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in loss of other things to do. I waited patiently for him to answer my question - it does always take time for him to say something. Just the moment when you think that he didn't hear you and you are on your way to repeat yourself, he opens his mouth and answers.

If it had been any other person, I would have been annoyed by it - but this was Wufei. He was Wufei in the same way as Duo was Duo, Trowa was Trowa and I was Heero. We all had our small habits and personalities and we knew each other well enough to not get frustrated because of that.

He took longer than usual to reply this time. You'd think that when he takes such a long time to think about what he should say - he should be bound to say something very smart and logical. So is not the case.

"I don't know." He tapped another tune on the steering wheel. "I don't know."

I heard how my stomach grumbled about how we had missed dinner so the next words I spoke was fir its benefit.

"Do we have any kind of food with us?"

The pause that followed was only a few seconds long this time.

"I don't know.. yes - there's a packet of crackers."


I heard and felt, more than I saw how he gestured towards me - or rather, the bags in my lap.

"In the smallest one."

I nodded to show him that I had understood, until I realized that he couldn't see me. Instead, I grunted a small "okay" before going through all the bags until I found a small one which I guessed was the right. It was, because I found something that felt suspiciously like a packet of crackers.

It was easy to open, even in the darkness of the night and I took out a handful of crackers before laying the packet where Wufei's lap would probably be.

None of us spoke for a while as we nibbled on our crackers, trying to make them last as long as possible.

Then I saw something white appear in the darkness as it descended from the sky. Maybe it was the very faint light from my wrist-watch that made it visible or maybe it wasn't, but there was something with that flake that touched me deeply - probably the fact that it seemed so alone as it landed on the windscreen.

"Snow." I whispered needlessly. Wufei didn't answer for a while (as usual) but then he said something that felt so un-Wufei-like that I felt surprised.

"Yuy, do you like snow?"

It wasn't the question in itself that surprised me, but more the calm, soft voice it was spoken in. It was a voice that he would never allow himself to use during a normal day - it was saved for moments like this, with the right atmosphere.

Another snowflake fell down, placing itself only a few centimeters from the first one. I smiled - neither of us was lonely anymore.

"Not necessarily." I said as I studied the flakes. "Just the first one of the year. Duo loves it, though." A smile curved my lips upwards as the thought of my lover and his obsession for snow. I wondered what he was doing now. Probably sleeping if he had any common sense at all. In my mind I pictured how he would look in his sleep - with his hair down and spread around him and with a small, unconscious smile on his lips..

I realized that Wufei was saying something and I shook my head as if to clear it from all thoughts. I took another cracker and concentrated on my partners words.

"..snowed when Meiran and I married each other."

"It did?" I thought for a while before adding. "Is it a happy or sad memory?"

As he thought for an answer another snowflake fell, and another one. Soon it was snowing a good lot and we sat there in a complete silence. Our crackers were eaten long ago when he answered.


"Oh." I nodded into the darkness, not bothering to ask for an explanation. It wasn't because I wasn't interested but because I didn't want to push him to do something.

When he didn't continue anyway, we sat there, quiet, and watched as the snow descended from the darkness above of us.


This was the `meal' I shared with Wufei that I remember the best. I've eaten a lot better things and had much more useful conversations with him, but this is a memory I remember the most anyway.

You might wonder if anyone came and picked us up. Well, Quatre arrived half an hour after it had began snowing and his excuse was the he had ran out of gasoline.

We went home and I could finally go to bed beside Duo, who was sleeping - lying in the same position that I had imagined in the car, smiling faintly.


The End
