Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Sampson Effect ❯ Chapter 4
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sampson Effect Chapter 4
~ * ~
Betaed by Skippyscatt
~ * ~
The next two weeks were busy and informative for Duo.
He realized that there was a great deal more trouble here than could be caused by Heero being an
absentee landlord. Heero was in and out of their quarters at all hours of the day and night. He
began to look tired, sometimes he snapped at Duo for little things then had to apologize.
Duo did what he could to help Heero. Listening to him grumble about training raw recruits and
having to spend hours listening to complaints from the tenants. This he resented quite a bit. They
came to him about grazing rights, property lines and other petty complaints that, he complained,
robbed him of time he needed for more important things. His main complaint about this was that
they lied to him about everything. It tried his patience sorting out the truth.
In the meantime, Duo continued to gain weight and strength, especially since he worked out in
his sanctuary every day.
He'd had quite a time cleaning up the mess without getting caught. First he'd taken all the
unusable furniture, cushions and drapes and dumped them at the dead end of the passageway.
Then he'd cleaned up the closet. The mice were not happy to be thrown out of their nests but
Duo was more than happy to be rid of the smell. He had, however, saved all the linen not in
complete tatters. Some of the shirts were wearable, and the rest made excellent cleaning rags.
Most of the sheets were still usable as they had been stored in a huge press at the end of the last
rank of shelves. Duo was glad that the large, tin lined cupboard had stood the test of time.
The bed was completely ruined. The mattress was stinking and filthy, the sheets over it were
mouse nibbled and the woolen blankets moth eaten. The hangings were rotten and dangling in
tatters like the draperies. He carried them all into his dumping ground.
He knew he was going to have to find a way to get rid of it all, but for now all he wanted was to
get his sanctuary in some kind of livable condition.
The bed frame was in good shape. Since it was some kind of hard wood the mice had left it alone
and it wasn't dry rotted. Most of the upholstered furniture was ruined, except for one leather-
covered chase. The solid wood chairs were in good condition, only needing to be cleaned. The
desk was in excellent condition, even its contents, as the lid was closed and tightly locked, the
key still in the lock. There were several small tables and some stools that were fine as well.
The bathing chamber was as filthy as the rest of the rooms, but was much easier to clean, as Duo
found that it had running water. This made it much easier to clean all the rooms, as all he had to
do was dump the dirty water down the garderobe. He just hoped that no one noticed the extra
volume in the cesspit.
It took him every second he could sneak for most of a week to get his hidey-hole cleaned up to
his satisfaction.
Now he could exercise in peace and quiet, doing things he didn't remember learning. He only
knew that he should do them.
As he worked out, he remembered things. Just snatches and jumbled ghost sounds. They made
his head ache.
~ * ~
Heero noticed that Duo was beginning to build muscle and remarked on it. He also told Duo that
he was now Heero's page, or squire, depending on what he could do.
Duo proved that he was squire material by helping Heero on and off with his armor without
instruction. He buckled all the straps and laced laces without a single error the first time. Heero
gave him an odd look but praised him generously.
Duo glowed with happiness. If he could prove his usefulness, Master Heero wouldn't send him
to the barracks as other masters had. This was never good for Duo, the soldiers were rough. He
didn't think he would survive many more visits there.
Heero noticed that while the removal of the spells had made Duo much more confident, he still
succumbed to moments of what Heero could only call stark terror.
Sometimes, any implication that Duo wasn't doing his job perfectly resulted in groveling, foot
kissing and cringing. A simple reprimand was all it took to have him in tears. Others he just
knelt in apology and corrected the problem.
Heero felt like he was walking some sort of tight rope. He had to correct Duo in order for him to
learn but if he was too harsh Duo turned into a complete wreck. Heero couldn't stand it when he
did. He decided he needed another talk with Chang.
Instead of summoning the golden skinned wizard to him he went to Wufei's quarters. He'd never
been there before so he was a little startled to realize that Wufei had taken over the small stables.
They were old and outdated so Heero had built larger one's using one wall of the keep as a wall
of the stables and further fortifying the keep. The old stables had been too far away for them to
be any use.
"Chang Wufei. Where are you?"
Wufei answered from the depths of his domicile. "Back here! Come through the tables and into
the still room"
Heero wended his way down the aisle between four huge tables covered books, papers, caldrons
and assorted magical paraphernalia that he had no names for. He was very careful not to touch
He entered the still room just in time to see Wufei setting up a distilling apparatus.
"What evil brew are you boiling up now?"
Wufei laughed genially. "I'm making spirits of wine. I'll need them for Duo."
Heero raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"I'll use it as a base for the medicine he'll have to take after I'm through with his operation.
What do you need?"
Heero settled on the counter behind him. The still room was long and fairly wide, considering
that it had two tables right down the middle of it. Both sides of the room had wide counters and
shelves alternating with cupboards. Windows competed with shelving on the opposite wall from
Heero. Every flat surface was covered with distilling equipment or bottles of distilled liquids,
liquids to be distilled, plants and something that looked suspiciously like a fish. Heero didn't
want to know.
"I wanted to talk to you about that operation and Duo in general. I need to . . . I want . . . well,
hell." Heero jammed his hands into his hair in frustration adding to the messy appearance that he
didn't bother to control.
Wufei poured tea into a sturdy clay cup and handed it to Heero.
"Just start at the beginning."
Heero scrunched his nose at the taste of the tea, he wasn't that fond of chamomile. "I don't think
Sanquian is his first language. Duo has two syllables. And . . . his head along with his other
scars. But he couldn't have been a warrior . . . could he? I don't understand. And why can't he
talk. He tries so hard, he chokes. I don't like that choking either. It's not natural. Could his throat
be damaged? I have so many questions and no answers.
"There's also the question of my marriage. I'm not going to get married. I can't stand the
thought of subjecting a woman to those dangers. I don't even desire a woman. So the succession
goes to my nephew. I'm more worried about Duo and this war."
Wufei sighed and poured himself some more tea. Heero's troubles were in his hands, for now.
He had ideas for some of the problems, but not for others. He was doing research on one trouble
at a time so he was concentrating on Duo for now.
"I think he might have been a squire. Perhaps to some minor general. He'd know the whistles
and how to arm and armor a knight. But he would be spoils of war and not ransomed. As to his
muteness, I'd like a look down his throat. I have a mirror that will work. But . . . the operation I
researched is . . . barbarous is all I can think of. I have to find another way. If his skull has healed
as much as it should, trepanation is the only way I know of to help him. And that's dangerous in
the extreme. I don't like the idea of cutting his skull open on the off chance it'll relieve the
Heero gapped at Wufei, there was no way that he was going to allow Wufei to cut into Duo's
skull. There had to be another way. Heero commanded Wufei to find it.
Wufei grinned unashamedly and admitted that he was already researching.
"If his skull hasn't healed very well. Which is a distinct possibility, his diet has been poor to say
the least. Therefore, he may have had little healing. Bone density is important to healing of any
fracture and without meat and milk, cheese, fruit and vegetables, he's not going to heal well at
all. When I probed the site there seemed to be some . . . softness there. I need to have another
look at that as well. I got that ocular." Heero raised his eyebrow over his cup. "A magical item I
can use to examine his bones. I've been wanting one for a while and this was a good excuse to
requisition one from the temple."
"You going back?"
Wufei shook his head. "No. I'll never go back there. They want all healers to be chaste. It's not
in my nature to . . . I need." Wufei shrugged. They'd talked about this before. Heero wasn't
about to cover already plowed ground again.
"I know. I wish you'd find someone. You don't do well alone."
"I know. But the people here are . . . respectful in the extreme. They . . . walk around me like I'll
contaminate them or something. I don't know how you stand it."
Heero shrugged, his people knew better than to sneer at his proclivities. A few floggings had
seen to their manners.
"I refuse to put up with insolence of any kind for any reason. I am King. And they'd better not
forget it for a minute. I don't have the luxury of letting them.
"We're on the verge of war with Gateway. It's so small that it's ridiculous, but it's the only way
into the rest of the continent. If we want to trade with the lands to the east, we have to have
access to the passes. And they all go through Gateway. Gateway is at war with their neighbor to
the east, but they're still allowing trade. I'm so tired of politics. If they don't get themselves
sorted out in the next few months, I'm taking over, by force if I have to. They aren't controlling
the raiders. So I'm having trouble with that too."
Heero ran his hands through his hair looking tired and worn. Wufei considered, Heero was tired
because he was trying to rule his entire kingdom from this domain. That was difficult, but he
needed to be here. He'd promised his father to spend two weeks here every year. His father had
hoped that it would allow Heero to rest. But all it was doing was adding to his problems.
Except this year, it was helping. He was close to the problem for once. The passes, the raiders,
the coming war. Wufei sighed softly. Duo, his head aches, muteness and terrors. He couldn't
help Heero with politics but he could help him with Duo.
"We need to get back to the subject at hand. I can't help you with the war, but I can help you
with Duo. I'll examine him again and see if I can't find whatever curse is keeping him ill and
mute. I'm sure it's a curse. So . . . bring him here late this afternoon. We'll have our writing
lesson. . . he's doing very well by the way. And then I'll look him over again. Now, if what is
going on in his head is what I think. I'll use a combination operation. I've got to finish my
research on the spell, but I'm sure it will work. I've read a treatise on it." Wufei settled himself
for a long discussion of the particulars of the operation.
Heero held up his hand, disappointing Wufei. "I know you want to explain in exquisite detail
exactly what you're going to do. But I don't understand a fifth of what you say most of the time.
Just make sure you know exactly what you're doing before you do it."
Wufei bridled in outrage. "I always know what I'm doing. I don't take chances with my patients
no matter what it sounds like. I would never. . ." Wufei trailed off as Heero sent him an amused
smirk. "Dammit. You'll not catch me in that again. I'll make sure of it."
Heero smiled at Wufei's indignation, then said, "I'll have Duo here this afternoon. He's
beginning to put on muscle, I'm sure you'll be happy with his progress. But he's still afraid of
making me angry. If I frown at him he panics. I don't know what to do about it."
Wufei sighed, "He's probably been punished cruelly for even the slightest infraction of rules that
were almost impossible to follow. You'll have to punish him for something sooner or later.
When you have to, you must explain exactly what he's done wrong. What you are punishing him
for. Then . . . be as gentle as you can. There are several ways to punish someone without beating
them half to death."
Heero held up a hand. "I know that. This bunch of backwoods louts only understand the whip. If
you remember, I tried to be lenient the first year I came here. It was a disaster. They lied to me
constantly. I won't tolerate any lies anymore. Not a one. But I know ways, most of them used on
me at one time or another. Some of my instructors were . . . imaginative to say the least."
"Finish your researches. I'll bring him around to see you this afternoon." Heero finished his tea.
"I'm really tired. This training is wearing me down. I never saw a worse bunch of fuck ups in my
life. And holding court each morning? . . . My patience is exhausted and my temper . . . is
uncertain at best. I'm going to my rooms and have a bath."
Heero hopped off the counter and put down the cup. Wufei rose, followed him to the door, and
bowed as Heero left the room.
~ * ~
Duo scurried down the corridor and slid around the corner. He was running late today and he
didn't want Heero to catch him. He wanted, no needed, his sanctuary so he didn't want Heero to
question where he was.
He'd finished his writing early and cleaned Heero's quarters carefully. Then he'd gone to do his
exercises where none of the servants would find him. He was in a sort of limbo with them. He
was a slave, but he was Heero's slave. Legally he was below even the commoners, but as
Heero's slave he was above them in the chain of command. Heero's word was his law. His word
was the same as Heero's. It led to all sorts of odd problems.
So he cleaned the rooms himself and took care of Heero's arms and armor. He did his writing
work and exercised, he got Heero's meals from the kitchen on command. The other servants
avoided him or teased him. They didn't however lay hands on him. On pain of getting them cut
off. Heero was firm, but fair; most of the time. But he had a temper like a fiend when it was
aroused, so Duo was safe from molestation of any kind but it aroused resentment which let him
in for practical jokes of the not so funny kind.
If he was late and Heero had to hunt for him the servants would be pleased to help find him. So
he hurried. He just made it, the door was beginning to open as he closed the hidden panel. He hid
what he was doing by opening the wardrobe door and pretending to do something inside.
~ * ~
Heero smiled at Duo, his braid was mussed and he looked a little flustered. He offered Heero a
slightly wan smile and came to him quickly, kneeling to remove his boots.
Duo helped Heero out of his heavy weapons belt and over tunic. After putting them away, he
took a warm chamber robe out of the wardrobe and offered it to Heero. Heero just shook his
"I'm fine. I don't notice the chill that much. And after running all over the keep, I'm a little too
warm. Are you cold?"
Duo shook his head with a shy smile. He was still not used to Heero's concern for him. He
worried what would happen if he ever made him really angry.
"Did you do your writing?" Duo nodded again, playing with the ball in his tongue idly. "Let me
see it, please. I'll help correct any errors."
Duo went to Heero's desk and reached up to his shelf. His pages weren't there! He searched
quickly but couldn't find them.
Heero watched Duo, wondering what he was up to. "Your lines, please." Heero held out his
Duo gave Heero a pathetic look. "You didn't do them, did you?" It was a statement not a
Duo nodded vigorously. He had done them. He'd done them and put them on his shelf, where
he'd thought they'd be safe. He pointed to the shelf and nodded his head again.
Heero sighed. "I won't stand for you slacking off then lying about it. If Wufei is kind enough to
take on the task of teaching you, the least you can do is practice properly. I'm disapointed with
you. You've been doing so well too.
Duo bit his lip, how he wished he could speak. He couldn't get Heero to understand him half the
time. Heero had no patience, Duo had no skills with gestures. They'd figured out simple signs
for common tasks and requests, but real communication was beyond the scope of their sign
Heero reached out for Duo. He was going to have to punish him, something simple, perhaps a
spanking. Duo dodged Heero, Heero reached again. He got hold of Duo's upper arm and pulled.
Duo lost his temper, reached out in frustration and grabbed Heero by the hair. Then he gave it a
good yank.
"Oh, you didn't. You can't do that."
Duo froze, what had he just done? He gave a tiny whimper, then a sob. He was in so much
trouble. He'd just attacked his master.
"What is wrong with you? You know better than that. You will be punished." Heero took a
totally unresisting Duo by the hand and led him to the bed. Duo stumbled along whimpering and
"You will stay right there until I return. You know you can't lose your temper like that. Shame
on you. I though you were better behaved than that."
Duo stood by the bed with a hanging head, trembling slightly as Heero went to the door and
spoke to the footman there. The footman pattered away and came back quickly.
Heero brought the covered tray to the bed and climbed onto it.
"Get up here. Now." Heero patted the bed and Duo scrambled to obey. Perhaps if he was extra
obedient, he could escape too severe a punishment.
Heero settled Duo over his thighs, pulling his trousers down to his knees, in preparation for his
Duo clenched his buttocks in anticipation, what happened next was surprising.
Heero slapped Duo's backside once. "Don't clench, you won't like what happens. Put your
hands behind your back."
Duo obeyed and Heero took hold of his thumbs with one hand and held them, effectively binding
his hands together. Then Heero took something off the tray and placed it on the small of Duo's
back, Duo couldn't see what it was but he recognized the smell. Hot root. What was Heero going
to do with hot root and what did it have to do with his punishment?
Heero carefully slipped his finger into Duo, he was not about to just jam something into him. He
was going to make sure Duo was ready to accept the root and the rest of his punishment.
"You know better than to lose your temper. I'm sorry you did that. You'll learn better control.
You should have finished your lines. For which I was just going to make you do double. But you
lied to me, which I will not tolerate from anyone. For that I was only going to spank you. Then
you lost your temper, attacked me and put yourself in danger of a full flogging if anyone else had
seen it. I don't believe I've been this upset in quite sometime. Do you understand me?"
Duo could only gulp and nod. He shouldn't have pulled Heero's hair. He hated that, he couldn't
understand what he'd been thinking. He couldn't figure out what had happened to his papers,
Heero waited patiently until Duo began to relax a little, then he pushed another finger into him.
He moved them in and out a bit then removed them. Duo sighed in relief, that hadn't been so
bad. It wasn't much of a punishment. Heero placed the carefully prepared piece of hot root
against Duo's anus and pushed it in until the tight ring of muscle popped into the grove cut in its
Duo squirmed a little, the root was wet and cold. It felt uncomfortable and Duo realized that he
had healed and tightened. Then the root started to work. Duo wriggled a little, trying to figure
out what was happening.
Heero smacked Duo on the buttock, not hard just enough to be felt. Duo clenched his buttocks.
His eyes and mouth snapped open. He could feel the root starting to burn.
When Heero began spanking him in earnest Duo learned the true fiendishness of Heero's mind.
If he clenched to ease the pain of the smack, it made the root burn even more. If he didn't clench
the burning was less but the smack hurt worse. Duo couldn't make up his mind which was
The thing that made it even harder was, every time he made a sound, he choked. He couldn't
apologize, beg for mercy or cry out. All he could do was endure as best he could and hope.
Heero gave Duo several hard smacks on each buttock, making sure that he moved around so as
not to land in one place more than once. He wanted to punish not bruise.
When he was done spanking Duo, Heero gently stroked him on the backside smoothing his
sword-calloused palm over the silken, heated flesh. "I don't like hurting you. You can't lose your
temper. When you do that you do stupid things." Duo stiffened under Heero's hand. He felt
rather strange. He should be furiously angry, or ashamed, or terrified. But Heero hadn't half
killed him, in fact, the punishment hadn't been that bad, just a stinging backside. The burning
sensation in his anus was bad, but compared to a flogging, it was more embarrassing than
anything else. He just wished Heero would make it stop now.
Then it penetrated Duo's fear and shame. He wasn't being punished for pulling Heero's hair. He
was being punished for losing his temper. Duo wriggled until Heero let him sit up. He settled
himself on his heels facing Heero. He squirmed, trying to ease the burning sensation in his ass,
nothing helped. Finally Duo pressed his hands together in a begging gesture. Then he reached
behind himself. Heero caught his hand.
"Not yet." Heero pointed to an hourglass on the night stand. The sand hadn't quite run out yet.
Duo made a soft sound in his throat. He crawled up Heero's body until he was lying on his chest.
Heero gently put his arms around Duo and held him, rocking him slightly.
"I'm sorry to have to hurt you. But you know you've been bad. You didn't do your lines, then
you . . . really. Pulling hair like a girl. Shame on you."
Duo nuzzled against Heero. He wanted the root out. The burning sensation wasn't easing any.
He eyed the glass, surely the sand had stuck. But no, there was a steady trickle of sand from the
top into the bottom.
Duo sniffled and gave Heero a piteous look. His eyes pleaded with Heero to take the burning
away. Heero steeled his resolve and left the hot root where it was.
Duo crawled deeper into Heero's arms and nuzzled his head under Heero's chin. He gave a
shuddering sigh and whimpered softly. He'd found that he could get away with very soft noises
if he was careful.
"No, don't do that. I won't relent, but you make me feel . . . bad. You're sorry, aren't you?" Duo
nodded his head against Heero's chest, offering another sniffle as well.
Heero had his head turned watching the hourglass carefully. The minute the last grain of sand
dropped through the tiny neck, he reached behind Duo, pulled out the hot root and, with a flick
of powerful fingers, tossed it into the fire.
Duo shuddered, the burning hadn't stopped yet.
"Don't worry Pacchiri, the burning will stop in a few minutes. As soon as the oils lose their
power. Now. I want you to do your lines. I know you're probably tired and sore, but if you don't
do your work today you'll only have that much more tomorrow." Duo stood up and reached for
his pants looking to Heero for permission. "Yes, get dressed. You realize that now I have to
suffer too." Duo gave him a puzzled look. "I do look forward to your 'attentions,' I enjoy them
very much. But tonight, I'll miss out. You'll be too tired and too sore. I won't allow you to hurt
Duo gave Heero a doubtful look. They hadn't done anything yet. Duo knew that Heero wanted to
do things with him. Things that would hurt, humiliate, destroy. Duo tried to hold Heero off with
other pleasures, but he could feel the need building in him. That need wouldn't be held off much
longer, not with the things Duo was ready to offer freely. Heero referred to what Duo offered as
fellatio and manual stimulation as well as words that Duo didn't recognize. Duo knew that Heero
wasn't going to be satisfied with that much longer. He just hoped it wouldn't hurt too much.
Maybe he could stand it, if Heero treated him well otherwise.
Heero knew what Duo was thinking as well as if he'd spoken his doubts. He knew that Duo was
afraid of sexual contact because he'd been abused nearly to death. He didn't know all the details
and didn't want to know. All he knew was that he had to be patient with Duo. He wanted more
than what he was getting, but he'd wait until Duo was stronger and had learned to trust him. He
didn't realize how much this one incident of impatients was going to put him back.
Duo settled himself at Heero's desk and started writing. He didn't mind doing the work again, he
could use the practice. But he did mind not being believed. That made him angry, but he had
already taken his lesson to heart. He wasn't going to lose his temper again. He wouldn't forget
this either. He needed to be very careful, he knew he had a hot temper and lost it much too
easily. If he was foolish again he was afraid he'd get a whipping or be sold. Perhaps he should
play least in sight for a while.
He wondered what had happened to his work. Someone had taken it, that was the only
explanation he could come up with. But why?
~ * ~
After finishing his lines again, without squirming once, Duo presented them to Heero. Heero
accepted them with a slight smile and rolled them carefully. After inserting the roll into a
protective tube, Heero told Duo that they had an appointment with Wufei.
Duo eyed Heero, who reassured him. "Don't worry. Wufei isn't going to do anything much
today. He wants to examine you again. You will cooperate with him, won't you." It wasn't a
question, it was a statement. Duo sighed and nodded, making a face. "And don't give me that.
You know that it's necessary if you want to get rid of the headaches. You want to, don't you?"
Duo nodded again, but he still didn't look happy. He made writing motions, then pushing
"You want to push the writing?" Duo shook his head. "You want to . . . oh, hell. I give up. I wish
you'd hurry and learn more words."
Duo nodded vigorously, shaking his finger at Heero. He wasn't happy with Heero right now but
he was afraid to make him angry again. Heero just said that he'd tell Wufei to give him more
"I just hope it doesn't make your head hurt."
~ * ~
Duo sulked all the way to Wufei's quarters. He couldn't believe that Heero hadn't believed him.
Hadn't he been careful to do all his work every day? He'd been as obedient as he knew how too.
He wanted to like Heero, he really did. Heero had been kind to him, doing everything to make
him well again. But now? Duo decided to try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Heero had
been coming back to their quarters in a temper more and more often. He was usually grumbling
about the stupidity of his vassals and the difficulties of holding court, training warriors and
organizing the defense of the keep without any help.
When they got to Wufei's renovated stables, Duo dug in his heels a little. Heero firmly pulled
him in the door.
When he saw the tables looming out of the dimly lit interior, Duo made a soft crooning sound.
He pointed to something with obvious delight and started to go to that table. Wufei's voice from
the back of the room stopped him.
"Ah, there you are. I was expecting you a little sooner. Come back before the tea is stewed."
Duo blinked at Wufei for a second, then obediently followed Heero into the back. Wufei led
them into a room across from the still room. It was a very nice study.
One wall was shelving, filled with books, scrolls and piles of paper. It also had cubby holes with
baskets and boxes, crystal balls and other, more obscure magical paraphernalia. Duo had to
forcibly resist the urge to explore. Instead he sighed and sat at Heero's feet. Resting one elbow
on Heero's knees, he watched Wufei with bright eyes as he began to explain his research.
He went over his earlier explanation again for Duo, then went on to explain that he had decided
on a combination operation. He was going to use a magical spell to make the bone that was out
of place soften again, then he was going to pull the bone back into place and use another spell to
reheal the bone again. Duo worried at the ball in his tongue, this whole thing was very
unnerving, he wasn't sure about the whole process.
Heero felt Duo stiffen against his knees. "I don't think Duo likes the idea. I wish he could speak,
I'd really like to know what he thinks about this."
Wufei shrugged. "He's a slave. Your property. He doesn't have a choice, much like a minor
child. You make the decisions and he obeys."
Duo gave Wufei an indignant glare. He wasn't a child. Heero patted his shoulder.
"I want you to double his work. If he can't handle it, we'll cut back again. But he seems to be
willing, he wants to hurry his work." Heero tugged gently on a lock of Duo's hair. "Right? But
no more slacking."
Duo made an extremely rude noise, sticking out his tongue and blowing. Wufei couldn't help but
"Well, I guess we know his opinion. I'll add half again what I've been giving him." Wufei
caught sight of the tube stuck through Heero's belt. "Is that his most recent work?"
Heero nodded and handed it to Wufei. Wufei opened the tube and examined the pages.
"This is very good work. I know he's done some sort of writing before or he wouldn't be
catching on so quickly." Wufei turned to Duo. "The symbols you were using . . . they're your
language aren't they?"
Duo nodded, then he gave Heero a speaking look. Heero threw up his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry. I apologize. You can too write. Just not anything we can read. Fair?" Duo sucked his
lip for a moment, then he nodded rather sullenly. Heero sighed. "I am sorry. Really." Duo stayed
Wufei changed the subject. "I have been looking for clues to what keeps him from speaking. I
have found several chants that can be used to remove spells. I'll try them, if you don't mind.
None of them will do any harm, to me or Duo. And one of them might help."
Heero had no objections and Duo just shrugged. If it would help him speak, he'd do just about
So Duo stood in one corner of the study and Wufei chanted. In fact, he chanted so much that
Duo got bored.
"Let him speak," Duo yawned "Let him sing." Duo patted back the yawn with one hand.
"Well? Try to speak again." Duo tried, nothing happened, except he didn't choke. But all he
could produce was a tiny squeaking sound. "Dammit. That's the last chant I could find.
Nothing." Duo reached out and patted Wufei on the arm, Heero hid a smile. "I'll keep looking.
Heero, he's worn out. I don't want him over exerting himself. I want him well rested. I'll do the
operation as soon as he gains a stone. That won't be for a while."
Heero just gathered up the packages of tea that Wufei pointed to and shrugged. "He eats like a
horse, he should gain that amount of weight in no time. Come on, Duo." Heero smiled at Duo
from under his bangs. "If you're really good and drink all your tea I'll give you something nice.
Would you like that?"
Duo made a rude noise, then smiled in delight. He might not be able to talk but at least he could
make noises now.
Heero gave him a gentle swat on the arm then led the way out of the room, the building and into
the late sunlight. Duo followed, content for the moment, he wasn't sure what the something nice
was, but if Heero promised a treat it would be something nice.
As they wandered through the garden Duo looked around with a forlorn expression. He wanted
to stop and look at the flowers and plants. Heero caught his look.
"What's wrong? You look so unhappy. I wish . . . well, damn."
Heero sat down on a bench and pulled Duo into his arms. Duo settled against him and thought
hard. If he could only get across what he wanted.
Duo pointed to the walk way and made walking motions with his fingers, then patted himself on
the chest. He gave Heero an inquiring look.
"You want to walk?" Duo nodded smiling happily. "Walk . . . to the dairy?" Duo gave Heero an
astonished look." Walk . . . to the well." Heero grinned at Duo.
Duo made a rude noise in his throat and smacked Heero on the arm. His startled wide eyed look
made Heero snicker. Duo relaxed. He wasn't forgiving Heero anytime soon, but a sulky slave
was a beaten slave. Duo decided that he needed to at least act like he'd forgiven Heero. He'd
work on really forgiving him. Duo decided that he was still mad, not that Heero had punished
him, but that he hadn't believed him.
"All right. No more teasing. Yes, now that you are strong enough I don't have to worry about
you passing out, you may walk in the garden. Happy?"
Duo clasped his hands, put his head on Heero's chest and batted his eyes at Heero. He felt like
singing, Heero had forgiven him, even teased him.
"You're getting much better, I'm glad to see. In fact, you're getting down right silly." Heero
stroked Duo's cheek. "I think I like it."
Duo moved into Heero's hand and just enjoyed a touch that didn't hurt. Heero slid his hand over
Duo's cheek and into his hair. He carefully ran his fingers through the silken strands and sighed.
"You have such pretty hair. I can't wait for it to grow enough that you can trim it into some kind
of decent cut. You want it long or short?"
Duo gave Heero a funny look, he couldn't remember ever having a nice cut, his masters had all
hacked his hair off any old way. His last master had enjoyed pulling it out by the roots, just to
hear him scream and choke.
Heero knew Duo wasn't enjoying his thoughts, the expressions flitting across his elfin face were
anything but happy.
"Hey, come back to me. You can have your hair anyway you want it. Now. Long? Short? What."
Duo blinked then thought. He made a motion with his hand. An odd motion, as if he was
reaching for something. Something that should have been right at his hip. He frowned, then
made a sort of cutting motion near his backside.
"You . . . What? Still hurt?" Duo shook his head. "No, you shouldn't hurt anymore." Heero
looked puzzled for a second. "Is that how long you want your hair? My goddess! Are you an
Duo blinked then shrugged.
Anchorites were a religious order made up of mostly nobles. They were a sort of mercenary, who
fought for anyone who needed help in a 'righteous' cause. The head of the order decided who
got that aid. They were also mostly lovers of men. Long months of campaigning made their
preferences necessary.
If Duo was an Anchorite that would explain quite a lot. He could be the squire of a minor noble
who took the vows himself. Their long hair was a sign of their dedication to the order. Most of
the members didn't have hair quite that long though, most only wore it to their shoulders.
Heero bit at his lip, if Duo was a member of that order, should he send word? But Duo was his!
Heero decided to think about this carefully. Also, what did the order say about captured
members. If Duo hadn't been ransomed, would the order uphold his slavery, ransom him then
kill him for being captured, or take him and free him.
All this required careful consideration. Heero decided to find out what the order could do to Duo
before he made any decisions.
That settled, he started to explain to Duo exactly when he could be in the garden. "I don't want
you here when the gardeners are. They're a rough lot and they wouldn't understand that you are
untouchable as far as they are concerned. And I never want you anywhere near the barracks.
They'd hurt you and never think a thing about it. This . . . provincial area is . . . uncultured in the
extreme. But I have to be here. I'd like to take you back to the capital. I will, just as soon as I get
this mess settled. But enough of that."
Duo grumbled to himself, it wasn't as if he didn't know what was going on. He had been
listening to the other servants talk. They didn't bother him much, except for one or two of them.
Heero had had a talk with the Mistress of the House. He was sure that most of the servants
understood that Duo was untouchable, he also hoped that Duo's own sweet personality would
draw people to him. Duo wasn't so sure, but he held hope in his heart.
"As long as you are back in quarters by the time I need you, you can go anywhere inside the
keep you want to. You have to have your chores and your lines done. You understand?"
Duo nodded. "Ummm-uhhnnn." He smiled so happily that Heero's heart nearly broke. Duo was
so happy over such a small accomplishment. But he still couldn't speak.
Heero smiled back and led Duo back to their quarters.
~ * ~
Authors notes. A garderobe is a semi-open latrine. They were only in the rooms of the Lord and
Lady, and perhaps the guest room. They hung out over the wall, like a step turret, and emptied
into a cess pit directly below. They were 'flushed' by dumping a few buckets of water down
them once a day.
~ * ~
Betaed by Skippyscatt
~ * ~
The next two weeks were busy and informative for Duo.
He realized that there was a great deal more trouble here than could be caused by Heero being an
absentee landlord. Heero was in and out of their quarters at all hours of the day and night. He
began to look tired, sometimes he snapped at Duo for little things then had to apologize.
Duo did what he could to help Heero. Listening to him grumble about training raw recruits and
having to spend hours listening to complaints from the tenants. This he resented quite a bit. They
came to him about grazing rights, property lines and other petty complaints that, he complained,
robbed him of time he needed for more important things. His main complaint about this was that
they lied to him about everything. It tried his patience sorting out the truth.
In the meantime, Duo continued to gain weight and strength, especially since he worked out in
his sanctuary every day.
He'd had quite a time cleaning up the mess without getting caught. First he'd taken all the
unusable furniture, cushions and drapes and dumped them at the dead end of the passageway.
Then he'd cleaned up the closet. The mice were not happy to be thrown out of their nests but
Duo was more than happy to be rid of the smell. He had, however, saved all the linen not in
complete tatters. Some of the shirts were wearable, and the rest made excellent cleaning rags.
Most of the sheets were still usable as they had been stored in a huge press at the end of the last
rank of shelves. Duo was glad that the large, tin lined cupboard had stood the test of time.
The bed was completely ruined. The mattress was stinking and filthy, the sheets over it were
mouse nibbled and the woolen blankets moth eaten. The hangings were rotten and dangling in
tatters like the draperies. He carried them all into his dumping ground.
He knew he was going to have to find a way to get rid of it all, but for now all he wanted was to
get his sanctuary in some kind of livable condition.
The bed frame was in good shape. Since it was some kind of hard wood the mice had left it alone
and it wasn't dry rotted. Most of the upholstered furniture was ruined, except for one leather-
covered chase. The solid wood chairs were in good condition, only needing to be cleaned. The
desk was in excellent condition, even its contents, as the lid was closed and tightly locked, the
key still in the lock. There were several small tables and some stools that were fine as well.
The bathing chamber was as filthy as the rest of the rooms, but was much easier to clean, as Duo
found that it had running water. This made it much easier to clean all the rooms, as all he had to
do was dump the dirty water down the garderobe. He just hoped that no one noticed the extra
volume in the cesspit.
It took him every second he could sneak for most of a week to get his hidey-hole cleaned up to
his satisfaction.
Now he could exercise in peace and quiet, doing things he didn't remember learning. He only
knew that he should do them.
As he worked out, he remembered things. Just snatches and jumbled ghost sounds. They made
his head ache.
~ * ~
Heero noticed that Duo was beginning to build muscle and remarked on it. He also told Duo that
he was now Heero's page, or squire, depending on what he could do.
Duo proved that he was squire material by helping Heero on and off with his armor without
instruction. He buckled all the straps and laced laces without a single error the first time. Heero
gave him an odd look but praised him generously.
Duo glowed with happiness. If he could prove his usefulness, Master Heero wouldn't send him
to the barracks as other masters had. This was never good for Duo, the soldiers were rough. He
didn't think he would survive many more visits there.
Heero noticed that while the removal of the spells had made Duo much more confident, he still
succumbed to moments of what Heero could only call stark terror.
Sometimes, any implication that Duo wasn't doing his job perfectly resulted in groveling, foot
kissing and cringing. A simple reprimand was all it took to have him in tears. Others he just
knelt in apology and corrected the problem.
Heero felt like he was walking some sort of tight rope. He had to correct Duo in order for him to
learn but if he was too harsh Duo turned into a complete wreck. Heero couldn't stand it when he
did. He decided he needed another talk with Chang.
Instead of summoning the golden skinned wizard to him he went to Wufei's quarters. He'd never
been there before so he was a little startled to realize that Wufei had taken over the small stables.
They were old and outdated so Heero had built larger one's using one wall of the keep as a wall
of the stables and further fortifying the keep. The old stables had been too far away for them to
be any use.
"Chang Wufei. Where are you?"
Wufei answered from the depths of his domicile. "Back here! Come through the tables and into
the still room"
Heero wended his way down the aisle between four huge tables covered books, papers, caldrons
and assorted magical paraphernalia that he had no names for. He was very careful not to touch
He entered the still room just in time to see Wufei setting up a distilling apparatus.
"What evil brew are you boiling up now?"
Wufei laughed genially. "I'm making spirits of wine. I'll need them for Duo."
Heero raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"I'll use it as a base for the medicine he'll have to take after I'm through with his operation.
What do you need?"
Heero settled on the counter behind him. The still room was long and fairly wide, considering
that it had two tables right down the middle of it. Both sides of the room had wide counters and
shelves alternating with cupboards. Windows competed with shelving on the opposite wall from
Heero. Every flat surface was covered with distilling equipment or bottles of distilled liquids,
liquids to be distilled, plants and something that looked suspiciously like a fish. Heero didn't
want to know.
"I wanted to talk to you about that operation and Duo in general. I need to . . . I want . . . well,
hell." Heero jammed his hands into his hair in frustration adding to the messy appearance that he
didn't bother to control.
Wufei poured tea into a sturdy clay cup and handed it to Heero.
"Just start at the beginning."
Heero scrunched his nose at the taste of the tea, he wasn't that fond of chamomile. "I don't think
Sanquian is his first language. Duo has two syllables. And . . . his head along with his other
scars. But he couldn't have been a warrior . . . could he? I don't understand. And why can't he
talk. He tries so hard, he chokes. I don't like that choking either. It's not natural. Could his throat
be damaged? I have so many questions and no answers.
"There's also the question of my marriage. I'm not going to get married. I can't stand the
thought of subjecting a woman to those dangers. I don't even desire a woman. So the succession
goes to my nephew. I'm more worried about Duo and this war."
Wufei sighed and poured himself some more tea. Heero's troubles were in his hands, for now.
He had ideas for some of the problems, but not for others. He was doing research on one trouble
at a time so he was concentrating on Duo for now.
"I think he might have been a squire. Perhaps to some minor general. He'd know the whistles
and how to arm and armor a knight. But he would be spoils of war and not ransomed. As to his
muteness, I'd like a look down his throat. I have a mirror that will work. But . . . the operation I
researched is . . . barbarous is all I can think of. I have to find another way. If his skull has healed
as much as it should, trepanation is the only way I know of to help him. And that's dangerous in
the extreme. I don't like the idea of cutting his skull open on the off chance it'll relieve the
Heero gapped at Wufei, there was no way that he was going to allow Wufei to cut into Duo's
skull. There had to be another way. Heero commanded Wufei to find it.
Wufei grinned unashamedly and admitted that he was already researching.
"If his skull hasn't healed very well. Which is a distinct possibility, his diet has been poor to say
the least. Therefore, he may have had little healing. Bone density is important to healing of any
fracture and without meat and milk, cheese, fruit and vegetables, he's not going to heal well at
all. When I probed the site there seemed to be some . . . softness there. I need to have another
look at that as well. I got that ocular." Heero raised his eyebrow over his cup. "A magical item I
can use to examine his bones. I've been wanting one for a while and this was a good excuse to
requisition one from the temple."
"You going back?"
Wufei shook his head. "No. I'll never go back there. They want all healers to be chaste. It's not
in my nature to . . . I need." Wufei shrugged. They'd talked about this before. Heero wasn't
about to cover already plowed ground again.
"I know. I wish you'd find someone. You don't do well alone."
"I know. But the people here are . . . respectful in the extreme. They . . . walk around me like I'll
contaminate them or something. I don't know how you stand it."
Heero shrugged, his people knew better than to sneer at his proclivities. A few floggings had
seen to their manners.
"I refuse to put up with insolence of any kind for any reason. I am King. And they'd better not
forget it for a minute. I don't have the luxury of letting them.
"We're on the verge of war with Gateway. It's so small that it's ridiculous, but it's the only way
into the rest of the continent. If we want to trade with the lands to the east, we have to have
access to the passes. And they all go through Gateway. Gateway is at war with their neighbor to
the east, but they're still allowing trade. I'm so tired of politics. If they don't get themselves
sorted out in the next few months, I'm taking over, by force if I have to. They aren't controlling
the raiders. So I'm having trouble with that too."
Heero ran his hands through his hair looking tired and worn. Wufei considered, Heero was tired
because he was trying to rule his entire kingdom from this domain. That was difficult, but he
needed to be here. He'd promised his father to spend two weeks here every year. His father had
hoped that it would allow Heero to rest. But all it was doing was adding to his problems.
Except this year, it was helping. He was close to the problem for once. The passes, the raiders,
the coming war. Wufei sighed softly. Duo, his head aches, muteness and terrors. He couldn't
help Heero with politics but he could help him with Duo.
"We need to get back to the subject at hand. I can't help you with the war, but I can help you
with Duo. I'll examine him again and see if I can't find whatever curse is keeping him ill and
mute. I'm sure it's a curse. So . . . bring him here late this afternoon. We'll have our writing
lesson. . . he's doing very well by the way. And then I'll look him over again. Now, if what is
going on in his head is what I think. I'll use a combination operation. I've got to finish my
research on the spell, but I'm sure it will work. I've read a treatise on it." Wufei settled himself
for a long discussion of the particulars of the operation.
Heero held up his hand, disappointing Wufei. "I know you want to explain in exquisite detail
exactly what you're going to do. But I don't understand a fifth of what you say most of the time.
Just make sure you know exactly what you're doing before you do it."
Wufei bridled in outrage. "I always know what I'm doing. I don't take chances with my patients
no matter what it sounds like. I would never. . ." Wufei trailed off as Heero sent him an amused
smirk. "Dammit. You'll not catch me in that again. I'll make sure of it."
Heero smiled at Wufei's indignation, then said, "I'll have Duo here this afternoon. He's
beginning to put on muscle, I'm sure you'll be happy with his progress. But he's still afraid of
making me angry. If I frown at him he panics. I don't know what to do about it."
Wufei sighed, "He's probably been punished cruelly for even the slightest infraction of rules that
were almost impossible to follow. You'll have to punish him for something sooner or later.
When you have to, you must explain exactly what he's done wrong. What you are punishing him
for. Then . . . be as gentle as you can. There are several ways to punish someone without beating
them half to death."
Heero held up a hand. "I know that. This bunch of backwoods louts only understand the whip. If
you remember, I tried to be lenient the first year I came here. It was a disaster. They lied to me
constantly. I won't tolerate any lies anymore. Not a one. But I know ways, most of them used on
me at one time or another. Some of my instructors were . . . imaginative to say the least."
"Finish your researches. I'll bring him around to see you this afternoon." Heero finished his tea.
"I'm really tired. This training is wearing me down. I never saw a worse bunch of fuck ups in my
life. And holding court each morning? . . . My patience is exhausted and my temper . . . is
uncertain at best. I'm going to my rooms and have a bath."
Heero hopped off the counter and put down the cup. Wufei rose, followed him to the door, and
bowed as Heero left the room.
~ * ~
Duo scurried down the corridor and slid around the corner. He was running late today and he
didn't want Heero to catch him. He wanted, no needed, his sanctuary so he didn't want Heero to
question where he was.
He'd finished his writing early and cleaned Heero's quarters carefully. Then he'd gone to do his
exercises where none of the servants would find him. He was in a sort of limbo with them. He
was a slave, but he was Heero's slave. Legally he was below even the commoners, but as
Heero's slave he was above them in the chain of command. Heero's word was his law. His word
was the same as Heero's. It led to all sorts of odd problems.
So he cleaned the rooms himself and took care of Heero's arms and armor. He did his writing
work and exercised, he got Heero's meals from the kitchen on command. The other servants
avoided him or teased him. They didn't however lay hands on him. On pain of getting them cut
off. Heero was firm, but fair; most of the time. But he had a temper like a fiend when it was
aroused, so Duo was safe from molestation of any kind but it aroused resentment which let him
in for practical jokes of the not so funny kind.
If he was late and Heero had to hunt for him the servants would be pleased to help find him. So
he hurried. He just made it, the door was beginning to open as he closed the hidden panel. He hid
what he was doing by opening the wardrobe door and pretending to do something inside.
~ * ~
Heero smiled at Duo, his braid was mussed and he looked a little flustered. He offered Heero a
slightly wan smile and came to him quickly, kneeling to remove his boots.
Duo helped Heero out of his heavy weapons belt and over tunic. After putting them away, he
took a warm chamber robe out of the wardrobe and offered it to Heero. Heero just shook his
"I'm fine. I don't notice the chill that much. And after running all over the keep, I'm a little too
warm. Are you cold?"
Duo shook his head with a shy smile. He was still not used to Heero's concern for him. He
worried what would happen if he ever made him really angry.
"Did you do your writing?" Duo nodded again, playing with the ball in his tongue idly. "Let me
see it, please. I'll help correct any errors."
Duo went to Heero's desk and reached up to his shelf. His pages weren't there! He searched
quickly but couldn't find them.
Heero watched Duo, wondering what he was up to. "Your lines, please." Heero held out his
Duo gave Heero a pathetic look. "You didn't do them, did you?" It was a statement not a
Duo nodded vigorously. He had done them. He'd done them and put them on his shelf, where
he'd thought they'd be safe. He pointed to the shelf and nodded his head again.
Heero sighed. "I won't stand for you slacking off then lying about it. If Wufei is kind enough to
take on the task of teaching you, the least you can do is practice properly. I'm disapointed with
you. You've been doing so well too.
Duo bit his lip, how he wished he could speak. He couldn't get Heero to understand him half the
time. Heero had no patience, Duo had no skills with gestures. They'd figured out simple signs
for common tasks and requests, but real communication was beyond the scope of their sign
Heero reached out for Duo. He was going to have to punish him, something simple, perhaps a
spanking. Duo dodged Heero, Heero reached again. He got hold of Duo's upper arm and pulled.
Duo lost his temper, reached out in frustration and grabbed Heero by the hair. Then he gave it a
good yank.
"Oh, you didn't. You can't do that."
Duo froze, what had he just done? He gave a tiny whimper, then a sob. He was in so much
trouble. He'd just attacked his master.
"What is wrong with you? You know better than that. You will be punished." Heero took a
totally unresisting Duo by the hand and led him to the bed. Duo stumbled along whimpering and
"You will stay right there until I return. You know you can't lose your temper like that. Shame
on you. I though you were better behaved than that."
Duo stood by the bed with a hanging head, trembling slightly as Heero went to the door and
spoke to the footman there. The footman pattered away and came back quickly.
Heero brought the covered tray to the bed and climbed onto it.
"Get up here. Now." Heero patted the bed and Duo scrambled to obey. Perhaps if he was extra
obedient, he could escape too severe a punishment.
Heero settled Duo over his thighs, pulling his trousers down to his knees, in preparation for his
Duo clenched his buttocks in anticipation, what happened next was surprising.
Heero slapped Duo's backside once. "Don't clench, you won't like what happens. Put your
hands behind your back."
Duo obeyed and Heero took hold of his thumbs with one hand and held them, effectively binding
his hands together. Then Heero took something off the tray and placed it on the small of Duo's
back, Duo couldn't see what it was but he recognized the smell. Hot root. What was Heero going
to do with hot root and what did it have to do with his punishment?
Heero carefully slipped his finger into Duo, he was not about to just jam something into him. He
was going to make sure Duo was ready to accept the root and the rest of his punishment.
"You know better than to lose your temper. I'm sorry you did that. You'll learn better control.
You should have finished your lines. For which I was just going to make you do double. But you
lied to me, which I will not tolerate from anyone. For that I was only going to spank you. Then
you lost your temper, attacked me and put yourself in danger of a full flogging if anyone else had
seen it. I don't believe I've been this upset in quite sometime. Do you understand me?"
Duo could only gulp and nod. He shouldn't have pulled Heero's hair. He hated that, he couldn't
understand what he'd been thinking. He couldn't figure out what had happened to his papers,
Heero waited patiently until Duo began to relax a little, then he pushed another finger into him.
He moved them in and out a bit then removed them. Duo sighed in relief, that hadn't been so
bad. It wasn't much of a punishment. Heero placed the carefully prepared piece of hot root
against Duo's anus and pushed it in until the tight ring of muscle popped into the grove cut in its
Duo squirmed a little, the root was wet and cold. It felt uncomfortable and Duo realized that he
had healed and tightened. Then the root started to work. Duo wriggled a little, trying to figure
out what was happening.
Heero smacked Duo on the buttock, not hard just enough to be felt. Duo clenched his buttocks.
His eyes and mouth snapped open. He could feel the root starting to burn.
When Heero began spanking him in earnest Duo learned the true fiendishness of Heero's mind.
If he clenched to ease the pain of the smack, it made the root burn even more. If he didn't clench
the burning was less but the smack hurt worse. Duo couldn't make up his mind which was
The thing that made it even harder was, every time he made a sound, he choked. He couldn't
apologize, beg for mercy or cry out. All he could do was endure as best he could and hope.
Heero gave Duo several hard smacks on each buttock, making sure that he moved around so as
not to land in one place more than once. He wanted to punish not bruise.
When he was done spanking Duo, Heero gently stroked him on the backside smoothing his
sword-calloused palm over the silken, heated flesh. "I don't like hurting you. You can't lose your
temper. When you do that you do stupid things." Duo stiffened under Heero's hand. He felt
rather strange. He should be furiously angry, or ashamed, or terrified. But Heero hadn't half
killed him, in fact, the punishment hadn't been that bad, just a stinging backside. The burning
sensation in his anus was bad, but compared to a flogging, it was more embarrassing than
anything else. He just wished Heero would make it stop now.
Then it penetrated Duo's fear and shame. He wasn't being punished for pulling Heero's hair. He
was being punished for losing his temper. Duo wriggled until Heero let him sit up. He settled
himself on his heels facing Heero. He squirmed, trying to ease the burning sensation in his ass,
nothing helped. Finally Duo pressed his hands together in a begging gesture. Then he reached
behind himself. Heero caught his hand.
"Not yet." Heero pointed to an hourglass on the night stand. The sand hadn't quite run out yet.
Duo made a soft sound in his throat. He crawled up Heero's body until he was lying on his chest.
Heero gently put his arms around Duo and held him, rocking him slightly.
"I'm sorry to have to hurt you. But you know you've been bad. You didn't do your lines, then
you . . . really. Pulling hair like a girl. Shame on you."
Duo nuzzled against Heero. He wanted the root out. The burning sensation wasn't easing any.
He eyed the glass, surely the sand had stuck. But no, there was a steady trickle of sand from the
top into the bottom.
Duo sniffled and gave Heero a piteous look. His eyes pleaded with Heero to take the burning
away. Heero steeled his resolve and left the hot root where it was.
Duo crawled deeper into Heero's arms and nuzzled his head under Heero's chin. He gave a
shuddering sigh and whimpered softly. He'd found that he could get away with very soft noises
if he was careful.
"No, don't do that. I won't relent, but you make me feel . . . bad. You're sorry, aren't you?" Duo
nodded his head against Heero's chest, offering another sniffle as well.
Heero had his head turned watching the hourglass carefully. The minute the last grain of sand
dropped through the tiny neck, he reached behind Duo, pulled out the hot root and, with a flick
of powerful fingers, tossed it into the fire.
Duo shuddered, the burning hadn't stopped yet.
"Don't worry Pacchiri, the burning will stop in a few minutes. As soon as the oils lose their
power. Now. I want you to do your lines. I know you're probably tired and sore, but if you don't
do your work today you'll only have that much more tomorrow." Duo stood up and reached for
his pants looking to Heero for permission. "Yes, get dressed. You realize that now I have to
suffer too." Duo gave him a puzzled look. "I do look forward to your 'attentions,' I enjoy them
very much. But tonight, I'll miss out. You'll be too tired and too sore. I won't allow you to hurt
Duo gave Heero a doubtful look. They hadn't done anything yet. Duo knew that Heero wanted to
do things with him. Things that would hurt, humiliate, destroy. Duo tried to hold Heero off with
other pleasures, but he could feel the need building in him. That need wouldn't be held off much
longer, not with the things Duo was ready to offer freely. Heero referred to what Duo offered as
fellatio and manual stimulation as well as words that Duo didn't recognize. Duo knew that Heero
wasn't going to be satisfied with that much longer. He just hoped it wouldn't hurt too much.
Maybe he could stand it, if Heero treated him well otherwise.
Heero knew what Duo was thinking as well as if he'd spoken his doubts. He knew that Duo was
afraid of sexual contact because he'd been abused nearly to death. He didn't know all the details
and didn't want to know. All he knew was that he had to be patient with Duo. He wanted more
than what he was getting, but he'd wait until Duo was stronger and had learned to trust him. He
didn't realize how much this one incident of impatients was going to put him back.
Duo settled himself at Heero's desk and started writing. He didn't mind doing the work again, he
could use the practice. But he did mind not being believed. That made him angry, but he had
already taken his lesson to heart. He wasn't going to lose his temper again. He wouldn't forget
this either. He needed to be very careful, he knew he had a hot temper and lost it much too
easily. If he was foolish again he was afraid he'd get a whipping or be sold. Perhaps he should
play least in sight for a while.
He wondered what had happened to his work. Someone had taken it, that was the only
explanation he could come up with. But why?
~ * ~
After finishing his lines again, without squirming once, Duo presented them to Heero. Heero
accepted them with a slight smile and rolled them carefully. After inserting the roll into a
protective tube, Heero told Duo that they had an appointment with Wufei.
Duo eyed Heero, who reassured him. "Don't worry. Wufei isn't going to do anything much
today. He wants to examine you again. You will cooperate with him, won't you." It wasn't a
question, it was a statement. Duo sighed and nodded, making a face. "And don't give me that.
You know that it's necessary if you want to get rid of the headaches. You want to, don't you?"
Duo nodded again, but he still didn't look happy. He made writing motions, then pushing
"You want to push the writing?" Duo shook his head. "You want to . . . oh, hell. I give up. I wish
you'd hurry and learn more words."
Duo nodded vigorously, shaking his finger at Heero. He wasn't happy with Heero right now but
he was afraid to make him angry again. Heero just said that he'd tell Wufei to give him more
"I just hope it doesn't make your head hurt."
~ * ~
Duo sulked all the way to Wufei's quarters. He couldn't believe that Heero hadn't believed him.
Hadn't he been careful to do all his work every day? He'd been as obedient as he knew how too.
He wanted to like Heero, he really did. Heero had been kind to him, doing everything to make
him well again. But now? Duo decided to try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Heero had
been coming back to their quarters in a temper more and more often. He was usually grumbling
about the stupidity of his vassals and the difficulties of holding court, training warriors and
organizing the defense of the keep without any help.
When they got to Wufei's renovated stables, Duo dug in his heels a little. Heero firmly pulled
him in the door.
When he saw the tables looming out of the dimly lit interior, Duo made a soft crooning sound.
He pointed to something with obvious delight and started to go to that table. Wufei's voice from
the back of the room stopped him.
"Ah, there you are. I was expecting you a little sooner. Come back before the tea is stewed."
Duo blinked at Wufei for a second, then obediently followed Heero into the back. Wufei led
them into a room across from the still room. It was a very nice study.
One wall was shelving, filled with books, scrolls and piles of paper. It also had cubby holes with
baskets and boxes, crystal balls and other, more obscure magical paraphernalia. Duo had to
forcibly resist the urge to explore. Instead he sighed and sat at Heero's feet. Resting one elbow
on Heero's knees, he watched Wufei with bright eyes as he began to explain his research.
He went over his earlier explanation again for Duo, then went on to explain that he had decided
on a combination operation. He was going to use a magical spell to make the bone that was out
of place soften again, then he was going to pull the bone back into place and use another spell to
reheal the bone again. Duo worried at the ball in his tongue, this whole thing was very
unnerving, he wasn't sure about the whole process.
Heero felt Duo stiffen against his knees. "I don't think Duo likes the idea. I wish he could speak,
I'd really like to know what he thinks about this."
Wufei shrugged. "He's a slave. Your property. He doesn't have a choice, much like a minor
child. You make the decisions and he obeys."
Duo gave Wufei an indignant glare. He wasn't a child. Heero patted his shoulder.
"I want you to double his work. If he can't handle it, we'll cut back again. But he seems to be
willing, he wants to hurry his work." Heero tugged gently on a lock of Duo's hair. "Right? But
no more slacking."
Duo made an extremely rude noise, sticking out his tongue and blowing. Wufei couldn't help but
"Well, I guess we know his opinion. I'll add half again what I've been giving him." Wufei
caught sight of the tube stuck through Heero's belt. "Is that his most recent work?"
Heero nodded and handed it to Wufei. Wufei opened the tube and examined the pages.
"This is very good work. I know he's done some sort of writing before or he wouldn't be
catching on so quickly." Wufei turned to Duo. "The symbols you were using . . . they're your
language aren't they?"
Duo nodded, then he gave Heero a speaking look. Heero threw up his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry. I apologize. You can too write. Just not anything we can read. Fair?" Duo sucked his
lip for a moment, then he nodded rather sullenly. Heero sighed. "I am sorry. Really." Duo stayed
Wufei changed the subject. "I have been looking for clues to what keeps him from speaking. I
have found several chants that can be used to remove spells. I'll try them, if you don't mind.
None of them will do any harm, to me or Duo. And one of them might help."
Heero had no objections and Duo just shrugged. If it would help him speak, he'd do just about
So Duo stood in one corner of the study and Wufei chanted. In fact, he chanted so much that
Duo got bored.
"Let him speak," Duo yawned "Let him sing." Duo patted back the yawn with one hand.
"Well? Try to speak again." Duo tried, nothing happened, except he didn't choke. But all he
could produce was a tiny squeaking sound. "Dammit. That's the last chant I could find.
Nothing." Duo reached out and patted Wufei on the arm, Heero hid a smile. "I'll keep looking.
Heero, he's worn out. I don't want him over exerting himself. I want him well rested. I'll do the
operation as soon as he gains a stone. That won't be for a while."
Heero just gathered up the packages of tea that Wufei pointed to and shrugged. "He eats like a
horse, he should gain that amount of weight in no time. Come on, Duo." Heero smiled at Duo
from under his bangs. "If you're really good and drink all your tea I'll give you something nice.
Would you like that?"
Duo made a rude noise, then smiled in delight. He might not be able to talk but at least he could
make noises now.
Heero gave him a gentle swat on the arm then led the way out of the room, the building and into
the late sunlight. Duo followed, content for the moment, he wasn't sure what the something nice
was, but if Heero promised a treat it would be something nice.
As they wandered through the garden Duo looked around with a forlorn expression. He wanted
to stop and look at the flowers and plants. Heero caught his look.
"What's wrong? You look so unhappy. I wish . . . well, damn."
Heero sat down on a bench and pulled Duo into his arms. Duo settled against him and thought
hard. If he could only get across what he wanted.
Duo pointed to the walk way and made walking motions with his fingers, then patted himself on
the chest. He gave Heero an inquiring look.
"You want to walk?" Duo nodded smiling happily. "Walk . . . to the dairy?" Duo gave Heero an
astonished look." Walk . . . to the well." Heero grinned at Duo.
Duo made a rude noise in his throat and smacked Heero on the arm. His startled wide eyed look
made Heero snicker. Duo relaxed. He wasn't forgiving Heero anytime soon, but a sulky slave
was a beaten slave. Duo decided that he needed to at least act like he'd forgiven Heero. He'd
work on really forgiving him. Duo decided that he was still mad, not that Heero had punished
him, but that he hadn't believed him.
"All right. No more teasing. Yes, now that you are strong enough I don't have to worry about
you passing out, you may walk in the garden. Happy?"
Duo clasped his hands, put his head on Heero's chest and batted his eyes at Heero. He felt like
singing, Heero had forgiven him, even teased him.
"You're getting much better, I'm glad to see. In fact, you're getting down right silly." Heero
stroked Duo's cheek. "I think I like it."
Duo moved into Heero's hand and just enjoyed a touch that didn't hurt. Heero slid his hand over
Duo's cheek and into his hair. He carefully ran his fingers through the silken strands and sighed.
"You have such pretty hair. I can't wait for it to grow enough that you can trim it into some kind
of decent cut. You want it long or short?"
Duo gave Heero a funny look, he couldn't remember ever having a nice cut, his masters had all
hacked his hair off any old way. His last master had enjoyed pulling it out by the roots, just to
hear him scream and choke.
Heero knew Duo wasn't enjoying his thoughts, the expressions flitting across his elfin face were
anything but happy.
"Hey, come back to me. You can have your hair anyway you want it. Now. Long? Short? What."
Duo blinked then thought. He made a motion with his hand. An odd motion, as if he was
reaching for something. Something that should have been right at his hip. He frowned, then
made a sort of cutting motion near his backside.
"You . . . What? Still hurt?" Duo shook his head. "No, you shouldn't hurt anymore." Heero
looked puzzled for a second. "Is that how long you want your hair? My goddess! Are you an
Duo blinked then shrugged.
Anchorites were a religious order made up of mostly nobles. They were a sort of mercenary, who
fought for anyone who needed help in a 'righteous' cause. The head of the order decided who
got that aid. They were also mostly lovers of men. Long months of campaigning made their
preferences necessary.
If Duo was an Anchorite that would explain quite a lot. He could be the squire of a minor noble
who took the vows himself. Their long hair was a sign of their dedication to the order. Most of
the members didn't have hair quite that long though, most only wore it to their shoulders.
Heero bit at his lip, if Duo was a member of that order, should he send word? But Duo was his!
Heero decided to think about this carefully. Also, what did the order say about captured
members. If Duo hadn't been ransomed, would the order uphold his slavery, ransom him then
kill him for being captured, or take him and free him.
All this required careful consideration. Heero decided to find out what the order could do to Duo
before he made any decisions.
That settled, he started to explain to Duo exactly when he could be in the garden. "I don't want
you here when the gardeners are. They're a rough lot and they wouldn't understand that you are
untouchable as far as they are concerned. And I never want you anywhere near the barracks.
They'd hurt you and never think a thing about it. This . . . provincial area is . . . uncultured in the
extreme. But I have to be here. I'd like to take you back to the capital. I will, just as soon as I get
this mess settled. But enough of that."
Duo grumbled to himself, it wasn't as if he didn't know what was going on. He had been
listening to the other servants talk. They didn't bother him much, except for one or two of them.
Heero had had a talk with the Mistress of the House. He was sure that most of the servants
understood that Duo was untouchable, he also hoped that Duo's own sweet personality would
draw people to him. Duo wasn't so sure, but he held hope in his heart.
"As long as you are back in quarters by the time I need you, you can go anywhere inside the
keep you want to. You have to have your chores and your lines done. You understand?"
Duo nodded. "Ummm-uhhnnn." He smiled so happily that Heero's heart nearly broke. Duo was
so happy over such a small accomplishment. But he still couldn't speak.
Heero smiled back and led Duo back to their quarters.
~ * ~
Authors notes. A garderobe is a semi-open latrine. They were only in the rooms of the Lord and
Lady, and perhaps the guest room. They hung out over the wall, like a step turret, and emptied
into a cess pit directly below. They were 'flushed' by dumping a few buckets of water down
them once a day.