Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Shifter ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shifter

I'd like to thank all of the 1x2 supporters that comforted me in my time of need. I love you all and to the people who sent me e-mails saying you will track down the anonymous 1x2 hater and kill him, thank you but it's not needed. Even though I don't agree with him I don't want him dead, any way... on with the chapter!

/…/=Vision sequence

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Violet eyes slowly opened to take in their surroundings. The fey creature they belonged to realized that he was alone in the large bedroom. Panic began to fill his senses when the door opened and the prince stepped in. Seeing the fear on Duo's face, Heero quickly deposited the tray he was carrying on his desk and rushed to his side. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. "I-I...didn't know where you were." The boy replied honestly. Heero's heart quickened as he realized that the beautiful vision before him felt secure in his presence. It was true. Duo felt safest when the prince was near him. He didn't know why, but he wanted the blue-eyed boy to wrap his arms around him and hold him like he did before. "It's alright, I'm here now." Heero said, stroking the other boy's face. "I thought you might be hungry so I brought you something to eat." He finished, motioning to the tray he had set on the desk. Duo grinned suddenly. "Thank you!" The corners of Heero's mouth quirked, it was amazing how quickly his companion's mood had changed at the mention of food. Retrieving the tray, he brought the food to the hungry forest shifter. Duo's eyes lit up as he scanned the plate that was now seated on his lap. It was filled with fruits of many varieties as well as a few meats. "I didn't know what you ate, so I took a safe bet and brought as many fruits as I could find. Do you eat meat?" Duo nodded quickly and swallowed the apple that he was currently chewing. "I'm part hawk, wolf, and cougar. They all eat meat and so I do too." Heero's eyes glittered with laughter as he watched the smaller boy attempt to shove as much food into his mouth as he could.

A light knock sounded on the door just as Duo pushed the tray away. "Who is it?" Heero asked, his voice so cold that it frightened the boy next to him. "It's me. Quatre." A gentle voice replied from the other side. "Come in." The prince's voice had suddenly reverted to its original tone. He turned and saw the confusion written all over the elfin face that stared back at him. "I'll explain later." At Duo's nod, he returned his attention to the now open door. The small blond entered, his aquamarine eyes glittered happily as he spotted the beautiful violets that watched him. "Hi, Duo. It's nice to see you again." At this, Duo's face broke into a wide smile. "It's nice to see you too." His tone was calm, showing that he trusted the young guard. "I hate to interrupt, your majesty," A deep monotonous voice broke into the room. "but I must speak with you." Heero nodded to Trowa and stood. His flight was halted, however, when a slim hand shot out and gripped his wrist. Turning, he realized that said hand belonged to Duo. The smaller boy's face tinged with slight fear. "Please don't leave." The prince's heart melted, he didn't want to leave the lithe angel, but Trowa obviously needed to inform him of something important. "It's alright. I'll stay with you until Heero returns. Is that alright?" Quatre asked quietly. As much as Duo wanted the blue-eyed prince to stay with him, he realized that he couldn't just force him to forget his duties as a prince. Nodding timidly he released his hold on Heero's wrist. "It's alright, I'll be back soon." With that said, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"What's the matter Trowa?" He asked, once he was sure the hall was clear of any eavesdroppers. "Wufei heard something interesting a few hours ago. He asked us to inform you of it, considering he had wall duty today." The prince nodded, signaling the green-eyed guard to continue. "He was passing by the court mage's door this morning..." He began. "Passing by?" Heero raised an eyebrow to this. "Her room is up in the north tower, what could he have been doing?" Trowa dropped his eyes. "I thought so. I appreciate all that you three have done for me, but I don't want you to get yourselves kill simply because you fell the urge to eavesdrop on a powerful, and currently suspicious, mage." His guard nodded reluctantly. "Good now what is it that Wufei heard?" Looking up, the taller boy continued. "He said that he heard your uncle and Lady Une talking. Apparently the voices were muffled, because the only thing he could distinctly hear was, 'Perhaps we should both be wary, my king. It appears that he can sense when I use my magic. He may be a seer, for I could feel the visions passing through him.' He also heard the king reply that it may be good to have a seer around. We believe that, if this is true of course, he will attempt to use Duo as a weapon."

"So, Duo, how old are you?" Quatre asked in an attempt to get the fey boy to speak. Duo looked up at the blond and gave him a kind smile. "I am seventeen in your years." Quatre seemed excited about this. "Really? So am I!" Duo's smile grew when he saw the guard's eyes light up with joy. I haven't been myself lately. I don't know why I'm being so quite. I mean, not even Solo could shut me up. His smile faltered a bit at the thought of his brother, but he quickly got it back under control. Unfortunately, Quatre had already spotted the change in his facial features. Not knowing what had caused it, he decided to change the subject. "Duo..." He began. "What?" Violet eyes became suddenly curious as he watched the other boy. "Duo, do you know what a seer is?" Quatre watched his face for any sign of change, prepare to change the subject if necessary. Duo nodded. "A person who can see into the threads of time and fate." The blond guard breathed a sigh. At least I don't have to explain this. Then looking directly into the shifter's violet eyes he asked: "Duo, are you a seer?" The other boy stared at him for a long moment, his eyes wide with shock. Duo's throat was suddenly dry and he couldn't seem to respond to the blond boy's question. How could he have known? I haven't done anything that would give myself away. Have I? Taking in Duo's shock, Quatre began again. "I'll take that as a yes." He sighed. " did you know?" Duo asked, finally finding his voice. "I didn't. But Une did." At the mention of the mage's name, Duo gave an involuntary shudder. "Dark magic." He muttered. Suddenly the door opened and, to Duo's relief, Heero walked in.

Quatre stood and walked over to him. As he was reached the door, Heero heard him whisper. "He just told me it's true." With that he turned, said farewell to Duo, and stepped out of the room. The prince stood in shock for a moment before recovering his wits and approaching the winged boy who sat on his bed. Sitting down, he began to stroke that spot on Duo's neck. Purring gently, the other boy curled up to the prince. Heero kept telling himself that he only did it because he needed the boy to be calm for what he was about to inform him of. Of course, there was always that annoying part of his brain that spoke the truth, telling him that he just loved having Duo wrapped in his arms, purring contently. "Duo, I must tell you something..." He looked down into worried violet eyes. "My uncle and Une know about" Duo swallowed and looked down, terror beginning to fill his being. "Don't worry though, I'll protect you." As suddenly as it had come, the fear had vanished. Replaced with the warmth of knowing that the strong prince was there to keep him safe. Bringing his eyes back up to meet Heero's, his gaze was diverted to a silver pendent that hung around his neck. "What's that?" He asked. The prince looked at his neck, noticing the medallion with his family crest on it. "It was my father's, after my parents died, Uncle Trieze gave it to me." He closed his eyes. "But that was before he became cruel. He wasn't always like this, he used to kind and caring. I don't know what happened to him." Seeing the pain in his prince's eyes, Duo reached for the round object, determined to use his 'gift' to bring at least a tiny bit of closure to its bearer. He opened his mind to the magic and allowed it to show him the cause. The moment the cold silver touched his skin, his world shifted.

It was dark... dark and cold. The room reminded him a lot of the room Lady Une was in in his previous vision. Only, in this room, there was a figure chained to the far wall. Duo as approached cautiously, whomever it was seemed to jerk with fear at his footfalls. Duo could now tell the person was a man with short ginger hair. The man lifted his head and Duo stopped out of shock. "Trieze?!!" The king looked weary and astonished. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" Impossible, Duo thought, how can he not know who I am? "Duo Maxwell. You don't remember me?" Trieze looked him over. "I've never met you before. How is it that you managed to invade my dreams?" Duo looked at him in question. "Your dreams?" The king nodded. "Yes. I was chained to this wall, awaiting sleep to take me so that I could escape the hell I've been living so long, when the world seemed to shift. I expect myself to be dreaming, but you seemed too real." The fey's mouth fell open. "How long have you been chained in this room?" Trieze shrugged. "Close to ten years. I'm cursed to live until one of my family can save or forgive me." He shook his head. "But the evil behind this took care of that. Murdering my brother and his wife, then they stuck my here. The other probably made sure my nephew hates me." He lowered his head in defeat. Duo stepped forward, examining the king's eyes. He saw nothing but truth and sorrow. "I'm here, your majesty, because I'm a seer looking for truth. I believe I have just found it. The reason behind my search for truth is your nephew, Heero. He wanted to know what happened to make you so cruel. I know he must still feel connected to you for he wares this." Duo waved his hand and Heero's medallion appeared, floating close to Trieze's face. "Darius' medal." He gasped. "I gave that to Heero after Darius died. He still wares it?" Duo nodded, dispelling the image. "Tell him it's not me!!! Tell him it's the other!! Please don't let him think it's me!!" The fey placed a calm hand on his shoulder. "I will don't worry. I'll tell him." Suddenly the room shifted again and he was lying in Heero's arms.

Heero felt Duo stiffen the as his hand closed around the medallion. Looking to his eyes he realized they were closed, moving behind the lids as if he were dreaming. He watched for several minutes attempting to distinguish if the boy was in any pain. Suddenly, Duo gasped and his body went limp. Heero caught him effortlessly and held him close. Slightly glazed violet eyes opened and looked up to him. "What happened?" Heero asked anxiously. "You wanted to know what happened to make your uncle the way he is. Well I used my sight to find out. He asked me to give you a message." Heero stopped moving completely. "What? You spoke to him?" Duo nodded. "He was chained to a wall. He told me to tell you it's not him. It's the other, not him. He was telling the truth" Heero was shocked.

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