Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth ❯ Major-General ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: If you can't protect what you own, you don't own anything. Take that Bandai! Bet you won't go mailing your issues to me!!!

The Truth
Part II

April 9th 209

His left eye twitched. The itch near his temple was driving him insane, but he didn't dare scratch it. No way in hell would he give Damon the satisfaction of making the first move.

The uniform sound of soldiers marching on the terrain surrounded the room's two occupants. This staring competition had commenced from the time when the younger officer entered and sat down in the chair facing the large desk.

Finally, Damon smirked, his off-white teeth gleaming as Major-General Yuy sat before him, his gaze never leaving the Prussian blue eyes. He leisurely strolled towards the front of his desk and sat on its edge in front of his serious ally.

"Heero," he began. His tone was light but the look in his eyes was unsettling which had always managed to place Heero on guard since the day they met. "I am your superior officer therefore my word has authority over yours. Yet today the balance of power had been shifted. Why did you over-rule my instructions?"

Through his unruly chocolate locks, Heero regarded Damon with mild irritation. "Lieutenant-General," he addressed him in his usual monotone voice. "The order was to capture the ex-Vice Foreign Minister Dorlian and to deliver her to headquarters for questioning by our leader. Throwing her into the vilest prison cell, which was knee deep with sewage water, and issuing an order that she be given no food was uncalled for." He continued angrily, "The General did not want her dead!" It vaguely registered in Heero's mind that this was the second time today that he allowed the reins on his emotions to slip.

Damon's smirk evolved into a smile at this rare occasion. "And neither do you."

Heero said nothing.

"That was all I needed," Damon said rising to his feet and Heero followed suit. "You are dismissed", his solemn stance matched his expression.

Following protocol, Heero gave Damon a stiff salute, spun on his heel and walked towards the door.

As his hand was about to touch the pad by the doorframe, which analyses the subjects' handprints before allowing entrance or exit, Damon called to him again.

"Our leader wishes to speak with you at 0800 hours. Details will be sent to you later before your engagement."

Heero stepped through the exit. Standing in the empty hall, he waited for the soft click of the computer control door to close behind him. Upon hearing it, the hand that was hanging loosely by his side grazed his gun attached to his side, headed past his torso and gave his head a fervent scratch.


His pace slowed down considerably once his arrived in the corridor in which Relena was installed. Without thought, his legs transported him to her door. The two guards posted there became alert when they identified a superior officer and gave Heero the mandatory salute.

"I'm here to speak with the new captive."

"Yes sir!" the guard on the left said as she punched in the security code that opened the door.

Heero stepped through alone and the entry automatically closed behind him. Startled aqua orbs focused their attention on the intruder with a mixture of fear and determination. Her initial shock was quickly masked by an emotionless face that gazed up at Heero with such indifference that made him wonder if it was too late to turn back…