Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Wills of the Gundam Pilots ❯ The Will of Chang Wufei ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Will of Chang Wufei

<Tsa…> KONNICHIWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! Oi, Track really kills you. x.X;; And kicking the wall right before you have to run a mile or more is a really bad idea ^^;;. Anyway, in this piece, I decided to have… reaction of the other pilots (in red)… Hope that it makes it more interesting, ne? Ja ne!

The Will of Chang Wufei
By Kaen-chan ^.~V

I, the great Chang Wufei, laugh at all you poor weaklings' misfortunes of having to stay in your weak world with your weak onnas and your weak justice. Right now I am gloating in the land of justice, basking in Its holy light. At this point of time, I just wonder… *Why* did kami-sama [god] put me on earth with all you weaklings… Maybe I'll ask him later. Anyway, even though nobody deserves my holy objects of justice, legalities and all that *crap* make me, so… Thus says I, the honorable Chang Wufei, Master of Martial Arts, the Solitary Dragon, Heir of the Dragon Clan, ----------.

[Duo's reaction: *Yawn*]

Note from editors of this Will… namely Kaen-chan: The, many titles of Justice Man (yes that is also one of his many monikers. Arigatou for whoever came up with it ^-^) had to be shortened, other wise another line or two would've been taken up. Many apologies ^^;; and please read on if you think you've deserved anything… Most likely you will in this particular will o.O;;

Duo Maxwell…. KISAMA!!!! I LEAVE YOU WITH NOTHING!!!!… After scratching my beloved Nataku with your car keys, {no questions, please ^^;;} I ought to hack your braid off with a dull knife! However, since justice and honor and prevailed over my homicidal urges *cough, cough* , I'll leave you with this piece of advise: go meet the real Shinigami and see how he thinks about your unsavory habits… No, don't start protesting… You *haven't* been to hell, I have though… Living with you and your incessant babbling. So please live on your hopefully short and weak life, and pray to kami-sama that you don't end up with me.

Another note from author: Yes, I have read Episode Zero to all you otakus who are protesting against Duo's harsh childhood considered as, 'not hell', however this is a humor fic… So bear with me 'kay?

[Duo's reaction: T-T But *I'm* Shinigami! ::sob::]
[Heero: Urusai baka]

Heero Yuy… I might as well leave you with something… I don't know what… maybe a LIFE?-- Yes another one, even after all those other ones you went through. No, I won't say you're weak, but you sure are stupid! HA! Self-destructing for an insane doctor, how inane is that? In the end, I've decided to leave you a large piece of justice, my prized Justice Staff, to beat Maxwell on the head with when his insane chatter gets out of hand… Which is everyday, so be sure to have a replica made when it breaks.

[Heero's reaction to that particular passage: … -_- Omae o korosu!]
[Quatre: … But Heero! He's already dead!]
[Heero: Urusai gaki! (shut up brat!)]
[Quatre's immediate reaction: ;-; ::sniffle::]

To Trowa I leave my katana. All I can say is that your choice of weapons was what a weakling would do. Heh, trusting bullets to solve all your problems. Use my katana of Justice and you'll never fail!

[Trowa's reaction:… Didn't it already break twice?]
[Quatre's : Hai, but he just won't admit it]
[Trowa: Aa… sou desu ka (Ah, I see)]

And Quatre, weak little Quatre… I give you the Taibo tape of that weakling dude with too much muscle. Maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to develop some muscle instead of looking like a weak little doll. And here's another piece of advise… Stop using hair bleach… We all know your secret. Release the justice that true hair color brings!

[Quatre: ::sniffle:: ;-; But it's natural!]
[Duo: Hai, hai, hai… Whatever.]
[Heero:… Wufei's insane.]
[Duo: o.O And you aren't?]
[Heero: -_- Omae o korosu.]

And lastly to Relena……gaki… Please do all of the rest of the weaklings on the weakling earth and colonies a great honorable favor… KILL YOURSELF AND SEND YOURSELF OFF TO HELL!!! *ahem* Justice demands you to commit suic--… erm, sacrifice your life to the future. On a personal note: KISAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! There will never be justice as long as you live! Why do you think I left my strong body so early? Because of you contaminating justice!

[Duo: … o.O;; Strong body? Is it just me, or does that just sound… *wrong*?]
[Trowa: … Just you…]
[Quatre <gasp> Duo! You hentai!]
[Duo: O.O!!! Nani? What are you talking about? Is it… !!! Ecchi! QUATRE!]
[Heero: …Bakas. I'm surrounded by bakas. T-T]

So with all that said, I'd like to bid a personal farewell to my beloved Nataku who should be waxed two times a day. Rememeber, I'm watching you so if she is not properly groomed each day, I'll personally come after all you weaklings and exact my revenge! So, sayonara to the injustice and you bakas and weaklings. Perhaps when you reach true greatness and devotion to justice shall you join me in the wondrous land of justice!

[Duo: *Yawn*]


Tsa… (do NOT steal that! It is personally mine while Tsu is personally Dekiru's… Steal it and die.) I'm finished! After a month without writing. ^^;; Did you know I cranked that one out in less than an hour? Heh, anyway, I'll try to work on another one of my many series… Ja ne minna, and please review!