Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Things Gundam Wing Characters Would Never Say ❯ Things Gundam Wing Characters Would Never Say ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Things Gundam Wing Characters Would Never Say

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of it's characters. I also do not own Dragon BallZ, Goku, and Vegeta. And last but not lease I do not own Robin Hood. I simply use all of them for my amusement and your entertainment. If I did own any of these I can bet that I would not be working two jobs for some money and I would not have to use GW, DBZ, or RH for my entertainment. I'd have lots of money and would find something expensive and fun to do J .
A/N: A few of these were on my Things You'll Never Hear Anime Characters Say list but I put them on here anyway. My anime never say list didn't do so well so I'm not expecting much out of this one. *But I'm hoping* I'm writing this list because blue_42 asked me to. I figured it sounded like a good idea and if at least he would review it so it would be worth it. Besides, I was on major writers block, if you consider not being able to write a list writer's block, so when he gave me an idea I took it. And guess what, I wrote five more lists after I wrote this one, this was just the last one to get posted. So thank you to blue_42 for getting me off my writer's block! Some of these are funny and some of them are stupid, but hey, stupid is funny. Some of these are actions and not things they're saying so all *actions* will be in astrics. Sorry, that was a long authors note. Please R&R!

Heero- I love you Relena. (Yeah, I wish!)
Heero- I'm not going to kill you.
Duo- *silence*
Zechs- I give up Heero, you win.
Zechs- Gosh Heero, you're a much more skillful fighter than I am.
Heero- *singing* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, tweedly dee dee…
Duo- I'm going to shut-up now.
Wufei- Hey buddy! (To anyone, especially Duo.)
Wufei- Women are strong!
Wufei- I am weak.
Wufei- I bow down to you Sally Po.
Trowa- *singing with Heero* There they are a standing in a row, bump, bump, bump…
Duo- Yes sir, Wufei!
Wufei- Sally, will you marry me?
Wufei- *cry*
Heero- *cry*
Quatre- DIE everyone, DIE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Noin- DIE Zechs! DIE!!!
Heero- Do these shorts make me look fat?
Wufei- *singing with Heero and Trowa* Big ones, small ones…
Heero- Sometimes I feel like a nut nut nut.
Wufei- *not yell at Duo*

Duo- Hey Wu-Wu!
Wufei- Hey Duo buddy! (scary…)
Noin- I said die Zechs! Why won't you die? You just keep coming back like a cockroach!

Milliardo- Relena, I am your father.
Relena- Really? My father and my brother?
Milliardo- Ewww, what are you, sick?!
Relena- I dunno.
Milliardo- I'm just your father.
Relena- Really?
Milliardo- What did I just say?!
Relena- I dunno.
Goku- Hey! Who are all of these people?
Vega Starr- Wrong fic Goku!
Goku- What's a fic?
Vega- Never mind, just shut-up Goku!
Goku- Okay!
Vega- *sighs and walks away mumbling something about Vegeta being right, Goku really is a baka*
Milliardo- My hair is so long. I look like a girl, I look like Dorothy!!! AHHHHHH!!! *proceeds to rip his hair out while running away from the mirror**** A/N: Don't get me wrong here, I love Milliardo with his long hair****
Milliardo- Hmmmmm, maybe if I wear a little makeup, separate my eyebrows so I have four of them, and wear a skirt, then I'll look like Dorothy! Yea! There you are Dorothy! You are my new mentor! Wait for me!
Wufei- *not argue with Duo*
Duo- *not tease and torture pour Duo*
Milliardo- *singing with Heero, Trowa, and Wufei* Some as big as your head…
Heero- I am…RRRRobin Hood , in tights. J
Wufei- *whistles* Whoa! Sally, you look hott!!!
Wufei- Can't we all just, get along.
Relena- Heero, will you teach me to fly a Gundam?!