Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Time for Destiny of dumbness-"The pick your own adventure story/game" ❯ Nine ( Chapter 9 )
Time for Destiny of dumbness- "The pick your own adventure game"
GOAL: Keep your player alive as long as you can and kill your opponents
Bonus: Keep player alive for 5 chapters or more.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, but I wish I did!
You decide to do what?!?!? Have a starring contest while you have a gun pointed at your head. Sounds fun.
Then Duo says, "Starring contest!! Whoever wins gets whatever they want!!" Heero started starring at Duo, and Duo vice versa.
After awhile, Heero blinked and Duo won. He pulled out a miny scythe and chopped Heero and to tiny bits.
YAY!!! You killed Heero. You've met your goal. Well not yet though. Keep going my man/woman.
Now what???
Go see what Wufei is doing - Chapter 7
Get inside Deathscythe and start blowing up stuff - Chapter 10
Go read a book - Chapter 20
Go get something to eat - Chapter 13