Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Time ❯ Christmas Eve Story ( Chapter 2 )
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Jack, Gundam Wing, Backstreet Boys (Or their songs) or anything else I happen to use in this fic.
//I know we've changed but
Change can be so good
So let's not forget why
It's understood that//
Duo ran his hand through is hair. Damn, he loved the feel of it now that it was short. After he was sure that he had put all of his old ghosts to rest he had cut his hair short, breaking himself from his past. Heero would be around soon to pick him up for the Christmas party that Quatre was planning. He had dressed in a red and green suit, befitting of the holiday that they would be inadvertently celebrated along with the celebration of the end of the wars. Although, he did think that he looked a little like a mutilated holly branch.
Heero knocked on the door, waiting for Duo to answer. Duo opened the door with a smile, spinning in a circle so that his boyfriend could appreciate what he was wearing. Heero raised an eyebrow at the colour before snorting.
"Duo, you look AWFUL! What happened to the colour sense I was beginning to see you acquire? You know, the colour sense that /doesn't/ include your theory that because `black is the presence of all colour, you can't go wrong!'"
Duo poked his tongue out at Heero before pulling the blue-eyed Japanese mans ponytail out. Heero had grown his hair long now that he didn't need to concentrate on missions as much. He had also grown a personality that was almost as fun-loving as Duo's.
"Hey, that took me AGES!! Baka!" Heero called at Duo's back, who was heading towards the car. He quickly pulled a hair-tie out from his pocket and pulled his brown hair back again. Then he followed his boyfriend to the car.
After the short drive, Duo bounced out of the car, quickly followed by Heero, who was muttering about insane hollybranches and even more insane radio stations. Wufei was near the door, talking to a baby gorilla that he had in his arms.
"WUFEI!" Heero called out from the bottom of the staircase leading to Quatre's mansion, before racing Duo to the Chinese man.
Wufei stopped his one sided conversation and turned to glare at the other Asian man. "Sh! I only just managed to get Momiji to sleep!" He hissed.
Duo laughed. "Nice one, brainiack!" he said as he slapped Heero across the head, messing up the perfect ponytail once again.
Wufei, after spending a year with the Preventers full time, decided that he needed something else to fulfil his life. So he had applied to look after the young animals at a large Zoo that was in his area. The Shenlong pilot had adored this work and moved to part time work with Preventers so that he could spend more time looking after his young charges. Now he was rarely seen without a young animal clinging to him. Snakes and gorilla's were his favourites, as he seemed to be able to handle them better.
"Um, is your hair supposed to have a purple tint?" Duo asked, squinting at Wufei's hair.
"Is your outfit supposed to look like someone tried to eat an entire holly branch and threw it back up?" came the retort.
"I thought your hair was blonde last week." Heero said, following Duo's example and squinting at Wufei's head.
"THAT was last week! I have a new tattoo as well."
"Another dragon one?" Duo asked.
"Yes, this one is a water dragon. He's on my left forearm." Wufei informed them haughtily, shifting the gorilla and lifting his sleeve so show it off.
Heero looked puzzled as he asked, "Aren't you running out of space?"
"I haven't started on my legs yet." Wufei said, huffing a bit.
"Oh, you got Wufei's knickers in a knot, Heero." Duo teased before jumping out of both Wufei's and Heero's arms reach.
Heero gave Duo a withering look before walking into Quatre's house. Duo waved to Wufei before following Heero inside.
"Yo! Trow-a!" Duo called.
Trowa emerged from the kitchen. "Quatre'll be here soon. Sit tight, you two."
Heero and Duo were then left in the hall, waiting for Quatre. After sharing a look they both couldn't help it, they burst out laughing. Trowa, when he had addressed them, had been wearing a frilly white apron. That, coupled with his current choice of hair style - layered much like Jon Bon Jovi had his in 2001 - gave the tall pilot a very feminie look.
A thudding and hushed shuffling cause both of the pilots to quiet down. It was the sound of Quatre's approach brought them out of their laughter.
Quatre walked towards them with his walking stick much like one of the old victims of polio. His gait was twisting to accommodate his leg. He had been involved in an accident in a Preventers mission a year ago and they hadn't been able to repair his leg. In fact, the blonde man was lucky to still have his leg and not some part plastic, part mechanical replacement. However, his knee was now useless and the length of his legs uneven. He also needed a walking stick to make his way around.
A smile lit Quatre's face as he looked upon his friends. "Glad you could make it." He said, slightly out of breath from his walk to the front of the house.
"No problem, Quatre! You know we wouldn't miss spending time with you!" Heero said with enthusiasm as Duo nodded his agreement.
After Quatre had been injured he had stopped working full time at preventers and had given Winner Corporations over to his sisters. He wasn't able to keep up the work. This was, in some ways, a good thing. Before Quatre had been injured, he had been working eighteen hour days, only stopping when he was forced to eat or when exhaustion prevented him from working. He had been hurting himself with the effort of looking after the peace and his company. He had been in hospital three times, and had gone on the mission that had resulted in his disfigurement against doctors' advice. However, the injury had allowed Quatre to regain his health and, to all appearances, his love of life.
"Right, lets eat!" Duo said with a laugh.
"As soon as Trowa's ready." Quatre laughed, grabbing the back of Duo's shirt to slow his pace before winking. "We'll go into the dining room to encourage him to work faster, though."
Heero grinned and called out to Wufei. "Oi, `Fei! Stop making out with your gorilla and put `im down for a bit. I am sure he'll survive for an hour while you have some fun. Besides, we want to eat!"
Duo gave Heero five while they heard Wufei put his Gorilla in its temporary bed. Then they heard Wufei's stomping footsteps approaching, signalling his indignation at Heero's comment.
"What, may I ask, gave you the impression that I MAKE OUT WITH MY GORILLA?!" Wufei part hissed, part yelled.
"Oh, so you do!" Heero laughed as Duo called out from the other side of the room.
"MAXWELL!" Wufei yelled.
"Dinner!" Trowa called, stepping between Wufei and Duo with a plate of food.
Quatre laughed and took his place at the table. This was going to be a good Christmas.