Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ To Have and To Hold ❯ Morning Journey ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: To Have and To Hold

Author: tenshineechan (

Category: Gundam Wing

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. They belong to their respective owners.

A/N: Sorry if this there are any problems with this. It is my first Gundam fic and I'll be starting on the next chapter. The next one will definitely be longer. I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to review and tell me what you think!

Chapter 1 - Morning Journey

"Duo. Duo. Wake up. Come on, Duo. We're going to be late. We have to catch the 0800 shuttle to L-4 but we're never going to make it if you don't get up now. DUO!"

Said person cracked an eye open. He began to bat the hands that tugged at him away as he tried to focus on the moving dark blur in front of him. He might not have been able to see who was shaking him but he definitely knew that voice. He closed his eyes and turned over.

"Go 'way Hilde. I'll get up in a minute. It's too nice a day to get out of bed just yet. Just leave me for a bit. I'll make it."

Hilde sighed in exasperation. She yanked the covers off Duo and positioned her fingers at his sides. Without giving him any warning, she began tickling him. He began to gasp as his laughter resounded in his cosy room. Tears were streaming out of his eyes and he was trying to get away from the deft fingers with no success.

"Hilde…please…stop…I'll…get&h ellip;up…now…" Hilde let Duo get up as she stopped tickling. She sat there grinning as Duo got out of bed all the while groaning.

"It's 7:10, Duo. You'd better get a move on." She called out to Duo as she skipped out of the room.

Muttering curses, Duo began to get dressed. He would have liked to take an hour to get ready like he usually did but although he wanted to spite Hilde, he himself was eager to get to Quatre's reunion party. It had been at least a year when he had last seen all the others and he had missed the others terribly.

He still kept in contact with them through regular emails but it just wasn't the same. There was no Quatre to laugh with. No Trowa to confide in. No Wufei to tease. No Heero…well, to be perfectly honest, no Heero to gawk at.

It sounded incredibly childish and strange when he put it that way but he couldn't help it if it was true. He paused in his packing and shook his head. He always had to tell himself off when he caught himself staring at Heero when the other boy wasn't looking.

At first, it had disturbed him but he had soon come to the conclusion that he was in love with his partner and best friend.

It certainly had been extremely embarrassing when Hilde had confronted him about it. She had ambushed him when he had moved in with her after the wars.


He was nervous. Who wouldn't be if they were in his shoes? Not long after had he moved in with Hilde, she had become extremely nosy, poking into the depths of his life. She hadn't succeeded. He HAD made sure of that. There are just some things you don't share with your friends.

However it had been a big surprise to see her acting so…well, acting like Relena. She was being nosy, overprotective, occasionally possessive, just like Relena!

He suddenly felt a chill. What if Hilde was in love with him? Like Relena was in love with Heero? How could he be in love with someone who was as close to him like a sister would be? It had to stop now.

"Hilde, could you please come to the kitchen? I have something important to discuss with you."

"Be there in a minute."

Duo waited as he sat on a stool, feeling anxious.

Hilde skipped as she entered the tidy kitchen. She smiled as she went and sat on a stool across the bench, opposite to Duo.

"So what's with the long face, Duo?"

'Might as well get it over with,' he sighed mentally.

"Hilde, I've noticed that ever since I moved in with you, you've begun to act differently. You've been great to me and all but you're starting to act a lot like Relena. I don't want to offend you and I'm really sorry but I don't love you in that way. You're like my sister and I don't want you to get upset but I really don't think of you in that way." Duo began to tense up in anticipation, expeting tears and anger but he was surprised, as he looked on in bewilderment as Hilde began to laugh. Great, choking gasps of laughter.

Duo was a little miffed at his friend's amusement. He began to pout and glare. Hilde noticing Duo's behaviour managed to calm down enough to give him an explanation.

"Oh, Duo. I'm so sorry but I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at the fact that you put me in the same category as Relena! I've always loved you but my love for you has always been that of a sister. Given that the only example of a girl in love that you have had is Relena, I'll forgive you."

Duo had winced when she said that she loved him but visibly relaxed when it was only the love for a sibling.

"Thank goodness for that, but why did your personality change so much from before. To tell you the truth it was kind of scary for a while."

"What? A gundam pilot? The Shinigami himself, afraid of little old me?" Hilde laughed once again as Duo made a face.

"Ok. Ok. Back to the conversation at hand. Duo, I could never, would never love you in that way because I know that you love someone else. You're as obvious as the sun." Hilde began to smirk at Duo's discomfort who became increasingly flustered by the second.

Duo, on the otherhand was cursing Hilde and her cruel, mocking smirk. His panic began to escalate when Hilde spoke again.

"Yes Duo. It's obvious who you're in love with. It's clear to everyone you know. Except for…Heero."

Duo blanched as Hilde revealed that practically everyone knew that he was in love with his best friend. Hilde upon seeing his expression tried not to laugh but was unsuccessful and broke out into gales of laughter.

>end flashback<

Duo smiled at the memory. As embarrassing as it had been back then, he felt sort of relieved that someone had found out. Not to mention it had improved his relationship with Hilde dramatically. They had acted so naturally after that, that it seemed like they actually were siblings.

Looking down, Duo saw that he had finished packing. He checked the clock. 7:25am. Good. Just enough time for him to have a quick shower. Bringing his hands together in mock piety, he thanked whatever god looking over him at that moment for their proximity to the spaceport. He then made a run for the bathroom, grabbing his clothes on the way, before Hilde came in to drag him out of the house.