Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ To Look Back and Cry ❯ Sudden Attack ( Chapter 6 )
To Look Back and Cry
By Sabersonic.
Chapter 5: Sudden Attack
Several hours have passed and there was no development. There were no Crongus Warrior attacks; no signs of the other lost UCE soldiers, nothing. The other UCE soldiers were getting bored and restless, thinking that there might be a sudden Crongus attack, just like in the battles that they've fought in. The quiet, the silence, it was nerve wracking to them. The UCE soldiers believe that this was "the calm before the storm".
The Preventers were studying the mecha of the UCE and they were nothing that they've ever seen before.
The Bio Gundam used a hydraulic system that is entirely synthetic muscles, the circuitry is made up of synthetic neurons and the computer core is made of neuron crystals that are similar to brain cells. This mad the Mobile Suit a semi-living being. The armor of the Bio Gundam is also strange. Instead of being made up of Gundanium alloy, it' composed of crystals that are stronger and lighter than gundanium. The shield devices are more advanced then the planet defensors and the weapon systems were nothing that they've ever seen before. The other mecha have similar properties and the Naval Air Fighter Mecha was able to transform similar to the Wing and Wing Zero, but much differently. Unlike Wing and Wing Zero, it was able to transform into three modes of attack: Jet, Walker, and Robot. The Jet Mode is used primarily for landings. The Power armor was also intriguing to the Preventers, being able to magnify a soldier's strength to more then five times normal strength.
"Amazing. The UCE are very advanced in the means of technology," was what the Preventers said about UCE technology. In no time scientists, politicians, and the media arrived at Preventer Headquarters asking about the advanced technology.
"Damn, I am so itchin' for a fight," a furby alien complained.
"You should be thankful, at least we got a moments rest," the Squid alien said to the furby alien.
"Yah well, I'm still itchin'."
Heero was again looking over the data when Jean walked up to him.
"Unke Heero, what'cha doing?"
"Trying to find other UCE soldiers."
"Why? Are they imporant?"
"Yes, they're important. Every soldier is important."
"Well, without them, who would be left to fight the Crongus?"
Jean thought this out for a while, very smart for her age. "Okay."
Heero turned towards the holo-screen, expecting Jean to leave. "Unke Heero…"
"Why do you fight?" This was a question that he did not believed that Jean would ask.
"Personal reasons. But if you want a straight out answer, it's that fighting is the only way I know how to live."
"But what if the Crongus Wars are over, what then?"
"I don't think that it'll ever end. The Crongus' refusal to withdraw from the Galaxy and our stubbornness to fight back instead of becoming extinct. It just won't end by my standing point. Where is your mother anyway?"
"Mama's at the hangar bay with her Naval Air Fighter. She said that she doesn't want no damned lab rats to mess with her fighter."
"Well with that language, I don't think that anyone would." Duo just then walked up to them.
"Well Heero, I never knew you were so good with kids."
"I had some experiences when I was younger."
"So, the aliens soldiers recruited into the UCE military huh?" Heero nods. "Now tell me who's who again?"
"You forgot again, didn't you Duo?" Duo nod. Heero made a sigh before speaking. "Okay then, the short furry alien is called a Furcult, the Dragon alien is called Dracoids, the Squidmen are called Vulcrow, the Small Greys the Tavans. The large Greys are the Alphalons, the Dinosaur alien is called Slavis, and that large insect alien is an Exon. "
"Right. Got yah." Duo thought for a moment. "You know, these aliens looked as if they could have evolved on Earth or something."
"That's because their ancestors were from Earth."
"Huh? Wait a minute I thought that-"
"You want me to explain?" Duo quickly nodded and Jean giggles. "Well, it all starts billions of years ago when the galaxy was young. Paleontologists and Archeologists believed that the Galaxy then was teaming with life. Planets filled with life all across space, but then there was a cataclysm that destroyed almost all life in the galaxy. There were several thousands of planets that could sustain life, but had no life. There were only three planets that still had life of their own: Tyrol, Xemon and Earth.
Now, then there was an ancient civilization whom the Paleontologists and Archeologists called the Tyrolanoids. They were traveling across the galaxy in search of other intelligent life forms but found none. The Tyrolanoids later discovered the Earth. Our planet was teaming with life, but the life at that time was very fragile and on the verge of extinction. The Tyrolanoids felt sympathy towards the Earthling life forms and so they transported them to other worlds that were able to sustain the Earth Life. Time and time again, the Tyrolanoids returned to Earth and spread them across the galaxy. Around 65 million years ago, they became extinct. No one knows why they became extinct, but some say that they thought that their purpose was done and so left the galaxy.
"Now, next in line were the ancient aliens dubbed the Xemonites. The Xemonites were also looking for intelligent life in the galaxy. They found it on Earth, in the form of Humans. Now the Xemonites have studied the humans and find that they were too primitive and dangerous to make first contact with and so they stayed in the shadows, observing our early history. They soon afterward began to make experiments with human DNA and created humanoid aliens and creatures that were of legend, like the Dracoid, and spread a few of them across the Galaxy. Momentarily, during the Mid-Renaissance, the Xemonites started to die off. What caused this extinction, no one knows, but it was later found that the last Xemonite died around 1952 A.D. Though the Xemonites were dead, their probes still observed us for some time and there were only two well known Xemonite machines: a science probe that crashed into Roswell, New Mexico in 1947; and a science vessel that landed in New York in 2010 A.D. and suddenly died. The last of the living planets to have its own life, Earth, then harbored the next space explorers and found other alien life forms and the rest, they say, is history."
"Whoa, that is like, so weird. Earth being the galactic home world for all life-"
"Most live in the Galaxy Duo. You must remember that some of the alien life forms evolved on their own on their own planets."
"Yah but still it weird."
"Yeah, there were several cults that worship the Earth as the mother planet of all life."
"Is there anything different about this Earth than ours." Heero at that moment activated a hologram of the UCE Earth. It was similar to the Earth they were on now, but with some differences. For instance, there were areas of scorched earth, missing land masses and bodies of water. The largest difference was that the Earth had a blue ice ring, a space ring and a network of space tether elevators and tether shuttles going from one tether station to the other, Earth, and the space ring.
"It's better to show you then to tell you."
"Whoa. That is like so cool. I bet that that ring makes excellent sky shows."
"Normally during the day in winter months and at night during the summer months, but they were beautiful. Saw them at least once when I was on Earth last."
"Say, do you think that we'll ever be able to see that Earth Heero?" Heero simply shrugged. Just then, there was a man screaming for his life. The masses at that point swarmed to the doors to see one of their own soldiers being attacked by Crongus Bio-mechs.
The Bio-Mech models had an exoskeleton, four arms in which two were folded in the back and had large blades and the upper arms had claws, hooves and a Plasm Bolt Blaster in the wrists, dog-hind legs with claws and hooves, and three lower jaws.
"ATTACKERS!!" the soldier screamed before his limbs were sliced off and blasted into ribbons.
Attacker Bio-Mechs were one of the worst Bio-Mechs the Crongus had. They were a constant threat to the Galactic Alliance with their large numbers and ablility to make guerrilla raids before a final attack, are just as horrific and deadly as a platoon of Crongus Warriors.
The UCE soldiers opened fired upon the Attackers, but only a few were hit and rarely in vital areas for the Attackers were highly agile and could almost avoid any attacks. The Attackers then made a charge at the Preventer Headquarters. The UCE soldiers then fired grenades and Energy Discharge Pulses and it was several minutes before they were able to stop the Attacker advance.
Suddenly, a flight of Bio-Fighters did strafing attacks against the Preventer Headquarters. The Bio-Fighters, called Tri-Wings, were the most numerous Bio-Fighters of the Crongus Military and also the fastest. They were the first strike units that usually surprised and weaken the defenses of enemies before the other heavier, slower Bio-Fighters arrived to finish the job.
Heero tapped on his Holo Comm Badge.
"Jefferson, Yamaha, Greenwood; we need air support and we need it now."
"Roger." The three UCE Mecha thrusted from a hidden Preventer launch bay and soared towards the disturbance of Crongus Tri-Wings. The Crongus Tri-Wing Pilots saw the three UCE Mecha and split up into three groups, going into different directions. The UCE Mechas followed. The Tri-Wings and UCE Mecha flew through the spaces in the city as they tried to gain the upper hand against the other.
"This is Jennifer Greenwood, I've sighted the Tri-wings. Getting a lock on…. Damn!" The Crongus Tri-Wings abruptly changed course at the last second, causing the Naval Air Wing to not only almost loose them, but to almost crashed into a building. She then shifted the Wing into a Walker mode and activated the hover thrusts in the legs and uses the weapons available in this mode. The Energy Discharge Pulse mini-turrets, the Plasma Gunpod, lasers in the head unit below the cockpit and the hard-point missiles on the wings and inside the forearms to target and fight the Crongus Tri-Wings. The Tri-Wings then made a 180-degree turn and fired back at the Naval Air Fighter, but the shields of the Naval Air Wing absorbs the Plasm bolts. Jennifer then got a target locked onto a Tri-Wing and fired a missile that explodes at the cockpit pod. The result was the killed Tri-Wing crashing into two other Tri-Wings, skidded across the street, exploding from the energy discharge. The remaining Tri-Wings then made attack dashes at the Naval Air Fighter. Jennifer had no choice but to convert to Robot mode and attack them on the ground.
The Naval Air Fighter, in Robot mode, used its Gunpod to target and destroy the Tri-Wings by having them absorb more energy then their exoskeletons are able to absorb and have them explode from an energy surge. One by one, the Tri-Wings were destroyed.
"This is Jennifer Greenwood, Element of Enemy Tri-Wings have been destroyed."
The 2nd UCE Mecha, chased after the Tri-Wing element and firing Magnum Energy Discharge Pulses at the enemy.
"This is Yamaha Akira, locked on to targets. Launching." Launching a homing grenade at a small group of them, he was able to take out 2/3rd of the entire numbers of Tri-Wings in the Element. The remaining Tri-Wings then made attack runs against the UCE Attacker. But it unsheathed Energy Blades from its shield and slid into its hands, sliced the Tri-Wing Bio-Fighters until none were left.
"This is Yamaha Akira, all enemy fighters have been neutralized."
The 3rd UCE Mecha was also chasing the last Tri-Wing Element and trying to stabilize for a weapons lock.
"This is Gerald Jefferson, targeting Enemy Bio-Fighters. Locked on. Firing."
The UCE Mecha fired all of its weapons at the Tri-Wings. Ultimately destroying all but one, which made a 180-degree turn and fired back. The UCE Mecha then transformed into Walker mode and fired energy weapons and missiles at the remaining Tri-Wing Fighter. All were dodged as the Tri-Wing escaped down another street. The UCE Mecha followed suit and soon the streets were glowing from energy weapons being fired before the Tri-Wing Fighter was shot and crashed into the street, striking the ground before it exploded.
"This is Gerald Jefferson, Tri-Wings are eliminated."
"Okay, everyone return to base," Heero ordered.
Back at the Preventer Base, the technicians were amazed that the Mecha were untouched after the fighting. The Shield Devices were very effective against the Tri-Wings.
"I still can't believe it. There is no way that a Mecha like this could ever make it out a fight like that without a scratch. These shields are very impressive."
"Yah, then the higher ups would want us to install some on the other Mobile Suits."
The Mecha Pilots were extremely tired for the movements of the Mecha had to be made with precise timing and reaction that normal, untrained humans couldn't even accomplish. Weeks at Mecha Training had made Mecha Piloting almost second nature for them in order to keep up with the Crongus Bio-Fighters. The cost for this fine precision was mental and physical exhaustion, tightening of joints and tendons, plus strained muscles that lasts for a few seconds and then start over again moments afterwards. In short, it was the ultimate form of what Mobile Suit pilots called "Pilot Exhaustion."
"You three better get some R and R. You three deserve it." The three saluted and marched into different directions. Jean walked up to her mother.
"Mama, why do you look so tired?" Jennifer slowly picked up her child.
"Mecha Fatigue, it sort of happens almost every time I pilot a mecha." Jennifer then tried to cheer up her worried child. "But that doesn't mean that I'm too tired to tickle."
"Mama, that tickles!" Jean laughed, echoing throughout the hangar. The other UCE soldiers were not so restless for combat, but restless none the less. All were wondering if the 148th were even still alive.
A day later, the UCE soldiers have received a transmission saying that the 148th have survived and are coming towards the dimensional twin Earth to pick up the marooned soldiers. The UCE soldiers rejoiced from this, glad they were able to go home again. As a celebration, the soldiers decided to take the morning walking around Brussels. Heero, Relena, Jennifer, Jean, and several members of the Preventer Elite decide to visit a local café that was a few blocks away from Preventer Headquarters. Café food was somewhat like a distant memory in Heero's point of view. For Jennifer and Jean, it was very difficult to grasp.
"I'm sorry, but I really don't know what most of these things on the menu are."
"Mama, what's a coffee?" Jean asked her mother.
"You mean that you don't know what coffee is?" The two UCE born nodded.
"Well that's because in their universe, the coffee bean had been extinct for about three centuries by now," Heero explained.
"Damn, I'd hate to imagine a world without coffee," Duo blurted out. "Tough to get through the morning without a cup of it."
"Well, they used multiple things to replace-"
"I get you Heero. No coffee means no coffee. I don't need another historical lesson on the UCE. If something's gone then it's gone. I don't want to know why." Duo rubbed his forehead. "Man, I have such a headache right now." As the group chatted, they failed to take noticed a figure cloaked in raggedy cloths observing them. The figure then begun to slowly approach the group, tapping noises made as each step was taken.
"Excuse me sir, you're suppose to wait for a table over there," an inexperienced waitress said to the cloaked figure.
The figure was so close to the group now, sensing the target's foul pheromones creeping from the pores of the skin, bio-chemicals that were vial in odor to the figure. Since it was so close to its target, it might as well do it. The figure then punched the waitress in the chest, but instead of a normal punch, the encounter suit formed blades that impaled the young waitress. The waitress looked down and then blacked out from both shock and impending death.
But it was too late. The Crongus Warrior then grabbed Jennifer by the throat and threw her across the street. It then jumped all the way across the street and begun to beat Jennifer senselessly.
"Mama!!" Jean cried and tried to cross the street to help her mother but was held back by the others. They could do nothing but watch as Jennifer was brutally beaten by the enraged Crongus Warrior. Each punch seemed to send out blood from her body and every kick drew much of her breath from her lungs.
<You have killed my Broodkin, and now you shall pay!!> The Crongus screamed before it finally impaled her with a staff weapon. Jennifer's lifeblood flowed uncontrollably from the wound as the weapon was slowly pulled out. Just as the Crongus was about to make a final blow, Heero launched a grenade at the Crongus, which sent it flying into random directions and exploding. The group crossed the street toward their dying companion. The Preventer Elite then spread out to calm the civilians and to make sure that there is enough room for the medical team to arrive.
"Mama!!" Jean was among the first to arrive. "Mama, are you alright?" Jean didn't get an immediate response. "Mama?"
"Your mother's going to be fine Jean. We'll get her to headquarters as soon as possible," Heero said as he tried to stop the bleeding. It may sound false, but it was possible to save Jennifer if they were quickly enough. UCE medical technology has far progressed through out the centuries to a point that even the most horrific wounds can be healed and the person can be saved. But deep inside in the back of Heero's mind, he knew that they were far too late. Heero shoved that doubt aside, not wanting one of his Squadron mates to die too soon. Jennifer felt death consuming her, it was beyond help as of now. The wound had already snuffed out her life, it only took longer for the flame of existence to be blown out.
"Commander Sir…..*grunts* please take care *cough* of Jean for me…."
Those were her final words before Jennifer crossed into the next realm.
"Mama…." Still no response from her mother's lips to ease her fear away. "Mama…." Nothing came from her mother. Jean was becoming very scared. "MAMA!!" She shook her mother, hoping that she would come back to life. "MAMA!!!" Jean then collapsed, crying for her loss of her mother, the only family she had ever known. Heero placed a comforting hand upon the child's shoulder. Jean buried herself into Heero's chest and cried all her pain out. Relena hugged both Heero and Jean. Today, a mother's life has been ruthlessly taken away. Taken from an enemy of a horrific war.
"Commander Yuy, we have Bio-Fighters attacking our soldiers near the Presidential Mansion," a call came from Heero's Comm Badge. He was about to leave when Jean grabbed his hand.
"Unke Heero, please don't leave me."
"Don't worry, I'll be right back." Heero then turned towards Relena. "Relena, can you keep an eye on Jean until I get back?" Relena nodded and Heero ran towards Peventer Headquarters.
A Squadron of Humanoid Bio-Fighers, called Warrior Bio-Fighters, were attacking a small group of UCE soldiers that were only armed with Energy Discharge Pulse Rifles and grenade launchers. The weapons were useless to scale compared to the Warrior Bio-Fighters. Then the Bio-Gundam appeared and fired a Plasma blast at one of the Warrior Bio-Fighters. The blast immediately destroyed the upper torso of one of the Warrior Bio-Fighters. The remains of the Warrior Bio-Fighter still stood for some time before it fell. The Bio-Fighters then switched their targets to the Bio-Gundam and attacked. Heero injected the Turbo Thrust fluid into the Muscle Hydraulic system to avoid the attack. He fired multiple blasts from the Bio-Gundam's weapon systems: The Tyrolian/Atlantian Laser Vulcans, the Shoulder Energy Discharge Pulse Cannons, the Mini-Missiles and hand to hand combat. Heero was getting the upper hand against the Warrior Bio-Fighters until the effects of the Turbo Thrust Fluid faded. Heero was about to enter a few more milligrams of the fluid until a Warrior Bio-Fighter rammed into him and causing him to crash into the Presidential Mansion. The Bio-Gundam came through without a scratch to its Crystal Gundanium Armor, but within the cockpit Heero was injured from the impact. The Warrior Bio-Fighter then began to punch and kick the Bio-Gundam, further injuring Heero.
The Squadron Leader of the Warrior Bio-Fighters was about to strike the final blow to the Bio-Gundam when Wing Zero arrived unpiloted and fired a barrage of bullets at the Warrior Bio-Fighters. The Bio-Fighters scattered and Wing Zero landed and helped Bio-Gundam to its feet.
"Z-zero?" Heero received a mental message from the Wing Zero and nodded. "Okay then, lets do this together." The two Gundams then attacked the Squadron, splitting them into two groups and Heero was at the controls of both Gundams. Both unsheathed Beam Sabers and Energy Blades and met the Warrior Bio-Fighters in full melee combat. Heero was able to handle the stress of piloting two Mechas until five minutes into the fight when Mecha Fatigue caught up to him. The Warrior Bio-Fighters noticed the fatigue of their enemy and begun to attack viciously. All that Heero could see were claw scratches and Energy Blade swipes from the Warrior Bio-Fighters. As a result, Zero's armor was almost gone and Bio-Gundam had cuts that nicked the Muscle Hydraulics in multiple areas. The Bio-Gundam could move, but barely. Then Wing Zero grabbed Bio-Gundam and launched itself into the air, Warrior Bio-Fighters following the two Mecha. Zero then handed Bio-Gundam the Twin Buster Rifle and Heero aimed the mighty weapon at the Warrior Bio-Fighters at an angle so that only the Warrior Bio-Fighters were in the line of fire. The trigger was pulled and the Beam Weapon was ignited and sending out a beam of pure energy that destroyed the remaining Warrior Bio-Fighter squadron before finally crashing into the ground.
A funeral was held for the lost mother aboard M.O. II. Several of the marooned soldiers, including members of the 27th Kamikaze Attack Wing, some of the Preventers and close friends and Jean attended. It was UCE military tradition to jettison the body into deep space and to have a funeral plate in remembrance of the deceased to each of those who attended. Jennifer Greenwood, a soldier with no family, a girl without a past, died on with the mornings of those who had known her during her military service.
Heero looked down towards Jean. Jennifer's last wish was for him to adopt Jean and to take care of her. He'll take care of Jean for it was his responsibility, no, Jennifer's last request to fill out. He had to, for a friend and one who saved his life before. He can still hear Jean's sniffling as the coffin space pod was jettisoned into space and a thought crossed his mind. How was he suppose to take care of a child when there were increasing chances of him being killed every second? Jennifer almost was able to do that, but how was he supposed to do it. Heero was a Wing Commander and a position like that didn't leave any room into raising a child, especially one that was not biologically his. Relena came to him and leaned against his shoulder. He, in turn, hugged her by the waist and grabbed Jean by the hand. Heero now felt that he could do this, he can give this child another chance at childhood.
"Don't worry Heero, you'll raise Jean well." Relena said, almost as if she sensed what was troubling Heero. Then there was a transmission from the 148th Armada Group that they have arrived at the L1 Colony Cluster and are waiting for the Marooned soldiers to board their respective Capitol Ships. There was no celebration for one of their own that is marooned in this dimension, permanently.
Shuttles were sent towards the L1 Colony Clusters to rendezvous with the 148th Earth Expeditionary Force Armada Group. All the supplies that were given to them before were now being returned to the 148th's Armory and the soldiers were to once again prepare themselves to fight the Crongus Wars. Relena also accompanied the UCE soldiers to make friendly relations with the current representatives of the UCE, the Preventer Elite accompanied Relena for her protection, along with Catherine, Hilde and Dorothy accompanied Relena for moral support. But the UCE soldiers knew better; they wanted to see the UCE itself.
"Damn, those ships are huge!" Duo exclaimed as he saw the kilometer large Capitol Ships of the UCE. "And there are many of them too!"
"Even the Libra looks small compared to these ships." Quatre was also observing the large Capitol Ships. The space battleship Libra of the Eve Wars was nothing in comparison of the UCE Capitol Ships.
"Not to mention more powerful then the Libra." Trowa said, not looking out of the windows but knowing the full potential of the UCE he has heard of so far. Wufei just grunted in agreement. Milliardo, Lucrezia, Sally and Hilde were gaping at the UCE Capitol Ships.
"What I wouldn't do to get me a chance to command one of those babies…." Milliardo whispered, slightly drooling. He may be a Mobile Suit pilot, but anything that has more power then a Mobile Suit is a toy that he couldn't resist. He would almost do anything to command those UCE Capitol Ships, he would even settle to piloting the huge behemoths.
The shuttles have arrived at the fleet, each one splitting into a different direction towards the UCE soldiers' respective capitol ships. The one that the Preventer Elite were aboard have reached the flag ship of the Armada Group, the "Kamikaze", a.k.a. the "Divine Wind". The shuttle landed in one of the many large hangar bays of the Galaxy Destroyer and meeting them was Admiral Takagora Akira. Heero and the members of the 27th Wing stood at attention and saluted.
"At ease soldiers." Admiral Takagora Akira then walked up to Heero. "It's good to see you again Yuy. I'm sorry about the loss of your Wing Officer." Heero nodded his head. Admiral Tatagora Akira then spotted Relena. "And you must be the Vice Foreign Minister Darlian? It is a pleasure to meet you, though I was expecting someone a little bit older. No offense."
"None taken. As representative of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation, I would like to welcome you to-"
"Admiral Takagora! Admiral Takagora!" The First Mate was running towards the group.
"What is it First Mate Jordan?" First Mate Jordan stopped to catch her breath before continuing.
"Admiral Takagora, we have a problem."
"What is it?"
"I think you should see for yourself sir." She activated a hologram from her Comm Badge and it showed multiple wormholes opening and moles upon moles of Crongus Bio-Warships and their servents: the Qulans and the Vicoo, and Capitol Ships from other members of the Crongus Edante: The Invid, the Lalouk and the Tl'Ams. From the warships came Fighters and Bio-Fighters that attacked Preventer space cruisers and commercial shuttles without mercy and entered the atmosphere, followed by the Capitol Ships.
Preventer Serpent Mobile Suits were preparing to defend a small Earth Sphere Nation-State from the invading Crongus Edante. Each one was armed with heavy weapons and beam sabers for close hand-to-hand combat. Several civilians looked upon the Preventer Mobile Suits as their heroes.
"We don't have to worry, the Preventers will protect us."
Then the first attack volley took out about half of the Serpents and heavily damaged the rest. The civilians flee to shelters as the Crongus Edante destroyed building after building. As soon as the wave of Crongus Edante Fighters left the area, the city was a burning blaze to be occupied by Crongus Edante foot soldiers and ground mecha nearby.
At the capitol city of a Earth Sphere Nation-State, the flag of that Nation-State was lowered and five more were raised: The flag of the Crongus Edante and the Flags of the Member Empires. As the flags were raised, the civilians were hurdled to camps to be used later on and the leaders of the Nation-State were brutally murdered by the officers of the Crongus Edante. Those that were deemed unfit for slave labor were immediately killed, the corpses left and mourned quickly as the other civilians were hurdled away. The Earth is now a conquered and occupied territory of the Crongus Edante.
That's it. Chapter 5 of "To Look Back and Cry" hope you guys like it. Please review.
Additional disclaimers: I do not own Robotech, Harmony Gold does