Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Too Much Caffeine ❯ Pre-caffiene ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Too Much Caffeine part 1

Disclaimers: All associated with Gundam Wing is not mine. No matter how hard I wish.

Warning~ This is what comes from lack of sleep and WAY too much coffee. yaoi, 1x2, 3x4

G-girl~ Usagi contributed much to this story. It was basically her idea and I just wrote it down. To be more precise, she said this one line and the whole story just evolved around it........ you can guess which one. We'll tell you at the end.

Usagi~ :insane giggling:

G-girl~ Stop that!!! You're creeping me out!!!!

Usagi~ But it's soooooo funny!!!!!! We're geniuses!!!!

Duo~ I think you guys are messed up.

G-girl~ Enough!! We can do this after the story!! Let me type Damn it!!!!! Now, on with the story!!!!

Sitting in French class, (Yes French. Just accept it. It's like the only language they don't speak. Besides....... you'll see.) Heero was trying his damnist to pay attention to the teacher, after all there was a final the next day. Duo, however, didn't seem to care. The American boy was asleep, his head nestled in his arms, his snoring the cause of Heero's inability to pay attention.

Finally, out of frustration, Heero poked his lover in the side.

"Gah!!" Duo immediately reacted, tumbling out of his chair.

The entire class turned to look.

"Mmm......Heero......," Duo mumbled still asleep, "God...... wasn't ten times enough???"

Heero then responded with a swift kick to the braided American.

Quatre squeaked.

Trowa rolled his one visible eye.

Wufei desperately tried to hold off the approaching nosebleed.

The rest of the class erupted with laughter.

Duo slowly began to wake up.

"Huh?....... wha.....?," Duo looked up groggily to see his koi wearing one of the scariest Yuy Death glares™ he had ever seen.

Not that it phased him.

"Monsieur Maxwell!" the shout from the small mousy French teacher cut off any sound in the room. "(In French) What is the meaning of this!"

Duo stumbled to his feet, "" he pointed to Heero in a moment of sheer panic, "He did it!"

Correction, now Duo was looking at the scariest Yuy Death Glare™ he had ever seen.

"Monsieur Yuy?" the teacher peered over her black rimmed glasses.

"(In fluent French) He was a distraction. I dealt with it."

Duo sweatdropped, followed by the rest of the class.

"(In French) I see." the small woman turned her attention back to Duo, "After class."

Duo hung his head, he could handle fifty mobile suits by himself easy, but this woman, that was a whole different story.

Usagi~ French people are scary!

G-girl~ How many French people do you know?!

Usagi~ :thinking: Um.... none, but I know they are! :G-girl whacks Usagi over the head: Itai!!!!

G-girl~ Let me get back to typing.

Usagi~ :Rubbing head: I was just commenting on my sympathies for poor Duo....

G-girl~ Whatever.


Forty five minutes after class Duo walked out of the classroom, hands behind his head. He sighed, "Damn woman, does she honestly think I understood any of that?" He glanced down the hall a ways. There he saw Heero leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest, eyes closed. Quatre and Trowa were talking, well.....Quatre was talking to Trowa, and Wufei was silently reading.

Quatre, noticing Duo, turned to his friend. "Wow Duo, you must have made her really angry. You were in there for a long time."

Duo shrugged it off. "It was Heero's fault anyway." he looked over at his lover, "Why'd ya hafta go an' wake me up?"

Heero opened one eye and looked at Duo, not saying anything, his face expressionless.

"We do have a final tomorrow Maxwell." Wufei said, not looking up from his book.

Duo grunted in response.

Heero pushed himself away from the wall and started off towards the dorms, still not saying anything to Duo. The others soon followed suit.

Duo watched as his fellow pilots walked away, their forms getting smaller and smaller. "God... Who put a stick up your ass?" An evil grin emerged on his face, "Oh wait... that was me." The grin grew wider. "Hey Hee-chan wait up!!!" He took off down the hall.

Usagi~ G-girl!!??

G-girl~ I did NOT write that!!

Usagi~ :looks at G-girl skeptically: Then who did?!

Duo~ :snicker:

G-girl~ WHAT?! Who gave you permission to write?! :Chases after Duo:

Usagi~ :sweatdrop:: I guess I'll keep typing...


In the dorm hallway, Quatre and Trowa silently broke away from the group, entering the room they shared. The other three continued down the hall. Heero stopped short in front of his and Duo's door and turned to face his obnoxious lover. He stood face to face with Duo, close enough to kiss, but Duo knew he was way too pissed off to do any of that affectionate stuff.

G-girl~ :out of breath: How can you type faster than me?! You only use six fingers!!

Usagi~ I'm sorry! Can I continue?

G-girl~ Please.

Wufei continued down the hall quickly ( Is he power walking??)

Duo gulped, "Uh... Hey Hee-chan. Wassup?"

Heero narrowed his eyes, "Duo, if you don't pass that French exam tomorrow, you won't be getting any... ... ...(dramatic pause)... ... ...for a month."

Duo just stood there, mouth open, taking in the threat that had just been dealt, as Heero entered their room and closed the door behind him.

Duo did a double take as the information finally set in. "NANI?!"

"You heard me." came the reply from the other side of the door.

The American boy stared at the door for a moment completely silent. (Remember I said a moment. Duo doesn't stay quiet for long.)


"Watch me."

"You'll never be able to hold out that long!! You're hornier that I am!!!"

Heads began to poke out (Not like that!) from dorm rooms (Hentais...)

"Duo, no one is hornier than you." the simply stated muffled reply came.

"... ... ...Yeah, but... ... ..You're pretty damn close!"

The other dorm doors slowly closed in synchronized creaking.

"Better get studying Duo."

The chestnut haired boy folded his arms across his chest and looked down the hall a ways, spotting Wufei's door at the end of the hall.

An evil grin spread across his face.

"Fine then. Wufei's been looking a little lonely lately."

The door to the Chinese boy's room suddenly flew open revealing a very angry looking Wufei.

"Kisama!! What did you say!?!?"

"You heard me." Duo wiggled his eyebrows at the Shenlong pilot.

The nosebleed began.

Wufei promptly turned, slamming the door behind him. Fumbling could be heard from inside the room, along with cursing in both Chinese and English.

Duo snickered to himself. Then he remembered why he was standing outside his room.

"What do you think of that Heero?!"

"I don't care."

The Deathscythe pilot grumbled in frustration. "You just defeated the entire purpose of me giving Wufei a nosebleed!!" He pouted for a few moments, before beginning to pound on the door. "Alright Heero enough!! Let me in!!! I promise I'll study!!!!"

"Duo, the door is not locked."

The yelling stopped short.

Duo turned the door knob and the door slowly swung open, emitting a high pitched squeak. "Oh."

He stepped in and flopped on his bed, burring his face in his pillow listening to the sound of Heero's constant typing.

After a few minutes, Duo turned his head to look at his Koi. "You're serious, aren't you?" No response. "I'll take that as a yes." He turned his face back into the pillow, "K'so." He pushed himself up slowly, making sure it sounded like a lot of effort. He stood up and began the long trek to the closet. As he walked, dragging his feet, he slowly got lower and lower toward the floor so that by the time he reached his destination, he was on his hands and knees. With an exasperated grunt, he pushed the sliding door to the side and began to chuck things out of the closet in his search.

Things such as shoes, socks, boxers, hair products (obviously Duo's), CDs, mangas (Duo's also, except the Pokémon one... ... heard me.), Peanut butter (smooth, not crunchy), rope, handcuffs,

Usagi~ G-girl... ... why would they have handcuffs in their closet?

G-girl~ Never mind. Just keep typing.

edible underwear (::blush::), body paint, lacy red lingerie, a book of "How to...

Usagi~ I am NOT typing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

G-girl~ Fine! I was getting carried away anyway. My turn to type.

Heero looked over to see only Duo's feet peeking out of the closet. As he watched their belongings(kinky and non) fly out into the room, a leather thong landed on his head (Oops.). He removed the offending article, smirkingas he looked at it, then at Duo's luscious ass.


"Itai!!" Duo yelled, rubbing his rear end. He glanced behind him, "What the hell was that?!"

Heero returned to his typing, smirk apparent.

Duo gave his best impression of the Yuy Death Glare™.

After a few moments the braided boy blinked a few times, then sat down. He scratched his head, "What was I doing again?"

"French book."

Duo got a puzzled, look on his face, "French book? Why would I be looking for that?"

Heero would have face-faulted, but he doesn't do stuff like that. "Sex."

"Oh yeah!" Duo dived head first into the closet.

G-girl~ Trying to type while your action figure Duo is dancing to the music of Operation 2 on the keyboard is quite impossible... ... ... ... taking a break to beat up Usagi-chan.

Usagi~ EEP!!! Leave me alone!!! ::running away:: I'm sorry!! I was getting bored with you typing so slow!!!

G-girl~ Grrr!! ::chases after Usagi::

A half an hour later...

"Ah HAH!" Duo backed out of the closet, pulling a book with him. He sat down to read the title, "American Lit.. ...nope. That's not French." The book joined the pile of other things in the middle of the room. Duo returned to the closet.

A few minutes and a dozen books later, "Geometry." It too joined the enormous pile, "Hee-chan, that was the last one!"

Without ceasing the typing Heero kicked a book over towards Duo. Duo picked up the book.

"French.. ... .. ... ... ... ...Oh!... ... ...Cool!" He stood up and walked over to his desk, setting the book down on his bed. With one swoop, he brushed numerous papers, soda cans, and candy wrappers off the surface of the desk. He sat down and stared down at the book, "Okay, French, gotta study French, gotta pass, 'F' equals no sex, okay, here I go... ... ..." He tried to open the book, but the cover wouldn't budge.(::giggle::) "What the HELL!? Is there to some sort of French secret to opening books I don't know about or something?!"

"Plastic, Duo."

The braided boy looked down at the book, noticing now the plastic covering. "Oh." He began to peel it off.



Heero shut down his computer and turned in his chair to look at his studious lover. Duo's head was propped up in his left hand.

Heero could hear Duo's mumbling, "Okay... ...French... ...gotta study... ...gotta pass... ...gotta get some... ..."

The Japanese boy stood and walked over to the American, he placed a hand on Duo's shoulder and looked down at the French book. 'Chapter One' could be seen in big bold letters at the top of the page. Heero looked down at the other boys face. A small trail of drool could be seen running down his chin and his eyes were closed. Asleep.

Heero scowled, he reached down and tugged on the chestnut colored braid.

Duo's head slid out of his hand at the sudden jolt, his head slammed down on the book in front of him.

"ITAI!!" The braided boy awoke startled, he looked up groggily at his koibito, "Wha.. ... ...?"

Heero turned and started towards his own bed, "I'm going to sleep." Duo watched as Heero pulled his tank top over his head and tossed it aside. (G-girl, stop drooling.) Duo began to drool again. (::sweatdrop::)

Heero then went into the small bathroom and emerged a few minutes later in nothing but a pair of boxers.

Usagi~ G-girl!!! You're getting me wet!!!

G-girl~ ::keeps drooling::

The Deathscythe pilot continued to stare.

Heero climbed into his bed and turned his back to Duo, "Keep studying."

Duo pouted, wanting so bad to climb into bed too... ...and not his own.

A soft knock was heard at the door.

"It's open."

Quatre popped his head in (Yay Quatre!!!!!) and looked at Duo, "Hey Duo, would you like some coffee?" he held out a medium sized cup.

"Never touched the stuff." Duo replied, "Sister Helen said it would stunt my growth."

Heero snickered, "She probably just told you that because she knew you were hyperactive."



"But you said... ..."

"No I didn't. I'm asleep."

"Oh... ... ..." Duo began to look back at the French book, then snapped his head back up to look at his lover's back. "Hey!! I'm not that stupid!!!"

Heero snorted.

"Uh... ...okay... Anyway," Quatre turned to Duo, "I just thought you would like some, since you have such a long night of studying ahead of you."

"How'd you know?" Duo asked turning in his chair.

"You were yelling pretty loud," Quatre blushed, "I think everyone knows your.. ... ... ...situation."

Duo burst out laughing.

"I'm glad you find that humorous Duo. That was you won't whine at me during your month of abstinence."

The laughing stopped.

Quatre, suddenly missing Trowa incredibly, "Well, here's the coffee!" He went to hand it to his braided friend.

"No coffee."

"What?" Duo and Quatre asked in unison.

"No coffee." Heero repeated.

"But Heero... ..." Quatre started to argue. (Ooooh... Quatre feelin' brave tonight!)

"No coffee. You give him the coffee, and I'll kill you."

G-girl~ ::in a mocking voice:: Don't hurt Quatre!

Usagi~ HEY!!! Don't make fun of me!!!!

G-girl~ Gomen. Couldn't resist.

Quatre, no longer able to stand being a way from his koi, and knowing the Japanese boy's track record for carrying out his death threats, started to move towards the door. "Okay, fine." Checking to make sure Heero's back was still turned, he slowly put the cup of caffeinated goodness on the floor by the door. (That rhymes!!) He mouthed to Duo, "It's right here..."

Duo gave him a slow mafia nod. (You know what I'm talking about, that really, really slow nod... ....'s creepy!)

His self control quickly giving out, the small Arabian opened the door. "Well, good luck Duo." With that he went out into the hall, slowly closing the door behind him. His light footsteps could be heard slowly getting faster and faster, followed by the slamming of his door. (::giggle:: He's so cute!!!)

Duo arched an eyebrow.

"Well, at least someone's getting some around here." No response came from Heero. "You asleep?" No answer. "Yes!" Duo's eyes lit up at the realization of his opening.

The American boy slowly stood up and made his way to the coffee, not making too much noise, not making to little noise as to not wake up his lover.

He picked up the cup and took a sip. It was good. Very good. The cup was quickly polished off, and quickly took affect.

Now with his new caffeine induced energy, Duo sat down to study again.


end part one.

G-girl~ ::insane giggling::

Usagi~ ::slowly backing away:: STOP!! You're creeping me out!!!!

Duo~ ::joins the giggling::

Usagi~ ::close to tears:: Please!!!

G-girl~ Gomen nasai!! It seems the caffeine is effecting me too!!

Duo~ ::giggling gets worse::

Usagi~ ::points at Duo:: Look what you did!

G-girl~ What I did?! This story is half yours!!!

Usagi~ ::blink blink:: ... ... ..SO! ::points at the hysterically laughing Duo, who is now rolling on the floor:: But you did that!!!

G-girl~ ... ... ... ... ...FINE!! I wanted the credit anyway!

Usagi~ Fine!

G-girl~ Fine!

Usagi~ Fine!

G-girl~ FINE!

Heero~ SHUT UP!! I'm trying to sleep!!!

G-girl and Usagi~ ::whispering:: Gomen... ...

G-girl~ ::kicks Duo:: Be quiet!! You can't wake him up 'till the next part!

Duo~ ::clamps his hands over his mouth, trying to muffle his giggles::

Usagi~ I love the next part!!! More Quatre!!

G-girl~ You make me sick!

Usagi~ ::glare::

G-girl~ ::ignoring Usagi:: Okee-day. Tell us what you think.

Usagi~ Fine. ::crosses arms:: A certain author won't be getting any new pictures of certain people from a certain artist sitting next to a certain author...

G-girl~ I was just trying to wrap things up!!! Again, tell us what you think.

On to Part 2


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