Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Trapped ❯ Transported ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Aurora: I'm a little tea pot short and stout, here is my handle here is my… other handle!? Oh wait! I'm a sugarbowl, and a sugarholic at that. Of course I like sweets, who doesn't? Good thing it doesn't make me get all chunky like some people I know. *cough*DREW*cough* Sorry, he was mean to us and I tried to get him to stop, I couldn't resist, and I know he's not going to be reading this because he doesn't like reading things like this on the internet, or atleast I don't think he does.

Duo: Aw, was the BIG bad boy at school mean to you again?

Aurora: Oh stuff it, Duo!!!

Duo: Just trying to lighten things up a bit

Aurora: *snatches Trowa's gun and cackles madly*

Duo: What are you gonna do with that? O.o

~ Ungodly noises are heard as a big screen pops up infront of them so you can't see~

Aurora: Oh well, on with the fanfic!!!

"Eek!" Aurora fell off of her bed and rubbed her butt. "Stupid panther -.-;" she looked up on her bed and her blue panther, Ikikirousku (Ikiki for short), had rolled over onto her side of the bed, him being the reason she fell out of bed. She looked out of her window and saw the yellow sun rising about the dark night clouds that were just starting to move away. "I guess if I want to see a good view of the sunrise I had better get to the lake right now." She got up and stretched, her shirt moving above her belly button. She looked over and a snot bubble was coming out of her Ikiki's nose. Aurora growled and tossed one of her sandals at him and it hit him in the head. "Get up you lazy cat!"

Ikiki growled and put its paw over its head.

"Come on or we're going to miss it!" she grabbed it's back leg and pulled him out of the bed from the bottom and started dragging him outside. Ikiki tried without luck to dig his claws into the floor. "Come now or I'm not going to feed you for a week!" shouted Aurora. With the mentioning of food Ikiki perked up, threw Aurora on his back, and dashed out the door towards the lake in the woods.

Ikiki stopped about two inches before he was close to touching the water and Aurora went flying into the water.

"No!" she went headfirst into the water and came back up gasping for air. She looked over at the shore and Ikiki sweatdropped. "That was smart -.-;" she got out of the water and walked to the end of the dock to dry in the sun when it finished coming up.

All of a sudden, large, dark clouds blocked the sun and an extremely strong cold wind came through the forest trees.

"Ikiki, what's happening?!" shouted Aurora. "Ah!" she wind started pushing her off of the dock and Ikiki ran over and grabbed her arm in his teeth. His teeth broke the skin but now she wouldn't be swept away in the powerful force of the wind, or so they thought. The wind picked up even more and it blew both of them off of the dock and into the air. Aurora managed to look behind her, just in time to see Ikiki and herself about to be smashed into an extremely large tree. Just as they were about to hit it there was a bright flash and they both disappeared, the wind stopped, and the warm sun began to completely show itself from behind the clouds.


"Who is that?"

"Is she okay?"

There were voices all around her. Aurora opened her eyes and looked around at all the people standing above her. "Where am I?" she went to get up and quickly grabbed her arm. It felt like it was broken and that was confirmed as soon as she saw the bone poking under the skin.

"You shouldn't move that. Girls, give her some room." A long brown haired, young lady, bent down and helped her up. She took her scarf from around her neck and wrapped it around her arm. "There you go. If you can walk you need to come with me so I can get you some help."

Aurora looked knives into her and stood up. "I really don't want to do that if I don't even know who you are."

"Oh, please forgive me rudeness. My name is Relena Peacecraft."

Aurora cringed at her politeness. She was just too nice. "My name is Aurora, I don't have a last name." Relena held out her hand and allowed Aurora and the other girls to follow her. `They're following her like she's royalty. God that makes me sick.'

They finally reached a large palace with gleaming bright lights all around it.

`I have no idea where I am but I need to find Ikiki before something happens to either one of us. As soon as this girl patches up my arm I'm getting the hell out of dodge and searching this… place.' She stopped thinking to herself and walked up to Relena. "Where am I?"

"You are on colony 9." She said cheerfully.

"What's a colony, and where is it?"

"Boy. You must have taken a pretty bad bump to the head, but I'll be glad to refresh your memory. A colony is a place where people live and it's located in outer space."

"If it's located in outer space then how come it's not dark all the time?"

"Because we have lighting. We always have the perfect weather conditions. That's why everyone has got such a great tan, I guess." She chuckled lightly.

Aurora rolled her eyes in disgust. She looked around and took in all of her surroundings so she could figure out the best way to get out of this place.

Later on, Relena had dressed Aurora up in a red strapless dress and put a tiara on her head. She had gotten her servants to put make up on her face and do up her hair so that it was nice and neat. Aurora was partially a tomboy so all of this was extremely annoying. She was sitting in a room that Relena had fixed up for her and was looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't look that bad, but she still didn't like it. Relena come knocking on her door seconds later.

"Are you ready to come down to the party Ms.Aurora?" she walked over to her and smiled. "You look very nice, you know."

"Do I have to come down in this? I don't like wearing dresses. Plus, my arm looks silly with this thing wrapped around it."

"Well if you don't keep that on for at least 3 weeks then your arm isn't going to get any better, it will just get worse, so keep it on and I'll get someone to take it off later. You should stay with me and maybe we can find out where you came from. It seems you might have a slight case of amnesia."

`Ya right.' Aurora thought to herself. `I'll give you amnesia.' She thought to herself, glaring at Relena when she had turned her back. She followed Relena downstairs to the party and leaned against he wall most unlady like in a quiet part of the room. Sure she liked to party, but this was just was too old fashioned. All the guys around here were old and such "gentleman."

"I have to get out of here and find Ikiki. I don't know where he is and I don't know if he's all right." She looked up at the ceiling. "Please be all right. I'll kill anyone if they hurt you. That's a promise." Her eyes turned into a cold glare on the whole room and she slid down the wall a bit, just enough to stay standing. She looked over and saw Relena dancing with quite a handsome young man. Brown hair and eyes, and they had the same cold glare that she almost always had. His eyes met hers and she smirked at him, giving him a wink. He just continued to stare at her. She then mouthed to him `Looks like you just bought me my ticket to get out of here.' And with that she quickly headed up the stairs to get her things from the bedroom.

She quickly took the dress off and threw the tiara against the vanity mirror. She grabbed her atheme that she always carries with her off of the bed and looked up and down the hall. No one in sight. She was going to run down that halls in her underwear until she found a guys room that she could steal some pants and a shirt from. She took off down the hall as quickly as possible and opened the doors one by one. Finally she found one that looked like it belonged to a guy. She walked in and pulled the drawers open to find a pair of jeans and a white shirt. She took her atheme and cut one of the pant legs off so they'd look more like her pants than a guys would. She only got one arm through the sleeve when the guy she saw dancing with Relena downstairs came in. He just looked at her astonished because she was putting his clothes on. She slowly put the other arm and buttoned up the shirt, then she put one of his ties on and smirked at him. "Thanks for distracting her. Now I can get away from this place easily without her noticing. " she winked at him and opened the window. "Thanks, handsome." She jumped out the window and he ran over and looked out, the window being 5 stories up.

Aurora chuckled as the wind whipped her hair as she plummeted to earth. She landed with cat-like grace on the ground, only being able to use one hand to keep her from falling. She took off into the trees and was soon out of his sight.

* * *

Aurora sat in the unfamiliar woods and looked around her at all of the strange trees. Wherever she had been brought to, it wasn't of her time. Something shined out of the corner of her eye and she whipped her head around. She could see something behind a camouflage of shrubbery, but couldn't tell what it was. Being the curious person she was she walked over and moved some of it out of the way. There was a huge… well… she didn't know what it was, but something told her that she could use it. If only she knew how. She started climbing up the machine and fell off when she accidentally stepped on a button, causing a cockpit to open and the lights to come on.

"My, gundam! Someone's messing with it." Heero was already walking through the woods, heading towards his gundam.

"Wow. Hmm. I'm pretty good with mechanics. Maybe I can figure out how to work it if I get inside." Aurora jumped into the cockpit and it closed around her. A message popped up on the screen infront of her that said Zero system. "Hmm… Zero system, huh? This seems simple." She pressed a few buttons on the control panel and the gundam sprang to life. She moved a hand up and looked at it through the screen. "Wow. This is so cool. Maybe I can go into space with this thing! Activate Zero system." As soon as she said this something happened to her mind. She screamed out loud as something seemed to take over her mind. Sweat poured down her face as she slowly gained control of her body once again. "Man. What an adrenaline rush." She laughed and powered it up. "Let's take this thing for a test ride!" She powered it up and was soon flying around the trees laughing at the fun she was having, forgetting all about everything.

Heero ran to where she was and saw her flying around his Gundam, Wing 00. He ran out infront of her path, which caused her to stop abruptly. She growled and rolled her eyes, getting a little agitated that the guy that just got her out is now trying to hold her back from escaping. "Get out of my way you asshole before I run you over with this thing!" she shouted over the intercom system to that he could hear, but he didn't move and inch, he just looked up at her with those damn eyes of his again.

"Get out of my Gundam right now before I have to kill you." He said this in a montone like voice.

"If you think that you're going to get it back by a little threat then you've got to be kidding me. How are you going to get me when I'm inside here and you're out there on the ground. I'm what, 20 times your size? Don't make me laugh, honestly don't."

"If you think I can't get you from down here then I'm the one that's going to be laughing when your body is lying cold and lifeless on the ground after I get done with you." He held up something that looked like a remote that had a button on it.

Aurora made the Gundam hand point at him and scratch the back of its head. "Uhm, and just what exactly is that suppose to do?"

"It's a self destruction remote and if you don't get out right now then I'm going to use it."

Aurora opened the cockpit and jumped down to t where Heero was standing.

"I knew that you'd come to your senses." He went to put the remote control away but Aurora snatched it out of his hand before he could even lift a finger.

"Thank you very much ladies and gentleman. Go ahead, Johnny, tell us what he's won! Okay, a one way ticket to hell!" Aurora did a low round house kick to his stomach, but Heero couldn't move away in time because he could hardly see her move that fast. Climbing back into the cockpit of the Gundam, she quickly turned on the Zero system and fired up the engine. The gundam turned into a space aircraft and she took off into the starry sky, her destination anywhere but here.

Heero was hurled over, holding his stomach and coughing up blood. "Damn her… damn that girl to hell. With everything that I am, I WILL kill her. Even if I have to kill myself in the process."

^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ ^_^_^_^

Aurora: I'm a fruity writer, I know that, but must you remind me continuously?

Heero: All I know is you better give me my Gundam back by the next chapter or you're going to be dead meat

Aurora: *cuddles his head* Aw, you wouldn't do that to cute wittle me, would you?

Heero: *blushes and turns away*

Aurora: I didn't think so. Anyone wanna be in my fic? Hmm… well…. REVIEW AND MAYBE I'LL DO IT ^.^ I don't like flaming, if you flame me then I'll use it to roast my marshmellows. Byez!!!