Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Two Duos ❯ Duo and Angel ( Chapter 1 )
Title: Two Duos 1: "Duo and Angel"
Disclaimer: Ok I don't own any of this stuff. All the Gundam characters belong to their respectful owners. Bandai, Sostu Agency Sunrise etc. etc. etc. So don't sue I don't own any of this stuff expects some characters in this story. And I come in! YESSSSSSSS!
Category: None right now.
Warnings: None right now.
Feed Back: Please give me some!
~: Spot setting
^^: Duo's subconscious mind
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Three Gundams return to the base. When the three pilots got out they notice Sandrock and Deathscythe wasn't there. "Where's Quatre and Duo?" asked Heero.
"Quatre was right behind us," said Trowa "Don't know where Duo went off too."
"Maybe we should look for them...." Heero was cut off when to their surprise they saw Sandrock dragging a badly battered Deathscythe into the hanger and letting it lay down.
"The new mobile suits where too fast for him!" Quatre said with fear in his voice as he got out of his Gundam.
"Is he okay?" Trowa asked.
Quatre shrugged. "I don't know," he said as Wufei and Heero went over to Deathscythe "He didn't answer when I called to him."
"Duo!" Heero called up to the Gundam "You all right in there?!" The was no answer from the Deathscythe's pilot. "Duo," Heero started "It's me! Open up!" There was once again no answer.
"MAXWELL, OPEN UP!" Wufei yelled at the top of his lungs as Trowa jump up to the cockpit and press a button that opens it, but it didn't.
"The cockpit door is jam!" Trowa called down to the others "Help me get it open!" All other the pilots scramble up to the cockpit and started to try many things to get the cockpit to open. Soon Rashid and his men came to finally get it to open. To their surprise they found Duo all batter, bruise, and bleeding a good deal there in the set. It took a couple of seconds for Rashid and his men to un-strap him and took him to the infirmary.
~ Later The Infirmary ~
"He's in a coma, Master Quatre." said Rashid to the four Gundam pilots.
"When well he awake?" asked Heero.
"It's hard to tell, Master Heero." (1)
"Come on." said Trowa "Let's let him rest. In the mean time let's go and repair Deathscythe." The others agree and left.
~ That Night ~
^^"I got to get well....I got to help the others....The new mobile suits were too fast......"
"If you want I can take your place until you are better. You can trust me, Duo. You know that."
"Please help them......They need the Great Destroyer......"^^
As the Deathscythe pilot's body lie there in the infirmary a sprit-like body of a female with a long braid started to slowly come out of Duo's body. Only becoming solid as she continued to come out of his body. She was fully solid when her feet touched the floor. She looked at Duo with her violet eyes. "I'll keep my promise." she said to him "I always do...." (2)
~ The Next Morning ~
When the four Gundam pilots went to the infirmary when they got there they got the surprise of their life. They looked at the girl near Duo. She looked like a female version to the Deathscythe pilot. "Who are you?" Quatre asked.
The girl smiled at them. "You can call me Angel, or Duo. With ever you desire." she said.
"How did a female got in this base!" Wufei said very piss off.
The girl puts her hands on her hips. "Will you ever change Wu-man."(3) she said.
"Did you say Duo?" Heero asked the girl as Wufei just stand there with a surprised look on his face.
"Of course, Heero." she said. The four Gundam pilots looked at each other confused then looked at the girl, not knowing what to think or say about her.
Trowa broke the silence. "So," he started "What you are trying to tell us you ARE Duo?"
"Well," the girl started "Just the other half of him." She smiled that smile that Duo always gives when he is happy. The group of pilots just blink at that the girl was saying to them. "I'm here to take his place until he gets better." she said "Is that okay with you?" The pilots just started, not saying anything. "I'll take that as a yes." she said as she left the infirmary with the Gundam pilots following her to the hanger.
(1): If I remember right, Rashid called all the Gundam pilots, Master when Quatre's around.
(2): You haven't guess the girl is me.
(3): I heard in some fanfics that what Duo calls Wufei sometimes and it always got Wufei mad at him.