Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Underground ❯ 1 ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

>Now, I bet you're asking why I'd want to re-write a perfectly good vidfic...
well, truth is, 'Underground", my original vidfic to the Sneaker Pimps' "6 Underground",
got 99.9% of the lyrics wrong! Turns out my grandma hears better than I do, and my
translation was more like a pardody of the really cool originalv song. Probably the
Sneaker Pimps would strangle me if they found out what lil' ole me did to their fab song.
Eh eh eh...
My apologies to all those people who thought the lyrics I wrote down were right, and
who made idiots of themselves singing the song Roxanne-style, while their freinds looked
at them like they were nuts....
HERE'S the REAL version...
I used the same music video concept... just stretched it a bit, and put in the RIGHT
LYRICS! Enjoy!<

song: Underground
artis: Sneaker Pimps

by Roxanne de Winter

The scene is a dark alley in a big city....
It is nightime, and there's barely any light.
A figure is leaned against a wall, standing in the shadows.
The camra zooms into the figure's silouetted face.
Everything is dead quiet, except for the titter-tatter of the pouring rain.
The figure opens its eyes.... pale blue colored eyes that sparkle with cycnism and morbid
The music starts quietly, sounding almost like an echo....

one more two one more two<

The figure pushes itself off the wall, and begins to walk through into
the empty streets.

Take me down
6 underground
The ground beneath your feet

A streetlight casts more light onto the mysterious being, revealing it is Dorothy Catalonia,
dressed in a raggety, torn red halter top, very short, skin-tight latex shorts, black fishnet
stockings, and high-heeled, stripper heels.
He only shred of decency, her only piece of clothing that leaves something to the
imagination, is her ratty, worn black leather coat.
Dorothy is singing the song.

laid out low
Nothing to go
Nowhere a way to meet

She brushes a strand of her long, bleach blonde hair from her China-doll face, continuing
to sing:

I've got a head full of drought
Down here
So far off of losing out

Giggling darkly, she continues to sing:

Round here
Overground, watch this space
I'm open

Dorothy pauses, and looks up, at the camera now positioned in a close bird's eye view...
like those from most shops, only with better quality.
Her cocky, strangely happy expression turns serious as she adds:

====================== falling from grace

The camera is back to its original angle.... in front of Dorothy, as she walks down the
dark and nearly deserted city streets.
She grabs her hair and pulls it into two strands, she closes her eyes, and her face becomes
subtly angry.

Calm me down
Bring it round
Too way high of your street

She snorts, then resumes her normal posture. For the moment, one hand remains casually
on her hip.
She drops it, then continues her stroll.

I can see
Like nothing else
In me
You're better than I wanna be

Dorothy walks past some people standing near a graffiti tagged wall.
Suddenly something catches her attention. A police officer
is beating and robbing a man. Dorothy calmy blinks, then walks on.

Don't think 'cos I understand
I care
Don't think 'cos I'm talking
We're friends
Overground, watch this space
I'm open to falling from grace

The music has an intermission.... Throwing off her coat, Dorothy does a
stripper dance routine on a street sign's pole.
The music starts again with a flashback.
It starts with a close-up of Dorothy's smug face.
She sings in a slow and eerie tone:

Talk me down

She closes her eyes.

Safe from sounds

The camera quickly zooms out to reveal a man is fighting with Dorothy.
He is screaming and hitting her. Dorothy is smiling, though. A smug smile that
seems to make the man all the more outraged.

Too strung up to sleep
Wear me out
Scream and shout
Swear my times never cheap

Getting back to the current situation, Dorothy finishes her dance, leaving her coat on the
floor, stepping over it as she walks on....
Dorothy walks a few steps before stopping. An eerie, a small smirk comes over her lips,
and without warning she kicks over a trash can.

I fake my life like I've lived
Too much,

Dorothy pushes up her sleeve and removes a diamond bracelet. Eyeing it
thoughtfully, she throws it carelessly to the ground, and walks on.
She stops to rest against a wall.
A man approaches Dorothy, and brushes against her. He puts a few dollar
bills into her hand, then pushes her to the ground. The song plays on.

I take whatever you're given;
not enough,
Overground, watch this space,
I'm open
I take whatever you're given;
not enough,

The camra zooms up to the starry night sky, then zooms back down, back
to Dorothy. She is sitting on the ground, looking more than a little
disleveled. Her jacket is off, one of her tanktop's straps is sliding
down her shoulder, and her fishnet stocking are pooled along her ankles.

Overground, watch this space,

The music slows down. Still sitting on the cement, Dorothy slowly puts
back on her stockings.

I'm open

Dorothy then stands up, eyes the coat she left on the ground.
With a look of shame, she loosley puts it over her shoulders.
She continues to sing:

I fake my life like I've lived
Too much,

Dorothy leans against the wall, and waves with her hand at a potential

I take whatever you're given;
not enough,

Dorothy steps down a flight of stairs into a subway.

Overground, watch this space,

Graffitti lines the tunnel's white brick walls.
Dorothy runs her hand over a message, then sings:

I'm open
To falling from grace

The end music plays, as Dorothy slumps against a wall, stlides down to the ground,
hugging her legs. The camera zooms out and hauntingly plays the words:

>one more two one more two<

And the song is over.


>I'll leave you the end message from the first version. It says best what
I'm thinking at the moment:
Oooh, scaaary. Now you see what happens when I don't take my
medication? Well, I kinda like how this turned out. I just felt like
that song was made for such a video, ya know? Okie, that's all I wanted
to say. Don't forget to read my other vidfics!!! I promise they aren't
as creepy as this one!<