Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Unfinished:Halloween Fiction ❯ Unfinished. ( One-Shot )

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Unfinished: Fiction by Dark Shinigami/03

Happy Halloween people. I thought I would scare up a little paranormal fiction for you. Not really scary but a nice little fiction all the same. ^^ Enjoy.

All Characters Copyright Sunrise, ect.


It all began innocentlly enough, something that could easly been passed off.

It was late octuber, the guys had a bit of a rest in their missions and such were takeing the time to do some needed repares and heal themselves as well. They had all gone their own ways for the time being. Duo had mannaged to find a old delapidated base, that looked like it could have had some ghoasts of it's own...but it had a hangar and that was all he needed. He took claim on it. It would be perfect for touching up Deathscythe. It was on such a night, that it all began.

Duo was all alone on the base, he knew he was alone, but there was the feeling...the feeling you get when you enter into a grounds were people used to be. Where they used to reside and were tied to. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end and you just have to shiver. It was something he was used to dealing with, and had quiet grown accustom too. He sat to the Cockpit of Deathscythe going over the things that needed reviewing, pencil and paper pad in hand as he found something he did'ent like or thought needed work he wrote it down. The scratching of the hard pencil on the paper the only sound in the building, besides the creeking and shivfting of the old steel into its base. There came a sound inside the hangar. Duo stopped in his writeing and looked up, haulting his inspection. He remained there in compleat silence, ears trained on anything that might be a threat to him. Nothing. Duo just shrugged, the building was old, and about ready to give in, It was just shifting and nothing more. Duo went back writeing.

Momments pased when it came again. A soft sound like a sigh of a woman. Sure he heard something now, Duo moved to get up and to the opening to the cockpit. He stuck his head out and looked out to the darkness that was around him, only dimmly killed by the dull glow from where he was standing. "Hello?" He felt stupid. There was no one here and he knew that, but he could'ent help asking. There was that feeling, something or someone was there. Had they found him? Followed him?. He waited. Of course, there was no replie. If they inteneded to do him harm, they would have by now since he was foolish enough to say where he was. It was really no shock to Duo, a place like this was bound to have a ghost or two...if you belived in that stuff.

Shakeing off the feeling, Duo went back to continue working, if not a bit edgy now. He had just settled back into his work, and the memory of the sound was all but gone when there was a loud crash now. It sounded like the whole building was finally comeing down. Duo scrambled to the entrnce way and out onto the Catwalk. "HELLO?!" He yelled, more irritated now. If someone was playing with him he was not in the mood for it. A quick brave search of the grounds, proved that nothing had been moved. The building was still intact and there was no source of the loud crashing sound. Fully Confuzed and somewhat scared now that he had witnessed something that might have happned a long time ago, what he had heard Quatre refer to as "A Psychic Echo", Duo abandoned his search and went back to Deathscythe, waiting in the hangar. Duo shivered as he thought of what Quatre had said, about how some events...even trival ones can come back to repeat again and again like an imprint in time until it ran out of energy. How could he be into scary stuff like that, it even creeped Duo out. Knowing he was not going to get any work done, Duo tried to escape the feeling and the sounds in sleep. The rest fo the night was quiet as he was sleeping, curled up on two wooden crates he had used as a make shift bed and a old canvas tarp as a blanket.

Duo had only beed asleep about a hour or so before he was jolted awake by the enemy warning from within the cockpit of Deathscythe. Scrambing from his sleeping place at the foot of Deathscythe. he flew up the catwalk to his mechaine to see where it was that they were comeing from, But as he came into the entrace way. He was stunned. All the lights and buttons were still. The view panels still there shade of pitch black. He scratched his head. DeathScythe had never lied to him, or lead him wrong. He knew it could 'ent have been a malfuction, he would have noticed and he DID hear it. Duo doubted himself. Maybe it was a dream? he was edgy. Checking just to make sure, he found nothing wrong. he decided that he was going to spend the night here, Sleepless and just waiting for the dawn. When it came, he was so out of here.

There was a blip. Duo moved a bit in this restless sleep. Unable to hold out the whole night. Another blip, Scowling that he was being annoyed by something that was breaking his sleep, he reached a hand out and grasped the pad of paper, giveing it a fling in the direction he thought he heard the sound, "Heero! Bugger off I had a rough night" The paper pad sailed out the openeing and far down to the floor below. He settled back in hearing only silence and feeling that the paper pad had done its job. Suddenly all the vid screens lit up. Flooding the space with a dull glow, seeming like a snowy T.V station. This made him wake up. He moved to sit up a bit and blink a bit sleepy before giveing a "What the!?" He looked to the static that seemed to be all around him.. Reaching out he flicked switches and nothing worked..they only ingnored. Then though the static as he looked up and staired into one of the snowy shimmering screens as though he was looking though time, there came a voice. Sounding as though miles away in a broken echo, whispy and soft, It's message though very clear. "....Duo.....".

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Duo screamed out into the hangar angry and scared now. Nothing once more. He was not going to wait until morning. He was out of there now. Packing things up and getting out of there he left the base like a bat out of Hell, not looking back and never ever going back, But not even the very illisuve Duo could out run and hide what it was that had found him.

"Duo! it's good to hear from you" Quatre was a bit in surprise that he was getting a call from his one closest companion. It was not unlike Duo to phone him now and then, but not so soon and so urgent as the service maid had informed him before he took the call. "Quatre I......I just wanted to know if I could crash with you for a bit, I'm ..not wanting to be alone here?" Now where 'here' was could have been anyones guess comeing from Duo. This was not what concerned the small blonde, it was the tone that Duo was speaking to him, broken and jittred. "Duo is there something wrong?", it was a question that he sould have seen comeing from Quatre concerning his actions. "I just want to-" Duo froze his sentence, there it was. It was on the line!. Faint whispers over the line. ".....Duo...Come home Duo...." "Duo?"Quatre's voice broke the whispers and drove them back. Duo shook his head. He was loseing it. "I want to stay with you okay! Do you have a place for me?" He seemed more urgent now.

Apperentlly Quatre could'ent hear the voice, only him. "I think....I'm loseing my mind here alone". This spured Quatre to take action. "Yes, yes theres room, Come see me right away ok Duo?, I'm sure it's nothing, Just hurry ok?" Quatre now worried about his companions mental state. "I'll see you soon."

It was'ent long before Duo showed up at Quatre's door. Looking a bit ragged and worn around the edges. Something was really wrong, Quatre had never seen Duo like this. Rather then bother him now. Quatre lead him into the liveing room where he could rest and take time to collect his thoughts. Well he was resting, Quatre had asked that the staff prepare a room for the new guest. Then he waited, waited till Duo was rested enough to tell him what it was that had him on the verge of a break down. When sleep had lost it's hold on the frazzled american and he woke on the soft dark brown leather couch where he had 'crashed', Quatre was there waiting for him. "Are you feeling better now?" Quatre gave the warm frinedly smile and a sympathdic look to him. "Here, this will help", he handed Duo a warm cup of herbal Tea. "It'll calm you". "Thanks" Duo reached out and took the cup, it was warm but not hot. Takeing a sip it was'ent that bad neather it was really good. Kinda like Cinnamon. "Thanks Q-Man" Quatre smiled lightly. He always was glad to help Duo. He then went seriouse and settled down.

"Now that your feeling better Duo, can you please tell me, Whats wrong? Why were you so pancied when you came to me?" Duo being reminded of the events felt uneasy, what could he say to Quatre that would'ent make him look like a total wack-job. "Quatre, if I tell you what happend, you promise not to tell anyone?" Quatre nodded agreeing. "Of course Duo." he then waited to hear what the issue was about. Duo took in a breath and started to tell what happned that night in the hangar.

"Well are you sure you were alone?" Quatre offered up, trieing to ease Duo's mind. Quatre had become interested in the tale as soon as Duo had gotten into it. "I'm sure I was alone the place was abandoned and there was no one around for miles." There was a long silence. "Well what was it telling you?, this voice that you heard". Duo just shrugged. "First it called my name and then when I was talking with you, it told me to..."Come home"". Quatre did'ent know what to make of it. The two of them just could'ent understand it. Seeing that Duo looked a little tried still, Quatre did'ent press the issue anymore about the ghostly encounter. They called it a night and Duo was let to sleep in one of the guest rooms, the one that was made for him. Quatre would be just down the hall.

Duo looked around to the second story room. It was lavish in funiture and trimmings. Gold and guilded items were around the room on shelfs and dressers. The bed was a large one in dark oak with a fourposter canopy. Deep blue velvet draped over this. A large window to the far back to the room covered in soft satin curtains, they lead out to a stone balcony. Duo though could'ent enjoy the beauty of the room. There was to much to hide. Moveing to the windows Duo peeked out onto the lonely dark belcony. Nothing. He moved to the armoir and opening it, he looked inside. There was only clothing and small things. Checking it over he wanted to make sure that this 'thing' was not going to be bothering him. He was feeling like a small scared child again and it was not a feeling that he liked. Like when he used to search the darkned church at night for 'monsters'.

Duo gave a glace to the bed. The best place for them to hide. Hesitateing he could only imagin what the face could look like that belonged to the voice. " Come on Duo" he said to himself, " your a Gundam Pilot, you have seen things that could chill a soul then looking under a bed. Come on! your Shinigami! Dead people don't scare you." Though the last part was not said with much conviction. Duo slowly stepped closer toward the large bed. He reached out and grasped the bottom of the sheets. He immaged all kinds of thing under there, the he pulled the sheets up in one quick movement. Eyes closed tightly and face bunched up in fear. He opened one eye slowly, and there it was!


Nothing but darkness and carpet. Duo looked into the darkness and then stuck his head under the bed to look. Emptyness. He gave out a sigh of ease. Turning off the light Duo made a quick dash for the bed, before he got there he made a leap and launched onto the bed. Settleing down into the soft bed. A pair of Quatre's satin light blue PJ's, smooth against his light toned skin. "Is everything ok?" Quatre called out from his room door. "Yeah I'm cool" Duo called back. "Okay. See you in the morning Duo" Quatre's cheery good night was the last Duo heard, before the dead silence of the night set in. Duo lay awake looking around in the dim light of the large room. Things seemed diffrent in the dark, but duo did'ent worrie to much his compleate search had proved sufficent information that there was nothing in the room. Sleep claimed the young man, and dreams moved in in place of frightful thoughts. The peaceful slumber however would'ent last. It was midnight when something woke Duo from his sleep. Not really awake, he sat up slightly to turn over to a more comfortable postion. What he saw made his heart almost stop.

There before the window to go out to the belcony where light came though softly, something was there, blocking the light. It was a figure a tall dark figure. Semi-Transparent and looking right his way. As much as it scared him, Duo could'ent look away. He could only stare at the figure that now stood there looking to him. As his eyes began to focus in the darkness the figure became clear and Duo could make out the figure as a slender woman. She was dressed in a dark gown from head to toe. A headpeice on her head came down like a veil around her face and down her back. Duo could see the features so clear, her hair tucked away beneath the head peice. Despite all that, he could'ent see her face, it was only a black void, he stared with wide eyes into. Duo wanted to bolt from the bed, scream out but he could'ent move. "Duo..." She said out in that whispy voice as she flloated toward him. "..Please...come home..". Finally able to claw out of the bed, Duo fell backwards to the floor with a *thump*. Looking up over the bed, she was no where to be seen. Duo took the chance, he got up and flew to the door flinging it open and running down the hall to oQuatre's room, not dareing to look back. He was not going to be spending the night alone.

Quatre suddenly was jolted awake as someone bounded into the bed behind him. Turning over Quatre looked to a huddeling mass beneath the sheets. He did'ent need to ask who it was. "Duo? what happend?", Quatre said sitting up. "I'm not going back in there Q-man" Duo looked out from beneath the sheets. "I don't want to be alone" Quatre frowned. "What happend? your shakeing". "She came for me...she just...walked off the belcony , though the wall and came for me". Quatre moved to kneel on the bed looking to Duo. "Calm down...who came for you?. Maybe it was just a bad dream, after all you are stressed." "IT WAS'ENT A DREAM!" Duo suddenly yelled at the blonde and Quatre blinked quickly. Duo flushed for yelling at him. He took the time to rethink his words. "I was the one from the hangar, the one with the voice on the line. I woke up and she was there coming toward the bed...dressed all in black and with no face, just a black hole" Duo shivered. "Maybe Death is a woman". Quatre could'ent let him carry on and get himself into a lather again. "Ok Ok Duo calm down...shes not here and your safe now". He reached out a hand to rub and then squeeze to Duo's shoulder.

"Please don't make me go back there alone".Duo shivered and clung to the sheets. Quatre gave a tired sigh. If he was going to get any sleep at all. Quatre agreed that he could stay as long as he was quiet. Duo said that he would be so quiet that, he would think him dead. That was starting to be a interesting thought to the tried blonde. As the two settled down to sleep again Duo crowded against Quatre who despite his gentle dispostion, enjoyed haveing his space and would shift away from Duo. Only to have Duo follow him. Pushing this from his mind Quatre soon fell asleep. Glanceing around into the darkness Duo gave a shiver and pulled the sheets up over his head. Waiting for morning.

Warm sunlight came though the window and raced across the floor to seek out the sleeping pair. Quatre gave a soft yawn, before feeling uncomfortable, overly warm. Something heavy was resting about his middle. Sitting up Quatre found that Duo was still snuggled up against his back. One arm draped over his midsection. A warm blush came to his face as he looked to the sleeping bishie. Picking the offening arm up gently and moveing out of the way to place it down were he had been laying, Quatre got up and stretched. Giveing a glance back to Duo he smiled lightly but then it faded. It took alot to scare Duo to this degree and what ever it was it was doing a good job. Quatre thought he would go check it out for himself in Duo's room.

Quatre slowly opend the door and looked in. The room was peacefuly quiet and well lit. He could'ent see anything out o fplcae. The bed was a bit of a mess, showing where Duo had fallen out of the bed as the sheets where all pulled down to the floor. Other then that there was nothing. Quatre crossed the room, comeing to the dorrs, he tried them. They were locked fast. This had Quatre baffled. If they where locked how had she gotten in?. All through breakfast Duo was unnaturally quiet. He seemed uneasy and bothered about this spirit following him. Quatre could see that this was really playing on Duo. Excuseing himself from the table, Quatre went to make a call. HE decided that he would call Heero. Heero had spent more time with Duo then anyone of them, so he thought that maybe Heero for offer any insight into Duo's strange behaviour.

"Hello" Came the mono-toned voice at the other end. "Heeo! I have to ask you something" Quatre seemed more urgent and agitated then normal. "Whats wrong?" Heero how ever still sounded impartial to the call. "It's Duo, there's something going on, I think..something's wanting to harm him". There was only silence at the other end. Heero wanted to know.

"Last night he came here so scared that someone or something was stalking him, it started when he was alone. I let him stay the night and I ended up haveing to share my bed with him because he said a woman came into his room from the second floor belcony". There came a "Hng" from the comment of haveing to share beds with Duo,makeing Heero dispondent.. "Heero!" Quatre seemed a bit upset at what he was implying migh have gone on. "He was scared. What was I to do?" Quatre sighed out. "When I checked the doors in the morning they were locked." "So you think he's loseing his mind?" Quatre frowned. "No. I think he was telling the truth. You did'ent see his fearful expression, It was something that scared him. Baddly." "Could he have just said that to-" "I don't beleave that Heero" Quatre was getting more direct toward the stodgent japanese. "I know Duo would'ent lie to me about something like this. He was scared Heero, and still is". Quatre brought the point home again.

There came a long pause, then Heero answered. "I'll see what I can do". Quatre gave a small relived smile. "Thank you heero. I knew that I could rely on you to help me". Their conversation ended. For the rest of the day Duo stayed with Quatre in the study. Duo was on the nice leather couch as Quatre worked on forms and papers that he had to get done. Duo just did'ent want to be alone, even though Quatre told him many times that nothing was there. Duo was curled up on the couch bored out of his mind. How many papers did he have to do anyway?. Tired and bored Duo ended up cat napping on the couch as he waited for Quatre to finish his work. He only napped a short bit when he opened his eyes to something that was not at all what he was going to be exspecting. The first thing he found was a empty desk. Where had Quatre gone? Figureing he must have finished his work and left Duo there to napp, he pulled up from the couch and after stretching out the sleep,moved to the door opening it up and steping out into the hall. It was so quiet in this place. It was times like this that Duo missed the classical music, though not to his likeing, that Quatre always had playing. He walked down the hall but for some reason things seemed...diffrent. There was no staff, no sounds, colors seemed differnt. What was going on here?. He came to the liveing room and peered in. It was not at all like he had seen it before. Things seemed older, dusty like no one had been here in ages. Duo leaned against the wall. AS he did the change began. The wall that his fingers touched disintagrated into nothingness. Breaking into small shreds of what looked to be paper and blowing away into the wind. The touch triggering the whole room, the house to go. Behind it was a back drop of stones and ruins of somethig that rested into the burnt earth. Duo backed away but when the house had complealy vanished it was all aournd him all he could see. "W-What the-?". he stepped back and stumbled over something. Looking down it was a stone angel wing. As if from a carveing. He did'ent understand. He closed his eyes tightly. " Wake up damn it wake up!!". He heard the inevitable. She was calling him again. Feeling uneasy he turned around. There she stood. Duo sucked in a quick breath and backed away. The female form came toward him. He could now see her features more clear, it was then that his expression changed to shock. He new the figure. She was a nun and even though Duo could'ent see her face, he knew. He knew. It was her. Sister Helen. Duo gave a small sound and collaped to his knees before her. She gave a soft gesture and comeing before Duo, she gently touched his face in a soft caress.

Duo felt at ease now, he looked up to her. She looked to him a momment he thought and then moved away from him, but in a mannor that she wanted him to follow. He did. getting up from the ground and not looking around at the world that seemed now apocolyptic and chilling with its red burning skies. She led him to a stone a large collapsed piller. She pointed to the dirt beneath the stone as if she was wanting him to dig there. It seemed urgent. He had to find out. Before he was abe though to get to the stone he was awakend by Heero and Quatre who had found him sleeping on the couch.

"What are you talking about? Duo are you sure your okay?" They followed te bishie as he seemed in a hurry to get some where. "I have to go to L2. She can't rest until she gets to tell me what it is that she came back for." Heero suddenly reached out and grabbed to Duo's one arm. "Let me go Heero!" Duo protested and pulled back, this only triggered a unpleasent response in Heero as he lundged and put Duo into a head-lock. Quatre did'ent want to see anyone hurt "Heero please. Be easy on him" Quatre then regarded Duo. "Is this the one that has been bothering you? the one that your talking about helping?" Duo faught against Heero's hold before giveing in. "I have to get to L2, I have to help her, thats why she came to me. I'm the one she's seeking." Quatre and Heero were unsure if this was all that it was, but they decided to help, if anything maybe it would help ease Duo's mind and it would end all this. Quatre had a shuttle made ready for the three of them. When they did arrive at the destinaion after haveing to listen to Duo try to explain what it was that he had seen, they still did'ent know what it was that they were looking for. Not Even Duo himself.

After they had searched all the usual grounds they found themselves into the section of L2 that was abandoned and under developed. It had been since that day when....Duo did'ent want to think about it. It was getting late and so far their searching had brought up nothing. The 'day' was winding down and so was their energy. "Duo is there a place that we are going to be able to spend the night?. We need to rest and you too. We can always continue to the search tommrow." Quatre asked feeling as though he was not going to be able to take another step. "Come on guys we are close I can feel it. I know it's near-""DUO!" Heero said more forcefully now, makeing Duo stop and look back. "We need to rest, there is no point in just ambeling around in the dark. I'm sure what ever it will be there in the morning". Duo looked back down the street where something called to him, but he knew they were right no point in exhausting yourself. "Ok guys" he sighed out. "We'll call it.". They had found a nice inexspencive hotel to spend the night. Quatre and Heero found no trouble sleeping, but it was something all together diffrent for Duo. The night was crisp. He could feel it it was something that called to him. After thinking about all that he could Sleep did come to claim Duo and he was able to get a fair amount of rest. He was curled up on his side, it was then when there came a soft touch, something tickled him well he slept. The playful gesture only made him move a little in his sleep and then the touch moved. It moved to gently brush soft umber locks away from his closed eyes tucking them gently behind his ear. The touchings woke him. She was calling to him again and now he was close enough he was not going to ignore. Leaveing the hotel Duo pulled his coat tightly around himself. He knew where it was that he was going. As he came to the older section of L2 where the chuch once stood.

This section was abandoned. They never bothered to rebuild, though he could understand why as shadows and ghosts slipped past him. Duo only shivered and let them go...let them watch him. He was used to haveing them around him, it was not something new. They were bound here, to this place. Like him. It was now Hallowed ground. A strange feeling came to him as he came closer. Something shimmerd before him. He looked puzzled there in the darkness. Drawing closer Duo could'ent belive what it was that he was seeing. It was his last home in all its intergirty, standing there but not of this world. It was semi-transparent and shimmered with a pearl like glow. It was rebuild one form or another. He was drawn toward it, to take a closer look. Human interest.

Comeing to the doors to the building that rose before him over the crumbled foundation of its Earthly form, someone came to the doors to meet him. He smiled as she was there to greet him again. He called her name warm hartedly. Duo was feeling rush of emotions, this was his second chance to be with her. He wanted to hug and hold to her. Tears ran down his face for the first time in a long time. She slowly reached out her hand toward him. Duo in turn caught her hand, and she pulled him past the shimmering walls and inside. He looked around him, reaching out to touch the one outter wall as it shimmerd and moved only to have his hand caught by her and she shook her head. Time was running out and things were urgent. She took the time to gently caress his hair, she knew how much he missed her, his family. He need not words. She held him there a momment then pulled him along time was running out for her.

It was the stone again, she was telling him that it was where he had to be, where the secret was that she had come back for. Trieing to move the stone though seemed to be a feat. Duo found that he could'ent do it alone. It was just to much. As he was laboring on the stone he did'ent notic she was vanishing. Going away. When he did notice it was almost to late. He abandoned the stone. "No! Please wait." He called out reaching a hand to her. "Please don't leave me again! I wanna go with you. Take me with you!!" She wanted to stay with him...but she hah done what she had come for and she was allowed no more. Duo could only watch as her and the surreal church. Vanished.

Standing there, looking broken he tried to make out anything that he knew from this tangled mess of emotions. He kicked the stone that he had tried to move in a rage and then collapsed against it sobbing, why would she return only to torment him like this? what had he done so wrong. "Duo?" The soft voice broke the silence. Wipeing his eyes quickly Duo looked up. There stood Heero and Quatre. How long had they been standing there. He tried to look like there was nothing wrong as he leaned back against the stone. Quatre came up to him and without a word pulled him into a embrace. He knew how Duo was feeling and wanted to help ease the pain. Heero on the other hand moved to the stone, he was going to help him find out what it was that was so needed to be known. The three of them worked on it, pushing it little by little till it rolled out of the way. Duo dropped to his knees and pawed though the dirt looking for what it was burried in the ground. He hit something,a box?. It was caked with dirt and looked to be wrapped in paper, the bow filthy but still there. Was this what he had come for? Apon opening the box he found her necklace. A silver cross on a delicat chain. She had wanted to give it to him before the horribal attack and had never been give in the chance to. She had come back to give it to him, to make sure that he had gotten it. To tell him, in the end...he had a home to go back to. Maybe not now...but someday.

Duo was there a long while, just standing there and looking around silent, unlike him...but then the events had changed him. He was there until day break was made.Quatre and Heero stayed with him as long as need be. The closure was good for him. He took the time to say his good-byes to them, knowing that they had finally found there rest they needed and that one day Shinigami would lead him to see them again. To take him home.

Happy Halloween!.