Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 20

Shane watched as Duo sprang at their tormentor, then several things happened at once. Heero came charging across the room as Duo sent Taylor sprawling. The loud noise as the gun discharged, a searing heat and then blackness.

Heero raced across the room as Duo lunged. He was next to the pair of entangled bodies within milliseconds. The gun went off but Heero had no idea where the bullet went.

Duo threw himself at Taylor and succeeded in knocking the man over, unfortunately the finger closed over the trigger before Duo could get his hand on Taylor's wrist. The sound of the gunshot sent Duo over the edge. He grabbed at Taylor's wrist and closed his hand around the joint. Squeezing tightly he forced the man to drop the weapon. With lightning speed he had Taylor on his stomach and arm twisted painfully up his back. He reached forward and snarled quietly. "I told you not to touch the boy."

Taylor writhed in pain as his arm was shoved to an impossible angle.

"Now I think its my turn to let you have a taste of the terror you put others through." A hand on his shoulder stilled him for a moment and he stared into Heero's cobalt.

Heero reached the pair rolling on the floor just in same time to see Shane collapse to the side. His eyes raced over Shane's form and he saw the blood seeping from the shoulder. Quickly he was beside the boy and assessed the wound. The bullet had passed clean through the shoulder blade and exited through the fleshy part just below the collar bone. He yanked his tank top off and used it to staunch the flow of blood. He looked back at Duo who had Taylor in a vice grip, arm drawn impossibly up his back. He touched Duo's shoulder.

As Duo looked at Heero he noticed Heero holding Shane's bleeding form. He felt something inside him snap. Still keeping Taylor pinned he managed to drag his pants back up his legs. It wouldn't do to have them around his ankles while he delivered his own form of justice.

"I'm calling for Fayah to get help." said Heero.

Duo nodded. "I want to interrogate this shit bag a bit more." growled Duo.

"Just leave some of him for the Judge to lock up wont you."

"I'll think about it Heero."

Heero nodded. He could see that Shinigami would have his way but leave enough of the man intact for him to regret ever crossing the god of death. He raced outside calling for Fayah.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Fayah heard the gunshot and jumped in fright. She had been hiding where Heero had left her, now she wasn't sure about staying where she was. The sound frightened her but what scared her even more was the thought of who may have been shot. Was Shane okay? Did she get Heero back here in time? If anything happened to any of them she knew she would be to blame for not having run faster. She inched closer to the building to see if she could see or hear what was going on.

As she neared the window she could hear yells and a scream. She scooted backwards and her hand went for the small communicator that Heero had given her. Her hand shook as she stared at the object. Should she call for help or wait? Heero had said only to use it if someone other than himself, Duo or Shane came out of the building. She heard the door to the building slam open and a figure run out. Terrified she looked up to see who it was.

"Fayah! Fayah! FAYAH!" yelled Heero.

Recognizing Heero, Fayah scrambled out of her hiding spot and ran to the Japanese man. "I'm here Heero." she called.

Heero turned to see the girl running towards him and then she faltered.

Running towards Heero Fayah suddenly stumbled as she saw blood smeared on his shirtless torso. "Oh my god.... he's been hurt. That gun shot..." The thoughts flashed through Fayah's mind as she closed the distance between them.

Realizing what the girl was thinking Heero called to her, "I'm okay Fayah, it's not my blood."

"Thank god for that." said Fayah.

"Have you still got the communicator Fayah?"

"Yes." She handed the device over.

Heero took it and flipped it open. Quickly he punched in a few numbers. "I need an ambulance to sector 148-4 Urgent, repeat urgent. Male, 15 years, gun shot wound to the right shoulder. Bullet passed clean through. Arigato." A hand suddenly tightened on his arm and he stared into Fayah's worried ice blue eyes.

"Shane?" Her lip was trembling and tears began to well.

Heero mentally kicked himself for the blunt way in which Fayah had just learnt about Shane's injuries. Shit! Duo was always telling him to lighten up and be a bit more tactful and here he was describing Shane's wounds as if he were just another piece of meat. Granted he had been informing the medics of the current status, but he should have been aware that Fayah would also hear his words.

He pulled her to him. "He's going to be okay Fayah. It's just a nick. I'll take you to him as soon as I have called for back up."

Fayah nodded as the tears tracked down her cheeks.

Heero pushed a few more buttons and raised the Preventer network. "Preventer Light here, I need back up and I need it now. One agent and one civilian injured, one suspect contained." He gave the co-ordinates and then taking Fayah's hand he turned to go back into the building. He needed to get back to Duo and make sure that Shinigami had left something of the prisoner for them to charge.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As soon as the conference came to it's conclusion Quatre was out the door and on his way back to the hotel as quickly as he could. Although Trowa had told him there was nothing to worry about he couldn't stop himself from feeling concerned about Benny.

He stood impatiently in the elevator as it hummed it's way upwards. Finally the doors swooshed open and he strode down the hallway as fast as he dared without breaking into a run. Slipping the card through the contraption the door to the suite unlocked and allowed his entry. He swept into the room, eyes scanning for the boys. They were sitting on the couch with Sally.

Sally looked up as Quatre entered. "Hello Quatre."

"Hello Sally. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, don't worry. Benny had a nasty shock with those memories but physically he's okay. I have given him a mild sedative which is working well but will wear off in another couple of hours."

"Thank you Sally."

"I have some more here that I will leave with you for him, just in case he needs them."

Quatre looked down at the couch where the slightly glazed eyes of Benny peered back at him. Quatre smiled. "You okay Benny?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Jus nasty memories." he murmured.

Quatre crouched down and gave the blonde haired boy a hug. Running his fingers through the tousled hair he sighed. "I'm glad you're safe."

"Would you like me to stay for a bit Quatre?"

"No. I think we should be fine now Sally. Thank you again for seeing to him."

"My pleasure Quatre."

"Any idea where Trowa is?"

"He is with Wufei in the main security room. They were muttering about digging up dirt or something like that. If you are sure everything's okay I'll take Paul with me and get showered and changed for dinner."

"Okay." Quatre turned to the silent teen. "Thanks Paul for all your help."

Paul just stood and shrugged his shoulders. "No need ta thank me, they is family afta all and that's what family does fer each other."

"You're a great kid Paul. Even if Wufei doesn't say it I know he is proud of you."

Paul suitably blushed at this and Sally gave Quatre a smile of approval. She knew Wufei just as Quatre did and knew it would be hard for the Chinese man to admit outright something like this, but that didn't mean that he didn't show it in other ways. You just had to be able to read the man's body language and get to know him to understand how he expressed his feelings. That was part of what drew Sally to Wufei in the first place.....

Solving the mystery of the unknown dragon.

Somewhere along the line though the relationship had strengthened and Sally found herself slowly but surely falling in love with the dark haired man so full of secrets.

They took their leave.

Quatre made sure that Benny was comfortable and with Toby watching over him he placed a call to the number of the surveillance room.

Trowa answered. "Quatre. Are you back with the boys?"

"Yes I am. Benny is comfortable and Sally and Paul have just left. Are you going to be long?"

"We shouldn't be too much longer. Would you like to get room service for dinner and once we have finished here I'll call to let you know I'm on my way?"

"Okay. Don't be too long, I want to know what's going on."

"I promise. See you soon Quatre."

Quatre disconnected and turned to the two boys. Benny was trying to read a book but the sedative was making him a little sleepy. Toby kept throwing curious glances at his friend as he attempted to finish coloring in the picture in front of him. Quatre smiled.

Toby looked at his guardian. "Is he gonna be 'kay?" he asked.

"Yes Toby, he will be fine. It's just something to relax him. Sally said it will wear off soon."

Toby nodded and looked back at Benny who had given in to the sedative and closed his eyes. He slumped back as sleep took him. Toby put his book and pencils down then moved to his friend. Gently he took the book from tired fingers and marking the page placed it on the small table. He tucked Benny's legs up and re arranged his arms into a more comfortable position. Satisfied he looked at Quatre for approval.

Quatre felt his heart swell as he watched the tender care Toby took with Benny, making sure his friend was okay. "I'm going to get showered and then order some food." Quatre pulled the room service menu from the drawer in the desk and passed it to Toby. "While I'm showering have a look through and pick out what you think Benny would like for dinner and something for yourself."

"Okay Quatre." replied Toby and he began to look at the menu. He wasn't all that good at reading yet and his brow furrowed as he tried to understand some of the words printed on the page.

Quatre chuckled softly as he watched the little boy's face contort as he studied the words on the page. He went to take his shower.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Leaving Benny, Toby and Paul with Sally, Wufei and Trowa went back to the main room. Wufei sat at one console and Trowa took another. For a while just the tapping of keys filled the room. The monitors continued to show the surrounding compound and it's inhabitants but Trowa and Wufei were oblivious to it.

The clicking of the keys continued on as each agent hacked away at programs in an attempt to find out more on the man of Benny's shock revelation. Trowa gave a small grunt, Wufei looked up expectantly.

"I have managed to get into the police records from L2. There isn't a lot here."


"All the report says is that a young kid, approximately seven years old was found in a back alley in sector 143-9. Victim appeared to have died from blood loss. Evidence of violence and rape displayed. Victim's assailant never caught. No evidence of the perpetrator found at the scene."

"How long did they keep the file open for?"

"The case was closed after a week."

"Figures. As Maxwell would say it's just another rat so why bother." Wufei's face darkened.

Trowa stared at his partner through a pained emerald eye. "It isn't fair." he said quietly.

"No it isn't. Where is their sense of justice?"

Trowa just dropped his eyes and went back to the computer. For the rats of L2 there would never be any justice it seemed. But maybe in this case they could at least remove one scum bag from society and so the young victim's death would not have been in vain.

Quatre's call came through and Trowa answered it. Wufei continued to hack away. While they all acknowledged that Yuy was the best amongst them for hacking, Wufei had learnt a lot from the stoic pilot during the wars and was glad of those skills now. He heard Trowa cut his call with Quatre and return to his seat. Wufei's eyes opened wide.


A rare smile graced his lips as he found what he wanted. "Trowa.... I think you should see this."

Trowa moved across to Wufei and scanned the screen. "I think we have what we need now Wufei."

Wufei slipped a disc into the computer and quickly downloaded the information. "Lets take this back to our room and discuss it further. Then we can contact Une."

"I agree. Fetch Paul and Sally and meet me in our suite."

"We will be there." Wufei stood and powered down the computer. He slipped the disc into his pocket and left with Trowa to return to the hotel.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As Heero left the room to get Fayah and assistance so Duo took another look at the unconscious form of Shane. Heero's tank top was providing a form of packing to slow the blood loss but it was obvious that Shane needed medical help. Shane would be okay for the moment. So he turned his attention back to the evil creature beneath him.

He hauled Taylor to his feet, still grasping tightly to the man's arm he growled in his ear. "The way to peace is not through violence and death but through talk and trust."

Taylor laughed. "Then you are the delusional one." he spat.

"How many? How many of those street kids did yer torment before killing them." snarled Duo as his grip tightened.

Taylor could feel the bones, sinew and muscle of his arm protesting the movement. "To tell the truth I have no idea, they were all just the same; scum that deserved to die."

"Wrong answer." Duo's grip forced Taylor's arm beyond the point of normal articulation. The bones snapped as tendons tore under the strain.

Taylor gave a cry of pain.

Shinigami grinned and let him go. "And I have only just started."

Pure terror raced through Taylor as he realized the man he was dealing with was no normal man. He knew things, had seen things Taylor had only imagined. He could read the coldness and death in those violet eyes that burned deep into his brain as if burrowing inside to unlock all he knew.

"You touched my son." the words were laced with ice.

Taylor shivered uncontrollably and clutched his broken arm to his chest. He looked around wildly for his gun, Duo's gun, hell anything to keep this... this... this mad man away from him.

"Looking for yer toys? Well I'm afraid that Heero, my partner, has already removed them. You see Heero is very efficient. Unlike me. I have the blood of many on my soul from the wars. Yes I fought in the wars, I fought for the fragile peace we now enjoy and I will be dammed if I'm gonna let you or anyone else for that matter destroy what we fought so hard to achieve." Duo advanced on the retreating form.

Taylor began to back up. He was scared, those cold eyes glittered with vengeance. Like all cowards he was only brave when dishing out the punishment and cruelty. Now he was on the receiving end; and he didn't like it.

"Heero would just cuff ya and hand yer over..... But me? Well as I recall I told yer not once but twice not to touch the boy or you would die." Duo continued to close the gap.

Taylor was shaking with fear.

"I think it's time I made good on that promise." Duo's lips parted in a snarl. The fire in his eyes seemed to leap from his very soul and it was as if the devil himself had been let loose. In a flash his hand was around Taylor's throat and Taylor was slammed against the wall.

Taylor felt the hand closing around his throat and his teeth rattled in their sockets as the back of his head connected with the wall. A punch to the stomach forced all the air from his lungs.

"That's for touching me." snarled Duo.

Taylor gasped for breath, trying desperately to force air into his lungs and finally succeeding. A blow to the face was next and Taylor tasted his own blood as his teeth clicked together, biting his tongue in the process.

"That was for the black eye you gave Shane."

Taylor stared at his opponent through a haze of pain This man was surely going to kill him.

As if reading his mind Duo grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face close. "I did promise you death for touching something that was not yours to touch." Duo's eyes shifted to Shane's still form and they softened for a moment, then the mask was firmly back in place. "But I also promised my partner I would leave enough of you to be arrested, charged, and left to rot in jail."

Taylor looked a little relieved.

"I didn't say how much I would leave though."

Taylor's heart stopped.

"Consider this pay back from all those kids yer fucked raw, for the ones that died, for the ones that couldn't fight back." Duo's hand snaked down to the still open fly of Taylor's pants. Fingers swiftly delved inside and brought Taylor's family jewels out into the open. "I'll make sure yer never fuck anyone ever again."

Taylor let out a scream of agony as Duo's hand grasped his sac and tightened slowly. He squeezed and continued to squeeze, making the man suffer excruciating pain as he slowly crushed the testicles within. He then grasped the softened cock and twisted mercilessly until the muscle of the organ tore and Taylor fainted.

Duo looked at the man in disgust. "Death is too good for such as you." He turned and went to Shane.

Taylor's limp form slid down the wall and collapsed into a heap on the floor.

Hearing the scream Heero looked at Fayah and took off at a run. Fayah followed. They burst into the building and charged into the small room just in time to see Duo release the mans groin as he slumped unconscious to the floor.

Heero watched as Duo picked up Shane and carried him out.

Fayah stared at the man on the floor and then back to Duo. She didn't know what Duo had done and she didn't recognize the look on the normally happy face but she could think about that later. All that mattered to her right now was that they were all safe and seeing that Shane was going to be okay. "Duo?" she said as she tentatively placed her hand on his arm.

Duo felt the touch and looked down. The girl's face came into his vision and he felt Shinigami slip away to hide once more inside his soul. The normal features returned and he smiled down at Fayah.

"Is Shane gonna be okay?" she whispered.

"Yeah, he's gonna be just fine Fayah. Come outside with me and help me look after him while we wait for the ambulance."

"Okay." Fayah reached out and gently stroked Shane's cheek.

Duo looked at Heero. "Don't worry Heero, I didn't kill him. Well not yet anyway."

Heero gave him a 'look'.

"I just gave him a taste of what he's been doing to the kids that's all. I promise I left enough of him to be locked away."

The sounds of sirens fast approaching reminded them of more important things.

"Hn. I'll cuff him and let the Preventers here take him in for questioning. I will come with you in the ambulance to the hospital."

"Yeah, we need to get Shane looked at as soon as we can. I think he's lost a fair bit of blood."

Heero cuffed the still unconscious prisoner as the Preventer agents arrived at the scene. He briefly filled them in while keeping an eye on Duo and Shane whom the medics from the ambulance were working on prior to taking them to hospital.

The briefing done Heero joined Duo and Fayah with Shane for the trip to the hospital. The trip was short and soon they were inside the ER of the Memorial hospital. Dr Griffin greeted them.

"As soon as I saw who was coming in I made sure I was available to assist." he said.

"Arigato." said Heero.

Shane was whisked off into a cubicle where nurses began fussing around him. Dr Griffin waited for a moment and looked at Duo. "You have been hurt. Let me take a look at you."

"Nah, I'm okay doc, just look after Shane will yer. I need to speak with Heero, I'm afraid this isn't over yet."

Heero's head snapped around from where he had been watching the nurses fuss over Shane. "Nani?" he said quietly.

Duo pulled Heero to one side and told him what Taylor had said. "Heero they intend to use that virus at the conference to wipe out all the heads."

"Shit!... How?"

"He didn't say. Heero?"


"Quatre and Relena are in that conference."


"We need to contact Trowa and Wufei, also Une. This guy was from a group that calls itself Deliverance. Lap top still at the hotel?"


Duo rubbed his hands together. "Lets go Hee-chan. Fayah can stay here with Shane. It's time to do some hacking I think."

"Hai. But Duo you are hurt. Let the doc here have a look at you and fix you up first."

Duo growled. "I'm fine Heero, just a few cuts, scrapes and bruises." He winced slightly from the pain of his broken rib.

"You're not fine Duo. Please let the doctor take a look at you."

"Later Heero. Right now we need to do some hacking and let Une know what's going on." Seeing the look in Heero's eyes he softened. "I promise after we have tied all this up I will let the doctor look at me." He reached forward and planted a kiss on Heero's nose.

Realizing he wasn't going to get Duo to give in Heero sighed. "Hn. Okay you win for now but as soon as we have wrapped this up I'm bringing you back here for a full check."

"Anything for you koi." smiled Duo. He did hurt but he had suffered through worse in the past and besides there were more important things to worry about.

Heero quickly explained to Fayah where they were going and why.

She nodded that she understood. She would rather stay here and look after Shane. Her body was exhausted from her day and she still couldn't believe that half of it had actually happened but then when she looked at Shane lying on the gurney she knew it was true. A tear tracked down her cheek as she studied his features. A sympathetic nurse put her arm around her shoulder.

"Go." said Dr Griffin. "I will take care of both youngsters for you. Don't worry, they will be fine."

"Thanks doc." said Duo, some of his normal self beginning to shine back through.

"I will call as soon as I can. Here is my pager code. Call me if anything happens in the meantime." Heero passed over the paper.

"I will." replied the doctor.

Heero and Duo left the hospital, flagging down a cab they headed back to the hotel, the laptop, and to contact the rest of the group. Duo only hoped that they weren't too late.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~