Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 10

Shane and Duo headed back to the hotel. They had a fair bit of information from Andy and Gary but was it going to be enough? Duo hoped to place a call to Wufei and speak with Paul. If he could locate the area where Paul's mate Dave used to hang out he just might be able to find out where it was that Dave was last seen. Running the thoughts in his head he continued to follow Shane.

Heero had finished at the morgue. The people there hadn't given him anything more than he already knew. No they had no idea of where the bodies contracted the disease, no they were not familiar with the virus, no they couldn't say how long the victim had been in contact with it and so on. Heero was feeling pretty fed up by now and his head and eyes ached. He wanted nothing more than to go back to the hotel and enjoy a nice hot shower, something to eat and relax with his koi. But alas there was still work to be done. He just hoped that Shane and Duo had had more luck.

Entering the hotel room Duo sang out for Heero. A quick check revealed the Japanese man had yet to return. "Well he shouldn't be too much longer." said Duo to Shane who flopped down on the couch. "While we're waiting I think I will make that call to Wufei."

Shane nodded. "Good idea." He ran his hands through his long brown hair feeling the grime of the slums still there. He shuddered, it wasn't something he wanted to come back to if he could help it.

Duo sat in front of the vid phone and called the number Wufei had given them. He waited while the connection was made. The screen blurred a little and then focused. Paul's face came into view.

"Oh hi there Duo, how's it goin up there? Any news yet?"

"Sorry to disappoint ya Paul but we haven't made a great deal of headway."

"Well yer only jus got there so I guess its a little early for yer to know anythin yet. If yer lookin fer Wufei He ain't here. He don't finish for another couple hours."

"Actually as much as I enjoy conversations with Wuffie it's really you I wanted ta speak with Paul." said Duo with a grin.

Paul's eyes narrowed a little. "What is it yer wanna talk about Duo?"

"Can you tell me where the gang runs that Dave was with? Also the name of the leader?"

"Yeah, They used to run down in sector 146-3. Steve was the one they all turned to." answered Paul.

"Thanks Paul. I don't suppose you have heard anything more from anyone?" asked Duo.

"Nah, I ain't heard nothin since I found out Dave ad gone missin."

"Okay Paul, Thanks. We will be in touch if we find out anything."

"Good luck Duo."

Duo terminated the call and sat back to think. Shane interrupted him.

"I know Steve." he said. "Paul introduced him to us once but I dunno if he would remember me."

Duo cocked his head. "Lets see what Heero has managed to find out and then we can come up with the next plan of action."

The sound of a key in the lock told them that Heero was back.

Duo looked up as his koi entered the room. He noted the tired droop of the shoulders. Moving across to his lover he embraced him in a fierce hug. "So how'd it go Heero?"

"Hn. I didn't get much to add to what we already know but I'm hoping that anything you two may have found will add to what I have and maybe we can find a pattern."

Duo nodded, "Well I think the first thing we should do is get showered and eat. Then we can discuss things and work from there."

Shane stretched. "Okay, that's fine with me. I'll go get showered and meet ya both back here."

"Right." agreed Heero.

Shane left and went into his own room across the hallway to prepare for dinner. Heero headed for the shower closely followed by Duo.

Turning the shower on Heero adjusted the temperature and then stripped off. Standing under the warm spray he allowed the water to course over his skin washing away the strain. The curtain slid back a moment later to allow Duo to step inside.

"Got room for me in there?"

"Hn. Need you ask?" said Heero as he pulled his love towards him and placed a kiss on those tender lips.

Taking the soap and the wash cloth Duo began to wash Heero's torso, gently massaging at the muscles of his shoulders and causing Heero to close his eyes and sigh softly.

"Hmmmm that's so good koi."

"Thought ya could do with a little spoiling." smiled Duo as he continued to wash his partner. He worked his way down over Heero's stomach and across the top of his thighs. He knelt down and began to wash the dark haired man's feet and back up along the smooth skin of his legs. He reached behind and began to wash Heero's buttocks, sliding the cloth gently between the cheeks and rubbing lightly up and down the cleft.

Heero moaned as he felt himself begin to stir at the teasing touches. His head tilted and mouth opened slightly as he let himself relax into the ministrations.

Noting his koi was becoming aroused Duo continued to stroke the cleft. He reached forward and began to nuzzle Heero's cock with his cheek. Taking the rapidly swelling flesh into his mouth Duo began to suck.

Heero's head fell back and he pushed his shoulders to the tiled wall in an attempt to steady himself as Duo's mouth began to tease and lick him, at the same time the gentle stroking of his rear continued until he was reduced to a mindless puddle.

Duo smiled to himself as he continued to suck. He loved the taste of Heero. When it came to his koi Duo just couldn't get enough. His tongue swirled around the head eliciting more moans as he dipped into the tiny slit to taste the precum that had begun to leak.

Heero began to thrust his hips, pushing again and again into that teasing warmth. Duo's fingers had replaced the washcloth and were now teasing his tight entrance as that mouth continued to torment him with pleasure.

Duo's fingers grazed across that small patch of skin to cup Heero's soft sac. Gently he rolled Heero's balls in his hand as he continued to work the shaft.

Heero could feel the familiar burning in his groin as his climax drew closer. His hands reached down and entangled themselves in Duo's hair as he continued to thrust into that talented mouth.

Feeling Heero's body beginning to tense Duo allowed the shaft to slide out of his mouth a little. He drew his cheeks in and sucked hard on the sensitive head encouraging Heero to let go.

The sudden pleasurable suction to the head of his cock sent Heero spiraling into oblivion as his seed burst forth, hips jerking uncontrollably as he rode the waves of orgasm.

Duo swallowed as Heero released into his hungry mouth, savoring every drop and eager for more. He continued his gentle suckling draining every last drop that he could from Heero before standing once again and pulling his lover close for a kiss.

Tasting himself in Duo's mouth Heero slowly returned from his post orgasmic haze. "Thank you. I needed that." he whispered huskily.

"No need to thank me, I enjoyed every moment of it. You taste delicious." said Duo as he nibbled along Heero's bottom lip.

"Speaking of delicious I think we should hurry up, Shane will be back any moment and dinner awaits." Heero said as he kissed a path down Duo's neck.

"Hmmmm keep that up and we will be having room service." snickered Duo.

"That I could handle.... especially if you're the main course."

"Not that I'm objecting koi but lets get something to eat now and we can continue with the dessert later."

Reluctantly Heero let Duo go and stepped out of the shower to give his lover room to finish washing. "Would you like me to do your hair for you?"

"Thanks Heero but I'll just give it a quick go over myself this time but once you're dried off If ya don't mind could you blow dry it for me?"

"Sure thing." and Heero left with the towel wrapped around his hips to dry off and dress for dinner.

Shane arrived back shortly after to find Heero gently drying Duo's hair while the other man literally purred under the tender touch. He smiled to himself. He sure was lucky. He thanked whomever was responsible for the day he met Duo when they were both the entertainment at a party. If he hadn't then surely they would still be roaming the streets or even worse.... one of the statistics they were currently investigating.

Duo put his hair in a loose pony tail and then declaring he was ready they went down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Quatre rubbed his tired eyes and glanced at the clock again. Trowa should be back any moment he thought happily. As if reading his mind the door opened to admit the tall Latin. Quatre smiled as his lanky partner moved gracefully across the room to him and placed a tender kiss on his lips.

"Still working?" he asked.

"Nearly done." replied Quatre. "I'm so glad that Paul took Toby and Benny off with him otherwise I would still have mountains of the stuff to get through. At least all the papers are sorted and now all that remains is for the final approval of the various companies and the signatures and everything will be smooth sailing so to speak."

"Good. I believe I have some making up to do after dinner." said Trowa huskily as he ran a finger up Quatre's arm.

Quatre shivered at the touch and sultry undertones of Trowa's voice. "Just give me ten more minutes and I will be done here."

Trowa pushed away from the table. "I'll go and have my shower and then pick up Benny and Toby while you finish."

"Okay. Once I'm done I'll have my shower and then we can eat." Quatre watched as the former Heavyarms pilot crossed the room to the shower. Moments later he heard the water running and his mind supplied him with helpful images of Trowa standing under the stream of water..... naked....... the water dripping off his body...... naked....... soap slithering over skin.... naked ..... suds gently caressing every inch of that lean frame.... naked.... Quatre groaned as he felt himself harden. Trying to push the images from his mind he began the last of the paper work.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Wufei returned to the suite that Paul and he were sharing. It seemed to be quiet.... too quiet. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. Glancing around he didn't immediately see the three boys. When he did, a rare smile graced his lips. The three of them lay sprawled in a heap across the couch fast asleep. An open book dangled from Paul's hand and Wufei moved to take before it could slip to the floor. They must have worn each other out he mused. He decided to leave them there for a bit longer and take his shower in peace.

Finished with his bathing, Wufei returned to the room wearing a crisp white shirt and dark blue dress pants. He ran a comb through his damp dark locks as he continued to study the three sleeping beauties. Paul was so like him in many ways but Toby and Benny were something else. The two younger ones radiated an aura of pure innocence even though Wufei knew they weren't and had gone through so much. He hoped they were still able to heal and forget those dark times of forced sex, theft and begging to survive. There was no doubt that they had blossomed under the care of Quatre and Trowa.

Physically they had grown, begun to fill out and the haunted look was disappearing from their eyes as time moved on. Paul too had changed noted Wufei. While he was still a moody boy at times, lately he had begun to come out of his shell a little more...... that was until the occurrences on L2.

Wufei frowned. He hoped that Maxwell and Yuy were having some luck in tracing the virus and finding out just what was happening up there. A soft knocking at the door brought him from his mental wanderings and he opened the door to find Trowa standing there. He motioned for the man to enter.

Trowa looked around to find his sons and as his eyes alighted on the three sleeping forms he joined Wufei in a smile. "It looks like they wore themselves out." he said quietly.

"I have no idea what Paul has been doing with them and I have no idea how long they have been sleeping." replied Wufei.

"Well I think I should wake them and get them back to our suite. Quatre is nearly ready for dinner and I have no doubt that these two will be ravenous as well." chuckled Trowa.

Wufei padded up to the couch and laid his hand on Paul's shoulder. Giving a gentle shake he attempted to wake the teen. "Paul.... Paul.... time to wake up."

Paul's eyes flickered and opened. For a moment he looked around him as if trying to figure out where he was and then he saw Wufei's face staring at him. He went to move but found himself pinned by a weight on his chest and legs. Glancing down he noted with a grin the reason for his immobility. Toby was sprawled across his chest and Benny's head rested upon his thighs. "Guess all the excitement was too much for them."

Trowa picked Toby up so as Paul could sit. Toby stirred and opened a sleepy eye. "Trowa." he slurred.

"Hello there Toby. Had a good day?" Trowa whispered.

A nod was all Toby could manage as he fought against the sleep that wanted to take him again. "Where's Quatre?"

"He's waiting for us back in the room to go and have some dinner." replied Trowa.

"Did someone say its dinner time?" came the muffled question from Paul's thighs.

"Yes Benny. Time to go and eat." said Trowa.

Benny picked himself up from Paul's legs and stretched. Yawning he gazed around himself. "We sure had fun today. Thanks Paul."

"I had fun too Benny." said Paul as he ruffled the boy's hair. "And yer know what?....."


"We gets to do it all again tomorra."

"Cool." said Toby from his place in Trowa's arms. "I can't wait, but right now my tummy's makin funny noises at me. I fink I needs to be fed."

"Me too." said Benny as he stood up.

"Come on then you two. Lets get you both changed and get something to eat." said Trowa. "Thanks for watching them Paul."

"No problem Trowa. I missed avin them pair around."

Trowa turned to Wufei. "Would you two care to join us for dinner?"

"Thank you for the invitation but I am afraid we will have to decline. We are meeting with Sally for our meal." said Wufei.

"Okay. I'll see you in the morning then Wufei... Paul...." and Trowa nodded to the pair before taking Benny's hand in his and still cradling a sleepy Toby in his arms left to get Quatre and find some dinner.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Une had just finished sorting through the schedule for the arrival of the various dignitaries on the 'morrow and organizing the transport from the various ports to the convention center. Now she had a thumping headache and just wanted to go home and sleep. The beeping of the vid phone cut deep into her head and she winced with the pain the high pitched unit sent through her eardrums. Pushing the button she growled "This had better be good."

"Lady Une." came the voice.

"Yes. What can I do for you?" she recognized the face as that of the head of emergency at the L2 Memorial hospital.

"I have something here or rather I should say a patient here that may be of interest to you."

Une's eyes opened wide and she shoved the headache to the recess of her mind. "What are you talking about? Have you had another victim?"

"Well yes and no."

"Please doctor can you stop with the riddles and tell me exactly what is going on?"

The doctor looked grave as he sought the words to elaborate with. "We have had a patient brought in a little while ago. He was picked up in sector 147-3. The call that came in was a man found bleeding badly. Needless to say the call was anonymous. The medics found a male of approximately 56 years of age lying in a pool of blood that came from a gunshot wound to the upper left section of the chest. It appears the victim attempted to stop the bleeding himself."

"So... gun shot wounds are a fairly common occurrence on L2 are they not?" said Une as she drummed her fingers impatiently. Why the hell the doctor should be calling her over a case such as this seemed ridiculous.

"But there is more Lady Une."


"Yes. The victim is showing signs of the same virus that killed the young boys."

The air could be cut with a knife as the doctors words slammed home into Une's brain. "The same virus?" she whispered.

"Yes. His body organs are beginning to shut down. At the moment he is still conscious from time to time but we have no idea how long that will last. Frankly I'm surprised he lasted this long with the extent of the damage from the bullet he took. If the information that Doctor Po sent us is true then there is no doubt in my mind that this man has the virus."

Une steepled her fingers and closed her eyes as she thought. "I don't need to tell you of the precautions that need to be taken around this man in regards to the ease of contamination from the virus."

"No Lady. All precautions are in place from the moment we first suspected it was the same virus and all those that have been in contact with the man have been isolated pending clearance from contamination."

"Good. I have a couple of agents currently on L2 investigating this virus and the deaths. I will contact them immediately and get them to meet you at the hospital. Do not... I repeat do not let anyone near the victim other than the necessary staff until my agents have been to see him. Once they have reported back to me than I will contact you for further instructions."

"As you wish Lady Une."

"Oh and doctor...."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The call was disconnected.

Une thought for a moment before paging Sally Po. While she waited she hoped fervently that this could be the break they had been hoping for. The phone rang and Une answered it.

"Sally here Une... what's so important that you had to interrupt my dinner?" she teased.

"Sally I have just had a call from the head of emergency at L2 Memorial, seems they have another virus victim brought in.... but this one is an older male and still alive......"

On the other end Sally gasped audibly. "When?... how? where?...."

"Slow down Sally, I'll fill you in." and Une began to relate the entire conversation back to Sally. When she had finished she studied the other woman's profile.

"I hope you told them to be careful... although they should know that from the detailed reports I sent to them."

"Yes all precautions are in place." said Une.

"Have you contacted Heero & Duo yet?"

"That is my next step. I just wanted to let you know first in case there is anything extra I need to tell them before I send them in to interrogate."

"Other that the standard questions...... Just where the hell did he catch this from!? Oh and tell them to be careful." said Sally.

"Okay. I will let you know as soon as we have anything."

"Thanks Une."

"Bye Sally, enjoy the rest of your evening." Une terminated the call and then placed the next one to Heero's pager.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo was about to sink his teeth into a large mound of spaghetti bolognaise on his spoon when Heero's pager beeped causing him to jump and the stuff to fall back to the bowl.

Shane couldn't help but laugh as the frown deepened on Duo's face. If it was one thing Duo hated more than anything else it was being interrupted while eating. He had suffered that far too many times during the war and it was a pet hate for him now.

Heero reached for the tiny device that was clipped to the waistband of his jeans. He raised it to his eyes and read the number there. A small scowl crossed his face as he replaced the device. He looked up into stormy violet.

"Who is it?" asked Duo as he attempted once more to wrap the spaghetti around his fork with the assistance of the spoon.

"It's from Une. I need to contact her, it say's it's important." said Heero in his usual dead tone. He didn't like having his dinner interrupted either but wasn't as possessive of his meal as Duo was. He placed his hand on Duo's shoulder and squeezed lightly. "I'll go call her, you two stay here and eat. I wont be long."

"S'okay Heero. I don't mind leaving my food if its that important." said Duo but his expression was one of frustration.

Shane smiled. "Go make the call Heero. I'll keep Duo here till ya come back."

"Hn. I wont be long then." and Heero left to return the call from the privacy of their room.

Duo continued to eat, making short work of his meal. Shane also finished his, just on the off chance that they would need to go somewhere. At least if they did his stomach would be satisfied.

Heero returned a short while later, his face grim. Duo took one look and knew something was up. "What is it Heero? What did Une want?"

Heero sat down and quickly related the call to Duo and Shane.

"Wow!" whistled Duo. "So this guy is still alive then? "


"And he's here in the Memorial hospital?"


"Then whadda we waitin for? A written invitation? Come on Heero, let's go." said Duo as he began to stand.

The three stood and left the restaurant. They quickly went back to their room to pick up a few necessary items before heading back down and to the Memorial hospital.

Pulling up at the emergency entrance side of the large building Heero paid the taxi fare and they all piled out. They strode towards the main entrance and up to the front desk where a large nurse looked up from her paper work. "Can I help you?" she said in a bored monotone.

"Hai. I need to speak with the head of emergency." said Heero.

The nurse looked at him. "I'm afraid he is a very busy man, he cannot just drop everything to speak to anyone who feels like having a conversation with him. I suggest you make an appointment and come back then." She lowered her eyes and continued to sift through the forms on the desk.

Duo decided then that he had had enough. His meal had been interrupted, he was tired from traveling and talking with the street kids, he was frustrated that they hadn't gotten any further with their investigations and now this woman was telling them they couldn't see the head doctor? Duo snapped. Drawing himself up to his full height he leaned over the desk and placed his hand over the nurses effectively stilling it from writing.

The nurse looked up rather annoyed at being interrupted again. What she saw staring back at her took all the fight from her system.

Duo's amethyst eyes glinted with anger darkening them to almost purple. His face took on the mask of annoyance and his mouth curled into a snarl. "We have been ordered to speak with the Head of Emergency. I suggest you fetch him now and do not waste anymore of our time lady. Failure to comply will find you charged with everything I can find in the book."

The nurse stared in shock, her mouth opening and closing as she stuttered and stammered trying to form words.

Heero smirked to himself. He knew Duo was pissed, and as much as he was enjoying the sight of the woman writhing under that glare, he knew he had to step in. Placing his hand on Duos arm to calm his partner he spoke to the nurse again. "We are Preventer agents Light and Dark. The head requested our presence here."

Flustered and desperately trying to get herself back under control she spluttered, "Why didn't you say so the first time? I will just page him for you."

Duo backed off and leant against the wall while the nurse called for the doctor. Shane stood next to him a little rattled as he wasn't used to seeing Duo upset or annoyed like this. The doctor was with them in moments.

"Preventers Light and Dark." he said as he shook hands with Heero and Duo. "I'm Doctor Griffin. I was so pleased to hear from Une that you would be coming."

"Hn. Take us to the victim please." said Heero in his usual monotone.

"Fine, follow me please."

Heero followed behind the doctor with Shane and Duo at his heels. After passing through several doors and along numerous hallways Duo was beginning to feel a little nauseated by the strong smell of antiseptic. He hated hospitals. As if sharing his koi's feelings Heero reached for Duo's hand and held it tightly giving the long haired American some reassurance.

They finally came to a halt outside a pair of large glass doors with the words " QUARANTINE RESTRICTED AREA." No Unauthorized Admittance. Stepping through into the small room Doctor Griffin spoke again. "I have no need to remind you that protective measures need to be taken before I can allow you to speak with the patient."

"Hn. Just pass us the gowns and masks."

Duo and Heero proceeded to don the necessary clothing and masks. Shane elected to stay in the small room and wait for them to return.

Once ready the Doctor led them through another door and down a corridor. He stopped at the fourth door on the right and looked inside. Heero and Duo also peered into the room. Lying on the bed amongst a maze of tubes and wires lay a frail looking man. He appeared to be in his late fifties to early sixties with thinning gray hair.

Seeing the people gathered outside in the hall the nurse came out of the room and spoke to the doctor. "I'm afraid it's not looking good Doctor."

Heero stared at the prone form and then back to the nurse. "Is he conscious?"

The nurse looked at the Doctor who nodded that it was okay to answer. "No. He keeps drifting in and out of consciousness. The length of time between awake and coma are increasing. I don't think he will be with us for much longer."

"Hn. Has he said anything?"

"Well he is quite delirious at times and rambles a few incoherent words but nothing I can really make any sense of."

"How long since he was last awake?"

"About three hours."

The conversation was cut as alarms started to sound from the machines attached to the patient. Quickly the nurse and Doctor Griffin sprinted into the room, Heero and Duo hot on their heels.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~