Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Universal Clash ❯ Findings ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. These boys belong to Sunrise, Bandai, and whoever else. Palos race is still mine.
Author's notes: All names are coincidental.

Ryo dodged an attack and looked at his pendant. "When do these things kick in!?"
Sage cut down another soldiers and looked at his own. "I don't know! Maybe they forgot to tell us something!"
"Well, that would just be terrific!" Kento shouted as he ducked and swung.
Cye leaped up and slashed a soldier. "Maybe we need to be in more danger?"
"How can we be in more danger!?" Rowen yelled. "We are getting pulverized here!"
Ryo got hit hard and went flying. Right before he hit the wall, he was enclosed within a red bubble. He hit the wall and bounced back. "What the . . .?" He looked at his pendant. It was shining a brilliant red and gold.
Sage blocked a blow and his pendant glimmered gold and green. "I think they're kicking in!"
Kento's shined gold and orange, Cye's gold and light blue, and Rowen's gold and dark blue.
"I feel a lot stronger!" Rowen stated. "I feel like I can take on the world!" Kento said and bashed a soldiers helmet in.
Cye slashed at another soldier and it went flying. "This is incredible! We're a lot stronger now!"
The boosted power of the Ronins gave them immense energy, making their fight easier than before.

Wufei dropped down behind a rock and kneeled in the dirt. "Northern and eastern perimeters heavily shielded. Northern easier to infiltrate than eastern."
Trowa appeared silently beside him. "Western and southern under heavy guard. According to my calculations, the western side will be easier to penetrate than the southern."
Then main gate stood in front of them, on the southern rim of the base.
"How many on the northern side?" Trowa asked. "There are about forty troops on the western side."
"I estimate thirty on the northern," Wufei said. "Let's try the northern first."
Trowa nodded in agreement. "We'll need to be very careful. We are not sure of the forces within the base. Who knows how many troops they have inside."
Wufei slipped noiselessly towards the northern gate, with Trowa and the soldiers the Palos elder sent with them following silently behind him.

"This sucks."
Quatre sighed. "Duo, you've been saying that for the past half-hour every two minutes."
Duo scowled as he trudged down a muddy hill. "And it's just as true as it was two minutes ago."
"Shut-up," Kell grumbled as he slid down the hill after them. "Do you have any idea how long it's going to take to clean this mud out of my fur?"
Mia looked at them as she slid down after them. "We can take a break after we get down this hill."
Quatre sighed in relief. "That's good. I'm getting tired."
Duo stepped forward and the ground under him gave way. "AAAAA!"
"DUO!!" Mia and Kell yelled at the same time.
"Are you all right!?" Quatre shouted down the hole.
"Wickedly sweet!" came the response.
Kell looked at Mia and Quatre. "Shall we?"
Mia shrugged. "Why not?" She swung her legs over the opening and dropped into the hole.
"After you," Kell insisted.
Quatre scooped up Kell and dropped him down the pit, jumping after him.

"I need something to drink," Terro whined.
Relena sighed. "All right Terro. I'll get you something to drink."
"Don't be a wuss," Alla said. "You're a boy, you're not supposed to whine."
Heero moaned and shifted his position. He opened his eyes and tried to sit up. "I hear something. Outside."
Terro walked over to the door and opened it a crack. He peeked out and looked around. "Someone's out there."
Relena crouched behind Terro and peeked out. "I hear it too. A growling, almost."
Heero flung the blankets off of him and stood up unsteadily. "We need to get out." He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, tucking in the loose ends swiftly. "Now."
"Heero," Relena said, turning from the door. "You should be lying down!"
Terro shut the door and bolted it. "Someone's coming."
"Is there another way out?" Heero asked Alla.
Alla nodded. "Behind the bookcase. Follow me." She pulled the bookcase away from the wall and dragged the rug off the floor. She opened a trap door and went into the darkness. Heero and Relena followed her, with Terro shutting everything behind them.
Alla lit a candle and carried it in her paws as she sat curved around Heero's neck. "We need to go further. The exit's underwater. The lake is about five minutes away. When we reach the edge of the water, we'll need to swim about fifteen to twenty seconds."
"Alla," Terro said nervously. "I can't swim."
Alla groaned. "You wimp. Stop whining."
Heero continued walking, and they soon reached the water's edge. Alla jumped from his shoulders and into the water. "Let's go."
Heero scooped up Terro. "I'll carry you. Come on, Relena." He waded into the water and dived under, Relena following closely behind him.

Anubis looked at his window of the Mortal world. "This is inconceivable. There is no possible way they could just vanish without a trace." He made a face and sifted through his past records. "Where could they be? Huh? What this?"
His records showed all those pests in a group, then they vanished into a light. He caught a glimpse of a strange looking creature.
"Incredible," Anubis muttered. "An entire new species took them away. I think I'll be able to reproduce the effect and find them wherever that thing took them."
He started working on his project, thinking of who he was going to use to be his guinea pig.

The Nether Realm soldiers that the Ronins were fighting suddenly all disappeared.
"What the . . .?" Ryo began.
"Warlords!" Sage called out. "12 o'clock!"
Dais, Sekhmet, and Cale appeared in front of them.
"We're here to defeat you pathetic Ronins," Sekhmet said.
The Warlords attacked with a fierceness that blew the Ronins away. Several intense minutes later, neither side had gained any advantage over the other.
"Give it up!" Ryo shouted. "You'll never win!"
Sekhmet dodged his attack and laughed. "You think those little charms of yours will protect you from everything!?"
Cye stopped fighting and stared at Sekhmet. "What are you talking about!?"
Dais swung at Kento, missing him by about half an inch. "Those little charms of yours stop working after a while."
"What!?" Sage cried. "Then the ones that power up you guys should kick also!"
Cale burst out laughing. "Why do you think we only left five? The more powerful ones are with us!"
"We?" Kento wondered.
"Master Orra may be dead," Dais said, "but his dream still lives!"
Ryo looked at the Warlords. "Are they possessed?"
"It's possible," Sage said. "The stones may be different, and the ones the Warlords have might be stronger."
"Which means the spirits within them are stronger," Rowen finished. "They have a better chance of taking over their bodies. Remember? Unkind ones are easier to control."
"How did they get them?" Kento asked. "Wouldn't they have had to go to that other universe to get them?"
Cye held up his pendant and shrugged. "I don't know. I just hope ours don't control us."
"Me too," Kento said as he jumped backwards. "I'm not in the mood to be possessed like the girls."
"This is looking bad," Ryo muttered as the Warlords fired their ultimate attacks.

Trowa knocked out several guards and stashed their bodies in the nearby brush. Wufei did the same with the others that were in the way.
"Infiltration complete," Trowa said. "Now we need to find a way to destroy this base."
"We don't have any bombs," Wufei said. "But they do have a power source. We should try to disable that source. Maybe blow it up."
Trowa nodded and ran silently down a hall with the soldiers following him, and Wufei bringing up the rear. Trowa stopped and looked around a corner. He stiffened at the sound of guards patrolling the area.
"What now?" a Palos soldier asked.
Wufei looked up. "This way." He jumped up and pulled himself into the air ducts. Everyone followed and Trowa went last, putting the vent back where it was supposed to be.
They all crawled quietly through the vents, Wufei looking through every opening he saw. He continued on until he looked through a vent and saw the main power room.
"Gentlemen," Wufei said triumphantly. "We have found our target."

Quatre looked around for Duo and Mia. "Where are they?"
Kell sniffed the ground and pointed to the right. "This way." He ran off towards a cave opening.
Quatre followed closely behind and almost squashed Kell, who had suddenly halted in mid-run. "Look Quatre!" Kell cried.
The cavern opened up to show a beautiful river, with light reflecting off stones all over. The cavern glowed different colors, all pale.
Duo ran up to them. "It's like the Northern Lights!"
"You're right," Quatre agreed.
Mia ran up to them. "Look at the river. It made my reflection look different."
Everyone ran over to the river's edge and looked in.
"My reflection is sad," Quatre said.
"Mine too," Duo said.
Kell stared at his reflection and touched the water. "It must show our heart's true feelings."
"How would we know if this is the river with the mourning stones?" Mia asked.
"I'm not sure," Quatre said. "But I have an idea. Don't ask me how. I'm not sure."
He reached in the water and touched his reflection. "Our friend is ill. We must help him. My sorrow comes from not knowing what to do, except to do these tasks. Please, help us recover our friend."
His reflection wavered, and the water parted to the bottom. A single diamond appeared on the stony floor. "Take this water diamond," a voice echoed through the walls of the caverns. "Your grief and caring nature has earned you this right, Kind One."
Quatre reached forward and picked up the diamond. He enclosed his hand around it and pressed it to his heart. "Thank you, Water Spirits."
The water returned to it's original state and became calm again.
"Way to go Quatre!" Duo said.
"That was awesome," Kell added.
Mia smiled at Quatre. "Now we need to find the honesty poison blossoms."
"Then let's get going," Quatre said. "I have a feeling the exit is upstream."
The group got up and followed the river upstream, exiting into brilliant sunlight.

Heero broke through the water surface, gasping for air. He pulled hard and Terro came up to the surface as well. A few feet away Relena came up gasping for air.
"Where's Alla?" Terro asked as Heero swam towards shore.
"Here!" Alla called and swam over to them, tumbling onto the soft grass. "That was farther than I thought."
Relena took Terro from Heero and carried him ashore. Heero followed them, and collapsed as soon as he was on dry ground.
"Heero?" Terro asked tentatively. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Heero lied and sat up. "Don't worry about it. I'm just tired."
Relena looked at him carefully. "Are you sure?"
Heero nodded. "Positive." He stood up and Alla jumped into his arms.
"Liar, liar, pants on fire," she hissed in his ear.
"Shh," Heero responded.
Relena obviously didn't believe him, but remained silent for Terro's sake. "Where should we go now?"
"To our temple," Alla replied. "We always go there when things get dangerous. If Kell and the others get back to the village and we're not there, Kell will go to the temple immediately."
"All right," Heero said. "Where is it?"
Terro pointed. "That way. Over the mountains."
"How far?" Relena asked.
Alla hesitated. "A day's walk. Maybe a day and a half."
Heero motioned for the others to follow him. "Now who's the liar?" he whispered in Alla's ear.
Alla looked guilty and shifted her gaze. Heero sighed and held her against him as he walked, taking comfort in her warmth.

Anubis watched as his invention started up. "I am a genius. My mind has exceeded everybody's. Now, my little guinea pig, step into the light."
The soldier Anubis was testing on hesitated. "Sir, are you sure it's safe?"
"No," Anubis stated and shoved him into the light. "That's why I have you." He watched as the soldier screamed and was melted into a smoking pile on the floor.
"Oops," Anubis said. "Maybe I should readjust the power supply." Before he could touch the invention, though, a spark erupted on the machine. Time seemed to freeze before it blew up in his face, singeing his eyebrows. "Oh, well. Back to the drawing board." He walked out the door, wiping ash out of his face and taking little heed in the crowd of soldiers that had backed up against the wall farthest away from him.
Anubis stretched as he walked down the hallway and into his lab. "This is more difficult than I anticipated." He opened his lab door and stared at the mess. He glared at the enormous spider that was walking around on his papers.
"Dais," Anubis growled. "How many times have I told you, do NOT come in my lab!" He grabbed a jar and trapped the spider walking around the papers. "Stupid arachnid." He slipped a piece of cardboard under the glass and carried the spider outside. He threw it away with all his might. "I need a break." He transported to the city and stretched again. "I'm gonna knock your teeth out Dais. Master Talpa doesn't want you disturbing me either."
Suddenly, the ground shone beneath him. "What the . . .?" Anubis began. He instantly vanished into the light.

Author's note: Wow! What's going to happen!? Such suspense. Well, maybe not. For you Anubis fans, I had to do something to him. I'm sorry. I couldn't think of anything else.