Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Universal Clash ❯ Prophecy ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Sunrise, Bandai, and whoever else. The Palos race is still mine.
Author's note: All names are coincidental.

Sage looked at the Warlords as they started to move. "Hey, they're waking up."
"Ugh," Dais groaned. "I feel horrible. Sekhmet, how about you?"
"I feel like crap," Sekhmet mumbled. "Cale?"
"I'm fine," Cale said. "It's just that everything except my eyelashes hurt."
Ryo knelt by them. "What happened?"
"Crappy stuff," Sekhmet said and sat up. "Really crappy stuff. One minute I'm winning against Cale on the Playstation2, the next I feel like crap."
"Stop saying that," Dais muttered, sitting up. "You know Master Talpa doesn't like you to talk like that."
Cale pulled himself to his feet, shedding his armor in the process. "Ugh, all that weight can break someone's back." He stretched and cracked every part of his body he could.
Sekhmet stood up uneasily. "Man, that was so uncool."
"So, what happened?" Cye asked.
"Give us a minute," Dais said, dragging himself to his feet. "We have just been possessed and I feel like I've been through the spin cycle a million times."
Rowen nodded. "Whenever you're ready."
"I'm ready," Cale said. "There we were, sitting around playing games, minding our own business, when suddenly this really bright light hit us. It was really bizarre."
"We saw what was happening," Sekhmet added. "But we couldn't do anything."
Dais nodded. "It was weird. It was like we were trapped in our minds. You know, like lying in the dark at night, not moving from your bed. We couldn't move much."
Sekhmet looked around. "Hey, where's Anubis?"
Kento shrugged. "We don't know. He wasn't here when we fought you guys."
"Wasn't he doing something for Master Talpa?" Cale asked. "Something about finding that guy with the pure heart, or something like that?"
"Yeah," Dais yawned. "Oh, man. I'm tired."
"Do you remember if you were transported to a different world and given several stones?" Ryo asked.
Cale shrugged. "I dunno. Why?"
"Because," Rowen said. "These stones we have increase our power. Your possessed selves said that you had stolen the others and had the more powerful ones."
"Oh, yeah," Dais recalled. "I was watching that. Who's Orra?"
"We'll explain later," Sage said. "Right now we need to do several things."
"We have to find Yuli and White Blaze," Kento said.
Cye nodded. "And find out why there's a mountain in the sky."
Cale looked up. "That's no mountain. That's a whole world."
Everyone looked up. What they saw was an entire world in the sky.
"It was only a mountain a few minutes ago," Rowen stated.
"Maybe something's wrong?" Sekhmet said. "You know what? I think we need a vacation. I think we're seeing things."
Cale and Dais agreed. "Maybe we can convince Master Talpa to let us go to a spa," Dais suggested.
"I hate to break this to you," Sage said. "But we have to figure this out first."
"How about a very temporary truce," Ryo suggested. "Just until this whole thing is figured out."
"Fine, whatever," Sekhmet stated. "You guys have to find your little friends and we have to find Anubis. I guess we can help."
Dais nodded. "Why not?"
"Ryo?" Rowen asked. "Can you come here a second?" He motioned Ryo over to him and the others.
"What?" Ryo asked.
"Is this smart?" Rowen asked. "I mean, should we let them help?"
Ryo shrugged. "Why not?"
Sage sighed. "Do we have to work together with them?"
"Let's just do it until we find Yuli and get back to the pilots," Ryo said.
Cye looked wary. "Are you sure it's all right?"
"I don't think so," Kento said.
"Uh, excuse me!" Sekhmet called out.
"What?" Kento asked, turning around.
Sekhmet pointed. "You might want to move!"
The Ronins looked up just in time to see a chunk of earth come crashing down. They bolted away and managed to dodge the dirt.
"That was weird," Cale observed. "It just fell from that mountain." He pointed to the one directly above the Ronins.
Cale nodded. "Yeah, it just dropped down. What were you guys talking about?"
"Whether or not it was wise to work with you," Ryo said.
Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet looked at each other. Cale shrugged. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"It wouldn't be a good idea," Dais said to the Ronins.
"Yeah," Cale said. "You'd just get in our way."
Sekhmet nodded in agreement. "I don't think we can trust you."
All three looked up and saw the mass of earth come crashing down at them. The split up and ran away before it hit the ground.
"Well," Dais stated cheerfully. "That was a success."
"What?" Kento asked. "Dodging a piece of dirt the size of a eighteen-wheeler?"
Cale shook his head. "No. It's the negative feelings. We said we wouldn't work with you, and we were almost crushed to death. The same thing with you guys. You didn't want to work with us, so the dirt went after you."
"How weird is that?" Rowen asked. "That makes no sense. You guys are crazy."
"Dodge!" Dais called out.
Rowen dodged the piece of earth that almost hit him and looked at the others. "I believe them."
"Me too," the other said in unison.
"Yeah, we'll work together," Sekhmet and Cale said in unison.
Dais nodded. "Now that we have a reason to work together, let's do it."
"Yeah," Kento agreed. "Next time I don't agree with you guys, just threaten me with a big piece of dirt."
The entire group walked off together, Ryo and Dais in the lead with the others following behind.

Anubis walked behind Senna, looking at his surroundings as he followed her. "Senna?"
"Yeah," Senna said, turning around and stopping.
"I thought we passed this grass awhile ago," Anubis said, pointing to some very tall grass.
Senna looked around. "Oh, man. We did pass this grass awhile ago." She looked to her left as voices were heard.
"Terro, I swear, if we get out of this . . ."
"Empty threat. We're going to be trapped in here forever."
Anubis and Senna looked at each other. Senna went over to the grass and called out. "Hello!? Anybody there!?"
"A voice! We're saved!" a woman cried out.
"Wait a minute! Senna!? That you!?"
Senna laughed. "Alla!? You're stuck in the grass!?"
Anubis laughed as two Palos and a woman with a guy stumbled out of the grass. "What happened to you?" he asked as they all collapsed to the ground.
The woman put down the guy and sighed with relief. "We chased after him into the grass," she said, gesturing to the young man. "He was about to release a demon when we stopped him."
"Who's that?" Alla asked, pointing to Anubis.
"My name's Anubis," Anubis said.
"I'm Relena," the woman said. "This is Terro, Alla, and the unconscious guy is Heero."
Anubis looked at Heero. "Isn't he one of those pilots?"
"Yeah," Senna said. "That's the pilot that's been sick."
Terro stretched and got up. "We've been stuck in there for at least an hour. We should have marked our path."
"The temple's that way," Senna said pointing. "Want to go together or alone?"
"Together," Relena, Alla, and Terro said in unison.
"I'll carry him," Anubis offered, gesturing to Heero.
Relena smiled at him. "Thank you. Something's making him lighter, so it shouldn't be too hard."
Anubis carefully lifted Heero and followed Senna and Alla. Relena walked after him with Terro.
"By the way, Alla," Senna said. "You were careless."
Alla looked confused. "What did I do?"
Senna nodded towards Anubis. "He's got a picture of you transporting the pilots, Ronins, and girls here." Senna jumped up against Anubis and pulled the photo out of his armor. "See?"
Alla looked at the picture and groaned. "How did you get this!?" she asked Anubis.
"I've got a way," Anubis said.
Relena looked at him carefully. "How come you've got armor like the Ronins?"
"Didn't they tell you about Talpa and his Warlords?" Anubis asked.
"Yeah," Relena said.
"I'm one of the Warlords," Anubis said. "I serve Talpa."
"Really?" Relena asked. "You seem too nice to work for evil."
Anubis fell silent after her comment, and the group walked towards the mountains in a rather comfortable silence.

Wufei shifted his position and wiped the sweat off of his brow. "It's getting warmer."
"Yeah," Trowa agreed. "We can't stay here much longer. We'll have to force our way out if we have to."
Wufei nodded. "We'll make a break for it. Get ready."
The soldiers behind them nodded. "We're ready when you are," one said.
"This is going to have to fast and smooth," Trowa said. "It might be like going against an army of Heeros."
Wufei nodded. "Let's go." He opened the grate and jumped out, running toward the exit. Trowa and the soldiers were right behind him, running as fast as they could.
Just feet from the door, Wufei looked toward the left and saw troops running toward them. He pulled his gun and started firing.
Trowa was right behind him, pulling out his own gun and shooting. "Run!" Trowa told the Palos soldiers. "Get out and make sure we're clear outside!"
The soldiers nodded and ran outside. Seconds later Wufei and Trowa followed.
"Stop!" an enemy soldier commanded. "You won't survive if you resist!"
Trowa answered by shooting the door control panel, making the door close. He ran after Wufei and the Palos soldiers, shooting the enemy troops that got in the way.
"Trowa!" Wufei called out. "Let's go!" He motioned toward the forest.
"Right!" Trowa said and followed him through the brush.
After running as fast as they could through the forest, they eventually broke out into a meadow. Trowa increased his speed, knowing that being in the open might kill them. Off in the distance he could see the mountains, where the Palos elder said the temple was.
Wufei dove into the grass, with the soldiers and Trowa right behind him. After crawling through the grass for several minutes, Wufei stopped and looked back.
Trowa also glanced back. He could see several people come running out of the forest. They stopped and looked around, searching for them. Trowa turned back around and continued crawling slowly.
Wufei continued looking back at the soldiers. After they had left, he followed Trowa on the ground. Once they had come out of the grass, Wufei slowly got up.
"That was odd," Trowa said, rising slowly. "Why didn't they follow us?"
"It was a meadow," Wufei said. "An open field. They probably thought that we might have had a trap here."
Trowa nodded. "Yeah, you're right."
"What are we going to do now?" a Palos soldier asked.
"The base should implode within one hour," Wufei said. "Right, Trowa?"
Trowa nodded. "A little less. More like forty-five minutes. We need to stay around to make sure it goes off."
The others nodded and settled themselves in the grass to wait.

"Duo!" Quatre called out. "Slow down!"
Duo was running top speed after the light. "It's gonna get away!"
Mia was gasping after Quatre. "How do you do this?" She was running as fast as she could, but she was still trailing after Quatre.
"Practice," Quatre said.
Kell was running beside them. "I'm getting tired. I hope that whatever that light was will stop soon."
Quatre looked down at Kell and nodded. "Yeah, me too." He looked ahead and saw Duo stop.
Duo was panting for air as he stood on front of the light. Quatre, Mia, and Kell caught up to him, all three collapsing to the ground.
"What is it?" Kell asked.
"I dunno," Duo replied. They all watched as the light moved onto a bush and exploded.
Everyone shielded their eyes as the extremely bright glare hit them. Duo slowly opened his eyes and saw the bush blossom.
"Take these honesty poison blossoms," a voice echoed throughout the forest. "Your honesty for your feelings released the light within your heart, Honest One."
Duo slowly walked forward and picked several blossoms. "Thank you, Forest Spirits."
The light vanished, looking as if it was pulled into the bush. Duo stood there with his hands full of blossoms when the others looked at him.
"Duo!" Quatre cried. "You got the blossoms!"
"Yeah," Duo said, looking down at them. "I guess I did." He suddenly grinned. "I rule!"
Mia and Kell laughed. "You sure do Duo!" Kell said.
Quatre turned to Kell. "Have any ideas where the Alpha birds live?"
"Yeah," Kell said, nodding. "In the snowy mountains to the north. About four miles," he said pointing.
"Let's go!" Duo said. "We made it this far! Nothing can stop us now!"
"You're right!" Mia said. "We can do this!"
Quatre smiled at them. "Let's do it. Kell? Lead the way."
Kell nodded, and they headed towards the mountains.
"How long will it take?" Duo asked as they walked.
"Several hours," Kell answered. "All I know is that they live somewhere in the snowy part of the mountains."
Mia looked around as they walked. "Isn't your sacred temple in the mountains?"
"Yes," Kell replied. "It's not quite so high."
"How will we survive the cold?" Quatre asked. "We humans aren't that protected from the weather."
Mia nodded. "We didn't exactly pack for this trip."
"Maybe we can find someone," Kell said. "I know of a Palos that went to the mountains and built a home for animals. We might find him and be able to stay there."
"Will he have food?" Duo asked.
"Most likely," Kell said, smiling.
"Good," Duo said. "We don't have much left." He opened the pack and shook it.
Mia looked in the bag and frowned. "I thought we had another pack. Did you eat everything?"
Duo shook his head. "I didn't eat much. It was when I fell down that hole that most of it got ruined."
Quatre sighed. "We should just keep going. If worst comes to worst, you can always hunt."
"The one lesson I skipped," Duo said. He looked at Quatre. "Did you skip it too?"
"I didn't get one," Quatre said. "Father didn't want me to learn how to hunt."
Duo looked at Kell. "Tell me you hunt."
"Sort of," Kell replied. "If it's not too big I can catch it."
Mia pushed Duo and Quatre along. "We'll worry about this later. We need to get going. Heero might be getting worse. Let's just hope we meet up with the Palos and he's nice enough to let us stay with him."
The others nodded, and gang continued walking towards the mountains.

Relena walked beside Anubis, making sure Heero was all right. "I think he's waking up."
Anubis gently placed Heero on the ground and knelt by him. "I think you're right."
Heero groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "What happened?"
"You went berserk," Terro explained.
"You tried to release the demon in Pandemonium," Alla added.
Relena knelt by Heero. "You said that it was your mission. What did you mean?"
"When the good fall and the spirits demise, evil will soar and the demon will rise," Heero said. "Orra knew that prophecy. I don't know how."
"I know that prophecy," Anubis said.
"Who are you?" Heero asked, looking at Anubis. "And who's the other Palos?"
"This is Anubis and Senna," Alla explained.
"Hi," Senna greeted.
Heero nodded in greeting. He turned to Anubis. "How do you know it?"
"I remember reading about it once," Anubis explained.
"Did it say anything else?" Senna asked.
Anubis thought hard. "Yeah. Here goes.

When the demon has risen and the evil is soaring, they find the power within each person's deploring.
Trust the power and the strength of the heart, no matter how distant love will never be apart.
Soul of the kind one and the honesty of the light, will triumph the darkness with their blinding might.
The force of integrity and the power of the hand, they win over sorrow that takes over the land.
The dreams of the ones that protect over life, will fuse with the hopes of the ones that strife.
Encircled by the love and the affection of friends, the evil is doomed and the demon will end.
Pass the Judgement and the worthy will accomplish, but if Judgement is failed the evil will flourish."

Heero, Relena, Alla, Terro, and Senna stared at Anubis as he finished. "What does it mean?" Alla asked.
Anubis shrugged. "I finished translating it about a hundred or so years ago. I haven't had time to figure out what it means."
"I think I know what it means," Heero said. He stood up and brushed dirt off his pants. "If I try to open the doors to Pandemonium, do anything to stop me."
The others nodded. "If you say so," Relena said.
Anubis looked thoughtful. "I don't think that it matters."
Everyone looked at him. "What do you mean?" Heero asked.
"The prophecy said 'when'," Anubis stated. "I think that no matter what we do, it will still be released. We just have to be prepared."
"You're right," Heero said. "Even if I don't release it, someone else will."
Senna looked towards the sky. "We should continue. It's getting to look like rain."
The others looked up. "Yeah," Kell agreed. "We should get moving."
Everyone continued walking, thinking about what Anubis said about the prophecy.

Author's note: I swear, I'm no poet. Tell me what you thought of it. If it sucks more than I thought, I can skip thinking up another one.