Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Love ❯ Unknown Love ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unknown Love

A/N: I finally got the time to write another fic. My friends Erica (Duo) and Marionne (Ai or Anime Freak) are the I like to thank for inspiring me to write this fic.

Pairings: 2x1

Events: Lemon, very light rape, angst, attempt suicide, and romance

Disclaimer: Duo loves Heero. Heero loves Duo. And they don't know that both of them feel the same way about each other. So when Heero tries to commit suicide, Duo has no choice but to tell Heero. But what happens when Heero tells Duo a horrible secret he had been keeping for six years. What will Duo do to show how much he loves Heero?

'...' Thinking

"..." Talking

#@#@ Dream sequence

@#@#End of dream sequence


@~@~End of flashback

(Welcome) authors note

The sun rose above the horizon, casting golden rays that touched every little thing. Banishing the shadows and darkness until the sun will set once more. It was Saturday and of course there was no school. But for the two-gundam pilots that went to St.Gabriel's private school, there was no school and no missions for the scientists. So they were bored out of their mind, at least Duo was. Heero sat at the desk typing away at the laptop before him. Duo still sleeping on the bed they shared. Looking away from his laptop, Heero turned around to look at the sleeping figure on the bed, then looked at the clock and noticed it was seven o' clock in the morning. On the weekend, Duo always got up at seven thirty and go to his gundam at eight thirty for alone time. Heero never knew why Duo always went to his gundam to be alone; Heero never bothered him or even speaks to him for that matter. So why was Duo always going to his gundam?

Turning back to his laptop Heero continued typing. Five minutes later Heero heard Duo get up and go to the bathroom. Heero waited for Duo to close the door before continuing to type. As soon as Heero heard the click of the bathroom door closing, He quickly finished up the mission report from the last completed mission and got up. Heero had been on his laptop since two o' clock in the morning and hadn't gotten any sleep the day before. Taking off his shirt Heero climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Coming out of bathroom Duo went to his dresser to get his usual black clothing. Once getting the clothes out of the drawers, Duo turned around and saw Heero fast asleep. Before going to take a shower, Duo saw Heero on his laptop. Guessing Heero finally finished the mission report; Duo didn't bother to wake the Japanese pilot. Going to the front door Duo opened it and walked out giving a final glance at the sleeping pilot before closing the door.


The sun shone brightly in the sky, warming the air as the wind blew lightly. A small boy stood in the middle of the meadow looking up at the sky. All of the sudden a pair of strong hands grabbed him and through him on the ground. Looking up at the man above him the little boy started to crawl backwards. The man grabbed him and pressed him against the ground to keep him from getting up and running away. The boy struggled as he felt his pants being pulled down. Struggling harder, the little tried to scream out but couldn't as a hand laid itself on his mouth. The boy's struggling stopped as something penetrated him. The boy tried to struggle but couldn't as the man started...


Heero woke up before the dream could go any further; it was more like a bad memory. Looking around, Heero noticed he was alone. Curling up into a ball, Heero started crying as the memory came back to haunt him.

An hour later, Heero had stopped crying and was now holding a steak knife. Getting up, Heero walked over to the bathroom, figuring the mess would be easier to clean up. Sitting on the floor Heero slit his wrists and forearms. Letting the blood flow freely from his arms. Before passing out, Heero muttered only four words " I love you Duo" and all went black.

Opening the door, Duo went inside only to be greeted by a familiar smell. Looking around the room Duo noticed Heero wasn't sleeping nor typing on his laptop. Running to the bathroom Duo hoped Heero didn't do what he thought he did. Stopping at the door Duo saw Heero laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

A few hours later after cleaning Heero up and bandaging his cuts and cleaning the bloody mess in the bathroom Duo sat at the side of the bed waiting for Heero o wake up. As if on cue Heero's eyes slowly fluttered open. Looking to his left Heero saw Duo sitting on the bed looking down at him.

Duo saw Heero open his eyes. As soon as Heero looked at him Duo told Heero the one thing he always wanted to tell him.

" Heero? Heero can you hear me?"

" Yeah" Hero's voice barely above a whisper

" Heero I need to tell you something"

" What"

" I love you"

" Nani?"

" I love you. I have always loved you"

" I love you too Duo."

" {Chuckling} At least I don't have to worry about you rejecting me. Heero? Are you ok?"

" I need to tell you a secret Duo"

" Why tell me?"

" You are the only one I can trust. You are the only one I have ever trusted"

" Why?"

" Six years ago, I was raped by the Captain of surveillance at Dr.J's base. Ever since then, I have never trusted anyone. Only you"

" That bastard"

" Nani?"

" I don't like it when people hurt my koi"

" You love me that much?"

" Yes."

" Oh Duo"

Curling up on Duo's lap, Heero listened to Duo's heartbeat and felt his chest go up and down with every intake and outtake of breath. Heero uncurled himself and looked at Duo. Seeing love and care in Duo's eyes made Heero believe everything he said. Looking into Duo's eyes one last time Heero pressed his lips against Duo's.

Returning the kiss Duo slipped his hand down Heero's pants massing the cleft of Heero's ass. Heero moaned and deepened the kiss. Duo broke the kiss and took off his clothes doing the same to Heero. Kissing Heero again Duo laid Heero on the bed again grinding their erections together. Moaning even louder Heero thrusted back against Duo and was getting harder with each thrust. Duo slipped a dry finger in Heero's ass and started moving it in and out. A gasp of pain and pleasure escaped Heero's mouth. Slipping a second and third finger Duo began to stretch Heero drawing out moans and groans from Heero. Hearing a whimper of protest as Duo removed his fingers, Duo reached to the bedside table and opened the drawer. Taking out a small tube Duo closed the drawer and opened the tube.

Coating his cock Duo positioned himself at Heero's entrance. Looking at Heero's face only seeing pleasure as Heero started to pump himself. Stopping Heero Duo entered him slowly. Duo entered Heero inch by inch until he was fully inside him. Searching Heero's face for fear or pain but couldn't find any. ' Heero really does trust me. I hope I don't frighten him.' Kissing Heero Duo started to move. Heero thrusted back and met every one if Duo's thrusts. Moving a little faster Duo started to pump Heero. Heero moaned as Duo went faster and when he started to pump his dick.

"Duo...please...go faster...please...Shit!" Heero begged as Duo went faster and faster and Harder and harder. Duo was nearing the edge and so was Heero. Duo pumped Heero a few more times before Heero released into his hand, Duo released a few second after him. Pulling out and collapsing next to Heero Duo pulled Heero into an embrace and held him. Heero snuggled closer to Duo and fell fast asleep. Duo kissed Heero on the head and drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Please review. I would appreciate it. You can email me at