Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Until My Dying Day ❯ Burn ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Until My Dying Day
Part Three: Burn

Duo was silent through the meal, ignoring Wufei's interrogative glances, though he wore his normal smile. He managed to hide his marred left hand safely under the table cloth, not giving Wufei an opening for questions, though he would doubtfully care for the answers anyways. The fresh cut burned pain through his hand, that was the pain he longed for, the searing tears aching every inch of his skin. Duo's plate was less than a quarter emptied when he carried it to the sink. Wufei noticed that Duo hadn't been eating much lately, skipping meals, making excuses. There was obviously a connection between Duo's sudden loss of appetite and his actions that Wufei had witnessed previously in the day.

Wufei studied Duo's profile as he watched him pour his uneaten meal into the garbage disposal. Tension played on Duo's slender figure, bruising all of his features with an edge that he shouldn't be made to carry.

//Gods, I can't just let him go on like this.//

So Wufei challenged a question.

"Not hungry, Duo?"

Duo's head snapped around sending his braid whipping over his shoulder, forgetting to restore his mask, and in that moment their eyes joined, Wufei's drowning in Duo's oceans of pain and sorrow. He could clearly see Duo's pain, all of his fear hovering as apparitions before his eyes. But the moment was snatched away as quickly as it had been captured; for Duo had managed to shove his face back into the smile he wore, pretending that Wufei had just imagined it. And maybe he had.

"Nope, haven't been real hungry lately," Duo quipped, the usual pep present in his voice.

//And I won't be hungry anytime soon.// Duo thought darkly, even as the smile still crept through the crevices of his lips. Hunger was something real, something he needed to feel, something that would slowly kill him. Probably too slowly. He had been hungry most of his life, hunger wouldn't defeat him now, but it would contribute to his weakness. And that weakness would encourage death to steal him away quicker.

"I'm going to take a shower, 'Fei," he said, neglecting his plate in the sink, "If I'm in there for a while, call and ambulance, 'cause I might have drowned!" He plastered his big 'I'm Joking!' grin on his lips, yet couldn't help thinking to himself that hopefully he would be so lucky.

//But hey, think on the bright side, Wufei's probably thinking the same thing...//

However, Wufei was thinking the complete opposite, but he chose to ignore Duo's last comment.

"Okay, just don't use all the hot water again," he commented, wishing he could swallow the words even as they were spoken.

"Don't worry, 'Fei, I won't waste your damn water," Duo muttered as he plodded down the hallway away from Wufei. He stopped in his room and snatched up a pair of black sweatpants and a red t-shirt from an overturned chair in the corner. He had almost forgotten the mess that he would have to clean up, the broken mirror, the twisted bed sheets, and the other objects of chaos that had been scattered throughout the room. He shrugged off the images of his bedroom as he headed through the upstairs hallway to the bathroom that only he used. He didn't know why it remained unused, maybe because it was out of the way of all the other rooms, but out of the three bathrooms in the house, this one just sort of "belonged" to Duo. And Duo liked it that way.

He threw his extra clothes to the floor in front of the heater that projected from the wall and slowly stripped himself of his shirt. He looked down at his chest and ran his fingertips over the various white and pink lines that scathed his otherwise smooth skin. He followed them with his fingers up to his shoulders, down his upper arm, to his elbows. He removed his pants and boxers and stared at his own nude form in the mirror. The scars flawed most of his skin, down to his toes. He turned sideways and laid a flat hand over his abdomen. He was visibly thinning, not that he had weighed much to begin with. His fingers pinched at the slight amount of skin that they could, less then an inch of skin was stretched across his midriff. Duo was disgusted that he would still grasp that much. He contemplated vomiting in the toilet right then, but wasn't really up to it. Didn't really have the strength. Oh well, maybe later. He kicked his discarded clothing into a corner and then pulled a soft, midnight blue towel out of the cabinet. He spread it over the floor before climbing into the showed and sliding the glass door closed behind him.

He relaxed as the hot water cascaded over his shoulders and back, falling in streams over his shoulders and down his front. He tugged the black rubber band from the tail of his braid and slid it around his wrist as his long hair soaked and plastered itself to his body. He ran his fingers through the chestnut locks, attempting to prevent them from becoming too tangled. He gathered his hair over his shoulder, presenting his back to the heat of the water. Remembering Wufei's words not to waste his precious hot water, Duo's mind began turning. His hand grasped the water dial and twisted it left towards the red arrows. The water temperate increased almost instantly, searing his skin. He turned the handle more, vaguely wondering if it was possible to burn to death. His head began to spin as he answered himself yes, as the water was nearly boiling; he was drowning in the dizziness that the quickly accumulating steam had created. Daring to turn the facet warmer, Duo's hand plunged the dial as far left as it would go, the beating water pounded down hard on Dou's back, becoming so hot that it began to leave crimson welts on his pale flesh. Duo collapsed, supporting himself on all fours, his crying mind fighting his urge to cry out physically. Trembling, he reached out a hand to turn off the water. He drug himself from the steam filled tub, and sprawled out upon the towel that was waiting for him