Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Until My Dying Day ❯ Blood ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Until My Dying Day
Part Five: Blood

Wufei carefully poured the remainder of the bottle of orange juice into two clear glasses, hoping that after the previous night, he would successfully get Duo to eat an entire meal. Two plates were laid nicely on the table filled to the edges with sausage, eggs, bacon, and toast and next to each plate sat an upright glass of both milk and juice. There was a thick bar of sunlight spilling through the window and across the table, washing everything with a surreal brightness.

//Perfect. All I need now is to wake up Duo.//

Wufei gracefully slid up the stairway, wondering if Duo would appreciate being woken so "early". He usually remained in bed until much later, and after the events of last night, he most likely had not slept.... But food would make him feel better. Wufei quietly rapped on the bedroom door, not wanting to intrude if Duo had already awaken. There was no answer. He knocked again and softly called the boy's name, hoping in vain to receive a response. Finally he decided to open the door, and if it offended Duo, then he should have answered.... but the locked handle would not turn.

//Well, I'm not Duo, but I can well enough pick a lock...//

Absentmindedly, he reached into his pocket, searching for a way to pick the lock. Suddenly, his fingers found the cool black handle of the metallic knife. He flicked open the bloodstained blade and pushed it into the tiny keyhole, rummaging around inside the unseen interior. After about ten minutes of failed attempts, a click was heard from the inside of the lock. Wufei forcefully pushed on the door and it flew open, slamming into the opened closet door behind it. Wufei slammed his eyes shut at the image before him.

//Oh my god....//


Duo's eyelids flickered open, not to meet the familiar greys and blues of the room he expected to wake up to, but to brightly yellow painted walls and the beeping of a heart monitor. An orange carnation lay on the windowsill with a surreal glow as the black night framed its delicate petals. His eyes traveled to his heavily bandaged wrists and the reddened gauze protruding from his wounds. An IV pierced his inner elbow and his long braid was pinned to the back of his head, revealing a thin bandage over the slice on the side of his neck.

//Why the hell am I still alive?!//

"I see you're finally awake," a voice to his right stated. Duo jumped; he hadn't noticed Wufei leaning against the corner of the wall. How long had he been standing there anyways?

"It's a good thing I brought you here in time," he replied steadily to Duo's silence.

"_You_ brought me here?" Duo nearly croaked, "Why?"

"Of course I brought you here. Nobody else was in the safehouse. And why? Because you were nearly dead! Do you know what it was like to find you like that, and the blood--"

"How'd you get in my room?" Duo interrupted. Wufei raised an eyebrow.

"You're not the only one who can pick a lock. I'm a pilot too, you know."

Wufei had never seen Duo look so... _defeated_, like everything had become so incredibly hopeless. Duo had always been the one to control the optimism; he always provided a smile to deliver to a grim face. To see his attitude so diminished at the fact that he was alive was unbearable. His blue eyes were shallow and blank, preventing Wufei from reading his deep emotions.

"Why did you do this?" Wufei nearly choked down his words with the uncertainty of wanting the answer. Duo just looked at him with his blank expressionless eyes. The silence stretched on and Wufei did not dare ask again. Minutes later, Duo finally spoke.

"It wasn't to escape the war, if that's what you're thinking. No, Chang Wufei, not even I am that weak." Wufei straightened at the seriousness of his voice and the use of his full name. "It wasn't even to escape my past. I've lost everybody I care for, but escaping will not change that. I don't believe in the same 'heaven' they went to." Duo's eyes caught the lingering expression of surprise on Wufei's face.

"What, Wufei? Do you really think that I'm the joker I pretend to be?"

"For your information, Duo, I think I know what you are truly like. Do you think I've never heard you cry? Never seen you're scars? Do you really believe that I have not noticed the amount of weight that you have lost? I'm not blind, Duo!"

"You think you know who I am? If you know me so well, what is the reasoning behind most of my mental issues that you thoroughly enjoyed rattling off just now? D'ya want to supply me with those answers too? Because I sure as hell can't."

A young nurse appeared n the doorway, balancing a light green tray in one hand, and a patient chart in the other.

"Good evening, Mr. Maxwell, I'm glad you've finally waken up. Here is your dinner," The thin blonde said as she wrote something down on the chart, "and I brought this for you, Mr. Chang, I thought some hot chocolate might do you a bit of good since you've been in here all day." She flashed a wide white smile as she set a steaming mug next to Wufei on the nightstand. She hung the chart on the door and shuffled back out into the hallway.

"I'm not eating this shit," Duo growled, staring with distaste at the mashed potatoes and vegetables on the tray.

"Duo, you haven't eaten for over 24 hours, you need to eat something," Wufei said, his tone pleading.

"I don't want it!"

Duo picked up the filled tray and, avoiding tearing the IV from his arm, hurled the tray against the wall with all of his remaining strength.