Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Until My Dying Day ❯ Lies ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Until My Dying Day
Part Six: Lies

Duo sat on the long blue couch, a childish fear playing upon his features making him look more like the teenager he was than the adult that occupied his body. His legs were drawn up beneath his folded arms; his newly bandaged wounds soaked in much less blood then the original ones. There were long, wall length windows stretching numerously over the walls, probably in an attempt to make the room more cheerful. Wasn't that the point of a shrink's office? To cheer up the people who had 'problems'?

//I sure hope they know that there's no way to make me 'normal' or 'happy'. They're wasting their time. They aren't going to be able to cheer me up.//

There were all sorts of colorful objects to toy around with in the office, things for people of all ages. Duo was thinking that a few of the objects might actually interest him, were he not in his current situation, when the doctor entered the room. He was a tall man with sandy-blonde colored wavy hair and dark brown eyes. He wore the same poorly constructed friendly smile that most doctors did on the first encounter with a patient.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Sheno. Please to meet you Duo!" he held out a hand that Duo did not shake, he only curled himself tighter into his ball, his only shell of protection. The doctor gestured towards his loosely braided hair, "

"That's an interesting hair style you've got there. Why's it so long? Do you keep it to symbolize something to you?"

Duo rolled his eyes. There was no reason to treat him like a child. Besides, hasn't he ever seen a guy with long hair?

"Of course it means something, I've had this hair my whole life. It's my story."

Dr. Sheno raised an eyebrow, "Really, You've never had it cut?"

"I never wanted it cut, "he remarked with a shrug.

"Do your parents like it that way?" the doctor asked, jotting a few notes on a piece of paper.

"I don't have any parents. My hair has always been long, even since I was a kid on the streets of L2."

"How did you get from L2 to Earth if you're an orphan?"

//Shit. Just fuckin' great. There's no way in hell I'm going to tell this guy that I'm a Gundam pilot.//

"Umm...," Duo stalled, "I was brought here with some of the other war orphans to be put in foster care when I was 11."

"Interesting," the doctor mused, "so how did you end up living with the boy who brought you in? He looks about the same age as you, am I correct?"

"Yeah, we're both 15. He's from L2 like me," Duo quickly lied, "We were taken in by another boy that we became friends with here, and his two older brothers."

"I see, does this lack of family bother you?"

"Of course not," Duo quipped, "The guys that I live with _are_ my family"

There was a long silence.

"Do you want to talk about why you hurt yourself so badly?"

"No," Duo said flatly, "It's not like it's any of your business anyways."

"I just want to help you, you know," he said, used to the common reaction that patients gave him when dealing with their own problems.

"You _can't_ help me, so stop trying."


Wufei stood over Duo's bed, watching him as he slept. His pale face seemed so innocent and young, only to be fused with the scars of pain that resided upon the rest of his body. His long brown hair remained unbraided from the night's previous shower and was wrapped around his body along with the white hospital sheets.

"Mr. Chang, you really should get some rest."

Wufei wasn't startled to see the young blonde nurse reappear in the doorway. She checked on him very often, more then usual patients. But maybe that was just how they treated suicide patients.

"I know you're really worried about your friend," she continued, "and I appreciate you helping out, and even cleaning up his mess yesterday, but you need to take care of yourself as well. We wouldn't want to have you as a patient here as well." She smiled warmly. Wufei nodded.

"It can't hurt to leave him here over night. I'll be back in the morning."

"Good, since you're coming back tomorrow, can you do me a favor and bring Duo's pills back with you? He mentioned something about them, but we couldn't get him to say what kinds of medications he was taking. We couldn't get any of his doctors records, so he may be taking something that he really needs."

"Of course."


The heavy silence of the safehouse greeted Wufei as he opened the thick front door. It was strange to be the only one there, only one other time had he been alone in the house. The only thing to welcome him home were the red numbers blazing 1:47. Wufei was surprisingly not tired, and the mention of Duo's pills had been tugging on his mind. He didn't even know that Duo _had_ pills.

//Where would he keep them....?//

He knew that they weren't in the kitchen; he would have either seen Duo taking them or come across them himself. He headed straight to Duo's bedroom, the most sensible place for him to keep his belongings. The door to the room was still wide open to the point where Wufei had roughly forced it. A dried red stain read "Bye" on the remaining part of the mirror and the crimson tint of the soaked carpet would linger there forever. Bloody shards of the mirror were still scatted upon the floor; Wife had not been home enough to clean it up. He pulled open the rough wooden drawer of the nightstand to begin his search, only to find a bottle of alcohol and a smaller, dull knife, engraved to read "D.M." on the handle. His eyes scanned the room, from his kneeling spot on the floor of where the pills could be hidden. Suddenly Wufei slammed the drawer closed with a sudden realization of the obvious place for Duo to hide his things -- Duo's bathroom.

Wufei had never been inside Duo's bathroom before. It was smaller then the others and more cluttered, but Duo could store whatever he wanted here as nobody ventured to the back of the house to use it, so a great deal of his clothes and towels, among other things, were stored there. Wufei searched the first two cabinets, coming across nothing but an empty bottle of aspirin. Opening the third, his eyes surveyed the pill collection, realizing why Duo would not tell the nurse what medications he took.

//Oh god, Duo.... half of this stuff is illegal!//